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Family Business (Mixing Business with Pleasure Book 3)

Page 17

by Ace Gray

  He's going to kill me.

  He had worked his way up to shouting again.

  Shitshitshitfuckshit OUCH!

  My heart was thrumming and my vision tunneling. My arms wound around my body and clutched.

  “All I know is that I love him, more than anything.” The words were ragged and interspersed with giant gulps for air. “I need him!" I shouted before trying to take a huge breath.

  "And I will never leave her or hurt her ever again." Nick's dangerous voice came from the revolving door, echoing through the stone and glass lobby. The rhythm of my heart changed a little, partially relieved, and partially on edge because of the instant fury pulsing through the room. "Why are you here Kevin?" Nick sent shivers up my spine.

  Kevin stood, and rounded away from the lobby chairs to stand toe to toe with Bryant. Nick was taller and more muscular but not by much. Nick’s presence was what made Kevin appear small. He looked polished in his perfect suit but downright feral because of the storm churning in his eyes.

  "I'm here to offer her an alternative to the screwed up life she'll surely have with you,” Kevin spat the words in Nick’s face.

  “Go fuck yourself!”

  I noticed Terrence slip into position behind Nick. Jaime flinched, wanting to follow suit but since he was shielding me, he didn't budge.

  "You don't deserve her.” Kevin stepped even closer to Nick as he yelled, “She deserves someone who’ll actually care for her. Be there for her!”

  “You’re right, I don’t deserve her, but I intend on trying. Every God damned day, with everything that I have. And I will be there for her through anything.”

  My heart twittered for a very different reason.

  "I've been there twice when you blew it all to hell!" Kevin bellowed, and Nick lunged for him, latching onto his shirt to haul Kevin in close.

  "Stop it. Stop it right now.” I stood and shouted at them, pressing hard into my rib cage again. "Please."

  “You want to hear what he has to say?" Nick paused, radiating pain.

  "No, Nick. I don't want you in a fight. In public no less." I arched my eyebrows. "It's not worth it."

  "Did you just say I’m not worth it?" Kevin’s voice cracked.

  His twisted face and halting speech didn’t affect me nearly the way Nick’s did.

  "Yes, Kevin. I did. I can’t handle this, my heart can’t handle this.” I tried to push in between them to really end the standoff but Nick angled to keep me out.

  “Sweets, is this hurting your heart?” He looked over his shoulder at me.

  “Yes,” I groaned.

  “You hurt her heart?” Kevin went back to shouting.

  To my surprise, Nick’s hands left Kevin’s shirt but not to let loose a punch. He simply pushed Jaime’s hands aside so he could grasp my shoulders.

  “I would gladly take all of her pain, any amount of pain, to protect...”

  “Pain I can do, asshole," Kevin interrupted and cocked his hand back before Nick or I could react.

  Nick's reflexes were good enough that he shoved me out of the way, but the flying fist still crunched into his cheekbone.

  "Nick," I gasped as he stumbled from the force of the blow.

  My heart was about ready to thud out of my chest but it didn’t matter. I zigzagged after him and my hands flew out to slow his fall. I sucked in a deep breath as I caught his muscular frame.

  "Fucking shit!" Nick shook his head trying to deal with the instant pain.

  It only took a single heartbeat for Nick to gain his footing, push away from me, and swing at Kevin. He landed a quick right hook followed by an even faster jab to Kevin's stomach. Kevin doubled over and I thought he might puke on the marble floor.

  Nick stood, seething over his heaving body. When Kevin regained his composure, he took a run at Nick. The brick wall that was my future husband stopped him short. Nick took the opportunity to bear hug Kevin and punch him hard in the kidney. Repeatedly.

  It was the wrong time to realize Nick was an exceptional fighter. He was going to seriously hurt Kevin if I didn't stop him. I went to step in but my feet faltered after a painful shot from my heart. While my body hesitated, Kevin found the strength to shove on Nick again. He caught Nick off balance and they both toppled over an armchair and thudded into a potted plant.

  I had to stop things before Nick got hurt.

  Or I die.

  Still rubbing my chest, I managed to shove my way in between them as they scrambled back to their feet.

  "Stop!" My shout pulled Nick up short.

  When he saw both of my hands frantically pressing and rubbing at my heart he forgot about Kevin. Ever so tenderly his hands wrapped around mine. He pulled me close to his chest, which rose and fell every bit as fast as mine.

  That's when Kevin lunged at Nick and landed a hard hook to his jaw. I was so tangled up in Nick that I tumbled in a heap of limbs. Grunts and groans mingled with my pathetic whimpers as we careened to the marble floor. My body crunched even though I could tell Nick was trying to soften my fall. As soon as I could compose myself my hands flew to his face and the purple splotch blooming across his jaw.

  "God damnit Kevin! What is wrong with you?” I was in searing pain as I alternated piercing words and haggard breaths.

  "What the fuck is wrong with me? Are you really asking that?" he shouted back.

  "No, on second thought, I'm not. Because I don't give a fuck anymore." I rolled off Nick and onto the floor, trying to still my heart.

  I was completely unconcerned that a crowd had gathered in the lobby, I was just hoping my heart didn’t shatter or give out completely. My fingers clutched at my flesh.

  "Are you ok, Sweets?” Nick’s voice was not what I expected it to be, he was soft, gentle.

  My head rolled and I found myself nose to nose with my fiancé. Weakly, one of my hands moved to cradle his face. The tenderness that plainly greeted me soothed me and my trembling bones.

  “I’ll live. I think. You?”

  "I'm fine but I want him gone,” Nick said, more businesslike than anything. "Gone for good. Out of our lives." Those perfectly blue eyes focused in on mine.

  "That's not your choice asshole!" Kevin bellowed.

  "No." I stopped Kevin short with a wave of my hand, still breathing far too loudly from my puddle on the floor. "It's not his choice. It's mine. And we’re done, Kevin. As friends, as anything more, as anything period." I took a deep breath—well tried to anyway. "I am marrying Bryant. Not because of any stupid reason you've conjured up in your head, but because I can't live without him. I refuse to even try. If you can't respect that, then I can't respect you.” I honestly didn't know how I still managed to string words together. “You should go." I gracelessly pointed to the exit from the floor.

  Nick's fingers searched for my free hand still resting on the floor. His hand crunched on mine. Past him, Kevin’s face had fallen—no, worse than fallen—it was pure desolation.

  “Do you mean that?"

  I barely made out Kevin’s whisper.

  "I do.” And I pictured saying those words to Nick and I gained strength.

  Even here, even now, lying on the cool marble floor, I wanted to say them to him. I was excited to have the big white dress, the solemn ceremony, and to really pledge my life to him.

  If I hadn’t been focused on the painfully beautiful image—well, that and the jackknife pummel to my insides—I would’ve heard Kevin walk away; a slow, sad shuffle against the stone of the lobby. And Jaime's phone call to Dr. Chambers. Instead, the thundering inside my own chest, and Nick’s ragged breathing beside me, filled my senses.

  “We’re going home,” Nick said simply beside me.

  “Nick, I need to work.”

  “You’ll work from home, or not at all.” He turned and pulled me into his chest where he laid on the lobby floor.


  “Fuck you, Kate,” he shot gruffly. “I know damn well your heart is going crazy.”

  I sighed loud
ly. The all-consuming reality was I couldn’t feel my fingertips.

  “Nicholas, Kate, may I suggest we move off the lobby floor.” Jaime leaned over us, a bemused smirk on his face.

  For some inexplicable reason, Nick burst out laughing. His hand still held mine but otherwise his body twisted up in full body shaking giggles. It was the last emotion I expected after what had just happened. His reaction made me chuckle too.

  When he caught his breath, he pushed up onto his elbow. “Is that a yes? And an, ‘I’ll go home without a fight?’” He was still smiling that perfect crooked smile. As much as he could with the bruising anyway.

  "The doctor said to bring you in if the symptoms didn’t recede with rest. Bed rest." Jaime emphasized even through the smirk he tried to hide.


  He didn’t even wait a breath before standing and scooping me up to carry me to the revolving door.

  “You can put me down, Nick.”

  He didn’t react to my words, and I rolled my eyes as I settled into his chest while he waded through photographers. Hearing his heartbeat eased my thundering pulse. He cradled me in the backseat of the car and, as he carried me back up to the apartment, I playfully swatted his chest when he snarled at my request to walk into the building myself.

  When I slid down Nick’s rigid torso, the delicious musculature underneath wasn’t the only steely thing to greet me. His erection pressed into my belly. I flushed and bit my lip. Of course my declaration—probably even my obedience—had turned him on. My heart started racing, but in the normal, Nicholas Bryant way. I made a point to fidget up against him.

  “Stop.” Nick was stern and forceful.

  I looked up to see swirling, stormy eyes.

  “I know you want to.” I arched an eyebrow.

  “I always want to. This time I damn near need to, but I won’t. Besides, I’m supposed to be at work.”

  “Please?” I leaned in to beg, all breathy, against his ear. Suddenly nothing in the world sounded as perfect as the fluid motion of us weaving together.

  “I’d love to spank you for being so reckless with your heart.”

  "Why don't you?" As soon as I said it, his face dropped.

  "You know damn well why I won't." I pushed out of his arms in the entryway and reached for his hand. I placed it over my heart. "Kate," he growled.

  Damn it Nick, just listen.

  He had to feel the difference for himself but he kept trying to pull away.

  Skin against skin always spoke volumes for us. I shrugged out of my trench and let it crumple to the floor. He pulled his hand away, stepped back, and watched me curiously. I yanked my sweater off without hesitation.

  The bra I was wearing pushed my breasts up, making the tremble of my heart obvious in the swell of my flesh. I held his gaze while I removed the bra, letting my breasts fall and bounce ever so slightly as I did. My nipples reacted to the cool air, and Nick’s eyes reacted to the view. He didn't move toward me and, for a split second, I was glad. My heart responded to his hunger a little more forcefully than I’d anticipated. I kept this tremor in check though, my face and knees held strong.

  Thank God.

  I closed the tiny gap between us in one step and reached for his hand. His fingertips would understand now. I picked up his hand and for a moment, he wouldn't let me move it.

  "I'll beg."

  He eyed me suspiciously then let me take control. I pressed his palm back to my chest. I smiled when his fingers flexed into my skin. He stared into my eyes for a moment and then his fingers curled again. This time he sucked in a loud breath.


  Oh thank fuck.

  I made my voice as sultry and suggestive as possible. "I'll be in the bedroom.”


  I sprinted to the bedroom as fast as my heart would allow, yanking off my heels, and peeling out of my leggings, only to dump them unceremoniously in a pile by the side of the bed.

  "Excited are we?"

  Nick’s smooth, velvety purr came from the doorframe and sent shivers up my spine. Without turning, I simply nodded.


  Ah, God, that voice.

  "Me too." Just his tone was getting me wet. "Stay." His command was even more arousing. Desire ran rampant through my veins.

  He purposely brushed against me as he walked over to the bedside table. My skin scorched where he touched me and my heartbeat skyrocketed again. I was worried he would hear it, or my knees would give out, and then the game would be over. I had to find a way to settle myself.

  Nick reached into his drawer of toys and pocketed things in both of his front pockets. He slipped out of his shoes before he turned to face me. He looked me up and down, drinking in every inch, and I couldn't help but flush. My heart hammered again, but his priceless smile told me I was able to mask it.

  Nick prowled around me, then stood close to my back. Wordlessly, he reached around and laid his hand over my heart. Thankfully, it was at a moment when I had the damn thing under control. It only beat for him.

  His hand brushed across my body then whispered down my arm. I gasped when his touch suddenly changed and he yanked my arms, folding my forearms on each other. He held them in a box shape with his vice-like grip. I was consumed by the singe of his skin until soft silk brushed my backside. The long black ribbon danced across my skin leaving goose bumps in its wake.

  "Keep your arms just like this."

  I did as I was told despite having to shift because of the slickness building between my legs. Nick’s soft chuckle reverberated through me when he understood why I was wiggling.

  He wrapped the ribbon first around one wrist, then tightly circled it around my forearms where they laid on top of one another, until he could bind the other with a satin bow. Nick wound tightly so my chest pressed out and the nicely wrapped package of my arms swayed at the small of my back. My fingers could only drum at the crook of my elbow with anticipation.

  I watched his reflection in the window turn and stride out of the bedroom. Once the soft shuffle of his feet faded the jackhammer of my heart flooded my senses. I gasped and had to work to keep my knees from crumbling. Nick was the key to keeping my reactions under control.

  I closed my eyes to picture Nick, shirtless, sweats hanging low on his hips. I particularly liked it when he wasn't wearing his usual boxer briefs underneath and every contour of every bit of him was on full display. I made myself breathe deep as I pictured every inch of muscle diving under that soft waistband. I finally shut out the deafening noise of my heart by thinking of the V of muscles that highlighted his hips and how those small dimples above his ass looked peeking out over fabric. When I visualized the downright scandalous way they would hug his swoon worthy dick, my knees knocked together for a completely different reason.


  My thoughts went to kissing him there—any there, whether above or below his waistband. Then his neck and jaw, or running my lips across his taught skin. Or devouring his perfect full lips.

  Oh God.

  Very real arousal was dripping down my thighs as my heart’s hammering shifted back to its familiar only-for-Bryant race.

  When I thought about his eyes, deep, dark crystal blue, the way they only shown for me, I faltered.

  “Kate.” Nick was back in the doorframe.

  Shit! Of all the moments to come back.

  "I won't…"

  "It’s not that. I swear. Feel. Please." My interruption was strangled.

  He had to believe me. I would fucking explode if he didn't. Mercifully, he stepped to my back again and took a moment to wrap his hand around my body, squishing my arms between us. His hand laid over my left breast and electricity shot through my body.

  "It's just you," I said, sultry.

  He groaned and let his hand slide down to my hard nipple. He pulled and I arched back further into him.


  He dropped his hand and walked away from me, letting his fingers trace along the footboard
. On the bed was the reason he’d left the room… the camera. Nick motioned to the floor in front of him.

  I strode over, notched myself between his knees, and waited.

  “Lean over,” he commanded in his bedroom voice.

  My body easily dipped to where he was casually sitting on the edge of the bed. He held something besides the camera in his hand. When I pushed my chest squarely into Nick’s face, his hand leisurely traced down from my collarbone to my slightly swaying breasts. When his fingers found my nipples he pulled one and then the other, rubbing and flicking until they were rigid. I whimpered when his hand left my body.

  His hand unfurled to reveal the dark jewel nipple clamps we’d played with before. Nick let his fingertips circle each nipple before clipping each one onto me. They weighted my breasts to hang even heavier and I groaned. He flicked each jewel, sending shockwaves through my body, then wove his hand up into my hair. He used his grasp in my long locks to pull my lips to his.

  Nick rose as he kissed me roughly. His grip flattened me, complete with jewels, to his chest.

  “Don’t ever be reckless with your heart again." He breathed a moment before he smacked my ass. Hard.

  I shrieked. I hadn’t been expecting to be spanked standing, tangled as we were. The swat jump started my heart. It thudded against his chest making him pause. He sucked in a deep breath but didn’t let it go, instead he stilled his whole being to listen. He’d plastered me up along his body for this exact reason.

  Calm down, calm down, calm down.

  He sucked in a deep breath just before he spanked me twice more in quick succession.

  "I just need you. Here. With me.” His voice got rough as it cut through my wild cries.


  My heart was drumming damn near audibly now.

  Crack, crack. And I was writhing against his torso.


  He slid a long finger in between my legs, feeling the arousal there. I moaned out oh-so-loudly, the tortured sound echoing off the glass.

  "I can’t live without you." He pulled his finger out and lightning fast, sank back to the bed and splayed me across his knees only to spank me three more times.


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