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The Troublesome Apprentice (The Adventures of Xavier & Vic Book 1)

Page 13

by Liza O'Connor

  Xavier returned the letters to the box. “So you’ve solved your first case and have done so with little evidence and remarkable ease. They will not all come so easy.”

  “Well, it’s not exactly solved yet. We still have to save her life,” Vic reminded him.

  “Do we remain in her employ?”

  “Yes, but you would not allow this beast to kill the poor woman even if she wasn’t our client, would you?”

  “Of course not. I would hand it over to Scotland Yard and let them keep her alive. However, if she continues to pay us for our time, we shall see the matter settled. Now may we get on to my case, which is also solved?”

  “What case?”

  “The mystery of your sister’s lover.”

  “Oh... I suppose you discovered she was only teasing me. I had already come to the same conclusion. She tested me to see if I understood my role as guardian. Unfortunately, I failed her miserably.”

  Xavier pulled Vic onto his lap and turned her so her face was inches from his own.

  “Your sister does not need a guardian. She is perfectly capable of running her life. If she were the Queen of England, Parliament would find themselves mere appendages of the monarchy. The young lady has several jumps over you despite her fewer years. She knows exactly who she is and what she wants.”

  Vic frowned, “If I didn’t know it impossible, I would think you in love with my sister.” She studied his face for evidence of repulsion to the idea.

  “It might be possible, if Claire and I were not both firmly in love with other people.”

  “You are missing the main problem. A preference of gender…”

  Xavier stared at her in confusion. “I see no problem there. Claire is a very beautiful woman, although a bit too petite, but I can assure you I would not let such a minor issue sway my feelings.”

  “Xavier! You don’t like women. You like men.” Vic did not want to hear another word about her beautiful, petite sister.

  “I never said I didn’t like women.”

  “But…you…I thought you liked me…men.”

  Xavier sighed. “To be honest, these feelings of intense passion are an entirely new experience for me. Before meeting you, I have never felt any particular interest in romantic pursuits at all. I had everything I wanted—well, I couldn’t find a secretary worth salt, but otherwise I was contented. Then a very troublesome apprentice arrived and added a whole new layer to my life and made each day richer and brighter, and suddenly I felt more than contentment; I was happy.”

  Vic smiled at him, pleased she had brought him to this level of happiness.

  Xavier continued, “Claire has experienced the same. Thanks to Maddy and your cooperation to be a guardian, she has established a world where she is her own master. Fortunately, she did not take ten years to realize that ‘contentment’ was not enough. She wanted to experience more layers of life, but she didn’t want to forfeit mastery over her own. So, when she chose a lover, she chose wisely. She wanted a man who would not usurp her control. She has found such a fellow and he fills her life with great pleasure and extraordinary happiness. The only cloud in her perfect world is that her brother, whom she loves with all her heart, refuses to see and acknowledge the beauty and perfection of her world.”

  Vic sighed and laid her head upon Xavier’s shoulder. “How long have she and Jonas been lovers?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m sure she will tell you, if you ask. However, before you do, may I suggest you change the tone of your question? If you ask her in a disappointed voice, it will break her heart.”

  “Claire hasn’t let me down. I have failed myself. I fear I have been a cloud in her happy world for a considerable time.”

  “You cannot undo the past, Vic, you can only move forward.”

  The carriage pulled to a stop and Xavier sighed, setting her back on her own bench. “You stand at a crossroads, Victor. If you are ready to acknowledge your sister is master of her life, in all matters, you should get out of the carriage and go inside. If you still have reservations, you can return to the office and sleep on the bench.”

  Vic sighed and climbed out of the carriage. She turned around to thank Xavier, but he had already bellowed at Davy to stop wasting time for he wanted a bath.

  All Vic could think was that she’d like to give him a bath, but remembered their situation remained impossible. For while he might like ladies in general, and declared he liked her specifically, he would never accept the world she had created for herself. He would expect her to change back into a lady. Then he’d quickly discover he didn’t like the very poor and miserable young woman he’d created.

  She entered the house, depressed and sullen.

  Gregory’s hand landed upon her forehead. “These endless work hours have to stop. Tomorrow, you will not arrive to work until 8:00,” he declared with authority.

  Vic shuddered at the thought of Xavier’s temper if she arrived at such a late hour. “You will wake me at four, or I will be most put out with you,” Vic warned. “Where’s Claire?”

  “I will wake you when I deem you have had sufficient sleep,” Gregory replied. “You’re so tired, your chin is almost dragging the floor.”

  “I am not tired. I am sad because I’ve been a terrible brother to Claire. Now I’d like to apologize to her and let her know I am glad she has found someone to love, and thankful it is Jonas, for now he can stop pretending to be my valet.”

  Gregory hugged her, or perhaps only pretended to hug her while he searched her for weapons. Finally, he stepped back and told her Claire and Jonas had gone into the garden.

  She thanked him and headed to the same. She sighed, wishing Gregory could have been a bit more specific as to where in the garden since it contained more than a few secluded spots.

  Her sister’s voice cried out for mercy. She did not bother rushing to Claire’s aid, for they had played make-believe frequently in their childhood, and she recognized the “damsel in distress” voice all too well. Vic had frequently burned the simpering maiden at the stake, or tossed her from the ship.

  As Vic entered the archway to the apple orchard, she stopped dead in her tracks. She had never done this to the simpering maiden…or rather simmering maiden.

  Twenty feet away stood her sister, bound to the apple tree, pleading for mercy, while a handsome pirate tortured her in some unknown manner beneath her skirt. Vic had no idea what he did, but it drove her sister mad with desire. The hunger and passion was almost palpable and Vic’s body ached in need of the pleasure her sister experienced. Giving no thought to propriety or manners, she sat down in the grass and watched the pirate Jonas reduce her proud and defiant sister to a quivering love slave. It was a stunning sight of submission and yet performed with such adoration and love that, at the end of their play, Vic remained uncertain as to who had mastered whom, for each seemed to have captured the other.

  Would it be the same with Xavier, or would he struggle and fight captivity, determined to dominate and never submit.

  She sighed heavily. Nothing would ever happen. The moment he discovered she was a woman, he’d fire her, and then she would hate him too much to allow such intimacy.

  Claire smiled at Vic, showing no surprise by her presence. “I would have thought our performance deserved more than a heavy sigh.” She pushed Jonas onto his back and straddled him. “I thought it a grand performance worthy of many standing ovations.”

  “If I were not eaten with envy, you would have it,” Vic replied. “I am happy for you both.” She focused on her manservant. “Jonas, please stop being my valet. I do not require nor want one.”

  “Can I be your valet, miss?” he asked Claire.

  “Well, I’m not sure. What does he do?”

  “I would help bathe and dress you, follow you about during the day, then at night, put you to bed,” he explained in a sultry voice.

  “I believe I would like a valet very much and I imagine Vic would like one as well if his name was Xavier,” Claire said.
  Vic laughed at the thought of Xavier being anyone’s valet. “I’d just as soon ask him to be a serving girl.”

  “If you asked, I imagine he’d oblige.”

  Vic sighed and stood up. “Well, we will never know, for I will never ask.” As she left the two lovebirds alone in their happy nest, Claire declared she would now be the queen and he a prisoner in her dungeon. Vic could not imagine Xavier agreeing to play such silly games, but did not doubt he had his own methods of pleasuring capable of curling her toes.

  Stop thinking about what you cannot have. You have an occupation you love and an employer who is both your friend and tormenter. That should be enough to content anyone.

  But it wasn’t. Contentment would no longer suffice. She wanted delirious, life changing happiness, like Claire and Mrs. Wimple possessed.

  Well, not exactly like Mrs. Wimple. The poor woman would soon be dead, if they did not stop her lover from murdering her.

  Chapter 18

  Xavier did not go to sleep until three a.m. and was in no mood to be awakened at five when his impertinent pup stomped loudly up the steps, burst into his room, and demanded to know if he planned to sleep all day.

  “Unless you wish to witness my temper, you’ll allow me two more hours sleep.”

  “I am just as tired as you, and yet I had to wake at this ridiculous hour.”

  “That is so you would not arrive late, which you are prone to do. If you are tired, find some far corner and lie down like a good pup, only do not chew on the wood or I’ll find you a muzzle.”

  Vic walked around the bed and tentatively sat down upon it. “Have you no other place where I might sleep?”

  “Davy might share his, but you would no doubt catch his cold. Either sleep or go to work, pup, I am losing my patience with all this chatter.”

  He had to repress a smile at Vic’s deliberate disruptive ascent onto his mattress. “I did not give you permission to do somersaults.” He refused to turn towards her to see what she was about. “Just lie down and be still.”

  “The bed is so ridiculously large that I had to hike north for quite some time before locating a pillow.” By the location of her surly, put-upon voice, he realized the imp was actually stomping about his bed.

  “Damnation!” He turned in an instant, knocking her off her feet and gathering her up in his arms until she was most pleasantly pinned against him. “Now close your eyes and sleep, brat, for we’ve much to do today and we will require our wits,” he scolded, at least trying to make it a scolding. In truth, it felt so wonderful to have her pressed against him, he found it very hard to maintain his pretense of outrage. What he really wanted to do was nuzzle her neck, but he was not ready to end Vic’s torment so soon. No, he must extract a severe payment for the hell she had put him through this last week.


  Vic wiggled and shuffled deeper into the curl of his body. Having him wrapped around her was the perfect reward after her miserable sleepless night. Seeing Claire and Jonas sharing their love made her want the same, but she didn’t dare allow it to happen.

  Being held in Xavier’s loving arms was a balm to her misery. Even his barks sounded like affection. He called her his pup and brat and, when he sensed she was at a loss on how to approach him, he knocked her off her feet—literally. God, she loved him even when he was ill natured and domineering. What hope was there for her now when he held her so sweetly with his face nuzzled into her neck?

  The discovery of her secret was inevitable. Should he notice the thick muslin beneath her silk shirt, the revelation could happen today. If it did, so be it. She could not deny herself these sweet moments of contact, for they gave her such pleasure and rejuvenated her strength and courage. She would not actively march into the fire, but neither would she willingly leave its warmth and safety.


  The clock chimed eight o’clock but Xavier remained still. Vic slept in his arms and he hated to wake her. A knock on his door brought an end to his dilemma for it required him to call out “enter” and the moment he did, her eyes fluttered.

  Davy stood at the door, frowning at the sight before him.

  “The pup was tired when he arrived at five,” Xavier said. “Well, what is it, man?”

  “I was worried when you didn’t wake at seven. There’s an eight-thirty appointment scheduled.”

  “The devil! Who scheduled that?” Xavier exclaimed and slapped Vic hard on her rump. “Get up, you damnable mutt, for it appears you scheduled an eight-thirty appointment and failed to mention it to me.” He ordered Davy to go downstairs and unlock the door, get water to boil, and stand in wait of this unwanted client if they should, God forbid, choose today to arrive early.

  “But if they are late, Davy, even by a single minute, tell them they must reschedule and send them away.”

  “Your coffee is waiting in the kitchen, and the tea is simmering.” Davy left before Xavier could scold him for being presumptuous.

  Xavier removed his silk trousers and quickly washed himself with a washcloth and a bowl of cold water. He intended to yell at Vic to get out of bed when he caught a glance of her in the mirror. She showed great interest in his naked body. Better to leave her to her education, for what did he care if this unknown client received their tea or not. He’d much rather Vic receive an eyeful. By her hungry expression, he gathered she not only liked his body, but she desired it.

  He remained naked as long as he could, but eventually, he had to dress. Vic broke from her mesmerization and transformed into his not-terribly-obedient, but amply competent secretary. Which meant by the time he arrived downstairs, Vic followed him into his office. “A Winston Black is here to see you.”

  “Why the bloody hell did you not tell me he had called and made an appointment?”

  Vic’s eyes rounded with outrage. “Because he didn’t. I don’t know how he got on the schedule.”

  “Well, I sure as hell would have remembered if I had penciled him in. Was he on time?”


  “Bring him in and serve him high tea—he will no doubt appreciate your finesse—and bring me the appointment calendar.”

  Vic returned with Mr. Black and slammed the book on Xavier’s desk before leaving to get tea.

  Winston laughed. “I see you still have not divined the method of retaining good help.”

  Xavier glared at him. “Actually the boy was working out rather well until today. It appears I will have to fire him, for he failed to tell me on Friday he had scheduled you in this morning. You know how I hate surprises. A shame…his aunt recently died and the family is now dependent upon his paycheck.”

  “Your secretary is not at fault, Xavier, you are. If you weren’t so insistent about scheduling time a day in advance I would not have been forced to break in your office yesterday and place my name in to see you.”

  Xavier threw the book at Winston’s head, but the man deflected it, causing it to slam against the door.

  “I’m entering with tea,” Victor announced loudly from the other side of the door and came in.

  Xavier watched Vic’s expression change to annoyance when she spied her scheduler lying on the floor by the door. “Victor always announces himself before entering a room,” he explained to Winston. “An oddity, but I generously overlook it. I suspect it was engrained during childhood.”

  “You would be incorrect, sir,” Vic declared as she set the tea tray down. “It is a recent oddity I have acquired after an employer struck me with a full bottle of ink when I entered without making my presence known.” Vic turned and smiled at Winston. “May I serve you tea, sir?”

  “Beware, Winston, when Victor learns it is you who nearly cost him his job over this morning’s debacle, he may very well serve you tea sans la cuppa.”

  “I believe you mean sans la tasse,” Vic suggested. “Unless you intentionally switched from French to improper Italian.” She returned her focus upon Winston. “Would you like cream, sugar, or lemon with your tea, sir?”
r />   Winston eyes widened as he stared at Victor, then Xavier.

  “Now see what you’ve done! You’ve shocked poor Winston into silence with your cheeky impertinence.”

  “I doubt a man who breaks into a locked office to make his own appointment can be shocked by my impertinence.” Vic brought him tea with cream and sugar, despite the fact he had yet to state his preferences.

  Xavier laughed when Winston rose and took possession of the cup. “Sit down, Winston. If Victor has not doused me with hot water, he has proven some restraint.” He arched his eyebrows at Vic. “So, scamp, you’ve taken to listening outside doors now, I gather.”

  “I have not,” Vic huffed.

  “Then how did you know Winston broke in and scheduled himself?”

  “I took the liberty of requesting the fee for this hour in advance and the writing on his check matched the handwriting on the page. Since it was not in the book when I left late Friday and we were both out of the office on Saturday and Sunday, I concluded he broke in during the weekend and gave himself time on your calendar. The slight scratches on the front doorknob confirmed an unlawful entry.”

  “Outrageous,” Xavier declared. “What should we do with him?”

  Vic’s eyes narrowed. “I suggest you cease this foolishness and attend to his case. Mr. Black must have an urgent problem to force him to break into the outer-office so he could get around your ridiculous rule about appointments.”

  Xavier proudly smiled at Winston. “You see why I am trying to keep this one?”

  “Indeed I do. Excellent deductive reasoning, Victor,” Winston said.

  Vic tipped her head in appreciation of his compliment. “In the future, such actions will not be required. I have the authority to apply exceptions to Mr. Thorn’s rules when I deem it reasonable to do so. Simply apply in the morning and I will fit you in as soon as practical.”

  “The devil you will!” Xavier exclaimed. “Now Winston will be dropping in day and night.”


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