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The Seventh Cloud

Page 2

by YuMao311


  “So, Violet, can you explain about your past?” I asked, getting down to business. “But I don’t have that memory,” she said. “Close your eyes and I’ll send it to you,” I replied. She looked confused, but she said nothing and simply closed her eyes. I closed my own eyes and grouped for the memory and pushed it to Violet’s mind. “Open your eyes,” I whispered. “Now try to explain,” I said. She nodded. “I was engaged with Lucifer, but I didn’t love him,” she began. “I’d actually loved someone else and was going out every night to secretly see him. At the wedding, I had tried to tell Lucifer, but he was so happy, I said nothing. Then, after the wedding, I confessed that I didn’t love him. Lucifer got so mad that he avoided me for months and didn’t speak to me. But when I got Jasmine and Dan, Lucifer seemed to soften and started to talk again. When I started seeing someone else at night, he got suspicious. So one night, he followed me to a garden, where I was going to meet Gaito,” Violet explained. “Then, when I came to the bench where Gaito was sitting, he asked me to MARRY him. I was so surprised, and I almost said yes, but then Lucifer jumped out of the bushes, where he was spying and began to challenge Gaito. When I yelled at him to stop, he whipped out a knife and, looking upset and angry, stabbed me. The last thing I remember was Gaito yelling at him angrily and took the knife from his grasp and stabbed Lucifer back. And then I fell down . . . and down . . . and ended up here . . .,” Violet trailed off. “Exactly,” I snapped my fingers. Lucifer looked confused. “Violet, go to your cabin. I’ll meet you there shortly,” I nodded to her. She nodded, relieved to have an excuse to leave and hurried off. I turned back to Sokko. “Violet didn’t love you, but you loved her, correct?” I said. “Yes,” he replied hesitantly. “But, however, do you still love her?” I asked softly. Lucifer hesitated. Then it dawned to him. I smiled. “No,” he said triumphantly. “Exactly,” I agreed. “So that means that you have another chance at love and to live once again,” I snapped my fingers and grinned. “Yes!” He beamed at me. “Thanks, Crystal!’ he shook my hand enthusiastically. “No problem,” I replied. “But let me get you to your cabin and get you changed into warmer clothes,” I added. I studied him carefully. I passed my hand over him and there was a burst of bright light and he stood there, dressed in fully white and looking brighter than ever. “Welcome to Heaven,” I grinned. Then he said something that was rarely heard; something that brought the child out of all of us. “Awesome!!!!!!!!!” “Done,” I said simply as I walked in Violet’s cabin. Violet’s solemn face broke into a smile. “Thanks so much, Crystal!” She hugged me. “No problem,” I hugged her back. “You better get some rest,” I called over my shoulder as I left. “Gotcha,” she replied, grinning. I spread my wings and decided to go get some dinner. Even angels get hungry sometime too. What a crazy day, I shook my head, but at least I was able to help. As I headed towards my cabin, I spotted God and flew to him. “Problem solved,” I pronounced. “Well done,” he smiled. “Then it’s time for another trial. Crystal?” he raised his eyebrows. I nodded and banged the sword again, this time bright radiance lighting up Heaven. When everyone gathered around, I stepped into the crowd, but God called, “Crystal, would you please step up?” I froze. What?! I turned around slowly and walked back up. “Crystal, because you solved this, er – difficult, case, I now pronounce you Head of the Decision Court,” God smiled. “But what about—” I started. “It’s okay, I'm retiring,” a voice called out from the crowd. It was Harry, the former head. I stared at him for a moment then I grinned. “Alright then!” God snapped his fingers and the badge on the shirt faded from red to black. Every angel had worn a badge on their clothes that showed what level you are in. It rates from white, yellow, green, blue, red and black. To get to black is a great achievement; it showed that you were a Master and your powers would be strengthened to be so powerful, you could do virtually anything. “Thank you,” I beamed. God simply smiled. I stepped off the stage again as God called, “Lucifer!” As he stepped onto the podium, God asked, “Would you like a nice, ah, start-over name for your ‘new’ life?” Lucifer looked surprised. “You know what? I think I would,” he replied thoughtfully. “Excellent,” God nodded. “Then from this moment on, your old life will no longer exist; you are now starting a new one with your old name stripped away. From now and eternity, your identity will be Jason,” God announced. The newly named Jason bowed and there was a flash of bright light, fading to reveal Jason with wings, a halo and a new white badge, looking fully refreshed as if he’d just had a great nap. “Jason, Crystal, Jason, Crystal!” all the angels cheered. Their applause echoed gleefully all throughout Heaven. I blushed and smiled. “Thanks!”


  Three weeks after that, um, little “problem”, I decided to visit Jason again. Even though I didn’t plan it this way, I ended up spending a lot of time with him these past weeks. I needed to remember that evil can also cross over to the good, just like Jason did. When I arrived at his cabin, Annie (part of the Court of Honor too) and Jason were sitting together outside discussing something. “Hey guys,” I greeted them. “Hmm? Oh hey Crystal,” Jason replied, looking up from his notes. “Trouble again?” I studied his notes. “Yeah, seems like it,” he sighed. “Well, you can consider putting him over there so that she will have room,” I pointed out, still observing his papers. “Hey, that’s not a bad idea,” Jason said excitedly, crossing out his work and scribbling it in. “Yes,” Annie agreed, speaking up for the first time, studying me in a curious if not disturbed way. “Hey Jason, why don’t you go eat breakfast?” I motioned for him to go inside. “We’ll just have a little chat out here.” Jason looked surprised but he didn’t argue. “I am a little hungry,” he agreed, shuffling his papers. “Have fun talking,” he called over his shoulder as he left. I chuckled and took his vacated seat.“So, Annie, let me guess; it’s been pretty hard in the Court of Honor, hasn’t it? Oh, Jason didn’t tell me,” I added as she shot me a questioning look. “It showed on your face,” I said, amused. “Well . . . yes,” Annie sighed, reassigned. “Well, it’s not that bad,” I said reasonably. “I mean, you should look at the Court of Decisions. It’s my day off, thank goodness,” I smiled slightly. “I guess,” she sighed. “So, what’s the trouble? I’d like to help, if you’d allow me, of course, being the Head of the Court,” I said. She hesitated then nodded curtly and began to tell me about the problem. “. . . A little bit and it’ll show,” I suggested. Annie stared at me for a moment, her gaze thoughtful. “Great! They weren’t kidding when they said that you could solve anything!” She grinned. I blushed. “Thanks.” “Well, I’d better be going and put your ideas in action!” Annie called over her shoulder as she left. “Good luck!” I called, waving. “Thanks!” she spread her wings and flew off. I watched her until she was only a small speck in the distant. “So, Jason, when exactly do you plan to come out of hiding?” I said conversationally. He materialized out of thin air and reappeared in front of me. “I didn’t expect you to find me out so soon,” he grunted. “Well,” I smiled as he took Annie’s vacated chair, “It was slightly difficult, you being the Master of Disguises, after all, but I did detect a glimmer of magic.” “I've been working on that invisibility potion for a long time,” he said, impressed. “Thank you,” I bowed in fake-self importance. He laughed. “But I'm not here to be smoothened by complements,” I said, serious. “Oh? Then tell me, why are you here?” Jason raised his eyebrows. “Have you found your, ah, perfect match?” I asked. “Maybe,” he muttered. “But I haven’t asked her yet.” “Oh?” I raised my eyebrows. “So when, exactly, do you plan on asking her?” I asked patiently. “Tonight,” he mumbled, turning scarlet. Well, you’d better hurry then! I grinned. Jason looked startled, jumping out of his seat. “Good luck!” I called as I extended my white wings. I giggled as I saw his confused face. Surprisingly, I bumped into him again as I headed back to my cabin after taking a detour at the Court of Punishment. He was waiting for someone on the door step of my cabin. And that someone loo
ked like it was . . . me? “Jason? What are you doing here so late?” I said, surprised. “Um . . .,” he stammered. “Will you, uh, marry me?” he whispered, so quiet that I had to lean in to hear him, looking down at his shoes with sudden interest. “What?!” I exclaimed, astounded. I stared at him for a heartbeat before I realized . . . “Yes!” I cried. “Really?” he looked up quickly. “Yes,” I repeated. I squeezed his hand tightly as we walked down the street (preferring to walk this time), talking about our childhoods and getting to know each other even more than ever before. “How about next summer?” he asked. “Yes,” I breathed. “You know what this is like?” “What?” He grinned. “It’s like Heaven!”


  “Are you sure I look OK?” I asked for the sixtieth time, gazing at myself at the mirror anxiously. “YES,” Annie replied impatiently. “Ok let’s go,” I whispered nervously. “. . . You may kiss the bride,” God smiled. Jason smiled and kissed me softly. I blushed. “Relax. It’s going to be fun, right?”Jason whispered softly. “Absolutely,” I grinned mischievously. And from that day on, joy and contentment descended onto Heaven and lasted for many millennia.


  Dear readers,

  Thank you readers for purchasing The Seventh Cloud! Be sure to check out my other books like The Legacy of Darkness, Journey to the Past, Friends forever, and more! Thanks Grace Yip for formatting and publishing this book for me. Go check out her AWESOME books!


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