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The Crystal Warriors Series Bundle

Page 75

by Maree Anderson

  Option one: punch him in the nose and watch him bleed.

  Option two: grab him and toss him over the bridge rail into the water where, with any luck, he’d drown.

  Option three: shake him ’til his teeth rattled and… and….

  And insist he guarantee Malach’s happiness or she would cut off his balls with a blunt instrument, and feed them to him for a snack.

  The rage drained away, leaving her cold and weak and shaking. She let her eyelids drift shut as she faced the truth. She was going to leave Pieter entirely unscathed and get down on her knees to plead for Malach.

  When she opened her eyes again and dared focus on Pieter, he handed her a small bundle wrapped in an all-too-familiar golden scarf. All the careful words she’d been about to utter fled. With hands that trembled, she clumsily unwound the scarf, already knowing what she would find within its silken folds.

  “How did you get these?”

  He didn’t answer, merely held out his hand. Jade handed him back his scarf and cupped the two broken pieces of Malach’s namesake. They had never looked so beautiful to her as they did now. It was as though her artist’s eyes, always so quick to appreciate details and nuances other people missed, had somehow been enhanced. The crystal pieces were so highly polished they gleamed, and among their encircling bands of emerald, and rosette-like splashes of jade, she noticed shades of green she’d never imagined could exist.

  A single tear ran down her cheek, unnoticed until it plopped onto one of the crystal halves she cradled in her hands. Another tear welled, spilled, and began the journey down her cheek to plop without ceremony atop the second piece of crystal. As Jade watched, enthralled, the crystals absorbed the moisture and her tears became part of them… just as Malach was now inexorably a part of her.

  Without knowing why, she fitted the two halves of crystal together. They warmed in her hands. And….

  Fused into a whole.

  “The portrait is the best work you have done, Jade.” Pieter’s words sliced through her shock. “It exactly captures his essence, his soul. You know him better than he knows himself. I did not err when I chose you. Francesca could never love him as you do.”

  Jade was too overcome to form actual words. Her soul sang with emotions too powerful to name and her body thrummed with an urgency she could not ignore. She tore her gaze from the now whole piece of malachite to demand that Pieter tell her what she should do, but the old man had vanished. And abruptly she was running back toward her house. Back to the man she loved.

  As she ran she realized she’d been so very, very wrong. The Testing hadn’t taken place a week early, as she’d believed. Mei’s deteriorating health and Malach’s sacrifice had been purely incidental. Now was the Testing—this precise, precious moment in time. And it was her Test, not Malach’s. For better or worse, Malach had already been Tested, and now it was up to Jade.


  Jade burst through the doorway into the lounge, skidding to an untidy halt when she saw him. He sat slumped in the armchair, elbows resting on his knees, head held in his hands. His head jerked up at the sound of her unannounced entrance, and Jade glimpsed the shiny tracks of moisture on his cheeks.


  Her heart plummeted and she gasped, wrapping her arms about her middle. Tears for Francesca, of course. She’d left him again, the cold-hearted bitch. Jade didn’t know whether to keen with joy that Francesca was out of the picture, or weep with anguish for his obvious pain. Her knees wobbled, and she fought the need to throw herself at his feet and beg him to stay with her.

  Then she noticed her portrait of him was propped on the floor by the wall nearest his chair. Pieter hadn’t claimed it, after all. For the first time Jade felt a welling of gratitude toward the old man. At least he’d left her something to remember Malach if he chose to leave.

  “Malach, I have something I need to say to you. I-I….” Her tongue tied itself up in a big knot. She was about to tell a man who’d just lost the woman he loved, that she loved him for real. Like that was supposed to make it all better. Like he was supposed to jump up and down and shout “Yippee! Lucky me.”

  Shit. She raked her fingers through her hair. “I’m just going to say it, okay? I know you love Francesca and I wish it’d worked out for you two but—”

  He made a slicing motion with his hand, and Jade shut her mouth with a snap.

  She waited, on edge, a sinking feeling churning in her gut. But when he didn’t speak she couldn’t remain silent any longer. “Don’t tell me she’s gone to pick up her stuff and you’re going back to the States with her? Christ! She’s got more guts than I thought. Well… that’s… great. Congratulations, I guess.”

  She searched Malach’s face, attempting to read his carefully blank expression. No hints to be found there. She was on her own.

  She sucked in a deep, painful breath that felt like knives were shredding her heart. “I’m happy for you, Malach. Truly, I am. But even though I know how much you love her, I have to do this. It’s part of the Testing, you see, and I can’t risk fucking this up and being responsible for you ending up back in this stupid crystal.” She waved the piece of malachite in his face. “I love you. And I’m not going to let this bloody thing take you again.”

  “What did you say?”

  “I said, I refuse to let you end up back in this hunk of rock.”

  “No. Before that.”

  Jade hopped from foot to foot, itching to throw herself at him, to crawl up his big body and press kisses all over his face. “I love you, Malach.”

  There. She’d finally said it. Twice, even. And it was true.

  She waited for something momentous to happen, for Pieter’s voice to boom out from the ether and declare in portentous tones that Malach was forever free of his crystal prison. She waited for his goddess’s cruel laughter to ring out as she informed them they were fools for thinking that a love-spell cast by a mere mortal could ever fool her. She waited for Malach to become transparent, to be drawn back into the crystal, while she stood by, useless and helpless, her ears ringing with his torment—torment that she would relive over and over again in her nightmares.

  But the malachite crystal remained whole. And so did its namesake, the Crystal Warrior who’d suffered so terribly in its cold, unfeeling depths.

  “Say something!” Jade pleaded, her heart twisting as she gazed at his emotionless face, so achingly strong and beautiful as always to her, but now so cold and unfeeling… just like his crystal.

  “Mother of all gods, thank you,” he said. “I love you, too, Jade.” He stood and held out his arms, inviting her in, smiling as she stumbled over her own feet in her rush to be enfolded in his embrace.

  After about five whole minutes of pure, unadulterated bliss, she just had to ask, “Where’s Francesca?”

  “I told her to go back to her husband,” he said. “And I believe she was relieved. For although she and I still have feelings for each other, we both know my love for her is but a pale copy of the love I have for you.”

  She smiled up at him, misty-eyed with love and such intense happiness she felt like she might burst. “I loved the shoes but what you just said? Best birthday present ever.”

  “I have an even better one.” His mouth swooped down to capture hers.

  “Ow!” She eased away from him to rub the skin between her breasts where it felt as though something had scorched her.

  “What is the ma—? Ah.” Malach lifted her pendant and held the piece of jade so she could see it. The stone had just undergone its third metamorphosis. Instead of lavender, it was now a vibrant burnished gold.

  “Let me guess, golden jade?”

  “In truth ’tis known as yellow jade,” Malach said. “Though that name does not do it justice.” He bent to kiss the still reddened skin of her cleavage before replacing the pendant and settling the chain around her neck. “And ’tis now the perfect crystal for you.”

  “Oh? Tell me about yellow jade, Malach.”

“’Tis energetic and stimulating.” He emphasized the last word as he tugged her against his torso.

  Jade felt her cheeks flush. Mmm. Something sure was stimulated. “Anything else?”

  “It also bestows a quality of mellowness that brings joy and happiness—much as I feel at this very moment.”

  “Aw, you say the sweetest things.”

  He kissed her again with such passion that it crossed Jade’s mind to wonder how rude it would be to arrive terribly late for her own birthday dinner. Somehow, she didn’t think Lìli or Grace would mind.



  Lìli sensed his presence and turned to face him with a smile that warmed his heart. “Hello, Pieter,” she said. “I’ve been expecting you.”

  “How do you fare, Lìli?” he asked.

  “Quite well—no thanks to you,” she grumbled. “Fake love-spells… bah! The lengths I had to go to, to make those two realize they were in love. You have a lot to answer for, Crystal Guardian. I’m an old woman. And what with worrying about young Mei, and whether that Beryl Francesca woman would steal Malach away from Jade, I aged another ten years. I should have washed my hands of it all and left you to deal with it.”

  He bowed. “To me, Lìli, you could never be an old woman. However, I must humbly apologize for the stress I have put you through this past month. I have no doubt I could not have convinced Malach and Jade that they were soul-mates without you.”

  “Mind you remember that, Pieter. You owe me a favor—no, two favors for this.”

  “Lìli, you have no need to extort favors from me. If it is within my power to grant your favor, you need only ask.”

  Her eyes crinkled with mischief. “I will hold you to that, Crystal Guardian.”

  Pieter smiled. “I would expect nothing less of you, my dearest Lìli.” He linked arms with her and escorted her into the kitchen.

  “Tea?” Lìli asked.

  “Please. But allow me.” With a gesture, a pot of tea, two tea-cups, a jug of milk and a plate of sliced fruit cake appeared on the bench, all neatly arranged on a tray.

  Lìli clapped her hands. “Ah, Pieter, you’re a good man to have around.” She fluttered her eyelashes at him and his pulse raced. “How long can you stay this time?”

  “Only until tomorrow, I am afraid. Now that Malach and Jade are happily settled I must resume my search.”

  “No rest for the wicked,” Lìli murmured.

  Pieter sighed. “That is very true. However—” he waggled his eyebrows at her “—one may as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb.”

  Lìli slanted him a cat-got-the-cream smile. “Over the years I have learned that is very true, indeed. Eat up, Crystal Guardian, for tonight you will be needing your strength.”

  As Pieter obediently took a bite of his cake, his old heart beat faster, anticipating the night ahead. Tonight he would give himself up to Lìli’s tender ministrations and lose himself in the comfort of a woman’s arms. Tonight he would put aside thoughts of his terrible mistakes and the other Crystal Warriors he’d imprisoned. Tonight he would not think of the terrible price both he, and the warriors he’d cursed, had paid. And he would send a silent prayer of thanks to his goddess for this brief reprieve.

  The End


  If you enjoyed this book, please tell your friends and consider writing a short review. The author thanks you very much for your support.

  You might also enjoy these other books by Maree Anderson, all available wherever electronic books are sold:

  Lightning Rider

  Freaks of Greenfield High (Book 1 of the Freaks series)

  Freaks in the City (Book 2 of the Freaks series)


  Coming Soon:


  Seer’s Hope (Book 1)

  Seer’s Promise (Book 2)

  Seer’s Choice (Book 3)


  About the Author

  Maree Anderson writes paranormal romance, sci-fi, fantasy, and young adult books. She’s a Kiwi, a New Zealander, and she’s addicted to chocolate—the darker the better. Not to mention coffee, and the occasional glass of excellent NZ wine. She’s not quite so addicted to her local gym—she’d much rather do an hour’s karate class and go Ceroc dancing than pound the treadmill.

  Maree’s first Young Adult novel, the multi-award-winning Freaks of Greenfield High, has been optioned for TV by Cream Drama, Inc., and she’s currently working on a fantasy trilogy.

  For blurbs, excerpts, and more about Maree’s published books, please check out the Books page of her website:


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  “Just picked up the 1st book in the Crystal Warrior series via a free thang on All Romance. Tried to stay up and finish it last night and gave up at 3am. Finally finished it this afternoon after deciding that the washing and cleaning could wait.

  Wow… I really loved the characters in this. When I read the blurb I was not that interested in the sound of Chalcey – as in that I didn’t think I would be able to identify with a dance instructor. Okay, my mistake! I am so impressed with how you wrote a strong and independent woman who stood on her own two feet, took no crap from anyone and ran her own business. That I could identify with 100%. I read a lot of romance and I often feel that the women are not as strong as they could be and that they are simply part of a story that involves snaring some hot guy and getting a HEA- almost like their actual character is unimportant.

  So 5 stars and have some extra bonus cookies for writing a believable woman who I was rooting for. I wanted her business to be a success just as much as I wanted her to get the guy.

  And kudos for the plot twist. Usually they’re so obvious, but I didn’t see that one coming at all.

  I liked Chalcey’s friends and the family dynamics that helped shape her character.

  Wulf was a nice character too. (What’s not to like about a guy in leather?) He was a complex guy, but what I loved about him most was that you didn’t strip away his masculinity in order for him to ‘settle down’ and get his HEA. Too often books turn a bad boy into this domesticated mushy guy and strip away half of what made the character in the first place.

  Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that I really enjoyed the book. I’m off to buy #2.

  Keep up the great work.”


  “This book has it all, and leaves you wanting the next book in the series NOW! Chalcey is an independent woman who knows exactly what she wants, and how she plans to get it. She’s worked hard to achieve her dream, and isn’t about to let it go for the sexy stranger who rescues her from the Date from Hell. Even if he does make her pulse race, and her body ache for forbidden pleasures.

  Wulf is a Crystal Warrior, brought here by a magic neither he nor Chalcey truly understand. This is their story, and the author has crafted it with enough emotion, suspense and twists that I found it hard to put down. It’s easy to see why it won the Clendon Award! I sure hope Ms. Anderson doesn’t make us wait too long for the sequel!”


  “I thoroughly enjoyed The Crystal Warrior. No surprises that it won the RWNZ Clendon Award – everything about it was beautifully crafted. Characters felt real – even ancient warrior Wulf – and I loved the interaction between modern day independent heroine, Chalcey, and her hero. There was humour, angst, passion, the works! I am looking forward to the next book in Maree Anderson’s crystal warrior series.”


  “The Crystal Warrior is an intelligent, f
ast, action packed read with a feisty, sassy heroine Chalcedony and a really hunky hero, Wulfenite. This book has it all including laugh out loud humor, danger, twists and turns, and both protagonists have gut wrenching choices to be made that leave you wondering right to the very end as to whether Chalcey and Wulf will make it. I absolutely love the concept of the Crystal Warriors, and Wulf’s and Chalcey’s story is well plotted and a fantastic read that has you wanting more. Ms Anderson is an excellent writer. It’s very clear why this book won the prestigious The Clendon Award and I can’t wait to read more.”


  “Training for a triathlon would be a whole lot better if there was a gorgeous warrior getting you out of bed in the morning! Ruby is insecure and for good reason. She’s fat, single and now thirty and her mother won’t let her forget any of them. She’s got a frenemy that is a man-eating stick insect (giggled at that description every time!). Kyan is the crystal warrior that is Ruby’s life mate. The only problem is that he is stunningly gorgeous (and a sweetheart!) so she doesn’t believe a thing about it. The first scenes of their meeting are a riot!


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