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Echoes of the Heart

Page 13

by Webb, Carole

  His hands continued wandering the length of her torso and again found the soft mounds on her chest. He released her lips and kissed his way down her neck leaving a trail of fire until he reached her nipple. He traced the outline with his tongue as he gently squeezed her breast upward into his mouth and her chest rose up to press against his ministrations.

  Nothing had ever felt like this as the flooding warmth surged through her body, wanting him to continue, wanting everything. She grasped his hair in her hands while he began to kiss his way lower tracing slow circles around her navel with his tongue.

  An increasing sensation ran through her, tingling through the area between her thighs. He leisurely kissed his way back to her mouth and his hardness pressed against her while she ran her hands down the firm taut muscles of his back, each one tensing under her touch.

  His rapid breath matched her own as his hand smoothed over her belly reaching the curls between her thighs. Lifting his head he stared into her eyes with a yearning so strong, she felt herself melting, burning with desire.

  He probed into her soft dampness with proficient fingers making her gasp, while thumbing over the sensitive nub. His strokes sent jolts through her core. She arched her back and pressed against hand. Her head moved from side to side, half-crazed by the mounting sensations spreading to every inch of her skin.

  A low growl rose from his throat. “Jesus, Rae, I must have you.”

  Slowly spreading her thighs, he lifted above her placing himself between her legs, and rose on one elbow to center himself over her entrance.

  The scalding tip entered her then ceased when he felt the obstruction, knowing he had been mistaken regarding her innocence. Should he stop? Any control from this moment he knew would be his.

  “God damn it, Rae.” He grasped her tight around the back and with the other hand, held her head firmly before he withdrew part way and pushed through with one steady stroke then stilled his movements.

  She cried out in pain while he held her, wiping away a tear as it fell. “Just relax, sweetheart, I won’t hurt you again.”

  He could sense her pain ebb when she relaxed against him, so he drew back, gently running his hands over her body to rekindle the flame. She rose into his fullness and tightened her grasp around his neck. “Please don’t stop, I want you inside me.”

  He breathed in deep gasps while he slowly entered her tight walls. “That isn’t going to be a problem, baby.”

  Raeden relished the tight warmth. He stroked against her burning flesh, inching deeper until she thought she would explode. Their eyes met and locked as she rose to meet his thrusts and he drove in filling her completely with his urgent need.

  His pace quickened and she cried out. White lights flashed behind her eyelids and exploded into shockwaves. He stiffened and quaked as his heat spilled from him. He pushed still farther into her recess groaning then he collapsed on top of her, both gasping for breath.

  She would never have believed, even if someone told her, it could be like this between a man and a woman, joined as one in hypnotic satisfaction leaving her limp and fulfilled.

  The weight of his body lifted when he turned to his side, withdrawing. He pulled her possessively into his arms then drew her chin up to kiss her again. His fingers traced the line of her face and across her damp hair.

  She laid her head on his chest, a lump rose in her throat. Tears rolled from her eyes.

  “Don’t cry, sweetheart, it’s natural. You have nothing to be ashamed of.”

  She nestled deeper into his embrace. “I’m not ashamed of anything. I never knew being with a man could be so wonderful.” She sighed while running her hand through the dark shadow of curls on his chest then over each hard muscle.

  He drawled in jest. “I’m not just any man.” Cash rose to button his trousers and walked out as her heart sank in despair. Would he just leave me like this, in a stable?

  In a few moments, he appeared with the blanket from behind his saddle. Relief escaped in a sigh.

  “I’d better get you home.” He wrapped the blanket snuggly around her, gathered her clothing and placed them in her hands. He swept her into his arms and placed her on Rabbit then mounted behind. While he held her tight, she leaned to rest her chin upon his chest and he spoke gently into her ear

  “Rae, why didn’t you tell me you had never been with a man? I would like to think I would have never let it go so far.”

  “I feared if I mentioned it, you might stop.”

  Cash stroked her hair and laid his cheek against her forehead. The feeling of closeness between them made her quiver. She wanted him again.


  Cash cradled Raeden in his arms to carry her upstairs into the bedroom and laid her down on the soft wide bed. Did this actually happen? She glanced around the familiar room enfolding the blanket around herself, Cash’s scent all over her skin. He had gone downstairs. Had he left her? No, she did not hear his horse leave.

  Cash came in carrying hot water and poured it into the tub then added cool water to make the temperature right. Raeden watched him prepare the bath, admiring his tall frame, his handsome face warm and strangely softened.

  He possessed an unfamiliar look of tenderness in his eyes while he strode toward her and removed the blanket, pausing for a moment as he stared. “You’re so beautiful, Rae.”

  She felt like a goddess when he looked at her that way.

  “Let me bathe you.”

  Settling her in the tub, he sponged water over her body, running over her shoulders and down her breasts. “How does this feel? It will help with the soreness. The first time can be uncomfortable the next day.”

  “It feels wonderful, Cash. You felt wonderful. Why don’t you join me? We can do it again.”

  His deep black eyes opened wide, a cocky smile crossed his lips. “You won’t have to ask me twice.”

  When his jeans hit the floor, her eyes wandered his length, coal black hair, lean chiseled face, expansive shoulders and chest tapering to a narrow waist―the perfect specimen of a man.

  She noticed him ready when he stepped in and sat to face her, gently placing her long legs around his waist, pulling her to his chest. The other hand rose to brush hair from her forehead. His stare carved her face.

  “Let’s go slow and easy. I don’t want to hurt you.” His lips trailed soft kisses around her forehead and across her eyelids then covered her bruised lips gently while chills ran down her spine.

  Her hands smoothed over his wet back, down to his buttocks. She knew her touch tightened his muscles and she relished her power to make him hard.

  While staring into his eyes, she whispered. “Cash, I want you inside me.”

  A low growl escaped him when he reached under her rear and lifted her to him. His hand held her while he raised her over his erection, his fingers gently spreading her open to receive him. He let her slide slowly down. She cringed when his shaft filled her and he raised her then spoke in her ear.

  “Just relax, baby. It won’t hurt, I promise. I can’t pull away now.”

  Raeden felt him throbbing inside her. Passion spread through her when she lowered onto him. His hard muscled arms tightened around her. His lips covered hers and their tongues met, savoring each other while sensations tingled from her womb to her brain. Could one die of pleasure?

  He grew larger pressing against her tightness, his member throbbing and twitching. His faced dropped to her neck while they both panted. When his hand cupped her breast kneading, her eyes turned toward the ceiling her nails clawing at his back. Bright colors flashed under her eyelids while she flew into the new dimension that must be paradise.

  His member pulsed against her flesh and his arms crushed her against his chest, molding her to his body. His eyes half-shaded with long black lashes stared down holding her gaze as his breaths came faster. “Oh God…Rae you good.”

  His teeth bit into his lip while he sucked in a breath and buried his face in her neck. A growl rolled from his throat while hi
s seed surged from him, filling her with his release. He rested his cheek on her head while holding her tightly against him and stroked her hair. She enjoyed the silent aftermath of their lovemaking, just holding each other until the water began to cool.

  They washed each other and Rae ran her fingers gently over the scratches she had made on his back. “I’m sorry I hurt you. I did not realize.”

  He laughed aloud. “Believe me, I didn’t even notice.”

  They joked and tossed water on each other. He tickled her sides and they broke out laughing when water splashed out on the floor. After drying each other, they used the towels to sop up the water. He pulled a blanket around her body when he carried her to bed.

  She wanted him with her, though knew he must leave. He knelt beside the bed and kissed her then stroked her hair murmuring endearments until she fell asleep.


  Cash rode away feeling guilty for what he had done. He knew if he ever touched her again, it would lead to this. A moth to a flame she drew him, his weakness made him uneasy. Would she demand marriage? If she insisted, he would have to. It would have been easy if she had not been a virgin, however the thought of her with another made him cringe. He liked being her first.

  How someone so young and innocent could evoke such passion puzzled him, along with the truth he could not remember an experience with a woman turning him inside out. He shook away the thoughts. The moonlight guided him home.


  A pounded headache woke him. His first thought was the same as his last the night before, Raeden. As the prosthetic wings of his freedom from attachment began to crumble, he felt desperate. He must go away and think before he did something irrational. He would go to the ranch. Maybe some distance would allow rational thought.

  John sat at the desk when he entered, a sly grin passing over his face. He knew why. He could not hide it. Christ, the whole damn town showed up. “I’ll be out of town a few days. See you when I return.”

  He heard John’s quiet laughter when he stepped through the back door to saddle Rabbit. Cash guessed he had better get used to it. He would be the town laughingstock before the end of the day.

  A few miles out of town, he almost turned back. After all, he had nowhere to run to or nowhere to hide from his feelings. This would only delay the inevitable. He knew it would be impossible to stay away from her since he tasted what she had to offer. Stupid! Stupid! How could he have let this happen? She had charged through his barriers like a stampeding herd.

  Well, with a few days alone to think, he would straighten this out.


  Stretching her arms gingerly above her head, Raeden felt content. It would have been nice to wake next to Cash enfolded in his arms. Standing to dress, she had only a tinge of soreness to remind her of the previous night’s passion. She had no regrets.

  Everything seemed different. She had lost her girlhood and blossomed into a woman overnight.

  She wanted to see him. Perhaps they could meet in town and talk. Her desire to go to New York had not changed and she knew him not the type to want to settle down. She did not want to either. Maybe an affair. She had allowed herself to be soiled anyway, so what did it matter.

  Clouds partially blocked out the sun’s rays making the air colder. She did not care. The warmth she felt inside radiated through her, blocking out the dismal climate. After hiding the shreds of her ball gown, she bounded down the stairs. Not eating much the day before, her stomach rumbled from hunger.

  Breakfast—that’s what she needed.

  Joining Diane at the table, Sadie placed a plate of eggs, bacon and toast on the table, followed by a mug of hot brew.

  Diane smiled up from the local newspaper. “What a scene last night. I hope you and Cash came to some kind of agreement.”

  Raeden knew her face blushed and ducked her chin down hoping Diane would not notice. “He had too much to drink. Just a little bit jealous, I guess.” Raeden continued eating hoping her embarrassment wasn’t too obvious.

  “I knew he had taken an interest. A woman could not find a better man, if he decided to settle down. Granted, he has some rough edges, but I am sure you can soften them.” A twinkle flickered in her bright blue eyes.

  “I’m really not interested. There are other things more important to me right now.” She amended the subject. “Is Uncle Mike already gone?”

  “He left earlier. He will meet us in town.” Diane continued reading while Raeden finished her breakfast relieved the conversation about last evening’s events had ended.

  Raeden made sure to carry a rain poncho when she rode to the store. She had learned that lesson the hard way. Arte, frisky from the cold weather, required more than the usual effort to control. The exhilarating cool air blew through her hair and across her face. The landscaped appeared different, in a state of dormancy. The weather had definitely made a change.

  She stayed dressed in her riding clothes. Customers kept them busy and there was no sign of Cash. He has a lot to take care of; I will just stop by his office on my way to lunch. Perhaps he will come along, too.

  When it neared two in the afternoon, she entered the jail, excited to see him and found John at the desk. She tried to hide her disappointment. “Hi, John, it’s nice to see you. Did you have a good time last night? By the way, you are an excellent dancer.” John stood to greet her, a broad smile curled his lips showing straight white teeth.

  He grinned at the compliment. “It has always been a fun affair, I never miss it. You sure looked great.”

  “Thanks. Is Cash around?”

  “No he left for a few days. He didn’t say where.”

  Raeden skipped lunch.

  While attempting to update some dresses for a client, she had difficulty concentrating and her mind wandered. To hide hurt feelings, she tried to remain cheerful. The coward, he used me and now he will not face me. He just ran away. Using his sweet talk and phony concern, she had allowed him to sweep her off her feet. What did she really know about men and their methods to seduce young women to give their innocence? To make matters more humiliating, she had practically begged him for an encore performance in the bathtub.

  She could play his game and act as if the liaison meant nothing, to keep her pride in tact.

  Raeden stomped through her work area straightening up the tables then approached Diane, sitting in her office. “Aunt Diane, I need a rest. I’m going blind from sewing. I need a few days to myself.” Frustration made her words sound edgy. She sucked in a breath and softened her tone. “Is it okay with you?”

  Diane appeared puzzled. “Of course, take as long as you like.”

  Raeden bounced over to peck her on the cheek. “I’ll see you at dinner.”

  She sped to Arte, threw herself in the saddle and gave him his head. He reared and spun around on his hind legs then bolted into the grasslands, his long mane a black flag blowing in the wind.


  Raeden stepped from her bed after two days of resentment, convinced she needed to end the self-pity and get on with her life. She would go back tomorrow, send more letters to New York, and continue the tasks waiting and forget about Cash.

  It had been a bitter pill to swallow, but knew she would get over it in time. Perhaps she should just leave and go to New York to meet with wholesalers in person. She could be very convincing when she made up her mind. Dressed warm for riding, she ate a light breakfast then readied for her morning ride.

  A few clouds dappled the sky and the air was freezing cold. Donning a heavy jacket and thick woolen cap to ward off the cold, she passed through the mudroom grabbing warm cloves and a rain poncho along with her handgun.

  Arte nuzzled her hand when she approached him, ready to set out. She tied the poncho to the back of the saddle and mounted her restless steed. She headed north keeping the Black Hills in her line of vision. Dew crystals covered the ground, white glittery sequins. She thought of Christmas as the cold air stung her face.

  On her ride, she c
ame across a small farmhouse appearing deserted for some time. Once it had been the center of a family’s life. Now it just looked tired and derelict. A small barn in back had loose boards hanging by rusty nails. She too felt abandoned. It would change in time. Everything changes.

  Riding out another few miles, dense gray clouds roiled across the darkening sky. The air grew colder and she decided it was time to head home. She covered herself with the rain poncho. It started to snow, enormous flakes like small lace doilies. She had seen nothing like it. Flurries circled around almost euphorically. When she could not see, a fear rose inside. She knew she would never find her way back through the blinding snow.

  She gave Arte his head. He would find the way home, at least maybe to the farmhouse. They could take shelter inside until the storm passed.

  A thick blanket covered the ground. Everyone spoke about this long hard winter and she wished she had been more careful. Deeper and deeper, Arte trudged through, his head lowered, snow adhering to his forelock and mane. Ice stuck to her own eyelashes. The cold penetrated to her skin, even through the heavy clothing.

  Her eyelids drooped, and she felt sleepy. The wind slung sleet like daggers stinging her face. How could the weather vary so abruptly?


  On the third day of his hiatus, Cash grew even more restless than he had been the two days before. He worked with Slim during the day but the nights were too much to bear. The creamy white skin, perky pink breasts, the aroma of roses, it all drove him crazy. He could almost taste her.

  The urgency in his groin never left him. Maybe he would go seek Angie. His thoughts drifted to his life as a loner. Didn’t he really like it that way? Only trouble came from getting too close to women. No, he must have Raeden. Damn it, I am such an ass.


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