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Vegas Boss: A Mafia Hitman Romance

Page 16

by Alexis Abbott

  I open it, and I see a picture message waiting for me on an encrypted app I use only for business.

  It’s a picture of a man I recognize, lying on the ground with a bullet exit wound through his heart starting to spread blood on his shirt. The message from my associate is just a single word:


  It’s chilling in its simplicity, but I feel a tremendous weight lift from my shoulders. I write a quick reply and follow Nicole into the bathroom.

  “Everything okay?” she asks as she brushes her hair out.

  “Mikhail reporting in,” I explain with a happy undertone. “His job is complete.”

  Nicole’s face brightens up, and she blinks a few times in disbelief.

  “Wait, really? He did it?”

  “The last of the rats in my bratva,” I confirm, beaming at her. “Dead.” Nicole hugs me, and I stroke her hair gently, both of us breathing easy.

  “I never thought I’d get used to this. I never thought I’d be relieved to hear someone is dead.”

  I stroke her hair, gazing into her eyes lovingly, but she seems steady. Strong. Resolute. I know so much of her, can see through all she tries to hide from me, so I know she’s okay. The past few months have been a flurry, both the love and lust growing between me and Nicole in the bedroom and the business I’ve been taking care of on the streets. I’ve gathered those loyal to me and rooted out every last one of the bastards who betrayed me.

  After my massacre at the club and the botched execution in the desert, it was easy for the rest of the traitors to get flushed out.

  “Maybe this means I can really start setting up my Private Investigator business without worrying about it getting burned down,” Nicole muses as she starts the shower water.

  “You’re serious about that, then?” I ask, a curious expression on my face.

  “As serious as you are about making your business go legitimate,” she says, and I nod approvingly.

  “I think that will suit you. You could advertise yourself as the Pregnant PI.”

  She snorts a laugh and rolls her eyes. “Well, that part isn’t going to last forever, you know.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure,” I say in a low growl as I step up behind her into the shower and wrap my arms around her. I slip a finger to her pussy and whisper, “As long as you’re with me, my love, you’ll be pregnant as much as you want to be.”

  She leans her head back, feeling the hot water on her chest and my body heat on her back, and she sighs contentedly.

  “I could just retire,” she muses with a playful smile. “I’ve got everything I need in life right here.”

  “You? Idle?” I say with a grin. “I’d support it, but…”

  “You’re right, I’d probably get so bored I might do something stupid like join the Russian mob,” she teases, and I nip at her neck in return.

  “A mobster and his right-hand-woman,” I say with a chuckle, but my voice drops to a low growl as she massages my cock with her ass. “I will admit, though...that would make the wedding much more interesting.”


  “And now it’s time for our beloved couple to read out their vows,” announces the priest, a big smile on his face. Titters of excitement erupt throughout the chapel, echoing faintly around the elaborate wooden rafters.

  Staring into Misha’s face, I can’t help but grin, even though tears are burning in my eyes. I remind myself not to cry, since Samantha has worked very hard to give me an especially ethereal smoky eye, and I don’t want to cry it all off.

  I never used to be much of a crier, but these days, everything gets me emotional. I’ve never been this happy before, and never more than right now, standing in front of the man of my dreams, wearing a long, form-fitting, elegant white dress. Surrounded by the ones we love, who support us in our newest adventure: married life.

  “Misha, you go first,” the priest says.

  “Gladly,” Misha replies softly. He reaches out to take my hands in his. Gazing into my eyes, he begins, “Nicole. When we first met, saying that we came from different worlds would be the world’s biggest understatement. We were from different universes. We could not have been more different. But from the moment I first laid eyes on you, I felt a spark ignite inside of me. Just a tiny flame, burning, filling my life with light and warmth that had never been there before. I was not used to feeling that way for anyone or anything. I am a tough guy, and there isn’t much that scares me. But that little feeling? That shook me to my core.

  “It was strange to see the world differently, and at first, I was resistant. How could I ever be good enough for a woman like you? I made up my mind to put my feelings aside, but as I got to know you, I quickly realized how impossible that would be. Nicole, every moment I spend with you teaches me something new about myself. Without even trying, you make me a better man. You show me how to be strong, how to be patient, how to be kind. It didn’t take long for me to fall in love with you, and I know I will spend my lifetime finding new ways to show you that love. I want to give you everything. I want to make you as happy as you have made me. And I will do anything in my power to protect and love you for all of eternity,” he concludes, in that low, rough growl that I adore so much.

  I can hear the scattered sniffles and sighs of the congregation, and I’m having a hard time keeping my composure, myself. The priest looks to me and says, “Nicole, it’s your turn.”

  “Okay,” I murmur, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. When I open my eyes, Misha gives me the slightest, subtlest nod of encouragement. I can do this.

  “Misha,” I start out, my voice soft as I try not to cry. “From the very beginning, I have known deep inside my heart that you were the one. That spark that you felt when we first met, I felt it, too. And I still do to this day. With every passing moment we spend together, that spark grows brighter and stronger. Your love has illuminated the path I most desperately want to follow, a path I never knew existed until the light shined on it. Your support has carried me through good times and the bad, and without you, I don’t know how I would have survived.

  “Although our meeting was completely serendipitous, totally by chance, I can’t help but feel the guiding hand of fate behind it. Because we found each other at such a crucial turning point in both of our lives. I truly believe that our hearts collided at just the right time, that we were meant to end up together. Some higher power must have carefully set in motion the trajectories that would lead us to the same room, on the same night, with the same ache in our hearts.

  “I was lonely and lost when I met you. I was full of regret, guilt, and anger. I had closed off my heart to the world, afraid of being hurt again. But you, patient and gentle as always, slowly helped me open back up. You took your time teaching me how beautiful and genuine love can be. You showed me how to live, how to be truly happy and free. I never believed that I would find someone who so perfectly fits me. We came together as two broken people, but together, we are totally complete. I pledge to give you my heart, all of it, for the rest of my life. I love you, Misha Chaykovsky, and I always will,” I finish, a tear rolling down my cheek.

  “Damn it,” I mutter, giggling through the tears. “I was trying so hard not to cry.”

  Scattered soft laughter moves throughout the audience. The priest pats my shoulder and says, “It’s okay. You did good.” Misha nods approvingly and gives me a wink.

  “Now for the rings,” declares the priest.

  Misha’s best man, a young Russian man named Ilya who just happens to be Sam’s boyfriend, hands Misha the rings. From the very first time we all hung out together, Misha and Ilya have hit it off, bonding over their similar backgrounds and love for the Burns sisters, respectively.

  It’s especially perfect, since Sam is my maid of honor.

  The priest has us repeat our pledges and slide the rings onto each other’s fingers. I hold my breath in anticipation as the priest makes one final, beautiful announcement.

  “Friends, family, well-wishers
, I have the honor of introducing the new Mr. and Mrs. Chaykovsky. Nicole, Misha, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Misha, you may kiss your bride!” he exclaims brightly, grinning.

  “Finally,” Misha whispers as he sweeps me into his arms. I giggle as he presses his lips to mine, his hand cradling the back of my head as the crowd cheers and applauds. The band begins to play our song, the audience standing up as Misha takes my hand and we rush back down the aisle, freshly married and full of excitement. My heart is racing, and as much fun as the wedding is, I kind of can’t wait until later, when it’s just the two of us again. After all, I’ve been looking forward to our wedding night for a long time now.

  We hold the reception in big, flashy event hall across from the chapel, with a professional DJ, elaborate hors d’oeuvres, a gourmet three-course meal, and an elegant, six-tier wedding cake. The dance floor is never empty, with the combination of Misha’s Russian friends and family performing traditional party dances and my friends and family awkwardly joining in or just grooving alongside them in their own styles.

  Sam and Ilya join us first after my solo dance with Misha, and my mom and her new beau — who is leagues better than any guy she’s ever dated after my father’s passing — join in, as well.

  Mom, Samantha and I had a lot of long talks the past few months. We even talked her into going to group therapy together, to try to heal and come together as a family again. It’s not always been easy, and there’s still a lot of hurt feelings all around, but we’re getting there.

  And I’m so happy to see her and Samantha smiling and hugging again. I never thought she’d ever really get to know our mom, but now I realize I barely knew her as well. Maybe we’ve all changed, and now we just fit together finally.

  Everyone and everything is wonderful. To my infinite surprise, there is no drama at all. Our families and friends, though wildly different in just about every conceivable way, seem to get along without issue. It’s a joyous occasion, especially since I’m looking forward to our honeymoon, which we’re leaving for straight away in the morning.

  Swirling slowly on the dance floor to a ballad, Misha asks me softly, “Are you excited to visit Greece?”

  I nod and smile. “Yes. I can’t wait. The food, the turquoise water, the history…”

  “You’re a nerd,” he teases. I stick my tongue out at him.

  “Yeah, but you married me, so you’re a nerd now, too, by association,” I laugh.

  “Lucky me,” Misha says genuinely.

  “Lucky us,” I reply gently, looking down at my belly for a moment. There is a secret we’re keeping from everyone here: I’m already pregnant. It’s only a couple months along, so I’m not showing yet, and we’re having such a wonderful time keeping it a secret that we’re going to hold off until after the honeymoon before we tell everyone. Right now, it just feels right to be the only ones who know. Just Misha, me, and our little baby.

  I can hardly wait to start our new life together. After the whole fiasco with the evidence missing from Misha’s case trial, Internal Affairs managed to track down the source of the problem: my lieutenant.

  As it turns out, he’s been sabotaging certain trials and obstructing justice for years, working as an inside man for criminal organizations. So it wasn’t much of a stretch for him to put my career in jeopardy as payback for denying his proposition. When the smoke cleared, it was obvious he was in the wrong. My job was reinstated, and I was even offered a promotion as a sort of combined apology and congratulations on a job well done.

  However, I had just recently received the news of my pregnancy, so I turned it down. My job used to be my life, but not anymore. I have something much better now: a husband and a child. At least for now, I am going to be a stay-at-home wife and mother. After the years of backbreaking work and no rest, I’m actually looking forward to slowing things down a little bit.

  Besides, I won’t be bored, not with Misha around. Especially now that his formerly mafia-run, criminal enterprises are turning legitimate. He has made it his solitary goal to go straight, bringing his industries back into the light. It’s been a lot of work, and of course there has been some pushback from his people, but growing pains are to be expected. And now, it really does feel like Vegas belongs to us. Our city is safer than it’s ever been, since Misha has taken particular care to eliminate the troublemakers under his wing. Finally, Las Vegas is becoming the kind of city I would like to raise my child in.

  “I don’t know if I have ever been this happy before,” I remark.

  “Well, then I’ve got my work cut out for me. Because I intend to make every single day of your life happier than the one before,” Misha promises me.

  “I love you,” I murmur, standing on tiptoe to kiss him.

  As he leans down to kiss me, he replies softly, “I love you, too.”

  Also by the Author

  Romantic Suspense:

  Alexis Abbott’s Bound to the Bad Boy Series:

  Book 1: Bound for Life

  Book 2: Bound to the Mafia

  Book 3: Bound in Love

  Alexis Abbott’s Hitmen Series:

  Owned by the Hitman

  Sold to the Hitman

  Saved by the Hitman

  Captive of the Hitman

  Stolen from the Hitman

  Hostage of the Hitman

  Taken by the Hitman

  The Hitman’s Masquerade (Short Story)




  Innocence For Sale: Jane

  Redeeming Viktor

  Rock Hard Bodyguard



  Falling for her Boss (Novella)

  Most Wanted: Lilly (Novella)

  Erotic Thriller:

  The Dangerous Men Series:

  The Narrow Path

  Strayed from the Path

  Path to Ruin

  About the Author

  Alexis Abbott is a USA Today & Wall Street Journal bestselling author who writes about bad boys protecting their girls! Pick up her books today and find yourself transported with super steamy sex, gritty suspense, and lots of romance.

  She also writes as Alex Abbott for her erotic thrillers and contemporary romance.

  She lives in beautiful St. John's, NL, Canada with her amazing husband.

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