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Ms Amazing: Vigilante Justice (Synne City Super Heroine in Peril) (Synne City Super Heroines in Peril Series)

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by JK Waylon


  (Synne City Super Heroine in Peril)


  JK Waylon

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  Smokin’ Hot Press

  Copyright 2013 by JK Waylon

  This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, and locations within either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  * * * * *

  If you enjoyed this story, why not read others by JK?

  Ms Amazing: Super Heroine Sex Bet (Synne City Super Heroine in Peril #2)

  Ms Amazing: Public Service(Synne City Super Heroine in Peril #3)

  And check out some other Smokin' Hot Press authors:

  Raquel Rogue

  Biker Babe Catfight Gangbang

  Getting My Gangbang On

  Jenevieve DeBeers

  Billionaire's Wondrous Flight to Paradise

  My Pretty Ponygirl

  There is a list of Smokin' Hot Press authors and titles at the end.

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  Table of Contents:

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  The End

  Author bio

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  Ms Amazing: Vigilante Justice

  (Synne City Super Heroine in Peril)

  It was a beautiful night in Synne City. No clouds. Stars twinkling in a deep purple sky. A full moon, so all of the crazies were out in force. Super heroines flying around, stopping most of the issues before they got out of hand.

  Synne City's favorite and most beloved super heroine, Ms Amazing, stood atop a five story building and watched as three masked men held a liquor store clerk at gunpoint. She shook her head woefully, waist-length black hair silkily tickling her shoulders and upper back. Her legendary costume was a blue bustier with gold trim along the top, with red French cut short-shorts. Her mask was blue, as were her thigh boots. She finished off her costume with red opera gloves, red choker, and a wide golden power belt.

  The belt was her most essential accessory, since it enabled her Amazon body to tap into the magical realm. That "link" provided her with super strength, endurance, and healing abilities. It also provided a "shield" against missile weapons, like bullets.

  The clerk opened the cash drawer, and started filling a plastic bag grocery with cash. Ms Amazing smiled…and stepped off the building. She dropped fast, and hit the sidewalk with a loud report from her stiletto heeled boots, her super strong legs bending at the knee to absorb the impact almost without thought or effort. Her landing was loud enough the robbers looked her way from across the street. Their eyes got big, before they turned and raced toward the back of the store.

  Ms Amazing waited to ensure they really did go out the back door, and then leapt into the air and took off flying as fast as she could. She whipped up and over the building, and plunged down in the stygian blackness of the alley. She barely made out three black clad men running down the alley.

  "You can run, but you cannot hide from Ms Amazing's vigilante justice!" she cried.

  All three pointed their pistols at her as they ran, squeezing off shots until they emptied their weapons. She shook her head as she sped towards them. Her belt didn't have to block a single shot. She'd know, since the belt's shield was powered by her life energy, and she'd feel it if the shield blocked a shot.

  The robbers reached the end of the alley before she caught up. They turned left and ran over a young blonde woman. Ms Amazing immediately recognized the young, blonde beauty as Lynda Witte. Lynda was attending the Daul School of Business at the local university, on a Daul Family Scholarship. Well, she also had a sports scholarship, for gymnastics. Ms Amazing's alter ego was businesswoman and celebrity heiress Barbara Daul. She'd met Lynda shortly after classes began that semester. As she recalled, Lynda was a Freshman.

  "Hey! Let go, you moron!" Lynda cried, struggling mightily when a robber grabbed her and held her as a shield.

  "That won't save you, miscreant," Ms Amazing said, coming to a soft landing just five feet in front of them. "This only means I can tack a kidnapping charge on top of armed robbery."

  She was also going to have them charged with attempted murder for shooting at her, but telling them that might make them more desperate.

  "Oh, it's going to help, Ms Annoying," he said, and pressed the barrel of his pistol against his captive's temple. Lynda froze, big blue eyes wide in disbelief. "We're going to leave, and you're not going to do a damn thing about it. Understand? Otherwise, blondie here gets her brains scrambled. Nobody wants that, now do we, Ms Amazing Tits?"

  Ms Amazing crinkled her nose at them, baby blues narrowing to slits. So frustrating! She could not allow that young woman to suffer due to her mistake.

  "Ms Amazing, please help me!" Lynda cried, tears flowing but more a look of anger than fear on her pretty face. She stomped on the foot of the man holding her, but couldn't break free. He cursed a blue streak, and the gunman shoved the pistol harder into her temple. "Aaagh. Bastards!"

  "I will fucking shoot you, bitch!" he cried.

  Lynda calmed down, but she leveled seething eyes on him as his cohort shifted his hands, and twisted her wrist up behind her back. Lynda gasped and grimaced as he twisted much harder than was necessary.

  "Don't hurt her! I give you my word of honor, if you release her I'll not stop you from just walking away. I'll let you go," Ms Amazing said. "Armed robbery isn't worth the life of anyone."

  They backed up to a blue utility van. One of them slid open the side door, and Lynda was pulled towards it.

  "What the…?" Lynda said, forced to back up into the van. "Ms Amazing?"

  Ms Amazing stepped forward, so wanting to help. The robbers froze, glaring at the super heroine. She stopped, eyes narrowing.

  "Hey, I said let her go!"

  "Fuck you, super bitch," the gunman said. Lynda rolled her eyes, resignation setting in. Yeah, she was smart enough to see the facts of life. They weren't going to let her go, not right away at any rate. "If we see you following, blondie loses her mind. Final answer. Good-bye, Ms Tits and Ass."

  Ms Amazing growled, fists tight. She hated it when they corrupted her respected super heroine name. Especially when they tied her tits into the name. Everyone, friend and foe alike, talked endlessly about her spectacular rack.

  Very irritating.

  She watched at the van burned rubber leaving. It was late, so very little traffic to impede their progress. Once they were out of sight, she leapt high and took off like a bullet at a forty-five degree angle. Within seconds she located the van, and from high in the night sky the shapely super heroine followed. They drove all over the place, obviously trying to shake any tail, or to see if anyone was following. After almost an hour, they finally turned north and got on the highway.

  "Dammit," Ms Amazing said, grinding her teeth. Flying was relatively easy, but it sucked a lot of life energy out of her. She was already starting to breathe hard, body shiny with sweat. Now she'd had to expend even more energy to keep up with them at highway speeds. "I am so going to kick their butts when they stop. To hell with ordering them to surrender first."

  The robber's van didn't go far before it turned off the highway and into an apartment complex just two blocks away. The apartments were rundown looking, even
at night. Ms Amazing had never visited them, but understood the neighborhood was in decline. She remained high above, watching the three men struggle to carry Lynda into a first floor unit. The young blonde was still putting up a fight. The raven-maned super heroine quirked a brow, and smiled.

  "She's got spunk."

  Lynda was quite bright, with extremely high test scores. She was also said to be perky and inquisitive.

  Kind of describes me at eighteen, she thought. Lynda did have a rather spectacular body: large breasts, narrow waist, and wide flaring hips. A classic Amazon body. Ms Amazing bit her lip, her mind wandering elsewhere for a moment. Then she shook her head to clear those thoughts. Not the time or place to consider such things. There would be time later. It's butt kicking time!

  Ms Amazing went into a power dive. Straight at the front bay window. The light was on, the curtains closed. Seconds before hitting the window she flipped to go in feet first.


  "Shit!" a man cried.

  Her power belt's shield protected her from the flying, shattered glass. She hit the carpeted living room floor and froze in a defensive fighting stance. The three robbers were gawking at her. Lynda as on the floor at their feet, top ripped off to expose large, perky breasts with erect pink nipples. Her jeans were unfastened, showing pink thongs underneath. She didn't look overly stressed by her ordeal.

  "You miscreants had your chance," Ms Amazing cried, kicked the pistol out of one man's hand. She spun around, sending a vicious roundhouse into the head of another robber. Continuing her spin, the curvaceous super heroine smashed an elbow into the head of the gunman. "You're all going…down!"

  The third and final robber had yanked Lynda up to be his human shield, but Ms Amazing kicked over the blonde's head, connecting with his jaw. She heard the sickening snap of bone, for a second afraid she'd snapped his neck. It was never good when a super heroine actually killed someone. Robbery, even abduction, didn't carry a death sentence. She'd have lots of questions to answer, from the police to the media.

  She would go on trial in the court of public opinion.

  By the time he hit the floor, she'd moved in and dropped to one knee beside him. Seconds later she sighed in relief.

  "Broken jaw," Ms Amazing said. "Serves him right."

  "Holy butt kickers, you are awesome!" Lynda cried.

  Ms Amazing did a double-take. Lynda teetered before her, wrists handcuffed behind her back and ankles bound, wearing nothing but faded jeans and a pair of pink stiletto Fuck Me Pumps. Her face was filled with wonder and delight.

  "Thank you. I'm Ms Amazing, and I'm pleased to meet you, young lady."

  "Hi! I'm Lynda, and your biggest fan," she said. "I love super heroines. You guys are all totally awesome! You are my personal role model."

  "Really now?" Ms Amazing said. She reached into her left boot top and pulled out a handcuff key. "This comes in handy from time to time. You wouldn't believe how many times I've been handcuffed."

  "I can't believe anyone's ever managed to capture you," Lynda said.

  "Believe it," she said, shrugging with a wry smile. The sexy super heroine released Lynda's wrists, and then went into the kitchen for a sharp knife. "It happens."

  Cutting Lynda's ankles free, she looked around for her top. It wasn't around.

  "If you're looking for my top, dickwad number one tossed it out the window as we drove over," Lynda said. "Can I kick him in the face?"

  "That hardly seems nice," Ms Amazing said. Lynda's eyes widened, and then dropped shyly. "Go ahead."

  "Really?" she said, suddenly all perky again. The pretty coed didn't wait for an answer, she dashed over and kicked him right between the eyes. Hard. "Take that, bastard. Teach to you mess with super heroines. Ha!"

  Ms Amazing shook her head. Ah, to be that young and full of spunk again. She tossed Lynda the handcuffs. "Cuff him."

  With bits of rope and some power cords, they quickly bound all three men hand and foot. Ms Amazing picked up a landline phone and called a special number just for super heroines. The police would send officers out to arrest the suspects.

  "So, young lady," Ms Amazing said.

  "Lynda. Call me Lynda," she said. "Can I call you just Amazing?"

  Ms Amazing paused. Was Lynda making an actual joke?

  "I like your mettle," Ms Amazing said. She looked the perky blonde over. "I am pretty confident you are an Amazon, too."

  "You think? Really?" Lynda said, eyes wide. "Then I could be…"

  Lynda looked Ms Amazing up and down. The beautiful super heroine smiled. Yeah, that was how it started for her, too. Of course, Ms Amazing became a sidekick at the age of fifteen. Years before most women are allowed to take up the mask.

  Though the blonde was a little on the short side, Amazons had a growth spurt around twenty. It was another Amazon trait. Ms Amazing would have Lynda's DNA checked, but she was confident the young beauty was a real live Amazon.

  "You could be a super heroine? I think so," Ms Amazing said. "You're tough. This little, what we in the vigilante business call a setback, didn't overly rattle you. If the genetic test reveals you are an Amazon, then we can get you an Object of Power and you'll be set."

  "Object of Power?"

  Ms Amazing hooked her thumbs under her golden power belt. "My belt is my…link, if you will, to the Otherworld. It enables me to manifest super powers, like strength, endurance, the ability to fly…"

  "Whoooah," Lynda said, a faraway look in her bright blue eyes. "Fly. Oh my. I could fly?"

  "Maybe. Most super heroines can, but a few never receive that Gift from the Goddess," Ms Amazing said. "Would you like to find out?"

  "Yes! I thought you'd never ask!"

  Ms Amazing held up a red-gloved hand. "Hold on, sweetie. There's a slim chance you aren't an Amazon, but I've never been wrong. But even so, you have to understand the dangers inherent in becoming a super heroine."

  "Oh, I understand that part," Lynda said. "I've been following super heroine exploits since I was nine. I understand the dangers." She cupped her naked boobs. "This ain't nothing compared to what some villains will do to a captured super heroine. Nasty men. Ewww."

  Something stirred deep in Ms Amazing's belly, and her pussy tingled. Yeah, nasty men. Nasty men do nasty things to good super heroines. She understood that all too well.


  "I know. Believe me, I know," Lynda said.

  "And you still want to be a super heroine?"

  Lynda smiled brightly, jumped up and down and squealed. "I've dreamed of nothing else for years!"

  She is so me at that age, Ms Amazing said. Well, actually me at fifteen.

  "If the test confirms that you are an Amazon, then you'd start out a my sidekick," Ms Amazing said. "My protégé. I would teach you the ropes, so to speak. After a year or two, probably two, you'd change costumes and take on a new super heroine persona."

  "Can I pick my super heroine name?"

  "Yes, but I pick your sidekick name," Ms Amazing said. "Amazing Girl."

  "Hey! Wait…oooh, what happened to the last Amazing Girl?"

  Ms Amazing hesitated. She was the very first Amazing Girl, as Ultra Woman's sidekick. Since then, as Ms Amazing she'd taken on five protégés. All were called Amazing Girl. Three of them graduated to full super heroine status. Two Amazing Girls were lost to vile villains. Word was both were sold into white slavery and shipped overseas to Third World countries. The last Amazing Girl, Nicole Singer, became Lady Virtue in another city, and was captured just six weeks after leaving Ms Amazing. No one knew her ultimate fate, though the usual pornographic sex tapes came out. There was also a video of her being unmasked live on the internet.

  "She made it to full super heroine, but two of my Amazing Girls never did," she admitted. "Both are prostitutes in foreign countries now. Against their will."

  "Oooh," Lynda said. "I'll have to be careful."

  Ms Amazing smiled. The fate of those previous Amazing Girl's barely fazed Lynda. Yes, she was
mentally tough enough to be a super heroine.

  "You know," Ms Amazing said, giving Lynda a roguish smile. "You are going to make an amazing super heroine."

  Chapter 2

  "Beautiful," Ms Amazing said.

  Amazing Girl stood before her in all of her pride and glory. Lynda kept her shoulder-length blonde pigtails, with a blue mask, red choker, and blue top. The top was a midriff baring corset, form-fitting and low cut to show off her rather impressive C-cup cleavage. Her red high-cut short-shorts were tight and skimpy, and she wore matching opera gloves. She finished off her costume with red, stiletto-heeled knee boots.

  Lynda designed her costume, with some input from Ms Amazing.

  Earlier that morning Lynda was confirmed as an Amazon, and now they were just waiting for her super heroine Object of Power to let her channel super powers. Ms Amazing just sent the photo of Lynda in her Amazing Girl costume to the secret Council of Witches and asked for a golden power belt so their costumes would be in the same theme. The Council would send what they wanted, but they usually went with the requested Object. They needed a DNA sample for the spell that created the Object of Power, ensuring it worked only for Lynda and no one else, but they were associated with the group that did the DNA testing and get the DNA from them.

  Ms Amazing handed her a golden belt that was a perfect replica of her own power belt. Amazing Girl fastened it around her waist, looking perfect riding her round, flaring hips.

  "How long before I get my power belt?" Amazing Girl said.

  Shrugging. "You never know. Of the five Amazing Girl's prior to you, one got hers the next day. Two of them waited three days. One two weeks. And the last one, waited an entire month," Ms Amazing said. "Creating Objects of Power are not the Council's first priority. If it has any kind of priority with them at all."

  "So, how powerful are witches? More powerful than a super heroine?"


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