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Whiskey and Lace

Page 5

by Adriane Leigh

  "So what happened?"

  "I should have given him the chance to explain. I jumped to conclusions." I didn't say out loud that it had been my own fear and insecurities that were to blame for the complete cluster that was this weekend.

  "And the picture?"

  "She snuggled in for the photo-op. They didn't go to the party together."



  "You believe him?" She asked.

  "Yes. I have no reason not to. He's controlling and moody, but he's never given me a reason not to trust him."

  "I hope you know what you're doing." Cate frowned.

  "Don't worry, Cate."

  "Like that's possible." She rolled her eyes.

  "In other news, I have to go to New York for a few days. There's an event for fashion bloggers they want everyone to attend."

  "That's fun; wish I could come," Cate pouted.

  "You can't make it work?" Cate and I always had the best time in the city.

  "Not this time, I’m in the middle of the new collection. You'll distract me in the big city." She giggled.

  "Right, I'll distract you." I pushed her playfully and headed back to my bedroom to shower before Carter picked me up for lunch.

  "You smell delicious." Carter's eyes twinkled when I slid into the back of the Bentley.

  "Mmm, so do you," I whispered as I nuzzled into the crook of his neck. There wasn't a scent on earth I craved more than Carter's fresh, masculine scent.

  "So how was your conference call?" Carter kissed along the curve of my neck as the car pulled away from the curb.

  "Good." I giggled before pressing my lips to his in a long kiss. Carter wrapped his palm around the back of my neck and held me close to him.

  "I missed you so much," he breathed and pressed his forehead to mine.

  "It's only been a few hours." I kissed his lips and smoothed my thumbs over his thick eyebrows.

  "I can't stand when you're away." He held me tightly.

  "Me either." I smiled and placed my head on his shoulder.

  The car slowed and then came to a stop. Carter and I sat cuddled for a few more precious moments before I slipped off his lap and he opened the door. We headed for one of the only open tables in the sushi place and placed our order with the waiter.

  "I have to go to New York." I took a sip of my water, watching him through my eyelashes.

  "What? When?"

  "Tomorrow morning. There's a fashion thing Wednesday night, then I’ll be in the office Thursday and Friday."

  "You'll be gone for three days?" Anger flashed in Carter's eyes.

  "Yeah, it's not the first time I’ve had to go to New York. Standard stuff." I shrugged my shoulders.

  "I don’t want you to go." Carter glared at me.

  "What? Why?" His reaction took me by surprise.

  "I just got you back, Eva, and now you're leaving again?"

  "For a work thing." Was this how it would always be? Opposition at every turn? Carter Morgan was nothing short of exhausting.

  "I don't want you to go," his voice lowered. I looked up into his eyes and saw that he was serious. Just then the waiter came with our sushi rolls. I thanked him and waited until he was out of earshot to address Carter's ridiculous request.

  "Well..." I picked up my chopsticks. "That's too bad, because I'm going." I looked him straight in the eye. He gritted his teeth together. I may have a stubborn streak, but this man was not going to trample all over my career. He took a deep breath and I maintained eye contact with him to let him know this wasn't up for negotiation.

  "Fine," he huffed and grabbed his chopsticks and dug into his salmon roll. "You can stay at my place in the city."

  "You've got a place in the city?" My eyebrows shot up.

  "I have to go there for business a lot." He shrugged.

  "Well, it's ok, the company has me set up somewhere."

  "Don't be silly. You're staying at my place. In fact I’ll send Parker with you. Then you can avoid taxis and he can help you with anything you need. "

  "Absolutely not."

  "What do yo mean absolutely not?"

  "You're not sending Parker to babysit me. I don't need an escort, this isn't my first time in the big city." I rolled my eyes at him.

  "Then at least stay at my place." he glared at me.

  "Fine." I hesitated. "It will be lonely without you."

  Carter gave me a saucy smile. "Going to miss me?"

  "Yes." I rubbed my foot along his leg. A dark look crossed his eyes.

  "Do that again and I’m taking you home with me, and I’ll lock you up so you can't go to New York."

  Was it wrong that something about what he said sparked lust in the pit of my stomach?

  "That's an enticing idea." My eyes sparkled in amusement. His eyebrows shot up and a wicked smile spread across his face. I grinned and snagged a piece of sushi off his plate and popped it in my mouth.


  "So are you seeing anyone, dear?"

  "Mom." I groaned. They'd driven down into the city to meet me for lunch before I had to go to the fashion event later that night. It'd been a busy morning at the main office; since I was based in Boston and didn't come to New York often, they always jam packed my schedule when I was here.

  "Well, I haven't heard much from you since you moved. There's no one special then?" I rolled my eyes in exasperation. We'd just settled in to a table at a french bistro.

  Apparently by the ripe old age of 26 I was close to spinsterhood. She nagged me constantly about finding a "good man" to settle down with. While she was proud that her daughter worked for a major fashion website, she thought it was only a temporary stepping stone until I got married. She also thought I worked too much to meet that "good man" to settle down with. She was exasperating to say the very least.

  "Where are you staying at?" My dad tried to change the subject to take the pressure off of me. Little did he know that he wasn't changing the subject at all.

  "I’m staying at a friend's apartment." I diverted my eyes to the menu.

  "Didn't the company set you up somewhere?" My mom asked. You could get nothing by that woman.

  "Yea, but the friend insisted I stay. It's beautiful. Overlooking the park." I took a sip of water.

  "'Overlooking the park? That's a generous friend. I didn't know you had any close friends in the city." She watched me closely. Always suspicious.

  "Very close." A familiar voice stepped up behind my chair and slid a hand along my shoulder. My head whipped around in utter shock. I stared into the sparkling eyes of Carter.

  "What are you doing here?" I hissed between my teeth.

  "Is that any way to treat the friend that loaned you their penthouse overlooking the park?" He slid into the chair beside me. My eyes widened, cursing the day he was born. He had no idea how my mother would drill him after finding out that there was a special someone in my life after all; a special billionaire someone with a penthouse overlooking the park.

  "We haven't met." My mom stretched her hand to Carter to shake, but instead he brought her knuckles to his lips in a soft kiss.

  "Pleasure to meet you. Carter Morgan, Evangeline’s friend from Boston."

  "Lovely." My mom's eyes flashed to mine. "I’m Elizabeth Austin, Eva’s mom." My father watched in quiet observation.

  "Mr. Austin." Carter shook his hand.

  "Greg," My father said with a genuine smile.

  "Eva, you didn't say that it was a penthouse overlooking the park. Mr. Morgan is very generous." My mother's eyes bore into mine as if she were trying to will answers from their depths.

  "Yup." Just then the waiter stepped up to the table and before he could even introduce himself I asked about the cocktail menu. If I was going to sit through this lunch, I was going to need some help.

  "Are you sure you want to do that Evangeline? I know how alcohol effects you, and you have the event tonight." I clenched my teeth and shot a glare at Carter over my shoulder. His eyes shined with

  "Mojito." I nodded to the server.

  "So, how long have you been friends?" My mom addressed Carter, knowing she wasn't going to get any straight answers from me.

  "Just a short while. But it feels like it's been much longer." Carter's hand caressed my thigh underneath the table. I glared at him again and jerked my leg away as inconspicuously as possible. This man knew how to push every single button I had.

  "Yes, Carter and I have been through the ringer together it seems." A fake smile spread across my face.

  "So how did you meet?" My mother addressed Carter again.

  "Evangeline and I met at an opening for one of my stores. We hit it off instantly you could say." Carter's hand squeezed my upper thigh firmly. As mad as I was at him at the moment, his touch still managed to send tingles to my very center. I took a long draw of my drink and steeled myself for a tortuous inquisition from my mother.

  "So you're a business owner then?" My mother asked.

  "Among other things." Carter gave her his charming, crooked smile.

  "Well, it's wonderful to hear someone call Eva by her full name." My mother had just fallen in love with Carter. Her eyes were all dreamy and she had a wide small on her face.

  "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Carter smiled. I rolled my eyes. I had lost the battle before it had even begun.

  My mother spent the remainder of lunch mooning over Carter. She never stood a chance of resisting Carter's charm. What was surprising is that he somehow had a way with my dad too. They talked about college football and fishing and expensive whiskey. Carter promised to send him a bottle of his favorite that he had imported from Scotland.

  "It was lovely to meet you, Carter." I swear my mother batted her eyelashes at him. A hopeless romantic she was.

  "A pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Austin." Carter kissed her on the cheek.

  "You and Eva should come visit us Upstate soon, we would love to have you," my mother addressed Carter solely.

  "We would love to come." Carter slid his arm around my waist. I would never be able to fight my mother’s questions off now. If she had any doubt Carter was more than just a friend she certainly didn't now, Carter had made sure of that.

  She leaned it to give me a tight squeeze and whispered in my ear, "He is wonderful, Eva." There she was all moony over Carter Morgan again. I rolled my eyes and pulled away to give my dad a hug.

  "Take care of yourself, Eva." My dad patted my back. Carter hailed them a cab and they were off to the train station to head home.

  I started walking back towards the office on 57th Street without saying a word to Carter. He walked silently beside me for a few steps before catching my arm and twirling me around to face him.

  "No hello kiss?" Carter placed a peck on my lips and ran his fingers to the back of my neck.

  I pulled away quickly, "What's the deal Carter?" I crossed my arms and glared.

  A wide grin spread across his face, "You’re cute when you're mad." He caressed my bottom lip with the pad of his thumb. I huffed in exasperation.

  "Is that why you make me mad all the time?"

  "Funny. I came to be your escort tonight." He grinned.

  "I told you, no escort needed." I held my ground with him. If he had approached wanting to accompany me tonight in a non-stalkery manner, I would have been much more receptive. But far be it for Carter to approach anything in a conventional way.

  "No, you said you didn't want Parker." Carter licked his lips as his eyes drifted down to the top of my wrap dress where my cleavage was on display. I put my hands on my hips. I didn't know what to do with this man. If he wasn't driving me insane with anger, he was driving me wild with lust. And then I realized maybe he drove me wild with lust because he drove me insane with anger. I took a deep breath at that royally screwed-up thought and lowered my arms in defeat.

  "How did you know where I was? Research?" I rolled my eyes at him.

  "I never reveal my sources." He grinned a devilish grin. "Come on, back to my place to get ready." Carter danced his finger along the v-neck of my dress suggestively. I rolled my eyes as Carter grabbed my hand and led me to the Bentley idling at the curb.

  "Hi, Parker." I slid into the back seat.

  "Nice to see you, Ms. Austin." Parker gave me a genuine smile in the mirror. Carter's eyes narrowed in a flash of anger as he met Parker's eyes in the rearview mirror and raised the privacy glass simultaneously.

  "Jealous, Mr. Morgan?" My eyes danced in amusement.

  "Not for a minute." Carter's jaw clenched as he gripped my upper thigh possessively.


  Carter escorted me to the fashion event later that night and was on his best behavior. He smiled and made conversation when necessary, was gracious when he was recognized, but otherwise let me take the lead. He kept his arm wrapped around my waist all night and caressed my back and whispered in my ear periodically. He'd been the perfect gentleman, which had done nothing but ratchet up my desire for him.

  By the time we scooted into the Bentley that night I was mad with lust for him.

  Parker dropped us off at the curb of Carter's apartment building and we made our way across the lobby and to the elevators. My body was vibrating with need and I wanted nothing more than to plaster myself against Carter, run my fingers through his hair and grind my body against his.

  A group of people followed us into the elevator and Carter guided us to the back corner. I'd worn a taupe sheath dress covered in sparkling sequins with an exposed back zipper. Carter held me against his chest, my back to his front, and placed both of his hands on my hips. He rubbed small circles and nuzzled into my hair at the back of my neck.

  "You drive me wild, Evangeline," he whispered as his hands moved lower down the back of my thighs. "And I like you in this dress. Every guy there wanted you." He trailed one hand up my inner thigh to my very core that was already aching for him. "But this is just for me." He slipped one finger inside my panties and stroked along my center.

  My breathing hitched as I glanced around to make sure no one was watching us. My body was wild with need for him; it felt like I'd gone days without his touch. My already short dress was hitched up around Carter's wrist in the back, but from the front I hoped no one would be any wiser.

  Carter continued his assault from behind and and then pressed his finger into me. My nerve endings tingled and my breathing grew quick and heavy. I pressed my lips together to stifle a moan and my head lolled back against his shoulder.

  The elevator stopped and more people jostled in. Carter used the opportunity to stroke in and out of me quicker. I pressed my bottom hard into hips and he groaned quietly. On the next floor the car emptied out and left us alone, writhing and panting with arousal. Carter pulled his fingers out of me and turned me in his arms.

  "I’ve been dreaming of your taste on my lips." He sucked the finger that had just been inside me into his mouth and closed his eyes. Then he pulled my hair tightly behind my back and pressed my lips to his to kiss me deeply. I wrapped one leg around his hip and pressed into his body. His free hand stroked up my thigh and grabbed the waistband of my panties. Just then the elevator dinged to a stop and the doors opened.

  Carter lifted my feet off the ground and walked me into his apartment. I dropped my clutch on the floor and he carried me down a long hallway and into his bedroom. He backed me over to his bed and sat me down. He placed both hands on my cheeks and stared into my eyes.

  "You are so beautiful, Evangeline." He kissed each of my eyelids and then my lips softly. "I love having you here, with me, in my house." He shrugged off his jacket and loosened his tie before pulling it over his head. He tugged his dress shirt out of the waistband of his pants and then worked on unbuttoning it. My eyes followed his fingers as they worked to undo each button. I leaned back with a smile as he popped the button on his pants.

  "You're overdressed, Evangeline." He stopped, leaving the top button of his trousers undone. His happy trail was just visible and my fingers a
ched to touch and caress the V of his pelvic muscle. I felt my nipples harden in arousal at the thought of his skin against mine.

  He ran his fingertips along my collarbone and then hauled me up and off the bed. He spun me in his arms so I was facing away from him and slid his arms around my waist. I could feel his arousal against my bottom and I pressed back into him. A soft growl escaped his throat and I tilted my head back. One hand remained on my hip as the other travelled up my ribs, passed the neckline of my dress, and caressed the curve of my neck.

  "So beautiful." He trailed one finger down my throat and kissed underneath my ear. I groaned and bucked my body back against him. His hand slid back down to my hip and then both continued down to the hem of the dress that hit at mid-thigh. He massaged the flesh there and then slowly slid his warm palms up my thighs, raising the dress as he went. He reached the lace of my panties and palmed my mound over the fabric. I groaned and felt a flood of arousal at his touch.

  He ghosted his fingers over the fabric and had me writhing before he slid both hands to my hips and underneath the lace. Slowly he lowered my panties, slipping them down my legs and lifting my feet out, one at a time.

  "I want to see you." Carter's hands trailed up my body and back to the exposed zipper and slowly pulled it down, inch by inch. Once the dress was loose, he slipped it off my body and I stood before him in a pair of black Jimmy Choos and nothing else. He turned me in his arms and kissed along my neck.

  "You're gorgeous when you're aroused, Evangeline." His fingers trailed along the skin of my collarbone. "Your cheeks are flushed." He trailed his fingers to my cheeks. "Your eyes are bright." His thumbs trailed over my eyebrows. "Your chest is a delicious shade of pink." He trailed one finger down my neck and chest, between my breasts. "Your nipples are dark." He trailed a fingertip over and tickled around the hardened tip. I sucked in a breath of air and arched my back to gain more friction on his body. He dipped his head and flicked my nipple with his tongue and then sucked it into his mouth briefly, before kissing it gently and pulling away. He lifted my other breast in his hand and did the same.


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