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The Hot Billionaires Box Set

Page 66

by Nella Tyler

  They looked around them and saw a mass of jewels literally falling out of hundreds of chests. They moved to kneel before several chests and picked up necklaces and rings made of diamonds, rubies, and sapphires.

  “Are these real?” Meg asked in disbelief.

  “They look real,” Beni exclaimed as she laid a bracelet made of four rows of diamonds across her wrist.

  “There must be hundreds of chests here,” Drake murmured.

  “All spilling with jewels,” Noah said.

  “And gold,” Kai said as he held up a solid gold bar. “My God! It’s heavy.”

  “The jewels are real as is the gold. And there are two hundred and sixty-four chests.”

  They spun to see Peleke standing behind them. As usual, they hadn’t heard him arrive.

  “Peleke!” Meg said in surprised. She didn’t know why she should be surprised that he was there. But she was. “What are you doing here? How did you get here?”

  “Always so many questions, dear Meg,” he smiled. “But the answers are not important. What is of great significance is that the treasure you have found is very real and in very grave danger. It is up to you to protect it.”

  Drake and Noah stood.

  “Protect it? What are you talking about?” Drake asked.

  “The treasure is no longer safe here. As you have found it, so will others. Others who have no scruples or integrity. They are not good people,” Peleke said softly.

  “Denise and Doug,” Beni muttered under her breath.

  Ashlee heard her and nodded her agreement.

  “Among others,” Peleke smiled, letting Beni and Ashlee know that he had heard. “It is imperative that you arrange for its safety.”

  “How?” Noah asked.

  “I will leave that up to you. You are brave, ingenious, and creative people,” Peleke said. “The treasure is in good hands under your caretaking.”

  Drake pushed his hand through his thick hair.

  “And we are just supposed to come up with a plan to ensure its safety?”

  “I have faith that you will,” Peleke returned benignly.

  “Where are we? Are we really on the Kualoa Ranch?” Meg asked.

  “You are. But it is a part of the ranch that is not used. The ancient Ekewaka home sat on this portion of the ranch. The parlor was right above this room. It drew great interest from the citizens of the time since the floor was made of stained glass,” Peleke said.

  “I’m surprised this place was not found when the house was demolished,” Ashlee said.

  “The house remains. It just was not shown to you when you were on the tour,” Peleke said.

  “So the Ekewaka myth isn’t a myth,” Beni said.

  “And Denise is searching for the treasure,” Meg said slowly.

  “And most likely Doug too,” Kai said.

  “This treasure should go to a museum. We just have to figure out how best to get it there,” Drake said.

  “So I guess I can’t keep this lovely bracelet,” Beni moaned.

  Meg smiled.

  “No. You cannot.”

  “Drat!” Beni sighed.

  “Who would we speak to—” Drake turned to speak to Peleke, but he was gone. “Why am I not surprised that he is gone?”

  “Well, he’s true to form. He goes as he comes,” Noah grinned.

  “There is so much that we have to discuss,” Ashlee sighed.

  “Most importantly, Doug. He and Denise feel we know something about the treasure, which is why they came up with this plan of seeking our help,” Drake said.

  “They are watching us like hawks, hoping we will lead them to it,” Kai said.

  “And we may have,” Noah added.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Drake said.

  “Wait,” Beni called. She had walked over to the far side of the room. “It’s another door. But it small.”

  Meg quickly crossed the room.

  “Could it be the door that I found while I was searching with Brook? It’s the right height.” She turned the lock off and grasped the knob. Then she turned it. The door opened. She pulled it wide and saw the outdoors. They were near the waterfalls on the ranch: the exact place where she found the door. “This is it. The little door.”

  “The pieces are starting to fall into place,” Noah said.

  “They most certainly are. Look,” Ashlee said. She held up a silver comb and brush.

  They moved to her side and looked at the articles. She turned the brush over in her palm and on the back of the brush was a keyhole. And the handle of the comb was in the shape of an old-fashioned key.

  “The mirror belongs with this set,” Noah said softly.

  “Wow! We’ve been given the clues to lead us here. It’s really amazing,” Ashlee said wondrously.

  “Peleke is right. We’re supposed to do this,” Meg said.

  “And who are we to defy fate,” Drake smiled feebly. He moved to close the little door and locked it. “Let’s go.”

  They left the room and shut the door securely and Kai locked it with the key. They got on their scooters and drove back down the tunnel.

  They arrived back at the hotel and entered the storage room. Trooping up the steps, Drake made sure to lock the door with the padlock. They then moved to enter the service elevator.

  “There’s a luau happening on the beach this evening,” Kai said. “Why don’t we go for dinner, then afterward we can go to the tent to talk? Everyone will be here, so the beach will pretty much be deserted.”

  “Sounds good. We will be able to talk and enjoy being outside,” Drake said. “See you at the luau at six-thirty.”

  They arrived at the main floor and got off the elevator. They exchanged goodbyes and the couples went their separate ways.

  “Let’s go kayaking,” Drake suggested. “It will be relaxing and peaceful.”

  “I would love to,” Meg replied excitedly.

  “I know just the place.”

  They went to their suite to change into their bathing suits then left the hotel. Drake drove to Coral Bay. It was a beautiful lagoon with calm waters, luscious forest, and gorgeous estate homes overlooking the bay. They got out of the car and Meg removed her shirt and shorts while Drake went to rent a kayak.

  “Ready?’ Drake asked as he removed his green T-shirt and shorts.

  Meg nodded.

  “Uh huh. I can’t wait to get out on the water. It’s so blue and serene.”

  “The worker has put our kayak in the water. He’s waiting for us,” Drake said as he grabbed her hand and pulled her along.

  Drake got in the front seat so he could guide the kayak. Meg was content to settle in the back one. The worker pushed them off and they started rowing. The kayak glided on the crystal blue water like a duck cruising on a lake. Meg looked down into the water and could see herself. She made a funny face then laughed.

  “What’s so funny,” he asked.

  “Me. I was making faces at myself in the water. It’s so clear. It’s like looking in a mirror,” she answered. “This is exactly what I needed. Peace and beauty.”

  “I thought you would like it.”

  “I love it. You know me well.”

  “I’ve been studying you,” he remarked.

  “Really? And what have you discovered?”

  “I’ve learned that you are a kind, giving, goodhearted and very desirable woman. You’re funny and incredibly easy to tease. A woman that I’ve yet to meet until now,” he ended.

  “You are very sweet. I could say the same things about you. I certainly feel them about you,” she said softly.

  He stopped paddling for a moment.

  “Do you?”

  “Yes. Very much so.”

  “If I could kiss you right now I would,” he murmured.

  She chuckled.

  “I look forward to the time when you can.”

  “Rest assured, I will,” he returned. He began paddling again.

  “Those houses are beautiful. They’re s
o big sitting on the hilltops,” she said.

  “They cost big money too. But it must be fantastic to live there and have this view in your backyard.”

  “Maybe someday. I can always dream.”

  “Mmm hmm,” was all that he said. Drake knew that he would like to live here as well. And he was beginning to think that he’d found the right woman to join him in paradise. He and Meg just clicked. They had from the first moment that they met. He knew she was the woman for him. He just needed to ensure that he was the man for her. He could tell by the speed of the kayak that Meg had stopped paddling.

  “Hey! Are you paddling? I think I’m doing all of the work,” he grinned.

  Meg giggled.

  “I’m paddling,” she lied. She had stopped to stare at the view.

  “Yeah! Right! And I’m King Kong”

  She leaned forward to kiss the back of his neck.

  “You are to me.”

  “Lady, you will be busy tonight,” he responded.

  She laughed. The moved across the lake to bank the kayak on the shore. He got out of the vessel then helped her to alight. After securing the boat Drake grasped her hand and led her up the embankment.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked.


  “Me too. There’s a road just over the hill. I can hear the cars going by. I’m sure there’s a food place nearby,” he said.


  They climbed the embankment and reached the two-lane road. They could see cafes and fast-food restaurants. They elected to go with the café.

  “Let’s see if they do carry out. Then we can take our food back to where the kayak is and eat on the embankment. It can be a picnic,” she suggested.

  “All right,” he agreed.

  They went into the café and placed their take out order. In fifteen minutes, they were on their way back to the boat when Meg noticed a camping goods store.

  “Wait. Let’s go in that store. We can get a table cloth and a couple of blankets to sit on,” Meg said.

  They went inside the store. The shopkeeper was an older Hawaiian man with a big smile.

  “Aloha! I am Eli. Do you need blankets today?” Eli asked.

  Meg’s eyes widen in astonishment.

  “Why yes. How did you know?”

  “I can see by your dress that you probably arrived by kayak. You also have carry out food. I would guess that you will eat it on the shoreline. Yes?” Eli deduced.

  “Yes,” Drake smiled.

  “See. Just reasons of deduction. I am not clairvoyant,” Eli grinned.

  “Oh. Well, you are very astute,” Meg smiled.

  “I like to observe. Will you need a picnic cloth to lay out your food?” Eli questioned.

  “We will,” Meg answered.

  Eli nodded and moved to the rear of the store.

  “I like him,” Meg said.

  “So do I,” Drake responded.

  Eli returned with the items as well as two bottles of water.

  “I thought you would like something to drink as well,” Eli smiled.

  “Yes. Thank you,” Meg replied.

  They paid for their items.

  “Aloha,” Meg said as she turned to leave the store.

  “Aloha, Eli,” Drake chorused as they were leaving.

  “Aloha, my friends. And be careful in your endeavors. Danger lurks where you least expect it,” Eli said seriously.

  Drake and Meg were stunned by his remarked. Drake turned to question him but he was gone.

  “Where did he go,” Meg asked in confusion.

  Drake shook his head negatively.

  “He vanished. He must be related to Peleke.”

  Meg had to grin at his remark.

  “Let’s go.”

  They made their way back to the kayak.

  Chapter 22

  Meg and Drake sat on the blankets and ate their delicious, barbecued pork sandwiches and fried rice with pineapple and bacon. There was also a crisp, veggie salad of cucumbers, garbanzo beans, sprouts, boiled eggs, cheese, and bacon with a delicious, tangy sauce to accompany the meal. Meg chewed a bite of sandwich and considered what Eli said.

  “What do you think of Eli’s parting words?” Drake asked.

  “I think it was good advice. Whether we want to admit it or not, we are in a dangerous situation.”

  Drake nodded.

  “Yes we are. I don’t trust Doug as far as I could toss him. Nor do I trust Denise,” he said. “I don’t know her well, but there’s something devious about her.”

  “Devious is a good word to use in describing her,” Meg said. “She’s cunning and deceiving. She puts forth an illusory image of goodness and honesty. She’s anything but.”

  “I think that before this is over, we will see just how destructive and sinister those two are.”

  “We have to be prepared. Should we contact the authorities?” Meg queried.

  He nodded.

  “But first we should contact the officials at Bishop Museum and alert them to the existence of the treasure.”

  “That’s a good plan,” she said. “Now that we know there really is a treasure, do you think that Denise is in real danger?”

  “It is possible that someone believes the myth and is using Denise and Doug to get it. But why them? I mean, I don’t want to be snobby, but those two are nobody special. Why would the kidnappers think that they have the means to secure the treasure?” Drake asked.

  “Good point. Of all people, why choose them?”

  “It just doesn’t add up,” Drake said.

  “This being said, what are we going to do if the plot is valid? Leave Denise to the mercies of the kidnappers,” Meg asked. “I may not like her but I don’t want to see her dead.”

  “After we secure the treasure, we tell the police. We should be able to do so within the seventy-two hours that Doug was given,” Drake replied.

  “And if the plot is bogus, it will all come out in the end. Brilliant thinking, Sherlock,” Meg chuckled.

  “An excellent assessment of my investigative skills, Watson,” he countered.

  They laughed. She was thoughtful as she ate her meal. There was something she wanted to ask Drake but didn’t quite know how. She probably should come out with it and let the chips fall where they may. Even if that meant that she’d have another broken heart. At least it would happen early in the game and when their adventure was over, they could go their separate ways. “Drake?”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Do you see a future for us,” she asked softly. Meg stared at him intently.

  He had been drinking from his bottled water. He put it down and screwed on the cap. He didn’t look at her immediately. Meg wondered if it was too soon to ask such a question. But she couldn’t take it back so she had to bear his answer, whatever it may be. He finally lifted his head to look at her.

  “Yes, I do.” He leaned over and cupped her cheek. “I find myself in the unexpected position of being in love with you. The sentiment washed over me quite suddenly and I didn’t recognize it at first. But I now know that I love and want you in my life for the rest of my years to come.”

  Meg released the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. She closed her eyes for a second to take in what he’d said. He loved her. Those were the wonderful words that he could have said. They echoed her feelings which had been longing for release.

  “And I love you too, Drake. With every beat of my heart, I love you,” she whispered.

  He captured her mouth in an earth-shattering kiss. She returned his caress with all the love that she carried for him in her heart. After a moment he pulled back and grinned at her.

  “I’m so glad that we’re on the same page. I felt that you cared for me but it’s not same as hearing you say the words,” he replied.

  “You would have had to be blind not to see how much I love you,” she smiled. “I show it every time you make love to me.”

  “You are very passionate in bed and
I love it. But that doesn’t always equate to love.”

  “Maybe not with other women. But it does for me. I couldn’t respond to you as I do if I didn’t love you,” she said earnestly.

  “Nor I with you. You’re special, babe. No other woman has touched me the way you have. It’s you or no one,” he said quietly. “No other woman will do.”

  She grinned.

  “You’re stuck with me, Drake Hanover.”

  He pushed their food aside and lay next to her.

  “I couldn’t think of a better woman to be attached to.”

  They spent the rest of the afternoon necking and taking in the lovely view. Meg felt as though she was in paradise and this time nothing could destroy it. Eventually they disposed of the leftover food and folded the blankets and picnic cloth. Stuffing the items beside them in the kayak, they paddled back to the rental site.

  Meg decided to take a nap while Drake changed and then left the suite to check in with his foreman. Meg had drifted into a deep sleep with a pounding on the door woke her. She looked at the clock on the bedside table and saw that only forty minutes had passed. No wonder she felt groggy. The pounding continued and she padded to the door. Looking through the peephole, she saw that it was Doug. She grimaced. She knew what he wanted and did not feel up to a confrontation with him. He rapped on the door yet again. She sighed and opened it.

  “What is it, Doug?”

  He pushed past her to enter the suite.

  “What do you think I want? Where have you and Drake been? What are you doing to get NeCe back?” he demanded.

  Meg was outraged by his manner. He acted as if it was their duty or obligation to find Denise; the woman was most likely lost. He was truly out of line. She didn’t bother to close the door because Doug would soon be leaving.

  “It is not our responsibility to rescue Denise. I highly doubt that she needs rescuing,” Meg snapped. “We said we would assist you but we will do so as we choose. You do not dictate our involvement. If you are not satisfied with that arrangement, then you can seek help elsewhere.”

  “I told you I only had seventy-two hours. Time is ticking away and you have accomplished nothing,” he retorted.


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