The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch

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The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch Page 34

by Samuel David

  Chapter 148

  8:59 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial Stage

  I first walked over to where the local politicians were and said, “I thank you Madame Mayor and your staff for not overreacting to this mishap we have witnessed this evening. I applaud you for not stopping things to investigate what has occurred. I also thank you for allowing us to continue.” I bowed then turned and walked over to Elijah.

  I moved to the edge of the stage again. Shraya was beside me, overlooking Union Station and I said, looking out to the masses gathered, “In the Book of Kings, in the Old Testament, one man of earth had the power to bring fire down from the heavens, and then was taken by God to heaven in a chariot of fire. In the Book of Malachi, he is described as the one who would come before the great and terrible return of the Lord, which scriptures in front of the whole world to witness, are now fulfilled in this man, whom you saw bring down the man from the tower. I give you the only man to return to earth from heaven, I give you Israel and the world,” I paused, and said, “Elijah.”

  You could hear a pin drop on that stage. Not a person moved anywhere. Elijah came back to where I was standing and then asked for my staff. I handed it to him and he took it in his right hand. He paused and looked out to the people, then turned and walked to the other side.

  Then raising the staff with his right hand, he said, “Hear O Israel and all who claim to be descendants of Abraham and those of the fallen angels still here on earth. I have come back again to battle the Jezebels and the worshippers of Baal, Ahab and his followers. And when my work is done, those of you left will be destroyed by the Lord God himself through his son Jesus Christ.”

  “Now listen to me O Israel. You are, dispersed throughout the world. The ten tribes put into exile have failed to come back to the Promised Land of your ancestors, so therefore, I am not asking you, I am telling you to leave your homes, leave your businesses, leave your pride, and return to the land God gave you. I will not be able to protect you here, especially in America, for this land is for naught and shall be rendered useless.”

  “You know who you are. You may have changed your names, you may still be hiding from your true self, but you know whom you are. I also am here to make sure that you repent your sins in front of God and accept Jesus Christ as His son. I will beat you down to your knees, even though I will protect you from your enemies, until you understand and accept the Lord Jesus Christ. As in the days of old, before I was, taken up in the chariot of fire as your descendants described. I fought the followers and leaders of Baal and destroyed them. You will return and you will turn your heads and your hearts to God and His son, or like Baal’s followers, you also will be destroyed.”

  Then he turned to the dignitaries and said, “Do not think I do not know who many of you are. Yes, you will have your time for God is fair and keeps His word. However, that time will be very short. So enjoy what you have for even though you may have the opportunity to kill me eventually and Jack here, we will be lifted up like Christ on the third day then your time will begin.”

  He then turned to the masses, and stood on the end of the platform and said, “For all of you who follow these leaders, who are the manifestation of Lucifer himself, will also feel the wrath of the Lord, and woe is you that feels the pain of death, but does not die.”

  Elijah then walked to the edge of the stage overlooking Union Station. He stood there looking at the masses, not moving, not saying a word. He then took the staff with his right hand and tossed it over the edge of the stage. It stopped in midair in a vertical position as the cameras filmed and the masses looked in awe. Then Elijah took the first step from the edge of the stage, walked in midair to the staff, and stood beside it, not touching the staff, then he spoke, “Enemies of Israel listen to me carefully, for there is only one warning that I will give you.” Elijah then was silent. The world sat in amazement as they looked upon him. I started to kneel on the stage, but as I started to, Elijah said, looking at me, “Enoch, your time has also come. Put aside your human fears and come stand beside me.”

  I straightened up and I could feel the fear inside me, for now I had to literally take a leap of faith and step from the stage to Elijah, suspended like the staff, eight feet above the ground. I walked to the edge, then closing my eyes; put my right foot over the edge. It felt like being on solid ground. I then moved my second foot and opening my eyes, walked in midair and stood beside Elijah.

  Elijah welcomed me and said to the masses assembled, as he looked at me he said, “People of the world, see and listen to what I show and say to you,” as he hesitated and pulled an object from his robe and held it out in front of him. It looked like a marble. He let it drop and it dropped to the ground forty feet below us.

  As the marble dropped to the ground and all could see it fall, he was silent. After a few moments he said, “To my right suspended in midair, because of the power of God, is my fellow witness you all know as Jack. He will now be known by his real name” Elijah then looked directly into my eyes then said I a loud voice said, “Enoch”!

  My eyes were locked on his and I knew not what to say as he continued to look at me then he said is a whispered to me “now you know who you are and you must find what is inside you to know the truth.”

  He then turned away from me and looked again at the crowd lifting his hands almost in a blessing type stance and said “Enemies of Israel remove your selves from our soil, including Jerusalem by Monday. I will put a scourge on you if you do not comply that you will be coming and begging me to lift,”

  “Leaders of Israel, put aside your politics, for the land God gave you he will keep safe for now. Now the temple must be prepared for our Lord’s return.”

  He then stopped and kneeled and I did the same. He bowed his head and said only, “Thank you God for your blessings today.”

  He then took my hand and lifted me up and we walked in midair back to the stage. The staff, as he put his right hand out, moved from its position in midair and returned to his hand.

  Elijah then turned to me and said so all could hear, as he handed me the staff, “God be with you Enoch.” He turned and walked off the stage.

  As Elijah left, I turned to Thomas and said, “Thomas, come over here please.” He walked to where I stood at the end of the stage and I said with as much as I could muster, “It is time to end today for tomorrow comes and we have much work to do. It is time for all of you to join me and Elijah to go and proclaim God’s word.”

  “Thomas please, lead us in the Lord’s prayer.”

  Once again, I knelt, as did Thomas beside me. He started and the multitude followed and the sound of millions of voices could be heard, “Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.”

  I rose and told Thomas, “Have the choir sing till they all go home.”

  I then bowed before the crowd and did so, on the other side of the stage. Then I walked down the steps through the tunnel to the hotel and said to myself, now it has started. Let the final battle begin.

  End of the Gentile Witness

  Want to know, what happens next?


  Book Two

  The Gentile Witness, Elijah

  By Samuel David

  Released in October 2014



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