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Fear the Reaper: Brotherhood Protectors World

Page 10

by Kendra Mei Chailyn

  I frowned and turned my attention to the mirrors. The men with Heller were heavies. They had bulges in their sides which always meant weapons. I frowned. It was going to make it harder to get to him. Irritated, I pulled one of my guns and quickly instructed Star on how to use it. Once that was done I handed it to her. “Swede, you and I will get the heavies. Star will keep Heller’s attention.”

  “Roger that—on your go.”

  I watched until after Heller was by us and almost to the door, before I gave the go ahead. Swede and I jumped from the front of our vehicles and attacked. We managed to get the two guys who were in the immediate area but Star screamed for us to look out. We spun in time to fend off attacks from three other men. With a quick glance to see that Star had her gun trained on Heller, I sent a fist into an attacker’s gut, kicked him in the side of his knee while grabbing his arm and wrenching it painfully behind his back. The man cried out but I didn’t let go until there was a sharp sound of bone snapping. I released his throat and shoved him hard into the side of the SUV. He bounced off and hit the ground.

  Swede had gone through his guy as well and we both turned on the other. Instead of running away, he swung for Swede. The computer tech dipped out of the way and the fist missed. Mine connected to the side of the man’s head followed by a quick knee to his midsection from Swede. Both Swede and I grabbed arm and launched him. When he was unconscious on the ground we rushed over to where Heller was glaring at Star.

  “You’re going to call off the hit,” Star said.

  “Like hell,” Heller growled. “You’re going to suffer like my boy did.”

  “Your boy was an asshole!” Star said. “Since we’re being honest. You knew what he did was wrong. For sure, I’m sorry he died. But he had no concept of treating people like human beings. If he wasn’t a dick, I wouldn’t have had to take him down.”

  “It doesn’t matter what you say.” Heller folded his arms. “The hit stays until you’re done.”

  “You know I should kill him right now?” Star’s voice trembled as she cocked the weapon. “I mean if I’m dead anyway, I might as well make it for something I did wrong, right.”

  “Star?” I growled.

  “You do know Montana is a death penalty state, right Heller?” Swede asked. “And trust me, I have ways of making a first degree murder charge on you stick.”

  “My hands are clean in this.” Heller turned to stare at Swede.

  “Is that what you think?” I spoke up. This guy was out of his mind if he thought he was getting away with this. If he didn’t get charged and sent to prison, I wasn’t going to allow him to walk away. “Your hands are far from clean and we’re going to make sure the cops get all the evidence they need to fry you.”

  “You made a huge mistake, Osman,” Star said. “I’m the wrong one. The only reason you’re still standing right now, is I want you to get dragged through the mud. Every news paper, television station—I want you to lose everything while watching it all again over and over during replays. And when it’s all said and done, I want to visit you in prison on the anniversary of your sentencing just to wave at you through the glass.”

  Osman lunged at Star then. He snarled, fingers poised for her throat. Pissed, I reached out and grabbed him by the back of the neck and yanked. Star squeezed the trigger and the bullet barely missed Heller to slam into the side of Swede’s truck.

  But Heller continued moving with the momentum of my strength. As he sailed by me, I released him and shoved the heel of my hand hard into his chest. His feet rose off the ground as he sailed through the air. I turned on him and was by his side again just as he slammed into the ground.

  I hunched down beside him and met his terrified gaze. The hit had him clutching his chest, gasping for breath. But I had no pity. I wanted to snap his neck like a twig for even thinking he could get away with putting his hands on Star. “I need you to make peace with whatever god you pray to. Get your ducks in a row. If Nova so much as catches a cold, I will come for you. And as God’s my witness you won’t even see me coming.”

  “Is—that a threat?” Osman sputtered.

  “I don’t make threats. It’s a promise.” I replied.

  “Reaper…” Swede called.

  I ignored him.

  “Too many eyes, man,” Swede said from close to my ear.

  When I looked up, a crowd had gathered around us. I backed off, allowing Swede to cuff Osman while I called for Kujo to grab Brian. Star hurried over and conspicuously handed me the gun. I dropped it into the holster against my thigh.

  “He’s running!” Kujo called through my earpiece.

  I frowned.

  “What?” Star asked.

  “Brian is running.” I said turning for the door.

  Star stopped me with a hand against my arm then ran to the door. The moment it burst open, I watched as Star braced herself against the wall with one hand, planted her feet and shoved her free hand out, fingers in a fist. She caught Brian in the throat—hard.

  “Oh! Clotheslined!” Swede and I chorused.

  Brian did a weird, half flip—his feet went up almost to his face as he slammed, back first, into the concrete. Star kicked him in the ribs repeatedly. Her anger was evident to anyone looking on as she said a word with each kick.

  “That’s—for—blowing—up—my—house!” She was saying by the time I ran over. “That’s—for—shooting—at—Reaper—”

  I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my chest. But Star had tears streaming down her cheeks as she kicked and screamed, trying to get loose and reach him again. Kujo slid out the door and immediately cuffed Brian.

  “She okay?” Kujo asked.

  “She will be.” I turned her and cuddled her into my chest. “I’ll make sure of it.”

  Nova ‘Star’ Shuman

  For the first time in weeks, I was alone. The Protectors and Reaper remained by my side until the police had taken my statement. Reaper was always there, even when he was supposed to be taking a break. I could feel him, lurking in the shadows, watching over me like a demon guardian angel. Most women would freak out on him, telling him they didn’t need a babysitter. But I knew, there was no controlling it. He was still a little afraid someone would come after me.

  I fell a little deeper for him.

  As I surveyed the damage of my house, my heart sank. There was nothing left. My father’s car—out of all the things I lost in the blast, losing the car hurt my soul the most. Once the insurance agent left, I sat on the ground and stared the empty spot. There were so many things to decide. Did I want them to rebuild the house on that spot, or did I want to sell the land and move?

  My father’s car would be replaced. It wouldn’t have the same feeling but I supposed I could make new memories in the new one.

  “You’re not alone, Star.”

  I stood and all but tossed myself into Reaper’s chest.

  “I’m sorry—I tried leaving you to deal with this but I can tell you’re not doing so well.”

  I chuckled. “That’s putting it nicely.”

  “This won’t fix everything but I have an indecent proposal for you.” Reaper kissed the side of my head.

  “You do? Well, don’t keep me in suspense.”

  Reaper released me and took my hands in his larger ones. I looked up into his face, still not believing just how handsome he was. His large lips fit his face perfectly and his curled lashes sexy as sin. I melted.

  “I’ve booked a hotel room for a few days.” Reaper explained. “It has a lovely view and the best part? You don’t have to leave the room if you don’t want to.”

  “Are you going to be there with me?”

  “If you want me to.”

  “What do you mean if I want?” I tilted my head. “I told you what I wanted.”

  “Then I’ll be all too proud to be your very, humble servant.”

  No matter what was happening in my life, in that moment I had to laugh. “You couldn’t be someone’s servant if you tr
ied. But I do have something I’ve always wanted to do for you.”


  “It’s a surprise. Now, can you take me somewhere?”

  “Anywhere.” He framed my face and kissed me deeply. “Where?”

  “What was I saying?”

  Reaper laughed and dropped a kiss to my forehead. “You wanted me to take you somewhere?”

  “Yes. I have my bank cards and my credit cards. I need new clothes—I need new everything and the insurance company hasn’t paid up yet. I have to replace a few things.” I exhaled.

  Reaper walked me to his rental and opened my door. I kissed him and climbed in. When he was beside me, I placed my hand on his thigh as he drove us away from my old neighbourhood. He brought me to the mall and though I knew there were so many other things he could have been doing, never once complained.

  When I tried on one outfit after another, he sat through it. To treat him, I carried him into a lingerie store and asked for a private room. There, I tried on lingerie for him—corsets, thongs, chemises and teddies. He seemed to enjoy it all for he kept pulling me into his body, touching me, stroking me, kissing every part of my body he could without getting into trouble.

  At the end of it all, we picked up some takeout and he drove directly to the hotel. It was beautiful and the view of the mountains was breathtaking. I showered and dressed in the nightgown Reaper seemed to have liked the most; a red one with a plunging neckline and so short, it barely covered my ass.

  I could see why he was so worked up when I tried it on. Dressed, I exited the bathroom to find him shirtless and trying to open a bottle of wine.

  “Damn,” he said. “You do know our dinner is going to get cold.”

  “How do I know that?”

  “Nova, do you know how sexy you are right now?” Reaper set the wine down and moved toward me. “I’m going to enjoy tearing that fabric from your body.”

  Those words made me tremble. “Give it your best shot.” I teased.

  But he didn’t go right for it. During love making, Reaper loved making me wait, making me burn. He kissed my lips gently at first as though testing me. When I moaned, he cradled the sides of my neck and plunged his tongue into my mouth. I whimpered, melted into his chest and gripped the waste of his pants. His hard body backed me toward the bed and we stopped when my thighs touched it. I toppled backward with him on top of me. I took his weight but he pulled away to kneel over me like Hercules. I stared up at him, marveling at the fact this gorgeous soul could be mine if I fought for him. This man, with the brown eyes that saw through to my soul could belong to me.

  Sighing, I dropped my hands against his jean clad thighs and dragged them upward and across to his belt. Reaper caught my hands to stop me and I met his gaze.

  “I don’t want to go back.” Reaper’s voice broke. “I want you, Nova. Tell me I can—”

  “Then take me.”

  “That’s not what—I want to be by your side.” His eyes shimmered down at me. “I want to wake up to you, come home to you—to be yours. I never thought I’d want any of this.”

  “You have to be able to trust me if this is going to work.”

  Reaper sighed and nodded. “I can.”

  “Then, we can work something out.”

  It seemed that was the answer he wanted. Within seconds he had me moaning and arching up at him as he nibbled at my throat, my shoulders, the valley between my breasts. He parked there, pinching my nipples, tugging them, rubbing the work roughen balls of his thumbs across them. I sighed his name, spread my legs for him and dragged my nails down his shoulder. Reaper cupped my breasts, pushed them together and licked from one to the other. Every thought I had before was gone as I kissed his head. I was never a fan of a mouth on my nipples but Reaper—


  He used everything—his lips, his teeth, the tip of his tongue. I knew I was sopping wet, I could feel it and I wanted him to know it was all for him—because of him. Spreading my legs wider, he fell intimately against me. Reaper found my mouth again, but didn’t stay long. He moved down my frame, dragging his tongue in a wet line along my flesh. He circled his tongue around each tattooed butterfly against my side, kissed my hip and continued his descent. Reaper passed where I needed his mouth and lifted my right leg to trace the butterflies there with a fingertip.

  “What is it about these creatures that you love so much?”

  “I’m Hopi Indian,” I explained. “The butterfly means life to me—but I can explain to you more about my people—after.”

  He laughed softly as he placed a soft kiss to my ankle then lowered my leg to the bed. “Okay, darling.”

  Reaper crept up my body. He paused to drag his mouth against the soft insides of my thighs. He toyed with me, played me then listened to his reward of me pleaded—begging him to take me, taste me.

  The moment his tongue found me I bit into my bottom lip. It was better than the first time he went down on me. The motion of his tongue was strong, drawing back and forth over the most tender part of me. He sucked, licked, played me like an instrument until I sang for him.

  From somewhere in my passion filled mind, the sound of a belt buckle followed by the crinkle of plastic seeped in. I tried bringing my mind back to the present but I was still trembling against the bed from one of the most powerful orgasms I’d ever experienced.

  Reaper returned to me and gripped the neck of my clothing and tugged. Soon the cool air from the air conditioner flowed over my flesh followed by the heat of his body. My nipples tightened in anticipation.

  “I’ve been waiting for this.” Reaper spread my legs and knelt between them.

  He slid into me, nice and slow.

  “Oh.” I sighed. “Me too.”

  Reaper held me down and rode me hard. One orgasm lead to another as his sweat spilled against my body and mingled with my own. I couldn’t keep my hands off him—from digging my nails into his muscular body, to biting at his nipples. He growled as my teeth sank into the tight bud.

  His body stiffened over me and with his head tossed back, Reaper came for me. I released his nipple to suck the pain away as he trembled powerfully.

  “Fuck, Nova.” Reaper panted. “How did you…”

  He slumped beside me and drew me into his side. As I cuddled into him, I sighed.

  “Did I hurt you?” Reaper asked.

  “In all the best ways,” I said. “Let me catch my breath and we can do it again.”

  Reaper laughed. “We have so much to talk about. From the living situation to life in general.”

  “I’ve been thinking about that.” I shifted against him. “You told me about the little girl you brought home from your mission.”


  “Well, she’s still in the system, right?”

  “She is.”

  “What’s her name?” I asked.

  “Sofía Muñoz.”

  “Do you think I could be her mom?” I asked.

  “Star, I’m going to need you to be serious about this.” Reaper spoke. “Sofía has had too many set backs with this whole adoption thing. People hear about what she’s been through and they walk away. They fear she’s damaged.”

  “What happened to her parents in Columbia anyway?”

  “They were murdered. So, she’s had some hard times.”

  “What about you?” I asked. “Are you ready to be a father?”

  “I’ve been ready. I just didn’t think it was in the cards for me. We have to get a few things in line first—we can’t be living in a hotel when we contact them about her. And I can’t be living in Climax, Saskatchewan.”

  I chuckled. “True. I have to find a new job. I can’t keep doing this job anymore. Especially if I want to be a mom to this little one. Being an investigative journalist was a good gig but I can’t keep putting myself at risk—the cost is too high.”

  I eased back to look up into his eyes.

  “If I want a job, Star, I have it.” Reaper shifted slightly. “Montana h
as offered me a job and I’m pretty sure it’s still on the table. But I don’t really require a job.”

  “How do you figure? I’m too young to be a sugar momma.”

  Reaper laughed softly. “And I’m too old to be a sugar baby. My father was the owner of Forge Industries.”

  “The mining company?” I asked. “Your father was Gavin Forge?”

  He nodded. “After his death I inherited everything.”

  I sat up and curled my legs. He shifted up to press his back against the headboard but I knew he wasn’t looking into my eyes. He was staring at my breasts for a silent moment before lifting a hand to play with one of my nipples.

  “I can’t think when you touch me,” I admitted. “But, I still need to find work.”

  “Star, I thought you said you wanted to write a book.”


  “Then follow the dream.”

  “Reaper, I don’t want you taking care of me.” I frowned. “I’m not that kind of woman.”

  “Don’t look at it like that. There are so many things you can do with your education and your drive.” He scooted forward to curl his legs before him and draw me into his lap. “This isn’t about pride. This is about a man wanting his woman to be herself, to do what makes her happy.”

  “Writing does make me happy.”

  “See?” Reaper smiled.

  I nipped at his shoulder then caressed a hand down his arm. “You still haven’t told me what you wanted in payment for helping me.”

  He smirked. “How much time do I have to figure it out?”

  “Forever, if you want it.”

  “I do.” Reaper whispered as though he couldn’t believe how true those two words had been. “I do.”

  I blushed.

  He cleared his throat. “We don’t have to figure this out tonight or even tomorrow. The next couple of days will be for us to breathe. Once that is over, we will then find some way to pick up the pieces.”

  “Be careful, Maverick Forge—I could fall in love with you.”

  He framed my face with his hands and smiled. “Well, shooting Star, I thought that was the aim.”


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