by Martin Allen
45 Hector MacLean, Fighters in Defence (privately published, Glasgow, 1999), p.138.
46 Padfield, op. cit., p.200.
47 Ibid.
48 Doc. No. FO 898/14 – Public Records Office, Kew.
49 Ibid.
1 Walter Hewel’s Diary, 11 May 1941 – Bundesarchiv, Koblenz.
2 Wolf Rüdiger Hess, op. cit., p.86.
3 Adolf Galland, The First and the Last (London, 1955), p. 108
4 Leasor, op. cit., pp.96–7.
5 Wolf Rüdiger Hess, op. cit., p.343.
6 Padfield, op. cit., p.220.
7 Ibid, p.219.
8 Ibid, p.220.
9 Churchill, op. cit., Vol. II, p.419.
10 HMSO, Documents on German Foreign Policy, Ser. V, Vol. XII, Doc. No. 491.
11 Ibid.
12 Joachim v. Lang, Der Adjutant (Druffel Verlag, 1985), p.252.
13 Walter Hewel’s Diary, 11 May 1941 – Bundesarchiv, Koblenz.
14 Scholder, op. cit., p. 150.
15 Churchill, op. cit., Vol. III, p.53.
16 Stafford, op. cit., p.82.
17 Padfield, op. cit., p.214.
18 Doc. No. INF/912 – Public Records Office, Kew.
19 Douglas-Hamilton, Motive for a Mission, op. cit., p.178.
20 Ibid., p.180.
21 Young (ed.), The Diaries of Sir Robert Bruce Lockhart, op. cit., Vol. II, p.99.
22 Doc. No. INF 1/912 – Public Records Office, Kew.
23 Doc. No. FO 898/00009 – Public Records Office, Kew.
24 Speer, op. cit., p.150.
25 International Military Tribunal, op. cit., Vol. 38, pp.116–17.
26 Schwarzwäller, op. cit., p.220.
27 International Military Tribunal, op. cit., Vol. 38, pp.116–17.
28 Doc. No. PREM 3 219/7 – Public Records Office, Kew.
29 International Military Tribunal, op. cit., Vol. 38, p.183.
30 Doc. No. PREM 3 219/4 – Public Records Office, Kew.
31 Douglas-Hamilton, Motive for a Mission, op. cit., p.194.
32 Brigitte Frank, Im Angesicht des Galgens (Neuhaus b. Schliersee, 1955), p.401.
33 Doc. No. FO 371/26542 – Public Records Office, Kew.
34 Ibid.
35 HMSO, Documents on German Foreign Policy, Ser. D, Vol. XI, Doc No. 521.
36 Churchill, op. cit., Vol. III, p.286.
37 Ibid.
38 Doc. No. WO 190/893 – Public Records Office, Kew.
39 Ibid.
40 Doc. No. WO 166/1260 – Public Records Office, Kew.
41 Farago, op. cit., p.280.
42 Doc. No. WO 166/1260 – Public Records Office, Kew.
43 Ibid.
44 Luton at War, 1947 (reprinted by Home Counties Newspapers, 1982).
45 Roy Conyers-Nesbit, The Flight of Rudolf Hess (Sutton Publishing, 1999), p. 100.
46 Ibid, p.105.
47 Doc. No. FO 898/14 – Public Records Office, Kew.
48 Ibid.
49 Ibid.
50 Ibid.
51 Dr Hugh Dalton’s Diary, 12 May 1941 – London School of Economics.
52 Doc. No. G/l9/3/27 – Lloyd George Papers, House of Lords Library.
53 Doc. No. WO 190/893 – Public Records Office, Kew.
54 HMSO, Documents on German Foreign Policy, Ser. D, Vol. XII, Doc. No. 584.
55 International Military Tribunal, op. cit., Part IV, p.310.
56 Churchill, op. cit., Vol. III, p.298.
57 Young (ed.), The Diaries of Sir Robert Bruce Lockhart, op. cit., Vol. II, p.104.
58 Memorandum 31 May 1941 – Templewood Papers, Cambridge University Library.
59 Doc. No. AI/JQ25 – Public Records Office, Kew.
60 HMSO, Documents on British Foreign Policy, Ser. 4, Vol. I, p.620.
61 Hinsley, op. cit., p.480.
62 Churchill, op. cit., Vol. III, p.298.
63 Ibid.
64 Ibid, pp.300–1.
65 Doc. No. FO 837/593 – Public Records Office, Kew.
66 Ibid.
67 Churchill, op. cit., Vol. III, pp.300–1.
68 Hitler’s Table Talk, op. cit., pp.71–2.
69 Doc. No. RG226 T253, Roll 59 – National Archives, Washington DC.
70 Hitler’s Table Talk, op. cit., pp.200–2.
71 Douglas-Hamilton, Motive for a Mission, op. cit. p.202.
72 Ibid.
1 Doc. No. PREM 3 434/7 (6.11.44) – Public Records Office, Kew.
2 Doc. No. FO 371/55672 – Public Records Office, Kew.
3 Ibid.
4 Ibid.
5 Ibid.
* Hitler was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment, although he only servednine months. Hess was sentenced to one year.
* The agency of the Nazi Party responsible for the supervision and political well-being of German nationals abroad.
* Ribbentrop had at this time not yet become Foreign Minister, but as head of the Dienststelle Ribbentrop – Hitler’s own Foreign Ministerial advisory body based within the Reich Chancellery – he had a great deal of influence, at times more than that of Germany’s actual Foreign Minister, Constantin von Neurath.
* Under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, eastern Prussia had been stripped from the Kaiser's former realm, and a vast swathe of territory known as the Polish Corridor, populated by over half a million Germans,was handed over to Poland. Marooned on the coast to the north, under League of Nations control, stood Danzig, an island of Germanism deep in Polish territory. The loss of this valuable land rankled in Germany and amongst the former German nationals living in the Corridor. It was a loss the Nazis were determined to rectify, come what may.
* The Nazi Party’s own private army, created to protect party meetings and oppose rival political parties. By 1932 the SA would have 400,000 members, and it would be a potent weapon in the Nazis’ rise to power. In 1923, however, it was still a small organisation, numbering just a few hundred badly trained and ill-equipped men – roughneck bully-boys for the most part.
* Under which Mussolini was allowed to keep a vast slice of territory in Abyssinia – newly invaded by Italy – in exchange for a large, useless tract of Italian Somaliland.
* Carl Goerdeler, Lord Mayor of Leipzig, had unsuccessfully attempted low-echelon peace mediation in 1939.
* Lord Clydesdale’s father died in early 1940 after a long illness, leading to his son inheriting the title of Duke of Hamilton.
† The Duke of Northumberland, a serving member of the British Expeditionary Force, had been killed during the evacuation from Dunkirk in June 1940.
* A subdivision of MI3 which analysed intelligence and prepared assessments of possible German military intentions.
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Afrika Korps 167
Albania 153, 154
Amin, Husayni al Haj, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem 159
Anderson, Sir John 101
Anglo–German Naval Agreement (1935) 36
Anti-Nazi League 103
Astor, Lady Nancy 139
Attlee, Clement 101, 213
Auslandsorganisation 24, 26, 166, 175, 183, 187
Aussenpolitisches Amt (German Foreign Affairs Office) 27, 37, 66, 112, 122, 181–2, 207, 214
Austria: Anschluss 41–2, 43, 68
Bad Godesberg: Evangelical School 5
Baldwin, Stanley 31
Balkans 153, 155, 166, 168–9, 171, 178
Bar, Don Joachim 272
Barman, Thomas 209, 231
Battaglia, Roman 238
Battle of Britain 44, 77, 84, 108, 226
Bauman, Vaclav ‘Felix’ 226–7
Bavaria: Räterepublik 7, 8
BBC 104–5
Beatty, Chester 98–9
Beaverbrook, William Maxwell Aitken, 1st Baron 203–4
Beck (Dutch Intelligence officer) 69
Beck, General 280
Bedaux, Charles: and Duke of Windsor 64, 65–6, 67, 68, 69–70
Bedford, Duke of 269
Beigbeder y Atienza, Colonel Juan 74, 122, 124, 162, 260–1
Beneš, Eduard 210
Benson, Flight Lieutenant 251
Berger, Professor 8
Beria, Lavrenti 116, 285
Berlin, bombing of 84
Bernadotte, Count Folke 281–2
Blackford, Group Captain 219, 220
Bletchley Park: Station X 171, 264, 270, 272, 273
Blomberg, Field Marshal Werner von 40
Blumel, Josef 143–4
Bohle, Ernst: origins and early career 187–8; friendship with Duke of Buccleuch 187, 188, 217; friendship with Hess 187; as head of Auslandsorganisation 26–7, 166, 187; role in Hess affair 132–3, 135, 166, 180, 188–9, 192, 195, 198, 199, 230, 257; on Chamberlain 192; on Hess 24–5
Bonde, Baron 142
Bormann, Martin 249, 276
Bouhler, Philipp 35
Boulton Defiants 226
Boyle, Air Commodore 220
Bracken, Brendan: relationship with Churchill 151, 152; campaign to destroy Dalton 151–2, 212–13, 272; at Ditchley Park with Churchill 207, 231, 250, 251, 252; heads Political Warfare Executive 151, 284