HUNTED: The Midnight Series, Book Two

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HUNTED: The Midnight Series, Book Two Page 3

by Toni Goode

  “Ok so let’s play teams.” John said as Maria sighed heavily.

  “You know I am bad at pool.” She began, and Briana stood up now.

  “Heck yeah let’s do teams, we got this.” Briana said quickly as she looked at Maria. Briana had been playing pool since she was a child, hell she had even played in tournaments in her teen years.

  “Um I don’t think you understand. I am not good.” Maria said with worry.

  “You heard the lady, let’s see what you got.” John said as he popped another peanut in his mouth before walking over to the pool table.

  “I am not good and that is an understatement. I can’t even hold the stick right.” Maria said honestly.

  “Well you’re in luck, I have played a lot and I’m sort of great at it.” Briana smiled as she walked over to the table. “Come on.” She called to Maria as she stood in front of guys. “Girls versus guys, I break.” Briana said with a smile.

  “Oh boy, this could be interesting.” Michael said with a smirk and it took everything in her not to hit him because of what he did to Maria in her time. She had to remind herself that it wouldn’t happen until 2018.

  “You want to break?” John said with surprise.

  “Yeah, why you got a problem with that?” She said snarky as he laughed some and ran his hand through his hair.

  “Nah, go for it.” He stepped back and put his hand up as he shook his head.

  Briana rolled her eyes as she adjusted the balls on the table then she grabbed a stick from the wall. She chalked it up as she looked back at the table then at John. He was just staring at her. He had taken his coat off already and he wore a black t-shirt that hugged his body. It was distracting but she moved around the table anyways.

  Briana brought her attention back to the pool table, but she could feel John staring her down. She leaned over the table as she lined up her shot. Briana looked at Maria who seemed concerned. She took the shot and she immediately sunk two solids and a striped. She smiled as she glanced at John. “Solids.” She said out loud as she walked around the table and lined up her next shot. More people from the bar were looking at her now. She lined up her shot and she made it. People began to talk loudly and some even cheered.

  “We’re going to be beat by a girl.” Michael said sarcastically as he shook his head. John just watched, he said nothing. He looked surprised and impressed.

  She lined up another shot, it was a difficult one. She glanced at John; he was staring at her. She swallowed hard and took the shot. The ball went in and she smiled but then the cue ball went in as well. “Shit.” She said as she stood there as Oh’s and Ahh’s were heard.

  John quickly moved over to the table. “That’s all you got.” He said with a smirked as he lined up his shot and sunk the ball. People began to make noise again. He lined up another shot and he sunk another one. He glanced up at Briana, he took another shot and he raised an eyebrow as it went in. John moved around the table and lined up his next shot and Briana decided to up the ante as she leaned on the table across from him. Her cleavage was very ample as she leaned on the table and smiled as he took the shot then missed. “Shit.” He said under his breath as he quickly turned from the table.

  Briana looked at Maria who seemed scared to death to play because everyone was staring now. “Here goes nothing.” Maria said as she grabbed the stick from Briana. She fumbled with it in her hand as a few people laughed. Briana shot them all a look and everyone got quiet. She looked at Maria reassuringly. She took the shot and surprisingly enough she made it out of pure luck. “Oh my god, I did it!” Maria said with a huge smile as she jumped up and down. “Michael did you see that?” She looked to him and he couldn’t help but smirk as he ran a hand through his short hair.

  “You get to go again.” Briana said as Maria looked at her.

  “Really? Cool.” Maria said and then she made a shot, but the wrong ball went in though she didn’t realize it as she jumped up and down again.

  “Sweetheart you’re supposed to get the other balls in.” Michael said as Briana shook her head with a smile.

  She glanced at John who was staring at her intently, it made her swallow hard as she looked away.

  Michael made his shot and sunk in a ball. John walked over to Briana and stood next to her. “What pack did you say you were in?” He asked, and she swallowed hard but then Michael missed his shot as he cursed loud.

  “My turn.” Briana quickly used the distraction to move away from him. He was incredibly intense even more so then she remembered. There were only two balls left, a striped and then the 8 ball. She lined up her shot on the 8 ball. “8 ball corner pocket.” She said out loud as she pulled back her stick and then hit the cue ball. It sent the 8-ball flying into the pocket. For a second it seemed that the cue ball was going to go in too. It landed right at the edge, just teetering but it didn’t go in. Cheers erupted in the bar as Maria ran up to her.

  “You’re good, you’re really good!” Maria said with a huge smile. “Shots all around!” She called out surprisingly as Briana looked at her. People began to congratulate Briana as she was moved towards the back of the bar. She could see John watching her, she looked away.

  For the next thirty minutes Briana had found herself the attention of almost every man in the bar. They surrounded her and began telling her stories of their different adventures. She was surprised that they were all wolves. She didn’t know that they all freely went wherever they wanted back in the 90’s. She kept glancing over at John who was sitting at the bar now drinking alone. He would glance her way and then go back to his drink.

  A guy named Alex went on and on with ridiculous stories. Briana pretended to listen, but her mind was on John. She glanced at the bar, but John wasn’t there anymore. Neither was Maria and Michael. Had they all left?

  Alex continued his talking and Briana got up now. “Excuse me for just one moment.” She said as she looked around the bar. They weren’t there at all. She glanced by the bathroom across the bar and she headed over there. She couldn’t help herself as she looked around for John. It irritated her that he had just left. Not that she knew what to say to him or if she wanted too. She was sure that any interaction with him would change the future and what if it changed hers as well.

  Briana made her way towards the bathrooms and then she saw the back door close. She walked over to it and she opened the door. No one was there. A large dumpster sat next to the door and she stepped out into the brisk November night. It was chilly as she rubbed her bare arms. She wished she had her shirt now and not just this tank top. She sighed as she stood there. He was gone. She spun around and opened the door, but her eyes got wide as green ones looked back at her. Before she could speak John grabbed her arms and pushed her hard against the cement wall as she gasped.

  “Looking for someone?” His face was incredibly close to hers as he held her arms against the wall.

  “I guess I found him.” She squeaked out as she looked at him.

  “Who, me?” He leaned in closer. “Briana is it?”

  “Yes. You know if you wanted to talk with me in private you could have just asked.” She said quickly.

  “Who are you?” He asked again as he looked at her.

  “Briana. “She began but he leaned in quicker.

  “What pack?” He snapped angrily at her and she gulped as she looked at him. “What god damn pack!” He yelled.

  “The um. The um.” She tried to remember what she said to Maria, but she couldn’t. Suddenly it came to her. “The silver pack.” She said quickly.

  “Liar.” He quickly put his hand on her neck and squeezed as she gasped. “There is no such thing as The Silver pack! So, I will ask you one more time what pack are you in!” He loosened his grip but not enough for her to breathe comfortably. She coughed and gasped for air.

  “Please.” Her words barely came out as a whisper. He pushed her hard against the wall, but he removed his hand as he held her arms again. She coughed as she tried to get her breathing unde
r control.

  “Why are you here? Who sent you? And don’t give me some bullshit line or I will gut you here and now!” He snapped at her.

  “Ok... I give in.” She said as she looked at him. She said the first thing she could think of. The only thing that sounded logical. “I’m a rogue. I have no pack.”

  He leaned back some but kept his hands on her arm. “A rogue?”

  “Yes.” Her words came out quiet and he let go of her arms now. He turned from her and ran a hand through his hair. Briana rubbed her neck as she stood there. “I promise I am not up to no good. I am just passing through.”

  “You’re on your own?” He asked as he turned and faced her. She nodded her head yes. “Why?” He asked again.

  “Why what?” She asked quickly.

  “Why are you on your own?” He was pissed, she could see that.

  “I ran away.” She lied.

  He tilted his head as he looked at her. He looked perplexed.

  “I don’t like that my life was planned out for me.” She said as she glanced at her hands and then back at him.

  “So why lie? You could have just come out and said you were a rogue. It’s not illegal unless you’re up to no good.” He said seriously.

  “Well it depends on who you run into and I don’t know you.” She began as he walked over to her and she stopped talking.

  “Ok then.” He walked to the door and looked at her. “Are you coming back inside?” He said as he opened the door and she knew she should have said no. She should have run at this point, but she didn’t. She just walked over to the door and stepped inside. He walked up to the bar and ordered more drinks.

  Briana made her way to a table and she sat down. John came over with two large draft beers. He placed one in front of her and then he sat down. She took a sip of the beer as awkward silence fell. “Where did you learn to play pool?” He finally spoke as he sipped his drink.

  “My father taught me when I was younger.” She said truthfully.” Can I ask a question?” He nodded his head yes. He looked so serious. It made her nervous. “Do you think about your future?” She couldn’t help but ask.

  “My future? All the time, doesn’t everyone?” He asked as he sipped his beer.

  “What do you see in your future?” She asked, and he looked taken back. He sipped his beer more.

  “I see the same mundane shit that made you run off.” He said seriously.

  She was a bit surprised by his answer. He always seemed like the settling down type of guy. Hell, he proposed to Ana because it was expected of him. “Do you ever want to run off?” She asked.

  He smiled some now as he drank his beer. “All the time.” He answered with a smirk. “Now finish that beer before it gets warm.” He said as he began to chug his.

  “Are you trying to get me drunk?” She couldn’t help but smirk.

  “Now why would I do that?” He raised an eyebrow but there was a playful nature behind it.

  “I don’t know, maybe to take advantage of me.” She said sarcastically.

  “I would need to get you drunk for that?” He licked his lips seductively as he looked at her. She felt her stomach tighten and she squeezed her legs together hard.

  Briana downed her beer impressively and then she put the glass on the table as she wiped her mouth. “Possibly.” She swallowed hard.

  He leaned over the table now as he looked at her. “Bullshit.” He said, and she held her breath. He downed his beer and stood up as he looked at her. “We’re leaving, now.” He said quickly, and she stood up fast. She would honestly do whatever he asked of her at the moment. She followed him outside as he handed her his jacket and she just looked at it. “Put it on, you’re going to need it.” He said as he walked over to a motorcycle, a Harley to be exact.

  She put on the jacket as she looked at him. He grabbed a helmet and handed it to her. “This is yours?” She asked in shock.

  “No, I’m stealing it.” He said as her eyes got wide. “Seriously? You believe that?” He rolled his eyes. “Get on and hold tight.” He got on the motorcycle and she quickly put the jacket as well as the helmet on. She immediately felt her body tense as she moved behind him. He started the bike and reeved it. She put her hands around his waist quick and before she could say another word, he was taking off like a bat out of hell.

  Chapter Three

  He drove until she saw signs for Coney Island. She couldn’t believe that she was actually on the back of his bike and this wasn’t even in her time. She hadn’t even known that he had lived in New York when he was younger. She didn’t put anything past him at all. She quickly forgot why she was there in the first place. He pulled off into a parking lot and she immediately noticed that lights of the park were off. It was in the middle of the night. It wasn’t even open. He got off the bike and helped her as she pulled the helmet off and shook her wild hair.

  She suddenly felt self-conscious as she stood there. She knew she had to look like shit. She had literally flown through 28 years, was thrown onto concrete and now she spent the last two hours drinking and then on the back of a motorcycle. Today was literally turning into one of the craziest days she had ever had.

  “Come on. I want to show you something.” He said as he grabbed hold of her hand and began to lead her over to the empty amusement park.

  “I’m pretty sure it’s closed.” She began as he kept walking. “There aren’t any lights on.”

  “Being closed hasn’t stopped me before.” He said as he got over to the large fence around the place and he quickly made his way over it as she watched in shock. “You’re not just going to stand there, are you?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “This is sort of illegal.” She said nervously as she stood there.

  “You’re worried about the law?” He seemed amused.

  “Aren’t you?” She said quickly. She couldn’t imagine what would happen if she was arrested here, what if she was thrown in jail for days or even years??

  “Do I look scared of anything?” He rolled his eyes and then he used his hands as he literally pulled part of the fence open as her eyes got wide. “Better? Now you don’t have to jump.” He smirked.

  “Ok so that is definitely illegal.” She said as she looked around nervously.

  “Only if you get caught.” He said as he began to walk into the park as she stood there. Was he going to leave her there? “You better hope that security isn’t on their way over.” He said as she looked around quickly and then climbed through the fence.

  “Shit, hold up!” She called out to him as she ran. “You don’t think security will come do you?” She looked around with paranoia.

  “I would be more worried about the vampires and witches.” He said as her heart began to race.

  “Seriously?” She said as she looked around quickly.

  “No! God you are just too easy to freak out.” He laughed as he kept walking and she laughed a bit nervously. This place was creepy at night and to think that they were probably the scariest things around. “Are you sure you’re a wolf?” He smirked.

  “I am.” She said quickly, and he stopped walking and looked at her.

  “Obviously, I know you are.” He rolled his eyes. God he was so damn cute. A bit reckless but hot none the less. “Come check this out.” He grabbed her hand as he began a slow jog towards what looked like a haunted house.

  “Wait, wait.” She said as she skidded to a stop and he turned and looked at her.

  “Don’t tell me you’re scared of a fun house?” He smirked.

  “I’m not a fan of them.” She said honestly.

  They always seem to have some sort of creepy clown in them and it was already pitch black out.

  “Well I am going in. I can guarantee you that if you stay out here, then going to county jail and sitting in lock up over the weekend will be worse.” He said as he began to jog over to the haunted house.

  “Damn it, hang on!” She called out as he ran inside. She tried to catch up with him but by the time she
stepped inside he was long gone. She could hear him laughing further inside and it only made the idea even scarier. It was really dark in there, but her sight was helped with her supernatural vision. “I really don’t like this.” She called out and her voice echoed as she quickly put her hand over her mouth. It sounded really loud. She walked down one corridor as she looked around with paranoia.

  She wasn’t having fun at all and then suddenly the lights and sounds came on as she let out a yelp. A hand from a doll reached out and touched her as she jumped and spun around. She was seriously having an all-out panic attack as she began to run as things jumped out at her. The sight of a clown standing off to her right made her stop as she backed up from it. “This isn’t funny anymore!” She yelled out as creepy sounds filled her head as well as creepy music. The sound of a crazy clown laughing made her decide right then and there that she was getting the hell out of this place. She spun around only to have John standing there as she let out a scream.

  He immediately muffled her scream with his mouth as he pulled her against him, and he kissed her hard. The haunting sounds surrounding them were immediately lost in the background as her mind went to his mouth. How much she had missed this. He kissed her with a hunger that had been lost over the last few months. She ran her hands through his hair as he ground himself against her. His mouth quickly pulled from hers as he pushed the jacket off her arms, and it fell to the ground. He pulled off her tee-shirt and she pulled at his. They tossed clothes left and right until his naked body was flush against hers.

  He moved her back to the wall and he lifted her up as her legs wrapped around his waist. Without warning he entered her, and she cried out. His mouth pulled from hers as he nipped and sucked against her neck until only their sounds were echoing around them. He thrusted into her until all that was left of her was sounds and words that didn’t make much sense at all.


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