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Harper (Destined for the Alpha Book 1)

Page 20

by Viola Rivard

  “Feeling you.”

  She maneuvered her elbow between them, jabbing it against his chest. “Well stop it. I don't like it.”

  He lifted his head just enough so that he could look down at her. If the stillness had bothered her, it was nothing compared to the acute discomfort she felt as he stared into her eyes. This time, she didn't have the sense that he was searching for anything. He was just looking at her and he was seeing everything.

  Their surroundings blurred out of focus and Shan became all that she was aware of. She saw his eyes, smelled his scent, tasted his blood, heard the drumming of his heart, and felt him inside of her.

  Her eyes stung with tears that she couldn't account for. Shan brushed them away, and then he pressed a light kiss to her forehead, another to the space between her brows, and the bridge of her nose, and then he claimed her lips.

  Harper had never been a vocal lover. Unless the sex was really, really good then the only sounds she uttered were instructions or critiques.

  Shan had her moaning with each thrust, and as his pace accelerated, she was crying out each time he slammed into her. The sounds were a reflex, completely beyond her control, and Shan met each one with a sound of his own, a clipped growl that was distinctly inhuman.

  As good as it was, she knew she wouldn't be able to climax. For her, having an orgasm had always required a certain level of detachment. She had to close her eyes and let her partner fade into the background before her pleasure could truly build.

  There was no detaching from Shan. Each of his thrusts battered her into the present, When she tried closing her eyes, he seized her chin and snarled at her.

  “Look at me.”

  She opened her eyes, but instantly flinched away from the magnitude of his gaze.

  He repeated his command, this time punctuating it with a thrust that was hard enough to hurt. Her gaze snapped to his. Fueled by anger and indignation, she was able to hold his stare. His lips slanted into a gorgeous smile, and he caressed her face and combed his fingers through her damp hair, all while relentlessly pumping into her.

  As she stared into his eyes and felt the pressure begin to build in her abdomen, she understood. With him, she didn't need to detach. She didn't need to go someplace else or imagine anyone else, because he was the epitome of everything she craved.

  At that realization, a low, guttural sound escaped her as she came harder than she ever had before. As her body began to spasm uncontrollably, she lost the rhythm of their hips. His eyes going wild, Shan seized her hips, slamming against his in brutal thrusts. On the third, he threw his head back, his spine going rigid as he came inside of her, pouring liquid heat into her belly.

  When he came back down, it was to rub his cheek against hers. Her face was wet. More tears. She didn't have the energy to be embarrassed. Even lifting her hand to wipe at her face felt like an ordeal.

  Shan rolled to the side, pulling her with him. Harper tried to pull away, but Shan tightened his hold on her.

  “Don't you dare.”

  “What?” Her voice was raw and throaty.

  He nuzzled the side of her head. “I'm not done with you.”

  “You, uh, want to do that again?”

  “I want to do that again every night, for the rest of our lives.” Without a hint of teasing, he said, “But not tonight. I'd break you.”

  Harper snorted. “Okay, sure. What do you want, then?”

  “To hold you until sunrise,” he said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

  He pulled his pelt up around them, surrounding her in his warmth.

  Harper said nothing to him. She was afraid that if they started talking, she would say ridiculous things, or make promises she couldn't possibly uphold. Her mind wanted to go in a thousand different directions. Instead, she kept her focus on the rise and fall of Shan's breath, letting only the occasional stray thought slip through her trance.

  Sometime before she slipped into sleep, it occurred to her that the entire time they'd been together, Shan had never put her on her knees, had never taken her from behind.

  He had made love to her.

  Chapter 13

  Shan was awake when West approached the den. In the hours since Harper had nodded off in his arms, Shan had teetered on the edge of sleep, but hadn't quite been able to overcome his internal chatter.

  Harper gripped him when he tried to move, and he had pry her fingers from his hair before he could sit up. He pressed a kiss to the back of her hand and then tucked it beneath his pelt.

  “I'll be right back.”

  She was still very much asleep, as evidenced by her slow, even breaths, but saying the words made him feel better. He had promised to hold her until morning, and he should have known better. Making such commitments to a woman was new to him. He would have to learn to temper them with the reality of his busy life.

  He felt a small measure of satisfaction leaving her beneath his pelt. Grabbing one of the bed furs, he got up and flung it over his shoulders. Without his pelt or Harper's warm body nestled up against him, Shan felt more susceptible to the cold than usual.

  West stood several yards from the den, wisely keeping his distance. As Shan stepped outside, West looked him up and down, his eyes lingering briefly on Shan's neck, where Harper had left her mark.

  “What news do you have?” Shan asked. He knew that West wouldn't have disturbed him if it wasn't important.

  “Cade made contact with one of the betas from the southern pack. Their alpha will meet with you in the morning.”

  Shan had been trying to nail down the leadership of the southern pack for over four years. Any other time, this news would have pleased him immensely, but after that night all he wanted to do was get Harper back to the confines of his territory.

  He pushed his aggravation back. “So it is only one alpha, after all?”

  “There was no mention of a second,” West said. “It was requested that we meet in their own territory. The meeting place is several hours from here, so we'll have to leave soon if we want to be there in time.”

  Shan exhaled heavily as he weighed his options. After a moment of consideration, he said, “Assemble a small team. I want at least one enforcer and Viper, but not Rosa.”

  West nodded, but remained standing.

  Shan arched a brow. “Are you finished?”

  “I thought you might want to discuss the encounter. Who we met with and what was said. I can have Cade come up and—”

  “That won't be necessary,” Shan said. “Go and get the team ready. I'll meet you on the hill shortly.”

  Not waiting for a response, he turned and went back into the den. The space no longer felt comfortable to him. It felt too open and exposed.

  In the short time he'd been gone, Harper's sleep had grown fitful. Her hands were clenched into tight fists as her eyes moved rapidly behind her lids.

  Shan crouched down beside her and stroked her hair.

  What happened to you?

  He leaned down and kissed the side of her face. “Harper. Wake up.”

  He had to say her name twice more before she awoke with a start, her eyes wide and darting around the room. When her gaze settled on him, she let out a shaky exhalation.

  “Sorry. Did I wake you?” she asked.

  “No. West just left. His scouts finally made contact with the southern pack.”

  “The southern pack?” She rubbed her eyes and sat up, pulling his pelt tightly around her nude body. “Oh, right. That's good. Are you... Do you have to go now?”

  “I was hoping you'd want to come with me.”

  Her brows rose. “Come with you? To meet with the pack?”

  He nodded. “If you want to join me, we'll have to leave shortly. Otherwise, you can stay here and go to The Steppes with the rest of our pack.”

  There was no way in fucking hell that he was going to let her leave his side, but he was interested to see her reaction.

  “You really want me to come with you? Won't I be in t
he way?”

  Shan decided that he liked her when she was sleepy. She was so much more docile than usual.

  “Perhaps. But if you don't come with me, it could be several days before we see each other again.”

  The was a flash of alarm in her eyes. She quickly recovered, her usual, scowling facade slipping back into place.

  “I'm sure you'll be just fine.”

  Shan called her bluff. “So, you're not going to join me?”

  Harper busied herself with searching for her clothes. “I didn't say that. I'll come, but only in a research capacity. This,” she wriggled her finger between them, “ain't happening again.”

  Shan pushed her down onto the bed. His pelt fell to her waist, giving him a pleasing view of her breasts.

  “I suppose I shouldn't introduce you as my mate, then?”

  Harper swatted his hair from her face. “Don't you dare. Now get off of me.”

  Shan grabbed her wrist, turning it over in his hand. It was so small. She had such a large personality that he sometimes forgot how small and fragile she was compared to him.

  “Keep rejecting me,” he said absently. “One of these times, I might just believe you.”

  When he looked at her again, her eyes were big and glassy. He knew that she was still confused and conflicted about what was happening between them. Having sex had likely made it all the more difficult for her, but that had been unavoidable and necessary.

  He relaxed his body, stretching himself over her as he leaned down to claim her lips. She had not rejected a single one of his kisses yet, and she didn't start now.

  It hadn't been his intention to do anything more than kiss her, but when her hand snuck between them to grasp his cock, his intentions were rapidly revised. His breath hitched as she toyed with him, running the head of his cock over her warm, wet seam. He accepted the invitation, slowly sinking into her until he was completely engulfed in her warmth.

  His eyes rolled back in his head and for a moment he didn't want to move. She was deep. Deeper than any female he had ever had before, and for the first time he'd been able to feel what it was to be buried to the hilt inside of a woman.

  If she was still sore from their previous coupling, it didn't show. As he began to move inside of her she rocked her hips in unison with him. He loved the way she moved with him and the little noises she made each time he thrust. He was steadily learning all of the ways to make her moan, and if he moved in just the right way...


  If he moved in just the right way, she would moan his name with the barest tremor in her voice. It was the sexiest sound he'd ever heard.

  While inside of her, he could see exceptionally far into their future. He could see her back in his territory, in his home, and in his bed. He could see them mating every night and morning, when time permitted.

  There was less to do in the winter; fewer commitments that he had to uphold. He would have more time to spend with her, to deconstruct her facade and come to know her, inside and out. Just as important, he would allow her to know him. He would give her time to learn and accept that he would never leave her, no matter how hard she tried to push him away.

  When winter gave way to spring, he would give her a pup. It would be an ideal time for her to conceive, as their pup would be born during the following winter when he would have ample time to bond with it.

  He'd begin the circuit early that year. She would want to come with him and he would want to bring her, but he couldn't drag a pregnant human across the countryside. She'd have to remain home and find some way to busy herself while she waited for his return. He'd cut the circuit as short as possible, returning before the end of summer.

  Harper would make a good mother, even if she didn't believe she would be. She was strong, loyal, and fiercely protective.

  Their pup would be like him. Shan knew it. It had to be the reason he was so drawn to her. Something about her had called to him, pulled him to her just as his mother had been pulled to his father, both of them recognizing on some baser level that their union was necessary.

  Shan remained on the brink of climax as his thoughts shifted between the future and the present. He should have been fully focused on the beautiful female beneath him, but even as he rode toward release, the present moment seemed dissatisfying when compared to what was to come. He wished there was a way to fold the space between that moment and the one in which she became him mate, cutting through all of the bullshit that had to come between the two points.

  As soon as he felt her pulsing around him and heard her cry out his name, Shan thrust into her with poorly controlled force, emptying everything he had into her.

  They would be late now, but he didn't give a damn. He rested his head beside hers and tried to reclaim the sense of peace he'd had earlier, before his impatience had gotten the better of him.

  Harper shoved at his shoulder. “Okay. That really has to be the last time we do that.”

  “Enough,” he snapped.

  She flinched, and he made no effort to dispel her wariness.

  “Save your quips for outside,” he said, pushing himself up. “When you are in my bed, you are mine. Understood?”

  Her response was a defiant glower, punctuated by her climbing out from under him, his softening penis slipping from inside of her.

  He sat and watched as she put on her bra and then her shirt, all the while scowling at nothing in particular. She tossed her pants over her arm, but when she stood to put them on, her shoulders slumped and she sighed.

  “Do you have anything I can clean up with?”

  He might have been able to find something, but he shook his head just to spite her.

  “If I don't clean up, everyone will know what we did.”

  Shan couldn't help but laugh. “Your neck is covered in my marks. My scent is in your skin. And there is this.”

  He fingered the bite on his neck. He still couldn't believe that she'd actually bitten him. Feeling her teeth sink into him had affected him deeply, in a place that was beyond sexual. He doubted she had any idea what she'd done.

  “It might scar,” he mused.

  Harper appeared mortified. “You told me to do it.”

  Shan stood, pulling his pelt around his shoulders. “I gave you permission to do what you wanted.”

  She put her hands on her hips, but Shan had a difficult time taking her seriously, given her lack of pants.

  “There you go again, assuming you know what I want. I swear, you only listen to half of the things I say and just contrive the rest in your head.”

  “If I only listen to half of what you say, it's because the other half is lies. You lie so much that I might be insulted, if I didn't think you were mostly lying to yourself.”

  She drew in a sharp breath and Shan could tell she was poised to escalate the argument. He clamped his hand over her mouth.

  “Enough. I am leaving this den in precisely one minute. Unless you want to stay behind, put your pants on and join me.”

  To his amazement, she brushed his hand away and complied. He held his breath the entire time she was putting her pants on, and then again as she put on her shoes, waiting for her to say something acerbic, but the words never came. When they were outside, she even let him put his arm around her.

  She didn't break their silence until some time later, when they were nearing the place where they would meet West and the others.

  “What's going to happen, anyway? Will I be there when you, you know...” She drew her finger across her neck.

  “No,” he said firmly. “You can come for the meeting, and then wait elsewhere for the rest.”

  “You aren't worried that it's going to be dangerous?”

  “As long as you're with me, you'll always be safe.”

  She said nothing, but leaned a little closer to him.

  Shan could still see their future clearly, but it felt so far from where they were now. Making her his mate would be easy. Getting her to admit to wanting him was go
ing to be trying. He reminded himself that he had all winter to bring her around, though the thought of waiting months was daunting. Even another week of this felt unbearable. He wanted his mark on her, and he didn't know how much longer he could take the wait.

  Chapter 14

  As they ascended the hill, Harper braced herself for what was bound to be an awkward encounter. She tried edging away from Shan, but his arm was a steel bar keeping her welded to his side.

  She recognized all of the shifters that awaited them at the summit. There was West, Viper, Cade, and Yorick. Yorick was one of Gareth's betas and had been there when Harruth had attacked her, and the sight of him made Harper bristle. As usual, nothing escaped Shan's notice.

  “He doesn't have to come,” Shan said.

  He'd made no effort to lower his voice, and it took a second for Harper to realize what he was saying. If she asked him to, Shan would dismiss Yorick from the group.

  Harper might have asked him to do just that, except that it seemed childish to have him removed from his post simply because she didn't like him. Moreover, it had been Harruth who'd attacked her. Yorick had been a major asshole, but he had been the one to order Harruth off of her.

  “He can stay,” she said. At least it wasn't Gareth coming. She didn't think she could take another minute with that douchebag, not without breaking his other arm, anyway.

  Shan nodded approvingly, and Harper got the impression that she'd passed some sort of test.

  “Good evening,” Shan said, greeting them coolly as he and Harper reached the summit. “I trust you're all ready to leave?”

  Harper noted that Cade, Viper, and Yorick were all wearing furs, but West was fully dressed. She deduced that he wasn't prepared to shift because he wouldn't be coming with them, and his next words confirmed it.

  “I'll rouse the camps as soon as you depart. Will you be needing me to take Harper down the mountain?”

  “She'll be staying with me.”

  There was a blatant implication in Shan's words, and Harper was surprised to find that she wasn't very much bothered by it. She also kind of liked having Shan's arm around her.


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