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Cassie Green

Page 10

by Delta Browning

  James motioned with his hand. “It’s down there next to that big tree, it should be real fun getting it back on the fairway,” he said sarcastically.

  “Aye, aye, cap’n,” Cassie said as she punched the accelerator to the floor and the golf cart lurched forward…as much as golf carts can.

  “Good booze?” James chuckled as they made their way down the hill toward the big tree.

  “You, know it. Is that it over there?” Cassie asked.

  “Yep, that’s it alright, right where I wanted it, just to give me more of a challenge,” James replied.

  “Oh look! Another one!” Cassie exclaimed a little too excitedly for a grown woman as she jumped out of the cart and made her way into the woods to recover her treasure. She’d found six balls already and enjoyed searching for them in the rougher stuff as James lined up his next shot.

  James watched her as she walked away into the filtered sunlight. She was backlit so he could practically see through her thin dress where it wasn’t touching her body. He loved how the outline of her slender thighs looked through the shear material, how her ass wiggled back and forth with each step up the hill. He had just enough alcohol in him to feel it in his cock and the eye-candy he was with made it all the better.

  “Where’d this one land?” Cassie asked as she slid back in the cart.

  “Up there on the green,” James said with the confidence of a man who’d been playing great all day, which he hadn’t.

  “Ohhh, nice, I guess I really have been distracting you then,” Cassie shot him a glance and wide smile. Then she looked down and noticed his half-hard cock running down his right leg, beneath his shorts.

  James leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, “You sure have, but don’t stop. I like it,” James said as he leaned back into his seat, admiring the beauty next to him. The beauty that was not only awesome to hang out with, but liked to be fucked like a rag doll, how he liked to fuck. How he needed to fuck women.

  Oddly, the kiss made Cassie feel a bit uneasy. She thought it was weird how a peck on the cheek felt so wrong to her after sucking the cock and being fucked silly by the man who did it. Now that she thought about it, there were several things he did while they were out that seemed less sexual and more like genuine affection towards her. He lightly touched her on the knee whenever he had a chance as they talked in the cart. He guided her into and out of the club house by the small of her back. He even tried to hold her hand once as they made their way to one of the tee boxes in the cart.

  It was probably nothing, he was probably just trying to be a gentleman before he ravaged her like a savage later, she thought. She hoped it was nothing anyway, she didn’t want to break rule one of the agreement she had with Keith. This was just supposed to be about fucking and not building a relationship with another man. If all she needed was a relationship, she had a very good one waiting for her at home. She just needed to be fucked a little differently than her husband could do for her; he loved her too much to fuck her that dirty.

  Chapter 16:


  James stood in front of the mirror after his shower, getting ready to go to dinner with Cassie. He flexed his pecks and abs a little, quite impressed with himself for a man in his mid-forties. He was in better shape than he had been during most of his marriage. He had more time to workout now after his divorce and he was happier, too. His ex-wife just needed too much coddling for him to handle. She was emotionally unstable too and almost never in the mood to fuck him, much less fuck him how he liked it.

  He was almost glad the day she told him she was leaving, except for the whole giving her half of his shit part. The neediness and fights were getting to be too much for him to bear and it needed to end, he’s just surprised he wasn’t the first to snap. He knew they needed to separate, but he was just too damn cheap to do it before she hit him with the notice. He worked his ass off saving, investing, and building an impressive net worth for their household. And what did she do? Spend money on stupid shit and bitch about not having the things her friends had.

  Cassie seemed different though, she was very chill compared to his ex. To be honest, he had a little bit of a harmless crush on her ever since she started at the City. A hard-working, attractive woman with a great personality was hard to come by and nearly irresistible when they’re found. And that drink order at his apartment. Straight vodka on the rocks lets you know she doesn’t like to fuck around with things. Get in there, get it done and move on.

  She got the promotion because she deserved it. Her liking to fuck and her husband being okay with it, was just one hell of a signing bonus. He hoped he could perform tonight, he’d been hard off and on all day being with her and worried he wouldn’t last long enough with her from all of the anticipation. He wasn’t sure how he’d do when her husband was there watching, or joining in, or whatever the fuck he wanted to do. It would surely be awkward, pounding another dude’s wife in front of him, but Cassie was a prize worth feeling awkward over. But, he didn’t need to worry about that tonight though. Tonight, Cassie was going to be all his.

  James slid his boxers on, buttoned his khaki pants and threw on his button-down shirt without buttoning it. He walked over to the door that divided their rooms to open it. He figured she’d be a while getting ready and that way she could open her side and come in when she was ready to go, in case he dozed off from the hard day of drinking, being in the sun and golfing with a sexy woman. It was a tough life, but someone had to do it, he thought.

  Before his door was all of the way open, light from her room poured into his and he could hear the shower, louder than it should have been. He pulled his door the rest of the way open and saw why. Her side of the door was already wide open and she left the door to her bathroom open too.

  This hotel wasn’t your typical cheap hotel with a tub surrounded by opaque shower curtains. It had a full tile shower surrounded in crystal clear glass. The angle from her shower, through the doorway and to his bed was perfect for viewing. From the looks of it she hadn’t been in there long, she was just getting her hair wet. James lingered in the doorway for a little bit wondering what he should do.

  Should he close his door to be a gentleman? Did she want him to watch? Did she want him to join in?! He decided to take the middle road and enjoy the show from his bed, like it was a perfectly normal thing for a boss to do with his employee. James flopped down on his bed, threw his hands behind his head and crossed is legs at his ankles.

  Cassie looked like something out of a wet dream with the water cascading over her shapely figure and the steam rising around her. When she lathered her hair and arched her head back to rinse the shampoo from her scalp, her tits jutted out and it looked like she was posing for a nude photo shoot. She lathered her body with soap and faced towards the doorway as she cleansed between her legs. James wasn’t sure if she could tell if his door was open, but at this point, he didn’t really care. His hand pulled his cock from his pants and he began to pleasure himself as he enjoyed the show.

  She turned her back to the showerhead and began to lather her legs to shave them. James thought they felt smooth when he placed his hands on her knees while they were golfing, but guessed her inner perfectionist wanted them flawless for tonight. James often fantasized about shaving a woman’s legs for some reason. He needed to add it to his bucket list, he thought. There was something sensual about the act that turned him on; grooming his lover before a date, taking her out to display to all that the beauty on his arm was his and his alone. But this beauty wasn’t his alone, he shared her with her husband.

  James fantasized about running his hands up and down her silken legs, working the shaving cream into a thick lather before removing what little stubble remained with a razor. He stroked his cock as he thought about being in the shower with her. He knew he could actually be in the shower with her right then, but sometimes fantasy was better than reality and he continued to pleasure himself at her sight.

  Next she lathered up her pussy with shavi
ng cream to shape what little hair she kept into a neat strip, surrounding her opening. He noticed her fingers lingered over her hood after she was done shaping her box with the razor. The thought of her pleasuring herself with anticipation pushed him further to the edge. He began to stroke himself faster, his free hand found his balls and it cupped them to give them the slightest squeeze as he pumped his fist up and down his shaft.

  The world around him no longer existed, he continued to stroke his cock as he edged closer to orgasm. He looked to the night stand and found tissues to catch his load. He looked back up at the shower and saw Cassie giving herself a final rinse, her body shimmered with cleanliness as the water surged over her perfect figure. James continued pumping himself until he exploded in his hand, catching his load in the tissue.

  He was right, he wouldn’t have lasted long if he didn’t take maters into his own hands. Cassie was too hot to not take the edge off beforehand and he felt grateful to her for displaying herself so he could fuck her better later. He quickly discarded his captured seed and tucked his cock back into his pants before Cassie finished her shower.

  “Hey, I hope you don’t mind waiting, I take a little while to get ready,” Cassie said a few moments later as she emerged from her steamy shower, drying off with a white towel.

  “Not at all,” James said. “I’ll just pour myself a bourbon and keep enjoying the show, if you don’t mind,” acting like everything was nothing out of the ordinary for him.

  “Good, I have little bit of a process,” she admitted, “just ask Keith.”

  “Take your time, I’m an extremely patient person when I have a bourbon and a view,” James said as he got up from his bed and made his way to the ice container and bottle of Knob Creek Rye on his dresser.

  “Great, do you mind if I give my husband a call before we go eat? He sometimes falls asleep on the couch if I’m not around and I want to catch him before he goes to bed.”

  Chapter 17:

  Conference Call

  The television blared and Keith stared blankly at it, fairly deep into the liquor for 6:30PM. He had the TV on the Outdoor Channel and was watching someone hunt deer in Iowa. He hardly had a chance to watch hunting shows when Cassie was around, she couldn’t stand it. She didn’t have anything against him hunting, she just didn’t want to see animals die on TV. So when she wasn’t home, that’s the channel he automatically turned the TV to.

  After discovering how much he liked bourbon on his recent elk hunting trip, he went to the liquor store and bought five different bottles to see which one he liked best while Cassie was out of town. Naturally, he aimed to try them all on the same night.

  “The first one was good, the second one was a little better, and the third one was better yet. But this fourth one, oh, this fourth one, it’s pretty fucking incredible so far. I bet the last one I try will blow my fucking mind,” Keith laughed to no one in particular, well aware of the effects guzzling drink after drink was having on him. “I’ll just have to drink them in reverse tomorrow to see if I feel the same way.”

  As he watched TV and drank, his mind began to wander. He wondered if Cassie and James would fuck tonight. Before she left, he encouraged her to fuck him at some point on the trip, if the opportunity presented itself. He knew she’d drive James, or any man for that matter, wild with that dress he picked out for her. Fuck his wife was hot, too hot not to be shared, he thought. He looked forward to fucking her when she got back and told him all of the dirty details about her trip with her boss. He closed his eyes and recalled how good she looked through the window getting fucked by her boss. The look of ecstasy on her face and how her tits bounced were things he couldn’t see on her when he fucked her. But when you’re the spectator and not in the moment, you get to notice every little detail.

  He snapped out of his fantasy when his wife’s ringtone started to blare next to him on the couch. He picked up his phone and looked at the screen to swipe it to answer the call. “Hmmm, interesting, a FaceTime call,” he said to himself before answering it.

  “Hey, baby,” Keith answered, trying to sound as sober as possible.

  “Hey, how’s it going?” Cassie replied.

  “Pretty good, just watching the Outdoor Channel and trying one of the new bourbons I bought the other day,” he lied. Just one of the bourbons? She knew better.

  “Sounds amazing, I’m glad I’m not there to experience it with you,” Cassie snarked. “Where are the kiddos?”

  “You’re mom felt sorry for me, being an incompetent man and all, and offered to watch the kids while you were out of town. Not wanting to deny her that pleasure, I said sure and dropped them off after work,” Keith laughed because he knew her mom would never offer to watch the kids for Cassie if he was out of town. He watched her roll her eyes on his phone screen and shake her head in disbelief.

  “She’d never do that for me!” she said, not letting Keith down on the response he knew was coming.

  “Nope, she just loves me more, I guess,” he smirked. Keith admired his sexy wife on his phone screen. Her hair was still wet from her shower and she had a towel wrapped around her, covering her delicious body. The room was fairly dim and she was backlit by the bathroom lights behind her. “Your room looks nice,” Keith changed the subject.

  “Yeah, it’s not too bad,” she admitted. “The golf course was really pretty, too.”

  “Oh yeah, did you like golfing? I bet you looked good in your dress.”

  “I didn’t actually golf, I found several golf balls in the woods…that was fun,” she replied. “I mainly drank too much and drove the golf cart.”

  “That sounds more my speed too,” Keith said. The idea of golfing never appealed to him, even though he loved being outdoors. “What’s in the open door behind you?”

  “Oh, that? That’s James’s room,” Cassie replied nonchalantly.

  “James’s room?” Keith questioned, a bit surprised.

  “Yeah, does that bother you?” Cassie asked.

  “Well, you’re just in a towel and I didn’t expect you to have your door open to his when you were practically naked. I didn’t know you were that comfortable around him.”

  “You said to tease him, so I teased him,” Cassie pointed out.

  “That’s one way to do it,” Keith replied, still a little uneasy. Walking around naked, getting ready to go out was something couples did. They weren’t supposed to be a couple, they were just supposed to be fuck buddies. Fuck buddies that fucked in front of him, for his pleasure too.

  “We’re getting ready to go grab dinner and I let him know I needed to call you first. Do you want to say hi?” Cassie asked, attempting to divert his uneasiness.

  Before Keith could say not really, Cassie called James into the room. Keith watched in the background as James entered the room. His heart started to pound in his chest, still not certain what his wife had planned. He just knew it was strangely erotic seeing another man in the same room as his half-naked wife when she was eight hours away by car and he couldn’t do anything about it.

  “Come over here,” Cassie motioned to James.

  James hesitantly walked towards Cassie, a little nervous about what she had planned as well. He wasn’t used to taking orders from Cassie, or women in general for that mater, he was the boss. But he followed her direction, nonetheless.

  “James, have you met my husband, Keith?” Cassie asked.

  “Uh, yeah, I think briefly, once. In the parking lot of City Hall, maybe?” James said hesitantly.

  “Yeah, that’s right,” Keith agreed, not really sure if it was true or not. He was feeling terribly conflicted. His cock was half hard in his pants, but he hated being in a conversation with the guy he knew fucked his wife twice already and probably would again before the evening was over. His desires to watch his wife fuck another man were getting much more personal than he ever anticipated in his fantasies.

  “Do you like his abs?” Cassie asked her husband as she grabbed James by the belt and pulled him clos
er. His shirt was still unbuttoned and she stroked her fingertips gently up and down the rippling muscles of his abdomen.

  “Yeah, I guess so. You obviously take care of yourself, James,” Keith forced out. Keith silently sized up James with himself. James was more fit and trim, but Keith was definitely more muscular. He looked sharp, not a hair out of place and obviously spent a lot of time grooming himself. His clothes were well fitted and by the looks of them, expensive. Keith on the other hand had three-day stubble on his face and usually wore Carhartt pants, work boots, and old t-shirts.

  Cassie slid her thumb underneath the loose end of James’s belt and popped it out from under his belt loop. As she held her phone in one hand and undid his belt the rest of the way, she gauged Keith’s reaction on her screen.

  Keith’s eyes burned holes in his phone screen, waiting to see what happened next. His mouth fell open slightly and she could see his breathing rate had increased. She couldn’t see his rock hard cock straining against his pants, begging to be touched though.


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