HUNTED: The Midnight Series, Book Two

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HUNTED: The Midnight Series, Book Two Page 5

by Toni Goode

  “Yeah in another time.” She said dryly as she slowly turned from him. “You need to find Kate and you need to make things right.” She said quickly as she began to walk away.

  “You know it’s still my life. My choices!” He called out, but she kept walking. Tears now filling her eyes. “How did you know her name?” He continued to call out, but she didn’t respond as she picked up the pace.

  Briana had no idea where she was going but at the moment, she knew she needed to get some distance between them. Her head was too cloudy. Things were too damn confusing, and she had enough on her plate as it was. He didn’t follow her as she rounded a corner and continued to walk as tears rolled down her cheeks.

  Briana walked until her legs got tired. She really had no idea where she was, but it was definitely the city. She had no idea what part though. She saw a large church on the corner, and she walked over to it and went inside. Mainly because she needed to get off her feet but also because the dilemma she was currently going through. She sat on one of the pews. She was never really overly religious. She could count the times she had gone to church on one hand, including this trip.

  She sat there staring at her hands. What was she going to do? She had nothing to go on. She hated that the witch had sent her there. If Selena wanted the book so bad, then why didn’t she go and get it herself!

  Briana closed her eyes. Her thoughts running wild. John? John can you hear me? I really need you now. I can’t do this alone. Tears began to fall down her cheeks as she sat there.

  “Miss are you ok?” She heard a man’s voice ask and she opened her bloodshot eyes as she saw a priest standing there.

  “No, I’m not.” She said honestly as the tears began to fall more freely. “I’m sorry I’m just having a faithless day.”

  “I know a thing or two about faith.” The priest continued as she wiped her eyes. “You know sometimes the things we want in life are not the things we need. We get so caught up in wanting something that we are blinded by it.” He said softly. “Do you mind if I sit?” He asked, and she just nodded her head as she sniffled. She couldn’t believe she was sitting there crying to a priest. She knew that if Eve saw her do this, she would never let her live it down. Thinking about Eve made her even sadder as the tears continued.

  “I just feel so lost. I love someone that I shouldn’t. I mean I should but it’s not the right time and I think I really messed up.” She continued to wipe her eyes. He handed her a tissue.

  “Everything we do leads up to the life we are living. I know you said you feel faithless but what you don’t understand is that god has enough faith in you. So even when you feel low, god is there to push you in the right direction. Sometimes you just need to look outside the box to see clearly.” He continued.

  Maybe what he was saying made some kind of sense. Maybe she just needed to focus on what she had to do and then everything would fall into place. “Thank you.” She said to the priest as he smiled and stood up.

  “Anytime.” He said as he walked away, and she stood now too.

  She just needed to focus and work on her mission. Right now, her mission was to find food and then the book. She walked out of the door and her eyes went to a sign that was stapled to a telephone phone. The words MUSEUM was in bold print. She walked over to it and read what it said. ‘Grand opening of the ancient works department on November 19th... Come check out some of the oldest relics known to man, including books dated 200 BC and older.’

  Briana read the sign and then pulled it from the pole. It had an address on it. What would the chances be that she would find her museum on the first shot? She sighed though because it was two days away now. Two days seemed like an eternity especially when she had no idea how she was going to eat and sleep for the next two days. She shoved the paper in her back pocket. It was pretty freaking cold. She rubbed her arms as she walked down the street. All she needed was a little faith, she just had to find it.

  Chapter Four

  Briana walked up the road and the smell of food filled the street. There was a bakery on the corner and pizzeria across the street. Everyone was waking up and she was just walking. She glanced at the window of the bakery. God she was starving. She almost felt like she may have to get in her wolf form and hunt her own food. Then the idea hit her. She was a damn wolf; she could get her own food! Not that she liked the taste of raw meat but in her wolf form she loved it, but she didn’t know where to go. It’s not like the city had a place for her to hunt. She looked around and then saw how tall the building was in front of her. If she could get on the roof, then she could have a better look at what was around.

  She quickly walked down the alley as she looked for stairs to pull down and then she saw them at the end of the building. She began to run towards it but as she got close a guy stepped out from the side of the dumpster. He was huge, and he was definitely a wolf. He looked her up and down as he inhaled deep. He smiled wickedly at her and she huffed. So, this is how it was going to be? She was going to have to fight this wolf.

  “Hey there.” She decided on the friendly route for now.

  “Hey yourself.” He walked slowly over to her. “You’re new here.” He continued.

  “Yep just passing through and not looking for trouble.” She said as he got in front of her and looked her up and down again. “Really? You’re going to do this right now?” She sighed. She was tired and hungry. She wasn’t in the mood to fight, but she would if she had to.

  “Who said anything about fighting?” He grinned as his apparent erection was seen through his pants. She glanced at it and rolled her eyes. “Oh, I wouldn’t be so quick to pass this up.”

  “No thanks not interested but thanks.” She said sarcastically as she went to walk past him, but he moved in her way. “Listen I have had one hell of a day and frankly I’m not in the mood. So, either get the hell out of my way or I will make you.” She warned him.

  He smiled big as he looked at her. “Bring it on bitch but either way I am getting my way.”

  Briana sighed heavily as she cracked her knuckles on her hands as she stood there. He smiled bigger and she moved in front of him, inches to be exact. As soon as he went to say something, she grabbed his junk between his legs, and she twisted it hard.

  “You stupid bitch!” He yelled out in pain and then he grabbed her hair hard. She yelled out and used her other hand to hit him under his chin with her fist. He wobbled backwards, and she lost her grip on his junk. She quickly spun herself around and kicked at him, but he grabbed her leg in a surprising move as he spun her body. She crash landed on the ground hard as her knee got twisted and she yelled out in anger.

  The large man was on top of her as he pinned her arms down. He was sitting on her chest and it was hard to breathe as she desperately tried to get him off her. He used his head as a weapon as he slammed it hard against hers. She saw stars as her head rocked against the hard ground. She couldn’t believe that he was beating her! He laughed as she tried to see straight. He was grabbing at her tank top as he let go of one hand and she scratched him hard across the face. The next thing he did was slap her across the face hard. She tasted blood and her lip began to swell.

  He grabbed her face and slammed her head down again. Everything went black for a moment as the impact rattled her brain and then she heard him laughing. He shoved her legs apart roughly and he began to grab at her jeans. She could barely move at the moment. Her head was too foggy but then she saw something. It was sort of like a blur of movement and then the guy on top of her let out a sound as his head was violently spun around. His neck breaking instantly as he fell to the side of her.

  She saw green eyes. It was him. John. All she remembered before she passed out was being picked up.

  Briana woke up to a bright light in her face and it took her a moment to realize that Michael was standing over with a pen light in his hand as he looked at her eyes. “Oh, good you’re awake.” He said as she blinked some and then tried to sit up. “I wouldn’t jump up at the mome
nt. Your body is healing but you need more time. I fixed your knee, but you have quite the lump on your head.” He said as he stepped back some and she saw Maria standing there as well as John. Michael turned to John. “I gave her a shot of steroids which should help.”

  “You feeling ok?” Maria asked with concern as Briana laid there.

  “Yeah, I mean considering.” Briana said quickly as she kept looking at John. He had saved her yet again. She was starting to feel like one huge pity case.

  “Well you’re going to take it easy today. I am glad John got there when he did.” She said honestly as the guys moved across the room to talk more. She couldn’t hear them though. “We’re in town for one more day and Michael made us a reservation to a swanky restaurant in Manhattan later.” She smiled big. “And of course, we want you to come.” She added as Briana sat up now. Her head hurt something awful. She immediately noticed that she was wearing one of John’s tee-shirts.

  “Yeah I don’t want to impose.” She said quickly as Maria shook her head.

  “You’re going. I’m always stuck alone with the guys. It’s nice to have another girl to chat with.” She smiled big.

  Briana looked over at the guys and then at Maria. “I don’t even have anything to wear.” She said quickly. She wasn’t about to go to a swanky restaurant in a dirty t-shirt and jeans. The guys stopped talking as Michael walked back over.

  “I expect a full recovery.” He smirked, and she smiled nervously. She still couldn’t believe that in twenty-eight years he was going to kill his wife Maria and attempt to kill the rest of them. She felt sick looking at him. He looked so normal. She swallowed hard.

  “Me and Briana are going to go shopping for a dress for tonight.” Maria grinned big.

  John looked surprised as he raised an eyebrow at her. “Oh no, I can’t. I got things to do and.” She began to ramble.

  “Like getting yourself jumped in an alley again?” John said a bit sarcastically.

  “I wasn’t trying to get myself jumped. I was holding my own before you came.” Briana said quickly as she sat up more. Her head was starting to feel better.

  “I’m going to get you a drink. Michael come with me.” Maria said quickly as Michael stood there for a moment and then he quickly left the room as John stood there.

  “No, you actually almost got yourself raped. I mean what were you thinking. There is reckless and then there is stupid.” He began as Briana kicked her feet off the bed angrily as she went to stand but she wobbled some as he walked over to steady her.

  “I really don’t need your help, ok.” She was angry with him still even though he had saved her. He just made her so mad!

  “You’re still upset about earlier?” He shook his head some.

  “You don’t get it do you? God why are you so dense!” She huffed as she looked around the room. She was back in his bedroom. This was the last place she wanted to go back to. “I got to go.” She went to walk past him as she limped some.

  “You know you could stop being so thick in the head.” He snapped as she spun and faced him. She winced as her knee hurt and he went to steady her again and she jumped backwards.

  “Damn it just stop, ok. “She huffed. “I don’t need your saving or your help. You killed that guy, didn’t you?” She said as she looked at him.

  “Yeah and? He deserved it.” He began as she rolled her eyes. “You know a simple thank you would suffice. “He said sarcastically.

  “Thanks, now please get out of my way.” She said with annoyance. He stepped closer and she backed up. “I don’t think you get what I am trying to say. Should I slow it down for you?” She was getting mad now.

  “Listen you got some issues, I got it.” He began.

  Briana huffed loudly. “And so, do you. Seriously don’t you have like a girlfriend to try and win back.”

  “Wow the thought of Kate really bothers you?” He smirked.

  “It doesn’t bother me like that. You need to get your life in order for real.” She said as she began to walk across the room, but he quickly got in front of her.

  “Fine I will leave you alone but only on one condition?” He said as he stared at her. “You go with us to dinner tonight.” He raised an eyebrow. She hated how adorable he looked. She forced herself not to smile.

  “Why?” She asked as she put her hands on her hips. “So, you can feel like you have two girls fighting over you, no thanks.” She said as she went to walk past him, but he moved in front of her again as she huffed. “Listen the past twenty-four hours have been rough.” She said honestly.

  “Define rough?” He smirked.

  “Really? A sex joke?” She rolled her eyes.

  “Admit it, you like me.” He stepped closer to her and she backed up some. “I make you feel alive, I know I do.” He kept inching his way towards her as she continued to back up.

  “Wow, you think very high of yourself. Delusional too.” She rolled her eyes as she backed up more but then her back was hitting the wall and he was right in front of her. There was nowhere to go. She swallowed hard.

  “Delusional, huh? Is it delusional to think that you want me to have my way with you until you can’t see straight?” He kept his voice low, seductive almost as his hands went to either side of her. They rested on the wall by her head as he leaned his face close to hers. “What’s wrong with a little bit of fun. Isn’t life a bit too serious anyways?”

  “You have a girlfriend.” She said again but her voice was just above a whisper.

  “I have a minor inconvenience in a complicated world.” He smiled.

  “You have issues.” Was all she said as he stood pressed against her now. She could barely concentrate.

  “My only issue is that I want you so bad right now, and you keep denying this. Why?” He licked his lips and she couldn’t help but look at his tongue. She wanted that tongue all over her body. Damn it, he was winning! He leaned into her ear and whispered. “Tell me to piss off and I will.” He nipped at her ear lobe and she felt her body turning to mush as she stood there. “I will let you in on a little secret.” He said as he ran his tongue up her neck and he bit her ear lobe again as she shuddered some. Her heart racing so hard that she felt weak standing there. “You do something to me Briana. I can’t stop thinking about you and I think you feel the same way. Don’t you Briana. Say it. Say you want me too.” He whispered seductively in her ear. He was good, He was damn good! Before she could speak, the bedroom door opened as Maria stood there.

  “I hate to break up whatever your both working on. Time is wasting Briana. We have to go if we’re going to find a dress.” Maria smiled as John moved back from Briana. His erection was apparent as he stood there, and Maria averted her eyes.

  “Sure, dresses. Let’s go do that.” Briana tried to regain her barring’s as she walked past him. John reached out and touched her arm for a moment and then he let his hand drop to the side as she walked past him. She gladly left with Maria now, she seriously needed distance from John!

  Maria wasn’t kidding when she saw they were going to look at dresses. Briana was sure that they had looked at fifty of them already. Maria was sure to let her know that she was buying the dress for her. When she tried to argue about it, Maria argued more. She decided to let it go for now. She would get the damn dress, but she was happier for the sandwiches they ate for lunch more than anything. She had so many times that she wanted to tell Maria to leave Michael. She really felt like she was carrying around a huge secret and she technically was.

  By the tenth store, Briana had finally found a dark red cocktail dress. It was silky and long with a slit up the right side that exposed her muscular thigh. The front dipped low, showing off her cleavage. It was a beautiful form fitting dress and she hated to admit that she was going to wear it for the soul purpose of driving John crazy with lust. It was wrong, so wrong. She knew this, but she could barely help herself.

  “That dress is super-hot. John is going to freak out.” Maria grinned big as she stood in her own d
ark blue dress that showed off her curves.

  “I’m not wearing it for John, and you look amazing by the way.” Briana added quickly as both girls looked at themselves in the mirror.

  “I have never seen him look at anyone like he looks at you and that is huge considering this is John we’re talking about.” Maria said as he looked at Briana.

  “I know he has a girlfriend.” Briana said quickly.

  “You mean Kate? I would hardly consider her a girlfriend. I mean yeah they were practically arranged to be together since birth, but things could change.” Maria said with a raised eyebrow.

  “John is too much of a free spirit for me. He is reckless, irresponsible not to mention he has a huge ego.” Briana said quickly as Maria laughed some.

  “He’s an Alpha by nature, that just who they are. You know that. I mean how many Alpha’s have you been around? They are all the same just a different name.” Maria said honestly.

  Briana knew she had a point but still John was set to marry Kate. Maybe not now, but in eight years he would. He would be overly happy about it. She knew that Kate was the person who changed him into the man that Briana loved. Kate forced him to grow up. Briana stared at her hands as she stood there. Reality crashing back at her as Maria looked at her.

  “John is complicated and arrogant.” Maria began. “But he also has a huge heart.”

  “I just don’t think I should get involved. I’m not staying in town long.” Briana began as she thought about home and if she would ever get back there.

  “You say that now.” Maria smirked. “I like you Briana. You could be good for him. You’re strong. He needs someone as strong as him.” She said honestly. “Let’s get out of these dresses and get our hair done. Tonight, is going to be great. The restaurant is amazing, and you will love it.” She added as the girls quickly got out of the dresses and headed out to get their hair done.

  It was like a real girl’s day out. By the time they were heading back to John’s apartment Briana was finally feeling better. The lump on her head had gone down significantly and her knee was as good as new. She hated to admit that she kind of looked forward to this night out. It was a good distraction and one she desperately needed. Reality was always lurking though, and she tried to tell herself not to think of it tonight. Tonight, she would just enjoy her night out.


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