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The Blackstone Dragon Heir

Page 14

by Alicia Montgomery

  “What did you do?”

  “I confronted him, of course. I was furious and told him I was going to go somewhere he couldn’t get to me. I’d make it on my own. He wanted me back on Lykos. He …” Her voice faltered. “He threatened to marry me off to one of his lieutenants. So I would stay.”

  Matthew’s silvery eyes glowed. “He what?”

  “He said that I would learn to love my husband in time, and if not, my children for sure. So, I ran away.” She turned away from him and looked out the window. “I went to Los Angeles. I was happy for a time, until … I … I swear Matthew, I didn’t kill anyone.”

  "I know," he said. He moved to the other side of the bed to face her. "What happened in L.A.?"

  "My roommate, Rissa, she'd gotten involved with one of the Chesnovak Brotherhood Pride, the local Russian shifter mob. One day, I came home and they were there and Rissa was dead." The tears came back, and she wiped them with the back of her hand. "I thought about going back to Lykos. The pack would protect me. But at what price? So I ran again. And I arrived here. I'm so sorry, Matthew. I'm sorry for bringing all this on you and your town. I put everyone in danger just by being here, knowing the Pride was after me."

  He let out a huff. “As if I couldn’t protect you from one measly lion pride.”

  “I know, but … that’s not on you. I did my best to stay away from you. To protect you and to protect my heart. I didn’t want to be trapped in a gilded cage again.”

  “I would never trap you,” he said softly. “I would do anything for you. I’m sorry I hesitated that day when Meacham came.”

  "What? You tried to protect me. But I couldn't watch them take you down. Matthew, I …" She took a deep breath. "I love you too much. "

  His eyes grew wide. "Catherine …" As gently as he could, he gathered her into his arms and kissed her. "I love you, too."

  “You do?” she asked.

  “Of course. I’ve known it from the beginning. You’re my mate.”

  "I was scared when you told me that. I'd seen what it did to Papa when he lost Mama. But …" She stopped suddenly, a warmth spreading through her. Like warm waves of water soothing her. It was like the load she'd been carrying around for months had been lifted from her shoulders. She couldn’t explain it. It was something she hadn’t felt before, but it felt ... right. "Matthew? What happened?"

  “I think … that’s the mating bond,” he said, his eyes were wide with surprise, then turned warm with love. “Dad always told me … I would know it when it came.”

  “It is true then. I’m your mate.”

  He nodded. "And I'm yours. And I promise you'll be safe from now on. I'll protect you forever, and I won't let them take you away from me."

  "Oh, Matthew …" She frowned. "Wait, what do you mean take me away?"

  “Oh right,” he said in a sheepish tone. “About that.” Matthew filled her in on what had happened when Christina arrived.

  Catherine slapped herself on the forehead. "I forgot about the last message I had sent her. I didn't check in with her. She must have gotten worried. Christina is the only person who knew where I was." She may have been loyal to the pack, but they were still sisters, and Christina swore she would not tell Ari, her brothers, or even Cordy her whereabouts. "Shit. Christina's er … she's like a rabid dog that won't let go once she sets her mind on something."

  “Tell me about it,” he said wryly. “But don’t worry, Jason’s taking care of her.”

  “Your brother?” she asked with a raised brow.

  “Yeah, she’ll be fine,” he said. “Trust me.”

  “It’s not my sister I’m worried about.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  They spoke for a few minutes until Catherine declared she was tired. Matthew urged her to rest, so she closed her eyes and lay back on the bed. She was asleep in minutes.

  The slamming of the door jolted her out of her dreamless sleep.

  "What did you do to my sister?" Christina stormed in, her stiletto heels clicking angrily on the tile floor. She stomped over to Matthew, who was sitting in the armchair next to the bed. "You!" she hissed. "What are you doing in here? And what happened to Cristos? He was supposed to be watching the door until I got here."

  “Christina!” Catherine admonished.

  "I—Catherine?" She whipped around. "You're awake!" Christina scrambled over to her side and drew her into a hug. "I—sorry!" She let go when Catherine winced. "But … how are you feeling? Are you recovered? When did you wake up?"

  Catherine looked at her sister’s worried face, and she felt her mouth widen into a smile involuntarily. Had it been a year since she’d seen her twin? They’d never been separated for so long; they’d even shared a womb, after all. If she was honest with herself, not seeing Christina had been the worst part of her exile. “I’ve missed you so much, Chrissy,” she said, her voice shaking.

  Christina's jaw dropped, and her eyes were shiny with tears. "I've missed you, too." They embraced again, and when they pulled away, both their cheeks were wet. "I'm here to take you home. I—"

  “No,” Matthew growled from behind them. “She’s not going anywhere.”

  “She’s my sister,” Christina said. “I have every right to take her home.”

  “And I’m her mate.”

  Christina's eyes grew as large as saucers. "Catherine? Is this true? Are you mated to this dragon?"

  “Yes,” she answered, looking at Matthew with warm eyes. “I am.”

  Christina brows drew together in confusion. “I don’t understand.”

  “I love him, Christina,” she said. “Don’t you believe me?”

  “I do,” she answered with a shrug. “I just didn’t think … I thought you wanted to get away from shifters and that life.”

  Catherine laughed. "Believe me; I know the irony." She reached out and took her sister's hand. "But it just happened. Call it fate, something that brought me to this place and to my mate. I'm staying in Blackstone."

  “Go ahead and tell your father,” Matthew added. “I will fight him with every last bone in my body if I have to.”

  "Papa would never …" She turned to Catherine. "He's changed. I swear to you. He said those things to you in anger. But he realized he was wrong, and he's been trying to make amends."

  “Does he know where I am? That I went to L.A.?”

  Christina shook her head. “I didn’t tell him anything, but I think he suspected I knew. He didn’t try to pry it out of me, though. He loves you and misses you. And he doesn’t want to marry you off.”

  “How can I be sure?” Catherine asked.

  “You can ask him yourself,” a low, masculine voice said.

  Catherine’s head turned to the doorway. “P-P-Papa?”

  Aristotle Stavros’ imposing figure filled the doorway. He was just as she’d remembered—tall and dark, though his hair had turned silvery white over the years. His face, though weathered, was still handsome, and it was easy to understand how her Mama had fallen in love with him. However, there was something in his eyes that seemed tired.

  “Katerina,” he said softly as he walked toward her. “I … I’m so happy to see you are alive.”

  "I had to tell him," Christina said. "I'm sorry. I thought you were dying. I snuck off with the jet, and when he called me, I had to let him know."

  “I’m sorry, Katerina,” Ari said. “For pushing you away. I wasn’t going to marry you off like chattel. You are my daughter.”

  “Papa …” Tears burned behind her eyes. The memories—the good ones—came back. Like when he taught her and Christina how to swim in the brilliant blue Mediterranean Sea. Or when she broke her leg playing on the craggy rocks behind their villa, and he heard her cries, found her, then carried her all the way back inside. This man had loved her mother so much, had loved her and Christina, even though they weren’t his biological children. “I missed you. But I’m not sorry I ran away.”

  His head hung low. “It seems the more I try to hold on to somethin
g I love, the more it wants to get away.”

  “I just wanted to be normal and free, Papa,” she said. “I didn’t want to be free of you.” She opened her arms, and he eagerly accepted her embrace.

  “Papa has been trying to make amends,” Christina added. “He even let Cordelia leave Lykos. She’s in a boarding school in England, just like Mama wanted.”

  “She is?” Catherine asked.

  Ari nodded. “I miss her so, but she’s loving it there. We talk every day. It’s a special boarding school for shifters.”

  “She’s getting to be very proficient in languages,” Christina said proudly. “She already spoke Greek, English, French, and German when she enrolled, but she’s taking extra classes in Japanese and Italian this year.”

  “Wow, I can’t believe …” She was happy for Cordy. She was a bright child, though very sheltered. And she missed her youngest sister so much.

  Ari turned to Matthew, his expression serious. “So, you are my daughter’s mate.”

  "I am," Matthew answered. His silvery eyes remained hard. "She will stay here, and I will protect her forever. If she chooses."

  Catherine gave him a warm smile. “Of course, I choose you.”

  Ari’s face turned crestfallen, but he managed a sad smile. “I was hoping to have my little girl back, but I suppose I can’t stop fate.”

  “Papa,” Catherine said, placing an arm on his hand. “I’ll always be your daughter.”

  “I know, but …” He turned back to Matthew. “Blackstone Dragon, I entrust you with one of my greatest treasures. I implore you to keep her safe and happy.”

  “I will, Alpha,” he said with a nod. “Thank you for your trust and your treasure.”

  “Hey, Matthew, you seal the deal yet?”

  Matthew, Catherine, Christina, and Ari’s heads all turned to the doorway as Jason casually strolled into the room, hands in his pockets.

  “You.” Christina’s eyes turned into narrow slits. “What are you doing here? I told you I never wanted to see you again.”

  “Aww, babe, are you still embarrassed about this morning?” Jason asked with a cheeky grin. “I told you, a little drool between friends is nothing to be worried about.”

  Christina’s face turned red. “I am not your friend.”

  Catherine frowned. “What the hell happened?”

  Her twin’s hands rolled into fists at her side. “This … vlaca … came to my hotel and pretended to be my driver. I told him I wanted to come to the hospital, then he got us lost.” She let out a frustrated cry. “And then … his truck stalled and we were stuck all night on the side of the road. In the cold.”

  Jason snorted. “It was for a good cause. All’s well that ends well and all that shit, right?”

  Catherine laughed. “Jason Lennox pretended to be a driver?”

  “He … Jason Lennox?” Christina looked at Jason and then at Matthew and narrowed her eyes. “Are you distant cousins or something?”

  Matthew’s eyes grew wide, and Jason began shaking his head, drawing his fingers across his neck in a slicing motion.

  They sure were acting weird, Catherine thought. “Yeah, they’re twins,” Catherine explained. “At least that’s what they keep telling me.” She still couldn’t understand how anyone would mistake Matthew and Jason for twins.

  "Twins?" Christina said. "But they look nothing … hold on." She stomped over to Jason and poked a finger in his chest. "If you're brothers, that means you're a dragon, too."


  “Asshole!" She swatted him in the chest. "You could have built a fire. Hell, you could have flown us back here!"

  "I could have," Jason said, wrapping a hand around her wrist and gently pulling it away. "But where's the fun in that?"

  “Arrgghhhh! I’m going to call Cordelia and our brothers,” she said as she marched out of the room.

  “Excuse me,” Ari said as he nodded to Matthew and Catherine. “I should go check on my daughter. She’s got a nasty temper.” Ari hugged Catherine, promising that he was going to stay a few days, and then shook hands with Matthew before he left.

  She turned to Matthew. "What's going on?"

  He had a big grin on his face, which was directed at Jason. "Did I ever tell you this saying my mother had about twins in her family?"

  She narrowed her eyes. “I don’t think so.”

  “Right. Well—”

  "Don't," Jason said, his eyes going stormy. "Please don't."

  Matthew laughed and continued anyway. “According to the legend, ‘the one who knows you from your twin is your soulmate.' We never knew what that meant until you came and could clearly tell us apart."

  “What?” Catherine said, her voice raising. “So … you really are identical twins? Everyone else thinks you look alike?”

  Matthew nodded. “Everyone except you. And, now, your sister.”

  Catherine’s jaw dropped. “Does that mean …”

  “It’s a stupid legend,” Jason said with a growl. “I’m sure it’s because you two are twins. You share the same DNA, so she can see what you see, too. That’s all.”

  “My dragon knows Christina isn’t my mate, though,” Matthew added. “What does yours say?”

  Jason kicked one of the chairs in the corner. “Whatever. Glad you guys sorted it out. I’m out of here.” He gave them a wave goodbye and left the room.

  Matthew watched his twin’s retreating back. “Hmmm, well this is definitely interesting.”

  "Christina and Jason?" She shook her head. "I can't think of two people more ill-suited for each other."

  "Well, I didn't ever think I would find a mate," Matthew said, drawing her close to his side. "But here I am."

  Catherine laughed. “Yes, and here I am.” She looked up at him, her heart threatening to burst out of her chest with happiness. “And here I’ll stay.”


  Matthew pulled into the last empty spot in the lot outside The Den and cut the engine. “Are you okay?”

  Catherine rolled her eyes. “I told you, I’m fine.” She leaned over and kissed him. “In fact, I’m so fine I think we should go back home again and I can show you how fine I am.” She wiggled her eyebrows at him.

  He tossed his head back and laughed. “As much fun as that sounds, it would be rude to just blow everyone off. We should head inside, at least pop in for one drink.”

  “I don’t even know why we’re here,” she grumbled. “Can’t I meet Amelia tomorrow? I’m sure Ben’s sister is a lovely girl, but I want to celebrate some more.” She lifted her hand, the five-carat diamond sparkling even in the low light of the car. Her smile was as wide as the Golden Gate Bridge.

  “We can celebrate again tonight,” he said as he pulled her in for a quick kiss. “Ben will be disappointed if we’re not all here.”

  Catherine pouted. Ben was too much of a nice guy, and she would hate to be rude to him and his sister. “Fine. But I’m getting some more tonight.”

  “You can have as much as you want,” he said. “For the rest of your life.”

  Dr. Parry let Catherine out of the hospital a few days early, but only if she had proper care at home and didn’t strain herself. Matthew hired a round-the-clock nurse to help her out as she recovered, plus he took care of her when he got home. She discretely asked the doctor when she would be clear for physical activities and the doctor answered that it would be in two weeks. Which was today. The doctor himself came over to the castle this morning to check her wounds, which were healed nicely.

  She was hoping to have some alone time with him finally. Meg had set up a romantic meal in the library, and as soon as they were done, he got down on one knee and proposed to her. She said yes, of course, then proceeded to rip his clothes off and have her way with him. He joked that she was more excited about having sex than his proposal.

  Matthew helped her out of the car, and they walked hand-in-hand into the Den.

  "Surprise!" Cheers, shouts, and hoots greeted them as they entered th
e bar. There were even confetti guns and poppers.

  “What is going on?” Catherine shouted as she looked around. There was a big, hand-painted sign over the bar that said “Congratulations Matthew and Catherine.”

  "Surprise, sweetheart," he said, kissing her. "Everyone wanted to celebrate with us."

  People came up to them, hugging them and giving their congratulations as they walked by. When they got to their table, Jason, Nate, Kate, Sybil, and a young woman who was probably Amelia, were already waiting for them.

  “Congratulations! Oh my God, I’m so happy!” Sybil said as she pulled Catherine into a big hug.

  "What would you have done if she had said no?" Kate asked, as she threw back a shot of whiskey.

  “She wouldn’t have said no,” Matthew said.

  Catherine laughed. “Well, I might have, if you hadn’t finally given up your virtue,” she said with a wry smile, which had Nate and Jason jeering.

  “Hey, it was the doctor’s orders,” he said, throwing his hands up.

  “I’m Amelia,” the tall woman with dark blond hair and green eyes said, extending her hand. “Ben’s sister.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Catherine said. “Where is Ben?”

  “He’s been delayed, but he’ll be here soon.”

  As if on cue, the door slammed open, and Ben's large frame filled the doorway. He gave them a big smile, then waved and lumbered over to them. It seemed he was so distracted that he didn't notice the petite waitress in his path. He bumped into her and she toddled back. Without looking down, he grabbed her by the shoulders to steady her, then simply lifted her up and placed her out of his way as he continued to amble toward them. The young woman let out a squeak and stared after him, but Ben didn't even look back.

  "Sorry," Ben apologized as he got to the table. "Had to do some overtime today." He hugged his sister and welcomed her home. "I …" His face turned blank, and he turned around.


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