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Rogue: The Sons of Dusty Walker

Page 18

by Hunter, Sable

  He crossed his arm over hers so he could slip his hand up her skirt. All the time she never let go of his cock, continuing the up and down motion that was driving him crazy. Scooting the material up, he let his fingers dance on the silkiness of her thighs, up – up – until he could touch paradise. “My God, woman, you’re commando!”

  To Kit’s chagrin, his voice carried and she sank down in the seat, which just served to give him better access. “Oh, my goodness,” she whispered and when his fingers found her clit and began petting, she added another, “Oh, my goodness!”

  Yea, this was a small town, her reputation was probably in tatters—but this very second, Kit didn’t give a damn.

  In all of Rogue’s years of sexual adventures, he’d never done anything like this. It was risky, it was fun and it was exciting as fuck. He didn’t know what he enjoyed more, her greedy little hand on his cock or the sweet wet heat of her pussy. She was aroused because of what she was doing to him and that was the single best head rush he’d ever felt.

  On-screen Lou and Will struggled with their problems. Off-screen Rogue and Kit played, pleasuring one another with soft rhythmic touches designed to bring them release. And when it came, hers triggered his and he leaned over and captured her cries into his own mouth. The kiss grew and held, becoming a sweet lingering kiss of promise.

  Rogue was reluctant to let her go. Even though this had been at her instigation, he wanted to protect her. So, he gently removed his hand and straightened her skirt, tucked his cock back in and zipped up his pants. Then, he pulled her close with an arm around her shoulder and tucked her head under his chin until the credits rolled.

  “I’ll buy you the DVD,” he promised.

  “It’s a sad movie, at least what we did had a happy ending,” she murmured as he led her from the theater.

  “I’ll say.” Rogue chuckled. Escorting her to his truck, he kept his arm around her and anyone who appeared to be looking at them funny received a steely-eyed warning. “I thought we’d go to the Roadhouse and get a steak. As far as I can tell, that seems to be the best choice.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Kit said, amazingly aware of his seemingly possessive arm around her waist. When they were in the truck and headed to the edge of town, she couldn’t quell her curiosity. “So, how did your first day at Walker Minerals go?”

  Rogue was a bit surprised at his own positive mood. “All in all, it went well. I still have to go to the house and meet the housekeeper and the caretaker later on tonight, but I don’t foresee any problems.”

  “That’s a relief.” She’d known he dreaded it. “The sound system is supposed to be installed tomorrow and the woman you contacted about making the website called me today.”

  “Great.” Rogue was pleased. “Tomorrow two of the geologists are taking me with them to check out some sites.”

  “Do they know you are more than qualified to run the whole business?” Kit couldn’t keep the pride out of her voice.

  “I hinted at it.” He laughed. Quicker than he expected, they were at The Roadhouse.

  This time Kit waited on him to come open her door. She could get used to this type of treatment. “They have good steaks here and a chicken Marsala that I’m fond of.”

  “What I need is something to drink. That movie took a lot out of me.” He grinned, watching her blush. She was so adorable.

  Once they were inside, the hostess led them into the restaurant and seated them at a corner table where they could have some privacy.

  “This is nice, thank you.” Kit smoothed her napkin. She’d been here before, but being here on a date with Rogue made everything seem better. The colors were warmer, the people more friendly and the food smelled delicious.

  “Wine?” he asked. When she nodded yes, he motioned for the waiter and asked for their best merlot.

  They’d no sooner ordered before a woman came to the table. Kit knew her face but it was a moment before she could remember her name. “Hello, Ms. Clark. Rogue, this is Ellen Clark. She owns the pharmacy in town. Ms. Clark, this is Rogue Walker.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Rogue took her hand.

  “It’s very good to see you,” she responded. “After seeing your brothers around town this month, there was no mistaking who you were. I’ve been hearing good things. It seems Rori, Lexie and Zoe have especially enjoyed meeting the Walker boys. Should we be expecting a double-double wedding?”

  Kit felt her face flame. “No!” she answered quickly. “Rogue and I are just friends and business partners. He’s advising me on some changes at White-Wing.” Knowing how Rogue felt about commitment, she felt extremely uncomfortable.

  “That’s right.” Rogue nodded. “I’m always looking for a good investment.” He put a smile on his face but her declaration didn’t sit well with him for some reason.

  “I see.” Ellen Clark put her nose in the air. “If what I hear about Dusty is true, that doesn’t really surprise me.”

  “If you’ll excuse us, Ms. Clark, we’re trying to decide our next move.” Rogue held the woman’s gaze until she backed down and left them with a barely civil goodbye.

  Kit was sure the next move he wanted to make was back to Texas. After the meddling woman had returned to her table, Kit apologized. “I’m sorry, but that’s a small town for you. Everybody loves to know everybody else’s business.

  “No worries. You can’t tell me anything about small places and smaller minds. My mother and I heard it all, believe me.”

  Not wanting their evening to be spoiled, Kit purposely brightened. “Let’s not allow her to ruin our good time. Tell me about Jester.”

  Rogue followed her lead. “Well, Jester totally charmed my mother. I think she gave him his own shelf in the refrigerator. What have you been doing?” he asked as he pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

  “I’ve been working with a young horse. Her name is Diamond and she’s showing potential. As you know, getting them to the point where they can anticipate what we want them to do is key.”

  “True, I admire you. Mariah was already trained when I bought her.” Rogue picked up the pepper shaker and turned it around between his fingers. “Let me ask you this. If White-Wing comes into its own and you get all the business you can handle, which do you plan on focusing on? Running the lodge and the tours or training horses?”

  Kit smiled. “I hope to have that problem someday, but if everything works out I’ll hire someone to help my mother manage things so I can stick with the horses.”

  “I knew it.” Rogue winked, seeming to be happy that he understood her. About that time the waiter brought their food. “This looks good. Dig in.” As he ate it dawned on him how erotic it was to watch a woman eat. The glide of her lips on the fork, the delicate movement of her throat as she swallowed, the way her tongue came out to decadently lick her lips.

  “What’s wrong?” Kit asked.

  “What?” Rogue blinked his eyes.

  “You looked frozen with your hand in the air and your fork halfway to your mouth,” she explained. “Are you hurting somewhere?”

  “Ah, no.” He took the bite, chewed, swallowed and repeated the process. She kept watching him curiously.

  “Are you not having a good time? Do you want to go?”

  Was she kidding? At her questioning stare, he let out a low laugh as he sopped gravy from his plate with a piece of dinner roll. “I’m having the time of my life. There’s just certain parts of my body that are behaving badly.”

  She didn’t respond right away. Kit studied his handsome face as if trying to ascertain if he were serious. “Let’s go,” she announced quietly.

  “No, really.” Rogue assured her. “I’m enjoying myself.”

  “Get the check, you’re about to enjoy yourself more.” As he took care of the bill, she politely folded her napkin, retrieved her bag and stood.

  “You’ve got my attention.” Rogue followed her out of the well-appointed room, tipping his hat at a few people who smiled or waved. He didn’t know wh
o they were, perhaps they knew Kit or thought he was one of his brothers.

  By the time she got to the door, he was there to hold it open for her. “Where are we off to in such a rush?”

  “We’re going parking,” she announced. “No poison ivy this time, so don’t worry.” At his surprised expression, she continued, “You have someplace to be tonight and I won’t be able to sleep without having felt you inside me. So, we’re going to find a quiet dark place and—”

  “Fuck,” he breathed.

  She realized what he said was more of an exclamation than an explanation – but it was correct all the same. “Exactly.”

  When they arrived at his truck, he helped her in, fastening her seatbelt. Needing to let her know how he felt, Rogue touched her cheek. “There’s something about you that I can’t resist. I don’t pretend to know where this is going, but I do know I’d rather be with you than anywhere else in the world right now.” He kissed her gently on the lips and tears welled in her eyes. Then she gifted him with the most dazzling smile Rogue had ever seen.

  “I feel the same way. I know this is just casual, but I wouldn’t trade our time together like this for anything.”

  He didn’t say anything else, just gave her an intense look, went to his side and crawled in. When they were underway, she gave him some directions. “Go out of town toward White-Wing but take the first left. There’s an abandoned farmhouse down there, we won’t be disturbed.”

  Rogue shook his head. He wasn’t surprised at the sense of déjà vu he felt. “Why don’t you think we’ll be disturbed?”

  “It’s supposed to be haunted, most people stay away from the area.”

  Rogue threw his head back and roared with laughter. “Well, okay. Never let it be said that I let a ghost or two get in the way of making time with my favorite girl.”

  Kit smiled, she enjoyed the designation of ‘favorite girl’. She gave him directions and in no time he had turned off onto a narrow dirt road where the trees and the undergrowth grew so tight on either side that it felt like they were driving into a tunnel. “Just keep going until you see the overgrown bungalow. We can park there.”

  He drove faster than he should have, he was just that turned on. And the woman beside him wasn’t helping. The scent of her, the shape of her. He could see her in profile, gorgeous face, a delectable body. Wait…what was she doing?

  Rogue almost ran off the road when he realized that Kit was cupping her own breasts, her eyes closed, head thrown back in ecstasy while she pulled at her own nipples. His cock went crazy, it would’ve stood up and shouted if it could have. “Turned on, baby?”


  “Little nipples need to be sucked?”

  “So bad,” she whimpered, too horny to be inhibited.

  “Do you want me to fuck you?”

  “More than I want my next breath.”

  Rogue pulled in the drive, shut off the engine and reached for her. “Over here. Now.” He gave instructions, but he didn’t wait for her to follow them. He lifted her up and guided her over his lap to face him. As Kit straddled him, he lifted her skirt and thanked heaven she wore no underwear. There was simply no time. With one hand he probed her drenched opening and with the other he took out his cock, rubbing the end of it from the back of her slit to the front.

  Kit whimpered and laid her head on his chest. She dug her fingers into his shoulders. “Rogue, my Rogue…”

  “What do you want, Kit-Kat? It’s yours.”

  “I want you hard.” Her breath hitched. “I need you deep. The ache is more than I can stand.”

  He didn’t speak, he just gave her what she needed. With one violent upward thrust, he filled her up, driving his cock to the hilt.

  “Oh, my God!” she keened.


  “Oh, yes!”

  “Want more?” He flexed his cock inside of her and felt her grasp at him with her inner muscles.

  “Please, please, please,” she murmured.

  Holding her by the waist, he pulled out and plowed back in with a mighty thrust. She gasped and moaned, her sugar walls tightening around him. Reaching between them, Rogue traced the bare mound of her pussy, letting his finger verify the place where they were joined. “You’re stretched so tight. Does it burn, baby?”

  “So good, so good,” she wailed.

  Her unfettered response ignited his blood. He was desperate to take her, to possess her. His fingers skating up her sides, he held her slight body high on her rib cage, his thumbs rubbing her nipples. With a slight lifting motion, he slid out and crashed back. “Ride me, baby.”

  “Yes.” She understood. Placing her hands on his shoulders, she began to rise and fall – undulating up and slamming down on the pole of his erection, every move accompanied by little cries of feminine lust.

  Rogue’s eyes rolled to the back of his head. She was like lightning in his arms, the rhythm she set was exquisite. Together they danced, her pussy milking his cock with every gyration. Faster and faster, tighter and tighter, Kit kissed his chest from his pecs to his throat, her teeth grazing his skin.

  “I can’t…I need…”

  “Coming, love?” Complete pleasure overtook him, he panted, jackhammering into her over and over again.

  “Yes!” she screamed, her fingers tearing through his hair as she convulsed in his arms. Rogue held her tight as she let go.

  The perfect repeating grasp of her pussy around his cock set him off. He pounded into her once more, jetting a hot stream of his seed deep into her pussy.

  Pure white hot bliss.

  Rogue cradled her to him, the quivering tremors of her pussy massaging his cock. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes.” She sighed, going limp in his arms. They held one another for long minutes until Kit sat back, kissing him sweetly on the lips. “I guess you should take me home. You have places to be.”

  “And people to see,” he agreed. Reluctantly he lifted her from his cock, then reached into his glove compartment to get a soft paper cloth to clean them up with. Once they were straight, he turned on his lights and the beams highlighted the spooky old house. “Dang, I wouldn’t want to spend the night in there.”

  “No, there’s a sad tale here. A girl killed herself over love. He broke up with her and she couldn’t handle it, she took cyanide.”

  Rogue frowned as he started the truck. “Fair to say they must have had a one-sided affair.”

  Kit playfully slapped his arm. “Don’t be mean.”

  “Never,” he assured her. “Never would I be mean to you.”

  “Thank you.”

  Rogue pointed to the house. “Do you want to go ghost hunting before we leave?”

  “No, it’s getting late. Don’t laugh, though, many people have seen her over the years, sometimes they say her mouth and lips look burned from the poison.”

  Rogue did an exaggerated mock shiver. “Woo-ooo.”

  “When are you coming out to White-Wing?” she asked, then hastily added. “To check things out, I mean.”

  “Soon.” He sighed. Right now life was good. “I’ll call you tomorrow when I know what my schedule will be.”

  “Okay.” She wanted more, but pushing a man like Rogue would be a fruitless task.

  “I had a good time tonight,” Rogue said, his hand finding hers in the dark.

  “Me too.”

  “Hey, look.” Rogue pointed ahead. “Is that a girl walking on the side of the road? Something must be wrong.” He stared. “What the heck?” The beams of the headlights seemed to go right through her.

  “Don’t stop,” Kit said emphatically.

  “Why?” he asked, glancing at her, an odd cold chill covering his body. “She might need help.”

  “We’re too late to help her. That’s the ghost.”

  When Rogue turned his face to look back down the road, the girl was gone.

  They were quiet for a few minutes, seeing something unexplained made them both feel funny.

ly, Kit felt something brush her leg. She squealed and jumped.

  Rogue laughed. “Gotcha!”

  “You wish.”

  She shot back, but she was the one who was wishing. She wanted Rogue with every breath in her body. But what did they say?

  If wishes were horses, then dreamers would ride.


  Driving away from White-Wing had been hard. Rogue had felt the indeterminate pull to stay. It was the sex, it had to be.

  He was addicted to sex with Kit.

  Oh well, he grinned to himself, there were worse things to be addicted to.

  The drive from White-Wing to Dusty’s house on Osprey Lake took about a half hour. It was nearing midnight when he pulled up to the sprawling stone and wood structure. The place reminded him of the lodge at White-Wing, just more luxurious. Floor to ceiling glass windows reflected the high beams of the truck. As he pulled in next to the garage, he saw that somebody had left the lights on for him.

  Climbing out, he closed the door and took his duffle from the trunk. Since he’d be staying here a day or two, he might even unpack. As he walked up toward the door, a chill passed over him. He’d already seen what could’ve been one ghost tonight, was he about to see another? Knowing that Dusty and his wife had lived here made Rogue uneasy. Taking a deep breath, he stopped and stared into the darkness. The moon was high in the sky and its reflection glittered on the lake. He hadn’t realized this was waterfront property. Prime waterfront property. Glancing around, he could see that Dusty had spared no expense.

  His mother’s small house came to mind. They’d spent his lifetime in a structure small enough to fit in the front foyer of this grandiose barn. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he could see the manicured lawn and the sidewalks winding among landscaped flower beds. The whole place reeked of money. And while Rogue had nothing against money, this whole business made his stomach hurt. His reaction to the business hadn’t been this visceral. Maybe it was because Dusty had lived with his wife here.

  While his mother and the other women he’d duped lived elsewhere. Far away with their children. The sons of Dusty Walker.


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