HUNTED: The Midnight Series, Book Two

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HUNTED: The Midnight Series, Book Two Page 4

by Toni Goode

  The wall behind her began to crack and then it was falling backwards as they crashed with it.

  Briana let out a laugh as they tumbled, and he laughed too but then he was pulling her on top of him as his body impaled her. His hands rocked her hips until they both found their release. She collapsed against his chest as they panted heavily.

  John retrieved a hidden flask full of whiskey as they laid on the floor. He passed it over to her as she took a huge swig. She immediately began coughing as she sat up. “Oh shit, what is that? It burns.” She coughed some more.

  “Fireball whiskey. Don’t tell me you never had any?” He said in shock as he took another large swig.

  “No. Not like that. Holy cow that’s potent.” She began as she coughed. He laughed some as he took another swig and then he passed it to her as she shook her head.

  “You have to, otherwise what are you going to use to wash down the taste.” He smirked.

  “Something tells me washing fireball down with fireball is how mistakes happen.” She said but she grabbed it and took another swig. She immediately coughed as she handed it back.

  “Mistakes are fun.” He raised an eyebrow.

  “I don’t make mistakes. I make calculated decisions.” She said quickly, and he smirked at her.

  “Uh huh. That’s why you ran from your pack.” He rolled his eyes.

  “I had my reasons.” She said honestly. She couldn’t tell him why she was really there. It would sound crazy. She wondered if by being with him now was ultimately changing her future. Or maybe he was so drunk through the 90’s he wouldn’t remember anyway.

  “Let me guess, you were living life on the straight and narrow then your daddy was going to make you marry some Joe shmoo. You saw what your life was going to be. Boring and predictable. So, you ran off in search of adventure, but you really don’t want adventure. You just want to be acknowledged.” He said as he took another swig.

  Though he was somewhat off about the marrying deal, he was pretty on point considering how things had happened with Chris and then she had met John. She had wanted adventure but a safe adventure not something that could get her hurt or killed. And being acknowledged wasn’t a bad thing, was it?

  He looked at her and smiled. “Yep, admit it.”

  “You think you know me, huh?” She rolled her eyes.

  “Am I wrong?” He leaned over to her. “Maybe you’re just playing me and looking to use my body.” He bit slightly on her bottom lip and it did things to her that she couldn’t describe. He grinned as his mouth hovered over hers. “You haven’t been touched nearly enough.” He licked against her lips as he pushed her back until she was flat on the ground and he was hovering over her body.

  “Please.” She gasped against his lips that were barely touching hers and then his fingers entered her. She arched her back as she cried out.

  “I’m only getting started.” He groaned as his mouth fell on hers now.

  Meanwhile back in 2018

  Steele stood over John’s hospital bed. The accident had messed them all up bad but thankfully they were all alive. Eve was stuck with a bunch of cuts and bruises. Steele had a few broken bones, but they had already set and begun to heal even though he limped about but John. John was another story. He hadn’t woken up and the doctors couldn’t explain why. He was in the same hospital as Ana, just down the hall from her actually.

  It had been a few days since the accident and none of this made any sense not to mention that Briana was missing as well with no trace of where she went. Steele knew this wasn’t a coincidence. Something had happened to the both of them and he was going to get to the bottom of it. He knew he had to start with the witches. He didn’t trust them at all and the one they were going to visit; Selena was suddenly indisposed.

  He wasn’t on good terms with many of the local witches but there was one he remembered John talking about. Clara and so the search would begin.

  “He’s not in pain, right?” Eve snapped him from his thoughts as he looked at her.

  “No, just sleeping.” He said as he put his arm around Eve.

  “What if Bree is hurt?” Her worry was evident as he kissed her forehead.

  “We’re going to find her and we’re going to fix this.” Steele began as the sound of the hospital room door opened. They both looked as the elder Gregory came walking in. He looked shock to see them there. “Coming by to finish off the job?” Steele growled at the old man.

  “I have no ill will towards you.” Gregory began as Steele rolled his eyes. “I came to see for myself.”

  “Yeah well that is close enough.” Steele said quickly as he stepped closer to Gregory.

  “There is a full investigation going on.” Gregory continued.

  “Oh, wow a full investigation in a corrupt council. Sounds great.” He said sarcastically.

  “I know what John said was right. He warned me about this. I believe him now.” He began as Steele rolled his eyes. “I mean that. The council is barely hanging on by a thread. A war is brewing, and it puts all of us at risk.” He continued.

  “Yeah well your apology is a little too late don’t you think.” Steele said angrily.

  “I’m just trying to help Steele.” Gregory said softly.

  “Help? Your council did this. Jacob was in cahoots with Michael. Maria’s blood, her babies’ blood is all on your hands. Hell, just about all the people you have touched have either gone missing or worse.” Steele snapped at him.

  “Fair enough.” Gregory began and then he looked at Eve. “I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you yet.” He began as Steele walked in front of her.

  “Don’t talk to her. Better yet just crawl back in the hole you came from.” Steele growled at him.

  “I will make this right.” Gregory said as he backed up and then left the room.

  “So that is one of the other elders?” Eve said with wide eyes.

  “Unfortunately, so.” Steele said honestly.

  “And you basically told him to go to hell?” She said in shock.

  “I suppose I did.” He shrugged his shoulders. Eve couldn’t help but smile now as she grabbed him and stepped on her tip toes.

  “You are bad ass.” She smiled some and he kissed her. Slowly he pulled back.

  “You know we make a good team, me and you.” He smiled some.

  “I think you’re right.” She grinned. “Now, let’s find a way to get John out of that god damn coma.” She said quickly as she pulled out her phone and went to the internet tab. “So, do I just go to” She smirked some.

  “At this point it’s a start.” Steele said seriously.

  Back in 1990- In a fun house at Coney Island

  Briana laid back on the ground feeling sated and lazy. John had his hands behind his head as he laid there. He was a beautiful man. She admired his body as he laid there. “So, is this how you spend your nights?” She finally spoke as he glanced at her.

  “In fun houses?” He smirked, and she rolled her eyes. “I limit this to once a month. So, it was actually your lucky day. Not everyone gets to come here.”

  “Something tells me that you have had your fair share.” She said with a roll of her eyes even though the idea of him being with anyone else made her feel sick.

  He began to get up as he didn’t answer. It annoyed her as she watched him. Was he just some playboy who used women? His words kept going through her mind, about how she wouldn’t have liked him back in the day. “We should get out of here before this place opens.” He said nonchalantly, and she hated how she was already feeling jealous about the possibilities.

  They got dressed quick as an awkward silence fell over them. As they reached the outside he finally spoke. “So, do you have somewhere you need me to drop you off at? Somewhere you’re staying?” He asked, and, in that moment, reality was crashing back towards her. She was in a different time and she had absolutely no where to go, not to mention she had no money or anything. She stood for a moment and contemplated wh
at to do. She had no idea at all. He must have noticed her hesitancy because he spoke quick. “You can crash at my place if you want.” He handed her the helmet.

  “Nah, that’s alright. I have a place.” She lied. “You can just drop me back off by the bar.” She said as she put the helmet on. She had to of been put in that location for a reason, maybe the museum was close to it. She would pull an all-nighter if she had to.

  “Ok.” He said as he got on the bike and she got on the back of it. “Hold on tight.” He said as he revved the engine and burned rubber as he took off.

  As they drove through New York City, she couldn’t help but think of how the future would be impacted by this. She had missed this though. Being close to him like this without worries. She wondered if he even knew of Kate. The thought that he would marry her and that it would set him down a certain path made her feel ill. Maybe he needed to go down that path? Maybe if she messed with that then her life would change as well. The uncertainty was overwhelming and then there was this book she was supposed to find. But then what? She had no idea how she was supposed to get back to her own time. She thought of the witch Clara, maybe she should look for her. She seemed nice enough back in her time. Maybe she could help her now. She was so distracted with her thoughts that when she finally snapped back to reality, he had stopped the bike in front of a large apartment building.

  She looked around quick. There wasn’t a bar here. “Where are we?” She said with confusion as she took off the helmet and he looked at her.

  “My place. I can bring you back in the morning. It’s too late now.” He said quickly as he began to walk up to the door.

  “Are you sure? I mean you don’t have to.” She said as he looked at her and held the front door open for her.

  “Stop thinking so much and come inside.” He said as he began to walk up a flight of stairs. Five flights later they got to an apartment door.

  “You live in the city?” She said with shock. She had assumed he was just staying there like Maria and Michael were.

  “Sometimes. I have a lot of places.” He unlocked the door and stepped inside. She was shocked to see it was just like a regular apartment. Nothing fancy, just the basics. “So, this is it.” He began as she looked around.

  “Ok, um I can sleep on the couch.” She said as she looked at it and walked over to it.

  “Or you can sleep in my bed. I mean we are two consenting adults, right?” He seemed perplexed and she felt embarrassment wash over her as she stood there.

  “Yeah, that’s fine. I mean, either way is fine.” She tried to be nonchalant and he just rolled his eyes as he began to lead her down the hallway.

  “That’s the bathroom, guest room and here’s my room.” He said as they walked down the hall and he pointed to other doors.

  “What exactly do you do for a living?” She couldn’t help but ask. She really didn’t even know that much about him and his life.

  “A little bit of this and that.” He smirked some as he turned his bedroom light on. Again, it was nothing too extreme. A bed, a dresser and a lamp. A bachelor pad is what it was.

  “Oh, so you’re a man of mystery.” She said playfully, and he grinned.

  “If I told you then I would have to kill you.” He joked as he began to strip out of his clothes as she just stood there and watched. He had numerous tattoos over his body. He literally looked like he could be on the cover of a magazine. He ran a hand through his hair as he got completely naked. “Are you going to join me or just stand there?” He laughed some and then walked into the bathroom. He didn’t need to ask her twice as she quickly got undressed and joined him in the shower.

  Her body was physically sore as she laid in his bed and he slept soundly next to her. She couldn’t stop looking at him. It was John but then it wasn’t. It was an odd feeling to be this close to him but to not hear his thoughts. He snored when he slept, and she actually missed that. Back in her time he would snore so loud sometimes that it would keep her awake but now all it did was bring back memories. She felt so god damn sad laying there. To him she was just another random girl. She knew that and part of her hated that she had slept with him. She had let him distract her and if this continued then how the hell would she get back? What if she never did?

  She couldn’t help herself as she scooted closer to him and she slowly put her head on his chest. He moved some when she did that. She almost expected him to push her off but instead his hand came around as he pulled her closer against him. He was still in a deep sleep, she could tell. Being this close to him made her feel at home even if it wasn’t entirely real. She finally fell asleep like that.

  She awoke to the sound of loud knocking. It stirred him too as he moved some. The knocking continued, and she sat up now as she rubbed her tired eyes. He sat up too. He grabbed his clock and looked at it as he mumbled something before, he got out of the bed. “Ok ok I’m coming, settle down!” He yelled out with annoyance as he threw on a pair of jeans.

  Briana quickly began to look for her clothes. She could hear a female’s voice, a mad female. She began to get dressed quickly but not quick enough for the bedroom door to fly open as she pulled up her jeans.

  “Really John? Un real!” The red headed woman snapped angrily as she looked at Briana. Briana immediately recognized her from the wedding picture, it was Kate.

  “Jesus, come on. It’s not what it looks like.” John ran a hand through his hair and Briana wanted to die. Was she officially the other woman?

  “You know what, I’m not doing this right now. Hope you had fun with your whore!” Kate yelled angrily as she spun from the door.

  “Hey!” Briana called out, but Kate was in the living room yelling at John as he gave the worst explanations ever. Briana had never felt so stupid in her life. She should have known. She wanted to throw up. The front door slammed shut. Briana jumped as she stood there then she grabbed her boots and began to get them on.

  John came back in the room mumbling and cursing. He stormed into the bathroom, slamming the door as Briana jumped again. “God damn it. This shit just gets better and better!” He began to yell as Briana finished getting her boots on and then she quickly got to the front door. She looked around and then she stepped out into the hallway. She wanted to scream. Hell, she wanted to cry but instead she quickly got out of the building. Five stories were a long ass walk and too much time for her to think as she made her way down. She hated that she allowed herself to sleep with him. She knew better, she did and frankly now she almost felt like she cheated on John even though she slept with him. It felt wrong. She got outside, and she rubbed her arms as the cool air hit them.

  She had no idea where she was. She had no money on her. The fact that the internet was not available to her so that she could access her bank or even see where she was, it was frustrating. She felt lost. She began to walk, eventually she would find something, right?

  “Hey! Hold up!” She heard John and she just kept walking. Seriously she did not want to see him. “I said wait!” He called out again, but she ignored him. “Hey, do you not hear me?” He called out as he got up to her and his hand went on her arm.

  Briana spun around with anger. “Oh, I heard you. “She snapped as he sighed.

  He was shirtless and barefoot as he stood there in just his jeans that fit him oh to well. She hated that her body melted at the sight of his, but she pushed that feeling away as she rolled her eyes. “Listen I got places to go and things to do.”

  “So that’s it, you’re just pissed now?” He said looking shocked.

  “You’re kidding, right? Like you have a girlfriend! I just can’t with you.” She spun from him.

  “Ok fine. Maybe I do.” He finally said as she couldn’t help but face him.

  “And you think that is ok?” She said with wide eyes. Was he for real?

  “Hey, listen you’re the one who came onto me.” He said smugly as she gasped in shock.

  “Oh my god, really? So now it’s all me? Wow you’re an ass!” Sh
e spun from him.

  “Would it have changed anything if I told you I was seeing someone?” He called out. She couldn’t help but turn to face him.

  “Are you even listening to yourself! You have a girlfriend. That’s a big piece of information that you left out.” She snapped at him.

  “Listen you know how these things go. It’s all arranged practically at birth. No one asked me what I wanted.” He said angrily now as he began to walk over to her. “So just because someone tells me I have to be with a certain person, doesn’t mean I am just supposed to be cool with that because it’s the way it should be?” He got up to her.

  “So, are you supposed to marry her? That’s kind of a deal breaker don’t you think!” She yelled.

  “Oh, I’m not planning on getting married any time soon. They might try to plan out my life, but they can’t drag me to the alter. You of all people should sympathize with that. That’s why you left your pack, right?” He lowered his voice now.

  “It still doesn’t make this right. I am not being the other woman. God, I can’t believe I even said that!” She was disgusted with herself as she spun around from him, but he grabbed her arm and spun her back as he pulled her close. His mouth inches from hers.

  “You can’t deny what happened last night. I don’t know why but there is just something about you. It’s like I have known you before. I know you felt it too. Hell, you feel it now.” He said as his mouth collapsed against hers in a heated kiss. She lost herself in that kiss. She couldn’t deny him. This was all so freaking messed up! The kiss deepened and for a moment she forgot they were on the street but a car beeping its horn made them pull apart. “Tell me that you felt nothing with that?” He said with a heavy breath,

  “It doesn’t matter. This is wrong.” She began to say but he cut her off.

  “Like hell it is.” He kissed her again but this time she pushed against his chest as the kiss broke off. “Maybe we were meant to meet.” He said, and she rolled her eyes.


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