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HUNTED: The Midnight Series, Book Two

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by Toni Goode


  Toni Goode

  Copyright © 2019 by Toni Goode

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing, 2020


  I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to read the second book in The Midnight Series.

  The overwhelming support has been so appreciated. To know that my work is being read by anyone at any time is still very mind blowing to me. I put my heart into my books, and I hope it comes across that way.

  I dedicate this book to my mother who was also a writer as well as a spiritual teacher of sorts. She was taken way to soon and as we come upon her eighteenth year of her passing, I am reminded of her love for her children, her passion to write and most of all her need to help those who are struggling. She will forever be missed and in my heart.

  Patti K *11/25/44 – 12/01/2000

  Chapter One

  The sound of an owl testing his vocals had woken her up as her hand went to the empty side of the bed. Sitting up she looked around the darkened room. She squinted her eyes as she looked at the alarm clock next to the bed. It was nearly 2 am. John still hadn’t gone to bed but that was becoming the norm for him now. He barely slept and when he did all he got was nightmares.

  It had been nearly six months since they had gone rogue and began living out of various cabins on the Eastern Seaboard. At the moment they were in Virginia and out in the middle of nowhere. Life had slowed down a lot for them out there. The only means of entertainment or news was from an old radio that looked to be as old as John himself. Steele was able to set up a satellite in which they used to get online access. He had a background in engineering and IT, and he put it to good use. The guys would even hunt for food and the girls would keep watch at the cabin. The less time they spent in town the better for now.

  Eve and Steele had really hit it off as well and they were officially dating now. Eve was getting better at dealing with their lifestyle and daily transformations. She didn’t even pass out anymore. She had kept in touch with her family through phone calls from town when they went for the occasional supplies. They had all thought that she went on a cross country trip and no one questioned her. At times Briana envied that because her own family thought she was dead. She tried not to dwell on it but with John focusing his energy on revenge it was hard not to think of her old life.

  Briana knew that John was having a difficult time understanding why his brother betrayed him. It weighed heavy on him and his plan now was to track down everyone involved in Kate’s murder and Ana’s current situation, not to mention they were still looking for Maria’s baby that had been taken. Eve had been able to get information out of the hospital that Ana was staying at and for the time being she was still stable, but she hadn’t woken up yet. The baby was still growing inside of her and doing well.

  John carried a lot of guilt and the weight of the world seemed to sit on his shoulders. Images of that fateful night with Michael haunted him. How had he not seen the signs? Had Michael been like this for years? Hell, he would have gladly tossed over the title of Alpha to Michael if he had asked him. John hadn’t wanted the title to start with when he was given it and now his brother lay dead, and for what?

  John spent countless hours on the computer as he searched up about the Double D bar. He was sure that he was on the most wanted list with the other supernatural beings gone rogue, but he didn’t care. He had only one thing on his mind, revenge.

  Briana came out of the bedroom and yawned as she walked into the living room where John was still sitting. The light from the laptop was flashing against his face as he searched numerous links. “Hey.” Briana said softly as he looked up and rubbed his face.

  “Hey, what are you doing up?” He asked as she walked next to him.

  “I could ask you the same thing?” She said as he pulled her close and she sat down on his lap. “The bed isn’t the same without you in it. Can’t you give this a rest just for a minute?” She said as she touched his face softly.

  “Sorry it’s just I feel like I am chasing ghosts and every time I get a lead it seems to disappear.” He said with a shake of his head.

  “Maybe a good night’s sleep will help you to keep focused.” Briana said as she leaned her mouth to his and kissed him softly.

  He deepened the kiss as his hands went into her hair and she moved her body so that she was straddling his strong thighs as they kissed hungrily. She couldn’t help the way her body rocked against his. She felt his erection grow between them as he got impossibly hard. All she wore was an oversized t-shirt and she quickly pulled it off as their kiss broke and then his mouth was latching onto her neck as he quickly unzipped his jeans and shoved them down.

  Briana cried out in pleasure as she lowered herself on him. The sound of him growling in her ear nearly pushed her over the edge as she held onto his shoulders and he buried his mouth against her breasts.

  It didn’t take long as they rocked against each other and soon they both had reached their explosive orgasm. They held each other tight as their movements slowed. I’m sorry for allowing myself to become obsessed. I just want to make things right. We can’t hide forever. His words filled her mind as she kissed his neck.

  I know. We will figure something out. Her thoughts went to his mind as they sat there entwined in each other’s bodies.

  By the morning they lay in bed as the sun began creeping through the room. John had actually gotten a few hours of sleep as Briana woke up before him now. She just watched him sleep. At least he looked peaceful now, most of the time he had a hard look on his face as if he was concentrating too much and she knew he was. He was consumed with finding everyone involved in the recent attack. It almost seemed to be a group of individuals who were both wolf and vampire. Was a revolution about to begin? John was sure there was something brewing but he was always off just a little each time.

  Briana laid there as the sound of his phone vibrating caught her attention. She quietly got out of the bed and walked over to the nightstand where the phone was. She picked it up and saw he had a message from a number she didn’t recognize. The message read. We need to meet asap. I have the information you need. Come alone.

  Briana sighed heavily as she looked at John and she texted back. Ok, where do we meet?

  She kept looking at Johns sleeping form as she waited for a response. She hated that John was trying to do this all alone. She was going to help him whether he wanted her to or not. An address popped up in the message. It was about an hour away in Richmond. She quickly wrote the address down and began to get dressed.

  It was nearly two hours later when John awoke to the sound of his phone going off. He had just had the craziest dream about Briana, and he shook his head to get rid of the images. It was a nightmare actually, one where she was being held and tortured. He couldn’t get to her. His phone went off again and he sighed as he sat up and ran a hand through his hair. He grabbed the phone and answered the call but before he even spoke a female voice did.

  “I told you to come alone John. You disappoint me.” The female said on the other end. The voice was familiar and then he looked at the number again, suddenly he remembered. It was a witch by the name
of Selena, she had pointed him in the right direction after Kate’s death. “I’m assuming right now you are trying to remember who I am, let me refresh your memory.” She began, and John cut her off.

  “I know who you are Selena.” He said quickly.

  “Well I’m impressed that you remember. I mean the meeting we had last time didn’t exactly go the way I had wanted but I did see that you got your revenge.” She said as John inhaled deep.

  “Why are you calling me and what do you mean about coming alone? I’m not in the mood for riddles.” He was getting angry now as he paced the room.

  “I’m not quite sure if your just stupid or naive, possibly both.” She smirked, and he held the phone harder.

  “If you have nothing of importance to say then I’m going to hang up.” He said seriously.

  “Oh, I wouldn’t hang up if I were you, someone would like to say something to you.” She smiled as John huffed loudly.

  “I said I am not in the mood for games, Clara said that she may have a direction for me to move in.” He began angrily.

  “John? Oh my god John! I am so sorry.” Briana’s voice came on the other end of the phone and John immediately stiffened as he held the phone.

  “Briana? What’s going on? What are you doing there?” He said as fear raced through him and he quickly got out of the bedroom and he went into the living room where Steele and Eve now were.

  “I just wanted to help and then.” Briana began as her voice got cut off.

  “I think that is enough for now.” Selena said quickly.

  “What the hell did you do!” John yelled angrily into the phone as both Steele and Eve looked at her. “I swear to god if you touch one hair on her head!” He warned.

  “Oh, tisk tisk, I wouldn’t start threatening me John. You should know what I am capable of. I could kill her with the snap of my fingers.” She said seriously.

  “Don’t you dare do anything to her!” John yelled.

  “I told you that I would collect on my favor and I’m here to collect.” Selena smiled and then hung up the phone as she looked at Briana who was tied to a chair. “I forgot how sexy his voice was.” She smirked at Briana.

  “Just tell me what you want, and I will get it for you. We don’t need to involve John. I can help you.” Briana begged as the witch smiled.

  “Oh, you will help me. I enjoy your enthusiasm.” Selena walked around the large room filled with books and crystals.

  “Please, you don’t need to keep these ropes on me. I promise I won’t do anything.” Briana said quickly as the rope dug into her.

  “Do I look stupid? Because I’m not, dear girl. You probably should have stayed out of this but now that you’re here I suppose I will have to change my plans.” She glanced over at Briana who was desperately trying to loosen the rope, but it seemed impossible. “Struggling only makes it tighter and don’t even attempt to shift because that rope will break your neck in seconds.” She turned and looked at Briana.

  “Listen you seem like a very nice and intelligent woman. John is just looking for information.” Briana began as Selena smiled at her.

  “Obviously, I know this but by the look on your face, you apparently don’t know how deep this rabbit hole goes.” Selena walked over to her with a book in her hand. It was large and black, covered in dust. She wiped the cover and opened it. Her finger trailed over the words.

  “I’m sure we can work something out.” Briana said seriously. She hated how she got herself captured like this. She should have waited for John to wake up, but she just wanted all of this to end. She wanted her John back, not the bitter, angry and resentful man that barely slept these days.

  “Oh, I plan on it.” Selena smiled and then brought the book over to Briana. “Does this book look familiar to you?” She pointed at the picture of another book; it was inside the book that she held.

  “No, I have never seen it before but listen if we could just talk. I could help you, are you looking for that book?” Briana said seriously and then Selena roughly slammed the book closed and she got her face right into Briana’s.

  “I am not a fool and the only way you leave is when I decide that it is the right time. So, stop trying to play me, you will lose.” Selena backed up from her and forced a smile as Briana’s eyes got wide and her heart raced dangerously fast. It took all the strength and control she had to not shift at that moment. “That book is a special book. It’s called The Kamatayan. One that is currently missing and has not been seen since 1990. Someone had stolen it from a museum in New York.”

  “Ok so I will find it for you.” Briana added quickly.

  Selena rolled her eyes as she stood in front of Briana. “If it was that easy to get then I would have it by now.” She said sarcastically. “It’s a spell book and one that has the power to eliminate an entire race of people, mortal or supernatural alike.”

  “Ok, I don’t really understand how this has anything to do with John? He just wants the names of those involved in the murder of Kate.” Briana said seriously. Who cares about a stupid spell book even if it was regarding black magic?

  Selena smiled as she stepped back some. “You really are naive.” She walked across the room and Briana sighed heavily and continued to try and get the rope off her wrist. “If this book gets in the wrong hands then the world as we know it will be gone.” She said seriously as she turned and looked at Briana.

  “Ok, so what exactly do you want from me?” Briana asked with confusion.

  “I want you to get the book of course. Originally, I was going to collect on my favor owed by your dear John but here you are. So, I suppose we will improvise and frankly this may work out even better. “She smiled as she picked up another book and began to read it.

  “I will get the book for you. I’ve spent the last few years looking at forensic cases and searching for clues.” Briana began quickly as Selena walked over to her.

  “Well then this should be easy for you.” Selena said as she began to chant words in Latin.

  Briana felt her heart racing as Selena began chanting repeatedly. She was up to no good. Briana could feel that and if this book really existed then she would make damn sure that it didn’t end up in the wrong hands. Like the witches or vampires, everyone to be honest. Selena kept reading out-loud as the lights began to flicker. Something was definitely happening, and Briana fought against the restraints some more, but Selena was right, they only got tighter.

  Meanwhile John was absolutely panicking as he drove to Richmond. Steele and Eve were with him though he would have rather they stay back but they were adamant about going. John knew that Selena couldn’t be trusted, he remembered their last meeting and even though she helped him to locate the vampires in question, there was also more. She had told him that she had a favor to ask of him and when the time was right, she would collect on that favor.

  “We should really get back up John. Those witches can be brutal.” Steele said honestly.

  “I don’t think I am ever going to get used to hearing you talking about witches.” Eve began with a shake of her head. “I mean she wouldn’t do anything to Briana, right? Isn’t there a supposed living in harmony thing going on between you all?” She said with confusion.

  “Not everyone follows the rules darling.” Steele said quickly to her. “But Bree is a smart girl. She will be fine.” Steele said as John sighed deeply.

  “Listen we cannot underestimate these witches. I have dealt with them before and they are manipulative.” He said seriously. His mind was swimming with every bad conclusion there could be. He knew what Selena was capable of. He just needed Briana to hold on for a little bit longer. He would be there soon but as he drove, he felt something odd coursing through his body. The feeling intensified and he suddenly felt incredibly ill.

  Steele noticed immediately as John began to sway in his seat as he drove. “Hey man are you ok?” Steele said with worry as John looked at him.

  “I don’t know what’s happening to me.” John said as hi
s hands fell off the steering wheel and his body fell to the side as the car drifted into another lane.

  “Shit hold on Eve!” Steele yelled almost frantically as he grabbed onto the steering wheel and he moved back into their lane but the move itself made the car do a 360 spin before it flipped into an embankment. The sound of the horn blaring filled the air as Eve laid across the backseat, bleeding and groaning in pain as Steele’s body had been thrown from the car through the windshield. John laid motionless against both seats in the front. His seatbelt had been on as well as Eve’s but not Steele’s. They all laid unconscious.

  Briana watched as the room around her began to shake and tremble. Books even fell off the shelves as she yelled out.

  “Stop it! What are you doing, STOP!” She yelled but it fell on deaf ears as Selena continued to chant. The ground moved and shifted as a huge black hole appeared out of nowhere. Briana frantically tried to get the rope off her wrists and finally one hand broke free but her other one was still caught up. Selene was yelling out as she held the book in her hand and the black hole pulled on Briana’s chair as it inched closer to the darkness. “Stop it please!” Briana yelled out but then the chair was tipping forward, and she was being dragged through a deep dark hole as she screamed.

  She wasn’t expecting the crash to the ground and the pain that ensued afterwards. It felt as if every bone in her body had been broken and she couldn’t help as she cried out in pain. What the hell had just happened to her?

  The sound of a loud car horn made her eyes open and she gasped as she saw a tire coming at her face but then it stopped inches from her as she sat up now. Her body hurt. Where was she.

  “Get out of the god damn road!” The driver of the taxicab yelled at her and she quickly got to her feet as she looked around the large city. What the hell? The beeping from the numerous cars made her jump as she realized she was right in the middle of the road. No one seemed concerned with her current situation, not even the people walking on the road. They looked more annoyed than anything as they shot her nasty looks. She quickly got to the sidewalk as she looked around more. It was nighttime, but this city was bright, and people were everywhere, was it New York City? She had never been there but then how did she get here? Her head hurt something awful and she rubbed it. Where was Selena? Where was the room she was in? She spun around as she looked up at the tall building, confusion ran through her until someone knocked into her.


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