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The Evil Twin?

Page 19

by P. G. Van

  He looked irresistible in a sleeveless t-shirt that was damp from his exercise routine at the gym.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked softly.

  “Do you want me to leave?”

  “No.” Seriously?

  I looked away from him and reached for another towel and wrapped my dripping hair over my head.

  “I am all done with the shower,” I said moving towards the vanity to put on my moisturizer. He stepped away from the vanity and walked to the other side of the bathroom and stood right behind me. I could still see him in the mirror watching me with hawk-like eyes.

  I stopped what I was doing and turned around to look at him.

  “Why are you looking at me like you want to eat me?” I blurted out as if I had no control on my speech.

  “Do you want me to eat you?” he challenged.

  “I am not in the mood for your seduction.” An inner voice I had no control over took command of the situation.

  He moved slowly towards me making me grip on the marble counter of the vanity in anticipation, and I didn’t need to look at my knuckles to know they had turned white. I fought the rational in me that asked me why I wanted to be touched by the man who cut open my chest and ripped my heart out. My heart he ripped out was unfortunately still beating for him.

  He came to stand a few inches away from me with his palms pressed against the edge of the marble vanity. I looked up at him taking in the sweet smell of his hot body, and my fingers let go of the stone counter wanting to touch him.

  “I want you to think about why you want to wait to tell Annie about us and how it’s different from what I did,” he said running his thumb on my cheek.

  “It’s not the same thing Reyan…don’t make up excuses for being…” I fumed unable to finish my sentence.

  “Being what?”

  “Unfaithful,” I blurted.

  He took a deep breath and spoke with extreme restraint, “You can call it what you want, I call this love. I knew you were the missing piece of my life the day I met you at the bar. Take it or leave it. I am not going to sit around begging you to stay with me.”

  Cold shivers ran through my spine, and I gripped the counter for support. He turned on his heel and left the bathroom after burning a hole through my chest. I looked up at the ceiling refusing to let the tears surface.

  He has turned me into a crybaby!!

  Almost two hours later, Annie and I sat at the bar of one of the top clubs in San Francisco.

  “We could have been at home having our own slumber party instead of being hounded by strangers offering to buy us drinks,” I teased, poking Annie on her arm.

  “I don’t know why, I just wasn’t in the mood to make conversation with that many people,” Annie said softly and added, “I don’t need a guy to make me feel special on my birthday. I want what you and Reyan have and not the silly flings I’ve had with Jason and other losers in his class.”

  “Well, I am just happy you wanted to hang out with me because I would have had a double whammy if you had cancelled the party and chose to go out with someone else,” I managed to say as a lump formed in my throat as a deep pain clenched my stomach.

  “What are you talking about?” Annie asked.

  “I mean, we’ve known each other for barely six months, and you’ve known Chloe for years now,” I shrugged.

  “Well that doesn’t matter, but there is another reason why I cancelled the party,” Annie winked with her usual wicked grin.

  “What?” I urged, feeling relief sweep over my body with the distraction.

  “Nobody knows this, not even Eddie, so I need you to lock it up,” she said leaning closer.

  “Annie, you know I won’t tell anyone.”

  Annie leaned further and whispered, “Chloe is pregnant!!”

  “What?” I shrieked almost falling off the bar stool but managed to grab on to the counter before I did.

  Annie nodded gulping down her drink.

  “Eddie doesn’t know yet, he was out of town on business all week, and he landed a few hours ago. I am sure he knows by now, Reyan will know in about an hour, and Neel in about two hours,” she said smiling.

  “Oh my god, this is huge. Why isn’t she standing on top of the Ferry Building and announcing it to the whole world?” I asked unable to contain my excitement.

  “Well, they weren’t really planning for a baby,” Annie giggled and added, “she said Eddie got lazy one night and didn’t use a condom.”

  “Oh…but this is so exciting!!” I said putting my arm around her.

  “You better not have babies all by yourself. You and I should have babies at the same time so they can be friends,” Annie warned.

  “That’s too far fetched, and I haven’t really decided if I want kids,” I said shaking my head.

  “C’mon, our daughters can be friends too…” Annie whined.

  “Okay fine!!” I rolled my eyes.

  “You still getting your birth control shots?” Annie whispered.

  “Hey, girls!!” a wobbly male voice interrupted our conversation.

  Annie and I turned around to find two visibly drunk men smirking at us.

  “You two will look amazing in our booth back there, care to join us?” one of the men asked enthusiastically.

  “We are fine, thanks,” Annie said politely and turned away from them.

  “Oh, c’mon. We know you think you’ll get better guys tonight…I’ve got news for you...we are all you’ve got.” The guys talked to us taking turns.

  “Did you not hear what she said? Back off now,” I glared at them.

  “Oh darling…you are so hot, we didn’t think you could talk.” The guy grinned leaning in towards me. I reached for my clutch to smack him in the face, but before I could react, the guy was pulled away from me by one of the bouncers.

  “Good timing, Jim,” Annie called out to the bouncer.

  “You know the bouncers on a first name basis? Do you practically live here?” I teased.

  Annie laughed shaking her head.

  “These two guys standing by the booth are Reyan’s guys,” she whispered.

  “What the heck do you mean by ‘Reyan’s guys’?” I asked in surprise.

  “Well…his men sent to keep an eye out for us…you didn’t think we were really by ourselves all this while, did you?” she giggled.

  “What the crap…we don’t need babysitters,” I growled.

  “Vinnie, get used to it. Your boyfriend can be very quirky,” she mocked.

  “This is so annoying,” I whined and added, “I don’t like being watched.”

  “It’s not too bad. They maintain their distance and come in when required,” she said casually.

  “Not happening…we are going to sneak out of here. I can’t do anything with two bodybuilders watching us every minute,” I declared.

  “Seriously? Is it worth it?”

  “Yes…freedom is worth everything, let’s go,” I urged.

  “I am gonna go tell them that we need to use the bathroom, and they should save our spots at the bar.”

  “Wicked!!” Annie laughed.

  Thirty minutes later, Annie and I stood in line waiting to get into another club a few miles away from the one we were at initially.

  “This is so much more fun,” Annie declared hugging me.

  “That’s right!!” I cheered.

  “I will protect you from those sleazy balls that hit on you,” I giggled.

  Two drinks and giggling already?

  “I don’t want to be protected, let them hit on me,” Annie whispered.

  “Dirty girl…you do enjoy that!!” I laughed and looked at my phone. Reyan was calling me, and I was in no mood to talk to him so I ignored his call.

  Annie sat next to a cute Russian guy and was engrossed in a conversation with him while I sat downing my drink trying really hard to shut out the memories from last night. I looked at the wall behind the bar with the drinks lined up and realized my vision wa
s blurry. It wasn’t midnight yet, and I wasn’t ready to go home yet.

  “Happy Birthday Annie!!” We clinked our shot glasses right at midnight and let the alcohol run smoothly down my throat.

  Annie and I danced to the music until I could no longer stand. We grabbed one last drink we really didn’t need and headed out of the club.

  “Get a cab, I am done for today,” I said bending forward to take off the buckle on my strap sandals. I had forgotten how tipsy I was and before I realized I was falling, I was falling and I knew I was falling flat on my face. I stopped falling, something wrapped around my waist hurting me, and then my nostrils awakened me.

  “What the fuck were you thinking leaving the club?” Reyan’s voice cut through the noisy area like a cold knife.

  “Let me go...I don’t want you to touch me, you fucking bastard.” I wiggled out of his hold only to have his arm wrap around me more firmly from behind.

  “Vinitha…get a hold of yourself!!!” I froze in his arms at his firm tone, and I felt his heated breath burn the skin on the nape of my neck.

  I closed my eyes and let my head fall back onto his chest when I started to feel my head spin again. I dug my fingers into his arms as I felt my body slide downwards against his firm body.

  The last thing I remembered was the anger in his voice, and I knew I was in trouble and I got Annie in trouble.

  Big trouble!!

  Chapter 20

  The banging inside my head would not go away and every inch of my body ached. I opened my eyes to find myself surrounded by darkness, and one blink brought back memories from last night.

  The last thing I remembered was Reyan trying to get me into the limo in my semi-passed out state. I wasn’t sure where I was or how I got into bed. The fabric around me felt familiar, and it took my eyes a minute to realize that I was in my own bed, Reyan’s and my bed.

  I slowly became aware of the steady breathing inches from me and didn’t need to turn my head to see who it was. I clearly had too much to drink last night and remembered how mad Reyan was about Annie and me leaving the club. In addition to leaving the club, I had my phone and Annie’s phone turned off and didn’t turn it on until I needed to take a picture.

  We didn’t need babysitters!!

  I turned to my side and let out a groan when I felt the deep dull pain in my head.

  Reyan moved as if in reaction to the groan escaping my mouth, turning to his side to bring his chest to my back. He sprawled a sleepy hand over my waist letting his palm run up my chest to cup my bare breast.

  I felt a wave of bliss sweep over me as he cocooned me with his body. I closed my eyes enjoying the feel of his body against me fighting back the voice that kept reminding me that he lied to me. The other voice reminded me that he kept the truth from me and that wasn’t lying.

  “I love you baby,” he murmured in his sleep soft voice.

  I took in a slow deep breath as my heart raced listening to what he had uttered in his sleep. I knew he was angry after what had happened last night, and I knew I would have to take on the wrath when he woke up.

  I lay in his arms wondering why I was hanging on to Reyan after what I found out two nights ago. I was angry with him but did not want to leave him. The more and more I thought about it, me wanting to wait to tell Annie myself about our breakup, seemed like an excuse I made up because I didn’t want to leave him.

  After three years of being with Justin, I knew I didn’t want him in my life the moment I found out he had told the other kids at school about my aunt when I had trusted him to not tell anyone.

  What I felt for Reyan was very different, something I never felt for Justin or any other guy I had dated in the past few years. I knew I was hooked, and I had no way of getting him out of my life, if I even wanted him out of my life in spite of what came to light.

  “What are you thinking about?” Reyan’s voice cut through my thoughts making me jump slightly. I debated if I should pretend to be sleeping or face him now. I felt the palm that was cupping my breast move to grab my chest and he turned me slowly to face him.

  When our eyes met, I saw a gleaming smile in them, and Reyan’s happy face always wiped out any worries I had.

  I smiled back and asked softly, “Are you mad at me?”

  His smile widened as he brought his lips to my forehead, “Are you mad at me?”

  “I am sorry I left the club…I was pissed off you had spies,” I said softly.

  “Not spies, security,” he clarified.

  He leaned forward, and I closed my eyes in anticipation of a kiss but he stopped short and asked, “Will you knee me if I kiss you?”

  “No,” I said cupping my palm on his cheek.

  “I missed you baby,” Reyan said bringing his lips to mine. His lips were soft as they sucked away the stress that had been coursing through my body the past two nights.

  “Reyan…” I sobbed wrapping my arms around him.

  “Baby, look at me please,” he commanded gently.

  When I pulled back to look at him, he ran his thumb along my cheek and said, “You can be mad at me for however long you want to be, but you are mine forever. I am not letting you go come hell or high water.”

  “I am not mad at you, I am just mad at how things turned out,” I sniffled.

  “Why baby, aren’t you happy to find out you have family out there?” he asked softly.

  “I am not, I don’t want things to get any more complicated. I am happy with what I have in life. I don’t want anything to do with the people who gave me away,” I said adamantly.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes,” I said burying my face into his bare chest.

  “Are you going to talk to your aunt about this?” he asked softly.

  “I don’t know because I am not convinced I am the person this family has been looking for,” I said wrapping my arms around him lacing my fingers together in a tight grip.

  “You are the one baby, I know. I knew it the night of the accident,” he said his voice muffled.

  “I don’t want to talk about it, Reyan,” I declared firmly.

  “Okay…we don’t have to…why didn’t you tell me about your parents?” He planted a kiss on my forehead and added, “Where were you all that time?”

  “My mom and dad had asked my aunt to watch me for the weekend and when they did not return, my aunt took me in as hers.”

  “I am sorry baby.” He planted a kiss in my hair.

  “All of this would have been so much simpler if you had told me sooner.” I flattened my cheek on his chest.

  “I disagree.” His voice was firm.

  I looked up at him and said, “It would have been so much easier. I would have laughed about the fact that people were looking for me.”

  “That’s not what I wanted and that’s why I didn’t tell you,” he said looking at me.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I want you to meet your family, I want you to feel secure again, feel loved.”

  I took a deep breath and said, “I told you already, I don’t want to talk about it, Reyan.”

  “Okay baby, promise me you will think about meeting your family.”

  “I will think about it.”

  “What do you want to drink?” he asked nuzzling my ear.

  “Like I didn’t have enough to drink last night,” I mocked and asked, “Why are you not mad at me? I can be a real bitch when I am drunk.”

  He smiled shaking his head and said, “What you told me last night, I can’t be mad at you even if you put a bullet through me.”

  “What the crap are you talking about?”

  He chuckled, “Not telling you.”

  “Whatever!!” I said rolling away from him on the bed only to be dragged right back into his arms.

  “I need you to get something to drink, and you need some pain meds for the throbbing in your head.”

  “I want some orange juice,” I pleaded.

  “Coming right up,” he said getting out of bed
and heading downstairs.

  I lay in bed wondering what my twin was like and made a mental note to look her up online. I knew her first name but didn’t want to ask Reyan more details yet. I didn’t want any of my memories with my parents to be replaced, but I kept going back to what Reyan had told me about memories getting extended and enhanced.

  Two hours later, I sat across from Annie at the breakfast table and looked at her stubborn birthday girl face. Reyan was away at the gym and promised to be back in an hour to take us to the rescue center for Annie to pick up her kittens.

  “Please, Annie,” I begged.

  “I can’t tell you, I promised Reyan,” she said stubbornly.

  The first thing I asked Annie as soon as I woke up were details around what happened the night before. She gave me the sequence of events and left out all the details about what I did or said. I was all the more curious as to what I said when I was under the influence as Reyan made a reference to something I said to him. I couldn’t get it out of him even when I played the ‘I won’t drink the orange juice until you tell me’ trick with no luck.

  Annie proved to be tougher than expected, and I just could not let go. I knew I would eventually remember but I couldn’t wait.

  “You are the best thing that happened to Reyan. He is not going to let you go so don’t even think about it,” she winked.

  “I wasn’t going to although we did have a huge…I don’t even know what to call it…two nights ago…” I stuttered.

  “I know, you told me all about it last night,” she stood up to take her plate to the sink.

  “What did I tell you?” I asked surprised.

  “I can’t give you the details, Vinnie.”

  “You’re killing me, Annie.”

  She came back and bent forward to put her arms around me, “Thank you for making my birthday so special.”

  “Annie…why are you being so mystical?” I whined.

  “Mums the word, sista!!!”

  She sat down at the table watching me toy with my food as I tried to figure out how to crack her penance of silence.


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