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Ms Amazing: Vigilante Justice (Synne City Super Heroine in Peril) (Synne City Super Heroines in Peril Series)

Page 7

by JK Waylon

  “It gets worse,” a male voice said from behind.

  “Eeks!” Amazing Girl cried, kicked between the shoulder blades and sent tumbling down the stairs.

  “Agh! No!” Ms Amazing cried, kicked low in the back and also sent tumbling down the stairs.

  It was a long, long way down. Or so it seemed. Ms Amazing thought she hit every single step. With her head. She was left sprawled, face down, beside a groaning Amazing Girl. She heard the mobsters clomping down the stairs, but couldn’t move a muscle.

  “How many power belts do you have, Ms Amazing Tits?” a thug said, unfastening her belt and then unzipping her bustier. “Let’s check out those amazing tits, shall we?”

  He pulled Ms Amazing to her knees by her hair, jerked her to her feet, and hooked a arm through hers at the elbows, and held on tight. His partner in crime stepped before the semi-nude and dazed super heroine, grinned with wicked delight, and started using her large, firm breasts like a pair of speed bags.

  “Aaggghh, bastards,” she cried, and kicked straight up. Caught him in the nuts. Before she could deal with the man holding her, he grabbed the hair at the back of her head and slammed her face into the wall. Five times. “Uuugggh.”

  She went completely limp in his arms as more mobsters flooded down the stairs. Amazing Girl was quickly stripped, leaving just her mask, gloves, and boots. One of the mobsters was about to pull Ms Amazing’s shorts down when Danica arrived.

  The mob boss was looking exceptionally beautiful, with tousled dark hair and big brown bedroom eyes. She smiled upon laying eyes on the two captured super heroines. Ms Amazing was just coming to her senses again, and turned her face when Danica reached out to stroke it. So instead she pinched a nipple, twisting it savagely until Ms Amazing was prancing in place, squeaking and gasping.

  “You never cease to amaze, Ms Amazing,” Danica said. She reached out and traced the super heroine’s mask with one finger. “The most amazing aspect of you is how amazingly stupid you are.”

  She looked past Danica. Amazing Girl was forced to bent forward. Her jaw dropped as a mobster unzipped, and thrust up into her sidekick from behind. Amazing Girl cried out, eyes huge, and then a second thug pushed his cock into her mouth. She looked incredulous, but couldn't do anything about it since her wrists were bound behind her back, as were her elbows.

  Goddess, I hate, hate, hate it when they tie our elbows together, Ms Amazing thought.

  She quickly surveyed the scene. They were caught by ten mobsters, counting Danica. With her power belt around her waist, Ms Amazing was as strong as ten men. Her eyes fell upon the display, her stolen costume parts framed like some kind of battle trophy. Baby blues locked on that golden power belt, looking whole and undamaged. Yes!

  “Actually, Danica, it’s my amazing ability to wiggle out of tight situations,” Ms Amazing said, lifting her right foot. And then driving it brutally straight into the foot of the man holding her. Her sharp heel penetrated that foot, going all the way to the floor. The meaty sound of impaled flesh, of snapping bone filled the room. Men cried out and cringed. Her captor let go as he squealed in horror and pain. “You squeal like a school girl.”

  She immediately slammed an uppercut into Danica’s chin, taking the mob boss down.

  “Damn, that felt good,” she said, charging the men holding Amazing Girl’s arms. "Two down, eight to go!"

  Six of those eight charged her. The last two kept right on banging Amazing Girl.

  "You miscreants are so screwed!" Ms Amazing cried, kicked at one who ducked aside, and then threw a punch at another who blocked and moved aside. And that opened up a path between them. "Suckers!"

  Ms Amazing raced right past the men fucking Amazing Girl, though she did plow into the man shoving his dick down Amazing Girl's throat, knocking him down as she bounced off at the perfect angle to run to her displayed power belt.

  Six angry goons followed.

  The amazing Amazon raced past the display, yanking it off the wall as she turned and kept running. Smashing the glass on a chair in passing, she pulled out the power belt and fastened it around her waist as she ran.

  "Aagh, yes! Yes!" she cried, feeling the sensual, arousing feel of magic flow through her body. She felt super strength and endurance fill her up, and laughed as she stopped and turned around. "You looking for trouble, boys? Here I am!"

  The first to reach her was a seven foot brute, with a many times broken nose and fierce eyes. She used both super strength and speed, kicking him three times in the head and belly, punching his twice in the ribs, and then flipping the stunned bastard over a hip and bouncing his head off the wall. Then next man was Paulie.

  "Ha! You missed, girlie," he said, when he ducked under her right cross, and pounded three punches to her belly.

  "Ooff!" she cried, staggering back. Even with super endurance, the former Golden Gloves champ could put some hurt on her. When he moved in to finish her off, Ms Amazing kicked at his face, making him duck and dodge. She took the opportunity to flip over him, and then thrust kick him in the small of the back, driving a sharp stiletto in brutally.

  "Aaagh," Paulie cried, writhing on the floor as he clutched at his back.

  She was going to finish him off with a kick to the chin, but the first brute and two more arrived. She leapt straight up, using her flying ability, and pressed herself to the ceiling. The three men smashed into each other below, and she shot off straight at the next nearest thug.

  Roberto was six four, about fifty, but still fit and dangerous. She'd fought him three times before, and won every fight. Well, he got in more than a few good punches. Fortunately, Ms Amazing could take a punch pretty good.

  He ducked aside, but managed to shove her as Ms Amazing flew past. She almost crashed into a support column, but veered aside and straight into the sixth mobster. So now only Roberto was completely hail and well. She landed before him, struck a sassy pose and wagged her brows.

  "Hey, Robbie boy," she taunted, knowing he hated it when anyone called him "Robbie." Or boy. "Shall we dance?"

  "I got a dance for ya, Amazing Tits," he sneered. "It's called super heroine stomp!"

  He tried a thrust kick to her belly, but she caught his leg and took off running. Roberto dropped, cursing a blue streak. She planted her feet, and started spinning round and round, making Roberto go dizzily fast. He started sounding a bit more worried.

  "Let go, you costumed bimbo!"

  "Okay," she said, and released him.

  Roberto flew straight into the trio of mobsters struggling to their feet. Yeah, his arrival was not appreciated. Ms Amazing grabbed a bottle of vodka, and proceeded to hammer the six mobsters until all were out cold. And then she turned fierce, angry baby blues on the last two thugs, still banging her sidekick, but watching her with worried eyes.

  "Oh fuck," they said in unison, pulled out and charged her.

  "I appreciate the offer, boys, but I'll have to take a rain check," she said.

  The big blonde was Jacob Ricci. She'd tangled with him a few times, but never a clear victory for either. Of course, she'd never fought him one-on-one. He always engaged her as part of a group. The other thug was Rocky. No one knew his last name. He was butt ass ugly, short and broad. Strong as an ox. Both men were Solis Family enforcers.

  And they charged her shoulder to shoulder, giving her the perfect opportunity.

  "Say nye-nite," Ms Amazing said, waiting to the last second to jump up as she threw a powerful flying roundhouse. She was rather known for her flying roundhouses. Maybe too well known for them, because both thugs ducked and plowed into her as she completed the move and had her back to them. "Hey!"

  They drove her face first into the wall. Black and white flashed behind her eyes as her head bounced off. Countless fists pounded into her back and sides, and then one of them removed her power belt.

  "No! Not that," she cried, voice strained. Her super human ability to heal left with the belt. As an Amazon she still healed remarkably fast, but still that belt d
id wonders for her. Her knees buckled, and she dropped. "Uggh. Bastards, you'll pay for this."

  "You're a funny girl, Ms A," Jacob said, and pushed his thick, sticky dick into her mouth. "Now finish the BJ your sexy sidekick started."

  Ms Amazing was about to bite down. Hard, when Rocky yanked her shorts aside and thrust up her butt. Every muscle in her body tightened up and locked in place, leaving her unable to move or even breathe for a moment. At the same time, she heard Amazing Girl cry out and the sounds of more fighting. Her sidekick was behind her, so she didn't know if she was winning or losing.

  "Aak. Ack!" she coughed around Jacob's cock as he forced it down her throat. Her face heated up, tears flowing, as she strained to breathe and muster her scrambled wits. "Huugggh. Ack! Ngh!"

  "Wheee!" Amazing Girl cried, sounding like she was having fun.

  Really? Ms Amazing thought, wondering why she wasn't getting any help. And then she felt something stir, and her body changed. Liquidy heat flowed, melting her insides in the most delightful way. The pain of anal impalement was quickly transforming into intense pleasure. It always did. She hated how much she loved it, how much her body loved it even more. Goddess, no! Don't let the curse take me! Not now!

  "Take that, Ms Cum-swallower," Jacob grunted with supreme pleasure, as copious amounts of hot, viscous cum filled her throat, flowing down, down, down. She had no choice but swallow, and she worked her throat to milk him dry as fast as possible. "Ha! What am I saying, everyone knows this costumed slut always swallows."

  "Fucking A," Rocky said, grabbing both of her tits as he came up her butt. "Creaming Ms Amazing Ass's ass!"

  "That was good," Jacob said, pulling out of her mouth. "Hold her, and I'll get some rope." He cupped her chin, forcing the super heroine to look up into his triumphant eyes. "You like it when your elbows are tied together, don't you, Ms A?"

  She licked her lips, tasting him, and narrowed her baby blues. And then she pounded a fist up into his nutsack. "About as much as you enjoyed that."

  Jacob bent over and retched. Threw up in Rocky's face. That made the thug release her, and she scrambled away. A second later she beat Rocky down, and then Jacob. Amazing Girl was just finishing up with her little fight with Danica, with the mob boss of bosses squirming on the floor, wrists tied to ankles.

  "What are you, a cowgirl or something?" Ms Amazing said.

  Amazing Girl stood up, admired her handiwork a second, and then grinned at her mentor. "Or something."

  After putting her power belt back on, again, Ms Amazing found some rope and they quickly bound all of the mobsters. And then they went around the game room, smashing all of the displays with super heroine costumes in them. Each represented a victory over a super heroine, and in many cases they were the costumes the heroines were captured in the last time, resulting in the Solis Family sending them away into white slavery.

  "Oh my God…er…Goddess," Amazing Girl cried. "Look at this. Isn't this one of your costumes and belts?"

  "You're right. I lost that belt two summers ago," she said, eyeing the bikini top of that most hated of costumes. What was I thinking? Every time I turned around some nobody was running up and ripping it off. She pulled the display down, smashed it, and retrieved the power belt and top. After removing her current belt, she put the older power belt on. "Hey, it still works. I have a spare."

  "That is awesome!" Amazing Girl said. "Could I…you know, borrow one?"

  The shapely super heroine handed her sidekick the other belt. "Try it on, but I don't think it'll give you anything. It is supposedly keyed just to my body."

  Amazing Girl quickly replaced her nonmagical belt with Ms Amazing's spare power belt. She bit her lip, waiting for something to happen. Nothing.

  "Oh," she said, sounding dejected. Removing it, she put the other, better fitting, belt on. "You're right. It didn't give me anything."

  The sound of running feet on the first floor above reached them. Ms Amazing frowned.

  "Hear that, Ms Bimbo D-cups," Danica said, grinning with wicked delight even as she struggled within her tight bonds. "That's the sound of super heroine doom. More of my big, bad boys coming to beat your fat asses to a pulp. I made calls before coming down here. Lots and lots of men coming. You two are going to have a long night of debauchery."

  "Oooh," Amazing Girl said, eyes huge.

  "This is a no win situation," Ms Amazing said, sighing gustily. She pressed up to Amazing Girl, wrapping her arms around her. "Hang on, Amazing Girl. I'm going to fly us out of here."

  Amazing Girl wrapped her legs around her mentor's waist, as Ms Amazing slowly rose up off the floor. The super heroine quickly got the measure of her remaining strength, and determined how much hindrance her sidekick would be, and then flew towards the stairs up. She reached the stairwell going at breakneck speed, just as the first newcomers arrived.

  "What the…?" the first man cried, ducking.

  Ms Amazing streaked past him, up the stairwell, and bent a knee just enough to bash in the face of the thug at the top of the stairs. Then she flew just inches below the ceiling to the kitchen, when she dropped back to the floor and they raced to the back wall and over.

  "That went well," Ms Amazing said as they settled into the car and she started the engine. "Better than I expected, since I got a spare power belt out of it."

  "Well, getting kicked down the stairs sucked," Amazing Girl said. "I have two knots on my head. Ouch."

  Two days later…

  Barbara sat in her media room, long legs crossed and sipped a glass of wine. She wasn't sure what to think.

  "I guess we have to take the good with the bad, heh Barbara?" Lynda said, sitting cross-legged on the couch beside her.

  They were watching the local news. Of course, they'd already heard about it. That was the only reason they were not in costume and out looking for the robbers. Armand Germaine, in a bid to redeem himself, had hired every private investigator, put his own security people on it, and badgered the police until that morning his security team located the robbers. With the police, they caught them with almost all of the stolen jewelry, money, and clothes. Including Ms Amazing's and Amazing Girl's complete costumes, masks included.

  Of course no one was tossing her name out as a possible Ms Amazing, since Barbara Daul was known to be at the same event, at the same time. Surprisingly, the private personas of five other local super heroines were listed as being at the event during the Ultra Bliss orgy and robbery. The media didn't know that, of course.

  "That sucks," Barbara said. "The media will have a field day with that information, and our enemies will get a cheap thrill knowing we got her sexy butts reamed out royally."

  "Will Mr. Germaine keep our costumes?" Lynda said, scrunching her nose. "I don't like that."

  "No, I already made a call to the police. Our costumes are part of the evidence, but after the trials we can get them back," she said. "So it'll be a while. I'm just glad that wasn't my real power belt."

  "Oooh, you're right."

  Barbara smiled when the scroll along the bottom of the screen displayed her favorite news item, reporting Armand Germaine's resignation from Daul Enterprises effective immediately. Every time she read that she got the warm tinglies inside.

  The good news, that wasn't public knowledge yet, was that the Feds approved Daul Enterprises' purchase of all of Armand Germaine's stock. He might be worth twenty billion, but Armand was even more strapped for cash due to the Big Charity Debacle, as the press called it. He was having to sell off some of his assets to save his business, including selling all of his Daul Enterprises stock. Barbara smiled.

  "That's karma for you, Armand. You fucked me, so you got fucked by life. Enjoy."

  "Yeah, right," Lynda said. "And another thing — "


  Both women were immediately on their feet at that unexpected sound. Dropping into fighting stances, they quickly scanned the room for any threats. Barbara's eyes immediately fell upon the one thing out of place. A new ite
m, not unexpected.

  "My belt!" Lynda cried, and leapt over the couch. She snatched it up, hugging it to her chest as she bounced around and squeed like a school girl. And then she stopped, eyes big. "Oh, I feel the magic flowing through…oooooh, that feels….ooooh, my, my, my…"

  Barbara laughed. "You'll get used to it."

  "Oh my goddess…I think I'm going to come," Lynda gasped. "I mean, I heard the magic was sensual, stimulating….but I wasn't expecting this."

  "Like I said, you'll get used to it," she said. "It'll always feel like that, but you'll deal with it better and better as time goes on."

  "Does it feel like this the whole time I wear it?"

  "Oh, no, that would be too distracting," Barbara said. "Put it on. Start getting used to it. Later, we'll go out in the country somewhere isolated I know, and I'll teach you how to fly."

  Lynda squealed delight, dancing around. Barbara shook her head, grinning, trying to remember if she reacted so enthusiastically when she received her sidekick Object of Power, which was a ring at that time.

  "Now I know I'm going to come!" Lynda fastened the belt around her waist. "Am I as strong as you now?"

  Barbara quirked a brow. Lynda came to her knowing more about super heroines than most protégés, so she was a little surprised by the question.

  "Of course not. That's too much physical strength to throw at someone out of the blue," she said. "Sidekicks get half-strength Objects of Power. Once you graduate to full super heroine, then you'll get a new, full strength Object of Power, whether it's a belt or something else."

  Lynda closed her eyes, just standing there savoring the moment. Finally, her eyes opened and she caught Barbara's gaze, holding it.

  "I can learn to fly anytime," Lynda said. "Come on, let's get in costume and go into town. I want to mete out some sweet Vigilante Justice!"


  * * * * *

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