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Family Business (Mixing Business with Pleasure Book 3)

Page 5

by Ace Gray

  I need a fucking run.

  I started to weasel out of Nick’s grip hoping not to wake him. I wanted out of the house without additional discussion on the matter. I managed to tip-toe upstairs, change, and brush my teeth without the slightest sound echoing through the apartment.

  For a moment, I thought I’d get to sneak away but Nick's groggy voice greeted me when I bent over to throw my hair up in a ponytail.

  “Did you change your mind?”

  “Huh?” I snapped up, pulling my hair tight in the tie.

  “Are you running from me after all?”

  "I'm going for a run.” I managed to keep any snap out of my voice. “Big difference.”

  “Why?" he asked mid-yawn as he rubbed sleep out of his eyes.

  “You know why, Nick.” I arched an eyebrow.

  His whole face sobered. “You aren’t going to run through the park are you?” The fear in his eyes melted me.

  “No, baby, I’m not.” I managed a small smile for him. “I think I’m gonna go into the office.”

  “We agreed to work from home. To actually take a four day weekend,” he said softly.

  “We agreed to a lot of things that got shot to hell yesterday.” I couldn’t swallow my exasperated sigh in time.

  “Kate…” His voice trailed off and his eyes shifted to that sad silt color.

  “It’s also because of Hong Kong. That trip, along with Christmas, will effectively end my operating year two weeks early. I have to shift my priorities." I crossed my arms and leaned against the counter.

  “You’re still coming to China with me?” The tiniest twinkle crept into his eyes.

  “Of course.” I rolled mine.

  Nick reached for me as I passed by and I let him pull my body to his. He kissed my forehead and breathed in my scent deeply.

  "I'm running with you.”

  He turned toward the closet without further conversation. I raised my eyebrows even though he couldn't see. I wasn’t particularly thrilled with the idea but I didn’t want to fight anymore either.

  Nick was moving slowly, and I ended up making coffee and waiting for him at the breakfast bar. Without thinking, I jumped up and sat on the stone. I was the tiniest bit sore when I landed but shook it off, purposely pushing the memories of yesterday morning from my mind. I was sipping coffee and answering emails when Nick finally plodded down the stairs.

  He was wearing black sweats that hung sinfully well from him hips and a matching hooded sweatshirt that managed to hint at the muscles underneath. He was gorgeous. I still couldn't decide if he was more attractive in workout wear, casual clothes or one of his perfectly tailored suits. Lately I'd been leaning toward whatever he happened to be wearing at that particular moment. Or naked. He was perfect naked. My thoughts betrayed me when my chest and cheeks flushed. He ran his fingers through his hair, and he pulled out a small, crooked smile for me.

  "I love you on the breakfast bar.”

  “Not this morning, Nick.” I shot him a look even though it was my wayward thoughts that’d started it.

  “I can’t help myself when your skin turns that particular shade of pink.” He was trying to stifle a wider smile, one that wanted to split his face.

  “You're a dirty bastard."

  "With you, yes, undoubtedly."

  Nick moved between my legs and grabbed my hips. He pulled me roughly toward his body and rested his chin on my chest. He looked up at me, and the textbook definition of adoration batted up at me from under long lashes.

  “Are we ok?” He wrapped his arms around my hips and lifted.

  Sometimes I forgot how strong he was, how completely he could dominate me. Here, with my legs wrapped high around his chest and nothing but his arms supporting my weight, I remembered and flushed again. My body had obviously made up its mind as I unwound from his and slid slowly down his chest.

  “We’re ok.” My mind was getting there too.

  I leaned in and gently curved my lips up to his. I’d only meant to coax a gentle, chaste kiss from him, but he took full advantage. His hand came to my chin and held me still. The other moved swiftly back to weave into my ponytail and pulled. Hard. I gasped toward the ceiling when he opened my neck to his lips and proceeded to kiss a tender trail slowly down to my collarbone.

  He pulled away a moment after but still had my ponytail wrapped around his wrist and my head tilted back. My breathing was a little more ragged than I cared to admit.

  “We don’t have to go. There are other forms of exercise you know.” He chuckled.

  My lips parted to scold but he leaned over me and winked as he let go then called the elevator. As soon as I stepped toward him, he grabbed my hand and gripped it tightly.

  Jaime was in the lobby waiting for us, and his concerned eyes flashed first to mine, then Nicks and settled on our hands clasped together. He had to be expecting fall out. Nick purposely brought my hand to his lips and kissed the back of my palm. I rolled my eyes and Jaime nodded knowingly.

  Nick must have caught a glimpse of my face because he stopped short. His fingers unlaced from mine and took my hand with both of his. He brought my palm to his lips and kissed the center ardently. It was the first tender gesture we had ever shared and he used it as his secret weapon now, knowing full well it made my heart flutter.

  “I love you, Kate Elliott.”

  Jesus those words make me weak in the knees.

  My favorite bright eyes peered over my fingertips. When he knew I was watching, he ducked down again and kissed my palm every bit as lovingly as before. He closed his eyes and held his lips to my skin for a few moments then wordlessly wrapped his hand back around mine and pulled me toward the front door. I couldn’t help the genuine smile that broke across my face; Nick squeezed my hand all the harder.

  A handful of photographers waited for us, and Nick kept his vice grip on me as we followed Jaime; he wove through both them and the pedestrian crowd. Nick’s grip was uncertain, fidgety almost, until a small crack opened in the sea of people. Without warning, he yanked me free from the clog so we could really run.

  When we hit our stride, he let go and gestured for me to move ahead of him; I hesitated for a second. He scowled playfully and I easily jetted in front. My breath puffed rhythmically in the cold air surrounding us. I tried to focus on the swirls but Nick occupied my thoughts.

  He was staying close—too close—even getting his feet tangled with mine. I swore loudly but reined in my temper, keeping our tentative truce. The second we had to stop for traffic, he was there, his hand reached out for me a few times, but I didn't look around to see why. When we reached Vesper, he let out a massive sigh as I pushed open the large glass door. I caught a glimpse of troubled eyes before he could look away.

  “Is this about the fight?” I shot him a look as I asked.

  “No,” he answered succinctly.

  “Then what's wrong?”


  “Bryant." I clenched my fists and stomped my foot.

  There’d been too much shit in the past 24 hours for me to tolerate his overused and evasive responses. I glared at him as he grumbled rough monosyllables at the elevator door where we waited. The moment the doors slid open he pushed me into an empty car, continuing his silence. I shook my head in the elevator, trying desperately not to break skin where I dug my nails into my palms, furious we were back at square one.

  “I’m scared, Kate. I was scared yesterday and I’m fucking terrified today.”


  Nicholas Bryant didn’t do emotions regularly. Or ever, really.

  “Everything is off. Fighting with you makes it that much worse. And that run was awful. All I can think about is how I might lose you. How I have lost you…" His words trailed off.

  I slumped against the elevator wall and looked him over before I responded.

  “I get scared too, Nick. I lost you too. And I’m just as terrified I'll have to go on without you at some point. That something will happen beyond our control. When y
ou don’t tell me things, I immediately assume it will be sooner rather than later.”

  His steely gaze slowly swept over me when I laid bare my deepest fear. I hadn’t fully voiced it to anyone, maybe not even myself, but as soon as I gave it life, I felt the honesty deep in my bones. I did worry about losing him, worry it was too good to be true. Every. Damn. Day.

  I swallowed hard as Nick pushed off the wall and crossed the small space between us to grab me. As soon as the doors opened, he pulled me out of the elevator, stopping just outside to kiss me deeply. His hands moved up to weave into my hair and pull me onto his lips. When he came up for air, he leaned his forehead to mine.

  “I’m not going anywhere.” His whisper was warm against my skin.

  “You don’t always have a choice in the matter. I mean, my parents…” I couldn’t finish that sentence. “And with Christopher…” Emotion balled in my throat making that one even harder.

  “Kate, I was never that guy.” He chuckled at himself. “And it’s corny as hell, but now I know not even fate would keep me from you. It wouldn’t fucking dare.”

  He wove his hand around mine and pulled it up so he could kiss each of my knuckles. For the first time, since he’d told me about Victor and Christopher, I relaxed. I couldn’t even replay yesterday’s orphan debacle anymore. My entire world revolved around the way our skin molded perfectly together where it entwined.

  “Oh my God, that’s it!” Nick interrupted our moment as he spun from me, stroking his chin, and staring at the lobby floor. “Why didn’t I see it earlier.”

  “Nick?” I arched an eyebrow.

  “Jaime take care of Kate, I’ll be back.” Jaime had arrived in a separate elevator just in time for Nick’s outburst. My eyes darted between the two of them. Jaime was just as confused as me.

  “Nick. What the hell is going on?”

  I reached for him but he shoved at the emergency door and rounded the corner into the stairwell without even hesitating. For a moment, I debated going after him. His reaction worried me until I remembered his eyes had been crystal clear. I didn’t know what was going on but that alone told me I could let it play out. I shook my head with a small, baffled laugh as I headed into my office and settled in to answer the mountain of emails that had piled up in a little over 24 hours.

  A production delay quickly captured my attention, and by the time I looked up, I'd been working for two hours without hearing from Nick. The all too familiar dread clenched in the pit of my stomach. I was about to call Jaime when there was a knock at my door. Those knuckles wrapped a familiar, homey sound and I exhaled loudly.

  "Come in."

  Brennan, the head of my Tech Department, followed Nick into my office, carrying a stack of papers and a small box. The hair on the back of my neck stood up at the sight of that godforsaken box. It was the bane of my corporate existence, housing every failed prototype of the fitness device I’d been developing.

  Or rather, trying to develop.

  My eyes narrowed, glaring at the innocuous black box, and the familiar signs of my temper welling almost replaced my words with a haggard roar.

  “Why did you bring that damned thing in here?”

  I sat back in my chair as I waited for them to begin. Nick chuckled while Brennan took the lead.

  "We've solved everything, we'd like your approval."

  What the…?!

  My mouth dropped open, and I gracelessly launched forward as my fingers scrambled for the papers Brennan was handing me. I glanced at the documents, grabbing my glasses and shoving them on before refocusing. I didn’t know if I needed them because of disbelief or to actually read the text. Nick’s heated gaze and arched eyebrow didn’t escape my notice. I purposely lifted the paperwork to block my view.

  Before me was a simplified algorithm that took into account every different piece of a song; bass lines, vocal lines, downbeats, everything, so we could accommodate a variety of paces with one track. Users could select a genre then a program we'd carefully curated played over six hours of music based on their cadence.

  "You're sure this will work?"

  "Yes." Brennan’s eyes lit up.

  "We tested it downstairs," Bryant added.

  I folded the corner of the paper and looked over my glasses at him. "Why wasn't I included?"

  "Oh, um, Mr. Bryant…" Brennan stammered.

  "You were busy. My understanding is that you have two weeks versus the usual four before year end.” Bryant’s words were thoughtful, his smirk, on the other hand, was beyond smug.

  "We tested the reprogrammed chip in the old prototype. Works pretty great. You're welcome to try it out." Brennan pulled the old and suddenly-not-so-upsetting device from his box and set it on my desk.

  “And the clip?"

  I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. It was the other massive hurdle I’d run into. And bashed my head against. Multiple times.

  "Well that was all Mr. Bryant."

  "Bryant?" I cocked my head as I questioned him.

  “I started to think about skin curving against skin."

  My eyes narrowed as I calculated whether I could reach his face to slap from where I was sitting. He was undoubtedly referencing personal things. Whether the contours of my skin in Patrić’s photos, us tangled in bed together or… Then the glimpse I’d caught of our intertwined arms mere hours ago came to mind, and the sentiment suddenly seemed undeniably sweet.

  Nick pulled the smallest shell from the box and it’d been transformed. My eyes lit up. Neoprene contoured out from the plastic casing, sort of like a wave or a sideways, thick, barely bending letter S. It wasn't even as long as the finger he placed it on for me to inspect. And inspect it I did before my face fell.

  "It's nice, beautiful even, but how’s it going to stay on. I specifically wanted something low cost to manufacture that would make the device accessible to anyone, wearing any type of workout gear without having to purchase separate cases, adapters, Vesper clothing, etcetera."

  Heat rose into my chest and up into the tips of my ears.

  We’ve been over this.

  “Magnets." He shrugged with his nonchalant reply.

  "Magnets?" I peered over my glasses at him again. He shifted ever so slightly and a smug smile threatened to pull at his lips. "Care to elaborate?" My jaw clenched at his reaction.

  His eyes lit up just before he leaned across the desk and wrapped the fabric around my finger. There were magnets hidden in the fabric that easily clasped around my finger. The aesthetic was a surprisingly stylish, almost brash cocktail ring. I tried to stifle a gasp, sure I needed to play the cynic.

  "I don't know how practical a ring is unless the consumer is willing to purchase the wireless headphones."

  Bryant had to know he was winning me over when I stayed focused on the pretty little device despite my protest. Without a word, he pulled my arm back across the desk. He took the ring from my finger and moved to my sleeve. He laid it out, almost like a watch but on top of the fabric. With nimble fingers he slid two small, opposing disks in place on the underside. There, without a clip, without a bulky armband, and on normal clothing, it sat firmly in place. I shook my sleeve gently then crescendoed to a wild flap; the device stayed perfectly set on my sleeve.

  It can go anywhere!

  "Magnets," Nick repeated.

  "I love it.” My voice was a mix of awe and adoration. I didn’t even try to stifle it. They really had fixed everything and fixed it beautifully.

  Nick smiled. "Cost of production will make you love it even more."

  "Thank you both so much. Brennan, thank you for working on this, today, of all days. Bryant…" I let my voice trail off.

  Would it be completely inappropriate to lunge across the table and kiss him?

  A long-oppressive weight fell from my shoulders, and a deep exhale left my lips. My gaze shifted from one man to the other and back. I couldn’t help the massive smile that spread across my face. When I let loose a loud hearty laugh, both men joined in, the
room itself feeling infinitely lighter.

  Brennan was collecting his things when Nick’s eyes latched on mine. The pure blue was hungry. He wanted to devour me—all of me—and not just my flesh. My heart swelled and everything below my belly button clenched, goose bumps travelled up my skin. Nick noticed and, with a positively beaming grin, he ushered Brennan to the door.

  As soon as the door shut behind him, before he was even able to turn around, I murmured, "I love you, Nick."

  He turned and looked directly into my eyes. "I love you too. More than words can say."

  "How did you…?"

  "I'd do anything for you.” He strode purposefully to my side. “And I’m particularly interested in making amends at present.”

  Nick lifted my hand, device still attached, and kissed the inside of my palm.


  Carefully, he pulled the magnets free and tucked the design back into his pocket.

  "I'm glad you like it. I'll get the specs to production right away." He turned to go.

  “Wait!” I almost dove after him. “How did you magically fix this in one morning?"

  Had he been holding out on me?

  My temper flared a little at the thought.

  "I had the right kind of motivation." He smiled warily and took a deep breath. “Your skin has always been an inspiration to me.” He winked and I swallowed any irritation. “Holding your hand today got me thinking about the shapes possible. About how something could mold to the contours of a body."

  "It really is beautiful, babe. I never imagined anything better." I smiled widely and he stepped back to reach for my cheek. “That doesn’t explain the cadence issues?” I turned my voice up at the end so he’d know what I was asking.

  "When we were running I was so nervous I started humming. People walking would match other beats or rhythms in the same song. It was so obvious. I should’ve realized a long time ago that one song could work for a ton of paces if I factored in something besides downbeat. We just had to rewrite the algorithm to accommodate.”

  "Why didn't you tell me?"

  "I wanted to surprise you.” He bent and kissed my forehead.


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