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HUNTED: The Midnight Series, Book Two

Page 12

by Toni Goode

  Briana felt sick as her stomach cramped. She cried out as her eyes shot open. She went to sit up, but she couldn’t move. She was strapped down again, fear raced through her as she yelled out, but this time Clara came rushing into the room.

  “Hey it’s ok Briana. We had to strap you down for your own good.” She said softly.

  “Where am I? What’s happening?” Briana began to panic. Images of blood and gore filled her mind. She began to fight against the straps.

  “Hey, calm down Briana. You’re going to hurt yourself.” John said as he came over by Clara as they both looked at her.

  “Oh my god, what did I do?” Fear filled Briana’s head as the images continued. She had hurt so many people. She had their screams in her head.

  “We’re not going to worry about anything right now.” Clara said quietly. “We just need to get your vitals under control.” She added as Briana looked at the machines she was hooked up to.

  “Oh god. I. I did things. I hurt those people.” Briana began to cry as she laid there.

  “Do you remember anything before you went into full bloodlust mode?” John asked as she shook her head no and then her eyes got wide.

  “Yes, there was a man, the one from the museum. Trevor. He had me strapped to a table and he injected me with something. Oh my god did I kill anyone?” Briana said as the tears fell freely. John looked at Clara and then walked away.

  “You caused some destruction, but no one is dead, yet.” Clara said honestly as Briana cried heavier now. What had she done? “Are you sure it was Trevor? I need you to remain calm Briana, I can’t let you shift.” She said seriously.

  “It was him. He was rambling on about the end of the world. “Briana cried. “You need to kill me; you need to kill me before it happens again.” She cried hysterically.

  “No one is killing anyone. I’m going to give you something to calm you down.” Clara said as she walked across the room.

  “No please don’t. I’m ok. I won’t lose control again.” Briana pleaded with her as John came walking back over.

  “We need to keep you calm until we can figure out what he did.” John said as he looked at Clara now. “I’m going to hunt down some information and do damage control.” He said to Clara and then he looked at Briana once more before leaving the room.

  “What’s wrong with me?” Briana said with tears as she looked at Clara.

  “I don’t know but were going to find out and were going to make this right.” Clara said softly. “This will sting a bit.” She added as she injected something into the IV in Briana’s arm and then everything got foggy before it turned black.

  Clara came out of the room as Patti stood in the hallway. “How bad is it?” Patti asked.

  “It’s bad, she has a virus in her blood and its slowly killing her. Have we heard anything from Mark?” Clara said with worry.

  “Last I heard he had obtained the devils claw and was heading back here but it could be another twenty-four hours before he arrives.” Patti said seriously. “Can we do a blood transfusion?”

  “I can’t even guarantee that will work. Plus, the amount of time that would take. “Clara shook her head. “The jump back into her time should kill the virus but if we don’t get her back there soon, she will be too weak to even make the leap back.” Clara said seriously.

  John came back as the women looked at him. Clara walked over to him. “Is she up?” He asked quickly. The news stations had begun airing news about the attacks. People were on edge and in full defense mode. The years they had tried to keep their identities unknown had all started to crash down. The mortals now knew that there was something other than them out there. The council was on edge and John had a meeting with them in the morning to discuss how they would all move forward and to top it off Briana was fighting for her life.

  “No, she is peacefully sleeping. John this isn’t good. Her body is shutting down.” Clara said with worry. He had no idea about Briana’s true identity, and it had to stay that way. If John knew that she was from the future, then it could mess up things more than they already were. Part of her wanted to tell him, so he had a chance to make amends with her in case she did die but there was just so much at risk. She could tell he cared about her deeply, it was apparent in his face even if he didn’t admit it.

  “All of Trevor’s stuff is gone. He has left to god knows where. The council is chomping at the bit. This is too much.” John said seriously as he ran a hand through his hair. “I mean I don’t get it, why does he even care? So, he injects her with a virus that makes her go into a blood lust spree and then he just takes off? For what? There has got to be more to this.”

  “I think he wanted the truth out and well; the truth is out now.” Patti said seriously. “Were all at risk, every single one of us. The mortals are gun crazy and they have nuclear bombs at their disposal. This could change the world as we know it.” She said seriously.

  “Great another civil war!” John huffed as he began to pace. “Right before the truce when we were all killing one another we had to go underground. I won’t do that again.” John said seriously. He had lived through one supernatural war; he wasn’t about to live through another one.

  “I need you to focus on the council and do what you need to before all hell breaks loose.” Clara said seriously. “She isn’t going anywhere. She is in good hands.” She said softly towards him.

  “Ok, I will be back tomorrow.” He said as the women watched him leave.

  “Sending her back will break him.” Patti said softly.

  “It’s the only choice we have.” Clara said honestly as they both walked back into the room and looked at Briana laying on the bed.


  Briana awoke to the sound of machines beeping next to her. She felt weak and out of it as she began to flutter her eyes. The sound of familiar voices around her as she opened her eyes and tried to focus. Everything was blurry, and her mind was clouded. Where was she?

  “Honey, sweetheart. It’s mom. You’re ok.” She heard her mother’s voice and then she saw her standing there with tears in her eyes. “Oh, honey you’re going to be ok.” Her mother leaned down and hugged her as Briana laid there. Her mind swirling with broken images and lost memories.

  “Now save some of them hugs for her old pop.” Her father said as he smiled at her and hugged her too. “We missed you pumpkin, we’re glad you’re back.” He said softly, and she couldn’t remember the last time her father had looked that worried. Honestly, both of her parents looked like they hadn’t slept in days.

  She glanced around the room. She was in a hospital bed, but why? She tried to remember but her memories were clouded and just out of reach. “How are you feeling kiddo?” The doctor walked over to her and she stared in confusion. “I’m going to check your eyes; can you see ok?” He asked, and she nodded her head yes. “Do you know where you are?” He asked, and she nodded her head once more. “So, you’re in the hospital, do you remember why?” He asked as he checked her vitals.

  “She’s been through enough; do we really need to rehash all of this doctor.” Her mother said with concern.

  “I just need to see where Briana is at. Do you understand that Briana? Can you tell me why you’re here?” He asked softly as he looked at her.

  “I. I don’t remember.” She began to shake her head.

  “That’s ok, sometimes the old noggin needs more time. Do you know what year this is?” He asked, and she almost wanted to laugh at him. Like seriously she knew what year it was. Didn’t she? She tried to think but she didn’t know. Fear began to wash over her, how is it that she didn’t know what year it was? “That’s ok, it will come back in time. It’s 2016.” He said softly. “You had a little accident and you hit your head pretty hard. You’ve been in a coma for a week.” He said softly as her eyes got wide. “There is no need to be scared. You’re with family and you’re ok.” He smiled as he looked at her parents. “I would like to keep
her overnight just to make sure everything is fine and then you can take her home.” He patted her father on the back.

  “Thank you so much doctor.” Her mother said with a smile and then she came and sat on the edge of Briana’s bed. “Everything is going to be ok honey, I promise.” She held onto Briana’s hand as they sat there.

  Briana continued to look around the room. This all felt very weird, almost wrong. Was she going crazy? She remembered none of this. She remembered her parents, but the rest was a blur. How could she have forgotten a chunk of her life?

  She felt so tired. She never remembered feeling this tired. She had slept on and off in that hospital bed until the following day. Her mother had stayed by her side almost the entire time. She kept rambling on about how lucky they were all too have her back. No one would tell her what happened. Was it a car accident? A fall?

  Briana slowly got dressed. She felt so weak. She finally stood when she got her sneakers on and she was shocked at how wobblily her legs were. Her hospital door opened in a hurry as she quickly looked. Her best friend Eve stood in the doorway. “Oh my god Bree. I came as soon as I heard.” Eve ran over to her and hugged her tight, Briana groaned a bit in pain. She felt so damn fragile. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be so rough.” Eve said with a smile. “You look good, you feel ok?”

  “Confused and tired.” Briana said honestly.

  “But you’re ok and that’s all that matters.” Eve said softly as Briana’s father came in the room with a wheelchair. “I see your driver has arrived.” She smirked some as Briana smiled nervously.

  “I know you don’t like it, but they won’t let you leave here any other way.” Her father said with a grin.

  “You get to go home Bree; this is so exciting.” Eve said as she walked with Briana to the chair. She reluctantly sat down. “Can I come by later?”

  “Ok.” Briana said with a shrug of her shoulders.

  “Ok let’s get you home.” Her father smiled, and Briana wondered where home was because as of right now none of this made any damn sense.

  Briana stared out the window as she sat in the backseat of her parent’s car. Where was home? She couldn’t even remember if she lived on her own, she had to, right? How old was she? It was 2016 and she was born in 1993, so she was 23 and yet it was all a blur of confusion.

  “I bet you can’t wait to get in your own bed.” Her mother said as she smiled back at her.

  “Do I live with you?” Briana finally asked as her parents looked at one another then looked at her.

  “Your apartment was lost in the fire.” Her mother said softly as Briana’s eyes got wide.

  “Victoria you’re scaring her. The doc said to go slow.” Her father said with a shake of his head.

  “A fire?” Briana said with wide eyes. She didn’t remember a fire, had she been in one? Had that been the accident? She started to feel Claustrophobic in the backseat of that car as she breathed heavy.

  “I’m sorry sweetheart, I didn’t mean to upset you.” Her mother said softly.

  “I just need some air; can we stop the car please.” Briana breathed heavy. “Can you stop the god damn car!” She finally yelled out and her father slammed on the brakes as he turned back and looked at her. “I’m sorry I just need some air.” She said as she got out of the car and stood on the sidewalk.

  She could hear her parents whispering about her. Was she going crazy? How come none of this felt right? A car drove by blasting music, Bon Jovi to be exact as she whipped her head around. For a moment something about that song seemed like a memory but it didn’t make sense. She didn’t listen to Bon Jovi. She looked around at the small town in front of her. Some of this seemed familiar and some didn’t. She took a deep slow breath as she stood there. “Just breath, focus on your breathing.” She heard a man’s voice and she spun around, expecting to see someone but no one was there. She looked back at her parent’s car; her mom was staring at her with sad eyes through the window. She walked back to the car and got in.

  “You ok pumpkin?” Her father asked with concern.

  “Yeah I’m ok. I’m just tired.” She said as he continued to drive.

  When Briana got to her parents’ house it all felt familiar thankfully though she still didn’t understand what happened with the fire. She didn’t remember anything, plus she had been in a coma for a week. She was overwhelmed with emotions.

  “All of your blankets are washed and cleaned.” Her mother began with a smile that quickly got filled with tears as she hugged Briana again. “I am just so happy that you’re here. I thought I lost you.” Her mother sobbed softly against her as Briana hugged her. Her mother pulled back and wiped her eyes. “How about you get situated up here and I will get some coffee ready ok?”

  “Sure, thanks mom.” Briana said softly as her mom left the bedroom and she walked over to the dresser and picked up the picture that was there. It was a family portrait from when she was younger. She put it down and walked over to the desk across the room. A laptop was there, and she opened the top, her screen saver popped up. It was her and Eve being goofy, she smiled. At least she remembered that. She moved over to the wall that had a mirror and she looked at herself. There was one long patch of white hair in the front of her hair. It was a crazy contrast to the red. She twirled it in her fingers. She walked over to her bed and sat on it as she looked around. This was her home now.

  Chapter Ten

  Days had gone by as Briana tried to adjust back to her life, but it was hard to do when she didn’t quite remember what her life was. Her parents were still being overbearing and cautious with her. It was stressful to say the least. There were small things she remembered like school. She was going to school for forensics and her job at the bar. She remembered those things, but it was smaller details that seemed off. She felt stronger now and she had convinced her parents to let her go back to school. She needed the distraction. They were reluctant but ultimately, they couldn’t hold her back.

  She had overheard them fighting the day before about her. She hated that her parents were arguing and going to bed angry with one another because of her. Eve had also come by the day after she was back, and it was nice to have a friendly face around. They talked about boys and music. Eve was getting ready to take her boards for nursing and she was excited to finally become an RN. She already had a job lined up with the local hospital. They had kept the conversation light and fun, but Briana had finally asked her about the accident and the fire. Eve seemed uncomfortable talking about it.

  “Please tell me, you don’t know what it’s like to not remember certain things. I feel like I am going crazy sometimes.” Briana said seriously.

  “Listen you’re lucky you don’t remember Bree. It was horrible and a freak accident. I mean one minute your home relaxing on the couch and the next the apartment exploded. I don’t like thinking about it, Bree. We thought you were dead; I mean technically you were for a few minutes and then there was all these blood transfusions. You smacked your head hard, if it wasn’t for your neighbor Chris then I don’t even want to think about it.” Eve said with emotion in her voice.

  “An explosion and Chris?” Briana shook her head as strange images came to her mind. They were fleeting and mixed. Chris, did she know him?

  “Yeah he was coming home when it happened. He ran in and got you. He did CPR on you until the ambulance came.” Eve said seriously.

  “Wow, and the explosion. How did that happen?” Briana asked.

  “No one really knows, the fire department said a leaky gas line possibly. It’s just one of those freak accidents that no one can explain.” Eve said with a shrug of her shoulders. “But you’re here and you’re not all the way there but then again not much has changed.” Eve smirked as she lightened the mood.

  “Oh, so that’s how it is.” Briana rolled her eyes as she tossed a pillow at Eve.

  “I wish I could use amnesia to forget the awful date I had the other night with the EMT Scott.” Eve laughed some.

So, is that what I have, amnesia? Does that mean that I will eventually remember everything?” Briana asked seriously.

  “Well let’s not get ahead of ourselves Bree, it’s not like you had the most adventurous life. I mean hell you haven’t even left Pennsylvania or even this town.” Eve laughed some.

  “Real funny.” Briana rolled her eyes as flashes of bright city lights and traffic filled streets came to her mind. Eve must have noticed because she touched Briana’s arm.

  “Hey, you ok. It looked like I lost you there for a moment.” Eve said with worry.

  “Yeah I’m fine. Just a lot to digest.” Briana said honestly.

  “You know you almost dated Chris back in high school, do you remember that?” Eve asked, and Briana shook her head no. “That’s probably for the best, he was super awkward then but not anymore.” Eve smirked.

  Today was going to be Briana’s first day back to school and she planned on stopping by the bar as well to see if she could still have her job. She would need her own place eventually, not that she minded her parents place but with their constant bickering now, she knew it was time for her to go.

  Briana found it odd that she remembered where her classrooms were at the local college in town, but she couldn’t remember things like her old neighbor Chris who had rescued her. She wanted to thank him. If it wasn’t for him, she wouldn’t be alive.

  Class went on as usual and her teachers didn’t make much of a scene about her being back in class. Some of her classmates were shocked to see her and they had a million question for which she had no answers.


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