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Damage Assessment: A Career Soldier Military Romance

Page 9

by Tawdra Kandle

  “You’re close to your folks, huh?” Derek’s voice was muffled in the pillow.

  “I am, but it’s one of the things I’ve been working on over the last year—maintaining boundaries, and making sure we have a good relationship, but that I’m making my own decisions. My dad is great, but my mom still struggles sometimes.” I sighed, snuggling up to Derek. “But I understand. That year when I was with Wes was terrifying for them, too. Letting me have space isn’t easy for them.”

  “I’d never get in the way of that.” He sounded so earnest that I just had to kiss his cheek. “I mean it, Tash. I want to be part of your life, but I want to do it the right way. When you’re ready, I want to meet your parents. I want them to get to know me and to understand that I would never hurt you or try to take you away from them.”

  The idea of introducing Derek to my mom and dad gave me a flurry of butterflies in my stomach. It was what I wanted, too . . . but that didn’t mean I wasn’t a little nervous about it.

  After dinner that night—we’d called for pizza and eaten it on my sofa, watching the baseball game and drinking beer—Derek stood up, stretching, and hauled me to my feet.

  “I better go home, babe.” He sounded so reluctant that it made me grin. “I’d love to stay, but I don’t have my uniforms here, and I have to get up way the hell early for work tomorrow.”

  I brushed my hand over the scruff of beard on his cheek. “Hey, mister. You’re not cleared for physical training yet. Not for another two weeks, and even then, only modified.”

  “I know, Ms. O’Hare.” He kissed my forehead. “But I go in at the same time and get caught up on work while the others are doing PT. I’m so behind on everything that I need those hours.”

  “Hmmm.” I tucked my head under his chin. “You’re back full-time this week?”

  “Yeah . . .” He trailed off and then cleared his throat. “But I do have an appointment tomorrow afternoon at the clinic.”

  “Oh.” I bit down on my lip. “I guess I’ll see you then.”

  “Seems like it.” He stared down at me. “Tasha, I know you need to think about everything. But don’t shut me out while you’re doing that, okay? I’ll give you room, but I don’t want distance.”

  “I know.” I sighed. “And I promise, Derek, I’m not going to drag my feet. All of me wants to go full-speed ahead . . . but if we’re going to work in the long run, I need to make sure my heart and my head are on the same page.”

  “That’s what I want.” He nudged my head up and kissed me hard. “All right, I’m going. Sleep well, babe. Sweet dreams. I love you.”

  When he’d gone, leaving heavy silence in his wake, I curled up on the sofa, breathing in his lingering scent and wishing I had been strong enough to tell him to stay forever.

  * * *

  The human brain is a funny machine. I’d gone to sleep on Sunday night filled with indecision and uncertainty, powerful desire battling with panic and doubt. For the first time in ages, I had a dream about Wes. After my parents had rescued me in Fort Benning, I’d had nightmares where he came after me with threats and punishing fists. In those horrible terrors, I’d been alone, powerless and without defense.

  But the difference in this dream was that I wasn’t alone. Derek was at my side, his hand in mine, and although he didn’t do anything—he didn’t beat Wes as I rather thought he would do in real life, should the two meet—his presence was a steady strength next to me, making me feel sure that I could handle anything. I wasn’t afraid.

  Whether it was the dream or simply that my mind had needed that time to process everything, I opened my eyes the next morning feeling certain about what I wanted, about how I was going to make this new life work. I jumped out of bed and sang through my shower and while I dressed for the day. I left the apartment early enough to make the stops I’d planned to make and still get to the clinic on time.

  But before I took off for the day, I paused for a moment to text Derek.

  Good morning, handsome man. Dinner tonight? I have whipped cream for dessert. I thought we could put it on something sweet . . . and then suck it off.

  His response was swift. You had me at handsome. Whipped cream just made it impossible for me to stand up without embarrassing myself. I’ll see you this afternoon. Love you, babe.

  I was smiling big as I drove away from my apartment.

  By two in the afternoon, which was the time Derek was scheduled to be at the clinic for his appointment, I’d completed all of my missions. I sat in my office, fidgeting, my nerves making me jumpy. I knew I’d made the right call, but still . . . I wasn’t sure how Derek was going to respond.

  My answer came about fifteen minutes later. Lidia knocked at my closed door and then stuck her head inside. “Uh, Tasha, you have a minute? We have a little bit of a situation in the therapy room.”

  My stomach turned over. Shit. “Um, okay. Be right there.” I pushed back from my desk, took a deep breath and stood up, making my way down the hall behind Lidia. When we reached the therapy room, she stood back, sweeping her arm toward the door.

  “He’s all yours.”

  I stepped inside. This room was large and airy, with mats, equipment and apparatus covering the floor. But the man who stood a few feet away from me, with his arms crossed over his broad, camouflaged-covered chest, overwhelmed everything else.

  “Derek, what’s going on?” I glanced around, but no one else was in the room.

  He glowered at me. “You want to tell me? I came in here for my appointment, and some other therapist told me that she’s taking over my case.”

  I nodded. “Yes, I know. I talked to Corinne this morning and asked her to have you transferred to Lidia. She’s an excellent therapist, too, and actually, for where you are now, so close to being discharged, she’s a perfect fit.”

  “No, she fucking isn’t.” He almost roared the words, and I winced.

  “Shhh.” I shook my head. “Keep your voice down. This is a clinic, not the battlefield.”

  Derek rolled his eyes, but his next words were quieter. “How could you do this, Tasha? If you made up your mind about us, if you decided that you didn’t feel the same way, that I wasn’t worth the time or the risk . . . I get it. I don’t like it, but I understand. But you couldn’t have the courtesy to tell me in person?” He pulled his phone out of his pocket. “And what the hell happened between whipped cream and you transferring me to another fucking therapist?”

  Suddenly, everything crystalized for me, becoming clear. I realized that Derek had come to a completely opposite conclusion from the one I’d planned for him to find.

  “You big doofus.” I shook my head. “Don’t you understand? I came in this morning and told Corinne about us. I explained that we hadn’t intended for it to happen, but that you were more important to me than anything else, and that if being with you meant I had to leave the clinic, so be it.” I lifted one shoulder. “She said that considering how successful your therapy had been, that we hadn’t gotten involved until you were at the end and that I’d been honest with her, we could just have Lidia finish off your last few weeks and discharge you.” I dropped my voice. “They mostly want to make sure you won’t sue for sexual harassment, so don’t, okay?”

  Derek’s mouth dropped open. “You told her about us? I’m more important to you than your job?”

  “Of course, you are.” I ventured closer, laying my hand on his forearm. “On the way to work this morning, I also stopped at my parents’ house for breakfast. I told them that I was seeing someone, and that it was serious. I said I wanted them to meet you, but that they had to trust me that I knew what I was doing.” With a little laugh, I gazed up into his eyes. “So I hope you were serious yesterday about this whole being okay with meeting my parents deal, because we’re invited there for dinner on Wednesday night.”

  A beautiful smile spread over his face. “Are you fucking kidding me? Damn right I was serious.” He uncrossed his arms and laid his hands on my shoulders. “Does this mean .
. . that you made up your mind?”

  I stepped closer, until my body fit against his. “It does. It means . . . I want to be with you. I want to trust you, and I want to open up my heart and my mind to you.” I hesitated. “It doesn’t mean that I won’t still have times when I freak out or get scared. But if you take it slow with me, I’m willing to go forward . . . with you. With us.” I tilted my head up and rose onto my toes to kiss him. “I love you, Derek.”

  His arms tightened around me so much that I could hardly breathe. With a groan, he lifted me from my feet until our eyes were level. “I love you so fucking much, Tasha. You’re the bravest person I’ve ever known.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck, grinning. “I can be brave as long as you’re with me. Maybe we can be brave together.”

  He kissed me, his lips soft and his tongue insistent. I opened my mouth and let him in, welcoming the intimate touch of his firm strokes.

  “Together with you is all I want to be,” he murmured before he consumed my mouth again. I held on tight, his arms around me all the strength I’d ever want.

  The End

  PS: ONE more book! Owen’s story comes next . . . and if you keep reading, you can catch a preview of why the quiet guys are always the ones you need to beware . . .

  SCHEME OF MANUEVER (May 30, 2017)

  These are the men of the 94th ID. They fight with honor, they defend their nation and their brothers fiercely, and when they love, they do it with single-minded passion.

  Owen Hughes is an enigma among his friends. He’s a man of few words, and although he enjoys his share of fun with women, he’s never found anyone worth making an effort to pursue. With all of his friends now married or in committed relationships, Owen feels like a lone wolf, the last man standing. He’s not sure if that makes him a hero or a loser.

  And then he meets Jacey.

  This sassy ray of sunshine is unlike any woman Owen’s ever known. She’s full of life, eager to embrace her next adventure . . . and when she decides that next adventure is Owen, her pursuit of him is relentless.

  For the first time ever, Owen has found a woman he’ll move heaven and earth to win. He’s fallen hard. There’s just one small problem: Jacey is the younger sister of one of his best friends.

  The last man standing is about to fall . . . hard. And the undeniable heat between Owen and Jacey will make every repercussion worth all the trouble.

  Other Books

  Career Soldier

  Maximum Force

  Temporary Duty

  Hitting the Silk

  Damage Assessement

  Scheme of Manuever

  The King Series





  The King Series Boxset

  The Seredipity Series


  Stardust on the Sea


  Recipe for Death Series

  Death Fricassee


  Death A La Mode

  Death Over Easy

  Age of Aquarius

  Moonlight on the Meadow

  The Fox’s Wager

  Crystal Cove Books

  The Posse

  The Plan

  The Path

  The One Trilogy

  The Last One

  The First One

  The Only One

  The One Trilogy Box Set

  The Always Love Series

  Always For You

  Underneath My Christmas Tree

  Always My Own

  My One and Always

  Always Our Love

  The Perfect Dish Series

  Best Served Cold

  Just Desserts

  I Choose You

  Keeping Score

  When We Were Us

  Hanging By A Moment

  Days of You and Me

  Sneak Peek:

  Scheme of Manuever


  The music was loud, and it seemed like just about everyone here was on the dance floor. I moved stealthily around the tables with their pristine white covers, hoping no one would notice the groomsman who was sneaking away from the reception.

  It wasn’t that I didn’t like a good time, and I was sure as hell happy for Max and Samantha. Those two fit together like they’d been made from complementary molds, which I guessed was kind of weird, considering how different they’d seemed at first. Samantha was a politically-liberal woman who was passionate about causes, never hesitating to march or picket when she saw injustice. Max was the straightest of arrows, the latest in a long line of Army officers in his family. When they’d begun dating, I’d privately had my doubts.

  But somehow, they made it work. Max had relaxed a little, and Samantha had softened, too. They hadn’t changed, exactly, but incredibly, they’d both become better versions of themselves. I’d had to admit that this was one pair who could probably make it for the long haul.

  I ducked under the opening in the tent and stood just outside, looking in at the party. The music slowed, and I watched different couples find each other and meld together. There were the bride and groom, of course. And near them, pressed together, with eyes only for each other, were Kade and his wife, Leah. They didn’t get very many nights away from their baby daughter, and it looked like they were making the best of it now.

  My eyes roved over the others, too: Jake and Harper, who was the maid of honor, were laughing as he twirled her around. I remembered the night those two had met at a bar. I’d been a witness to that particular hook-up—or at least the beginning of it—and no one was more amazed than me that Jake and Harper seemed so devoted to each other now.

  Shaw was holding his girl Delia tight. Those two had just gotten engaged two weeks ago. The danger ranger had definitely met his match in the feisty schoolteacher. As I watched them, he rubbed her back and whispered something in her ear that had her giggling. Next to them, Derek was dancing with Tasha, the general’s daughter he’d fallen hard for when she’d been his physical therapist. Derek reached around the small redhead to poke Shaw in the back, and Tasha grabbed his hand. Even from here, I could see she was scolding him, but he only laughed.

  Yeah, love was in the air. Only, it seemed I was immune to this particular strain of the ailment. Of all the company commanders in the battalion, I was the lone single guy. The sole bachelor. The last man standing.

  Not that I was complaining. I’d never met a woman who was worth the ups and downs I’d seen my buddies navigate over the last year or so. My life was my own, and I liked it that way, thanks.

  I moved away from the tent, taking a deep breath as the music faded behind me. A few yards away was a large tree with wide branches that rustled in the cooling summer air. Leaning against the sturdy trunk, I closed my eyes and let my shoulders droop.

  “Are you hiding?”

  The unexpected question startled me, and I opened my eyes to see a woman regarding me with a tilted head. My first thought was that she was gorgeous. Her long hair was chestnut blonde, and her eyes were huge and brown, surrounded by a fringe of lashes. The flowered dress she wore was short, showing off miles of tanned leg. The neckline wasn’t too low, but the material clung to a pair of tits that made my mouth water.


  Her eyes narrowed as she studied me. “Don’t you like weddings?”

  “Um . . .” I cleared my throat. “Yeah, they’re okay, I guess. I just needed a little air.” I pushed against the tree to stand up. “Plus, the music was really loud. Also, there was a bridesmaid who was determined to corral me into a dance. So maybe I am hiding.”

  “Ah.” She nodded. “I needed a little escape, too. So many people.” She shrugged, and then from behind her back, she produced a bottle of wine. “I just happen to have liberated some provisions when I ran away. If I were willing to share my wine, could I share your hiding spot?” She smiled, and suddenly, my body went onto full alert, every nerve ending
singing hallelujah and screaming YES.

  “Uh.” I swallowed, cursing my inability to form a coherent word. “Sure. I think we can work out a mutually beneficial arrangement.”

  She laughed. “I was hoping you’d say that.” Pulling the cork from the bottle, she took a healthy slug of wine, her lips wrapping around the neck in a way that made my dick go instantly hard.

  Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she passed the bottle to me. “Cheers.” One eyebrow quirked upward. “Here’s to new friends.”

  Read the rest of SCHEME OF MANUEVER on May 30th!


  I can’t believe we’re already finished book #5 of this series! When I decided to write these books, it was early January, and I was madly trying to adjust to an unexpected life change and ramp up my release schedule. I had a vague idea of how they would play out, but nothing on the scale that I usually do when I’m about to embark on a new story.

  I knew these would be quick and sexy books about soldiers, but I had no idea how much I was going to absolutely fall in love with this world. It’s been so much fun.

  Thanks as always to my usual suspects: Stacey Blake of Champagne Formats for her quick, beautiful and professional work . . . Meg Murrey who finds the hottest guys and makes the covers so compelling . . . my fabulous beta team, including Kara Schilling, Christy Durbin, Krissy Smith, Sue Ann Brooks, Yvonne Farmer, Niki Mattes, Carla Edmonson and of course, all of my Naughty Temptresses.


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