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Rogue: The Sons of Dusty Walker

Page 24

by Hunter, Sable

  Tory’s knees gave way and he caught her up, one hand on her waist and the other cupping the round, firm ass he planned on memorizing with fingers and kisses.

  She tried to remain coherent, after all she had a plan, but he was masterful, dominating, passionate and all of that extreme maleness was focused right on her. Tory felt like a delicate piece of nothing flaring up after being kissed by the rays of the sun.

  “I can’t believe you came. Do you know how many nights I’ve dreamed of you doing this?” He was kissing her neck, his hands running over her skin.

  Tory was trying to form thoughts. This spell was more powerful than she’d imagined. It had given him false memories of desiring her. Oh well, at least she could speak truth. After all, he wouldn’t remember it in the morning. “I’ve dreamed about you too. I lie over there in my lonely bed every night and ache for you. Tonight, I just couldn’t stay away.”

  Wolf Call

  Rafe took one step toward her. She held her ground. Brave woman. The corner of his lip lifted in a crooked, wicked smile. Another step. The music playing in the background had a seductive beat, a soundtrack of lust. Her eyes were glued to his, Rafe could hear her breathing from where she stood. His hearing was acute and selective. He sniffed the air again, she was aroused. Good. The urge to shift almost overwhelmed him, never had he been tempted in a public place. His mind battled with his instinct and he tamped it down. One more step and he held out his hand. “Dance?”

  Karoline’s whole body tingled. Who was this guy? Sex on a stick, definitely. She’d seen good-looking men before, but her body had never lit up like it was doing now. Her breasts were throbbing, her sex was aching and she found herself moving toward him. When their fingers touched, she shook. It was like connecting two sources of high voltage. And when he pulled her body next to his, she trembled in his arms. “I wasn’t planning on dancing, I just wanted to watch. I don’t have very good rhythm.” He stared into her eyes and Karoline found it hard to breathe.

  “Just follow my lead. I’ll set the pace.” The magnetic man tightened his grip around her waist and traced the line of her cheek. “Your skin is baby soft, so tender. I bet you’re amazing to touch.”

  He said the last word in a whisper that brushed over her neck. Karoline’s sex clenched in absolute surrender. Even she knew he was talking about touching her in secret, exciting places. “You come on strong.”

  Rafe rubbed his nose in her hair. “Subtlety has never been my strong suit.”

  Dancing close to him, song after song, Karoline’s mind was in a whirl. He flirted, he charmed, he stole gentle touches specifically designed to draw her under his spell. She’d only come to the bar because she had some time to kill. The lodge where she had reservations wasn’t available till the morning. Being swept off her feet by a man such as this was a fantasy of hers, but not one she expected to come to life. “I wasn’t prepared for you. You’re making me dizzy.”

  He was fully aroused and there was no way she could miss it, he was rubbing his cock against her belly with every step. “I know what I want when I see it.”

  “And what would that be?” Her voice was weak, she realized that. This man was like no one she’d ever encountered. Being around him was heady, he made her quiver with need. Karoline had only been with one other man in her life and that milksop hadn’t prepared her for this beast.


  Karoline swallowed. Had she lost her mind? Maybe too much time alone in the wilderness had robbed her of civilized behavior, but she found herself responding wholeheartedly to this self-assured god with the hard, buff body. “Don’t I get a drink first?”

  “I’ll get a bottle of champagne to go. My place or yours?” Rafe was on fire. If he didn’t get inside this woman soon, he’d explode.

  Okay, at least she could be a tad wise. “Mine. You’re not married or otherwise committed, are you? I don’t do that.” She didn’t do anything, really. Karoline Durand was a loner. Her occupation necessitated it.

  “Footloose and fancy free,” Rafe mumbled. “My taxes are paid, I’m a Southern gentleman and I go to church on Sundays. You?”

  “Same, I’m single. But I haven’t been to church in years.” She laid her head on his shoulder and groaned at how good her breasts felt mashed up against his hard chest.

  Laughter rumbled in his chest. “I won’t hold that against you.”

  “Good thing, what you’re holding against me is more than I can handle.” She blushed as she said the bold words.

  “Oh, I bet you can handle me. Don’t you want to try?”


  “What ifs will drive us crazy, Ethan.” His hand came up and rubbed her knee in slow, soft circles. She got up and walked away, needing to put distance between them.

  Desperate, thinking quickly, he decided to try another tactic.

  “Will you go out to dinner with me tomorrow? Just dinner—that’s all I ask.”

  “I don’t know, Ethan.” What would it accomplish—just more torture for her.

  He might be sorry, but he just had to know. “Have I changed, Lise? Do you still find me sexually attractive? Don’t you want me anymore?”

  She couldn’t believe the question. “What?” He must be kidding. The problem wasn’t with him it lay with her. “Ethan, you are much more handsome now than you were before and you were delectable then.”

  Delectable, huh? That had to be good. He continued to push the envelope. “But are you physically attracted to me, now, tonight?”

  Annalise bowed her head and shut her eyes. She stood up and walked to the back door of the kitchen. She knew that a path from the door led directly to her cabin. He stood up to follow her. She pointed one small finger at him. “Stay right where you are. I will answer you, but you must promise me something.” He didn’t answer her. “Promise!” she demanded.

  “Okay, anything.” He had to know.

  “I will answer you and then I am walking out of here—you cannot follow me. I have to be by myself for just a little while. My emotions are in complete tatters. I need to think. Do you promise?” Her face was flushed, her breathing erratic.

  He thought she was the most beautiful thing God had ever created. “I will promise not to follow you, if you will promise to have dinner with me tomorrow.” He was beginning to enjoy this.

  She conceded, exasperated. “All right, I will have dinner with you.”

  “So, answer me. Are you physically attracted to me? Do you remember what it was like making love with me? Do you still want me, Lise?”

  A look of anguish came over her face that totally threw him for a loop. But her answer was music to his ears. “Yes, I find you more attractive than any man I have ever met. I remember every detail of every time we made love. I have relived it in my mind and in my fantasies, every facet of the incredible hours we shared, over and over again. And yes, I want you so much it hurts. I ache for you. I am starved for you, but—that’s where it must end. I don’t intend—I cannot allow myself to do anything about it.” With that amazing revelation, she was gone.

  Ethan was smiling. “Well, we’ll just see about that, won’t we?”


  (Texas Heat Book 1)"

  Reaching down by the couch, he picked up the paper bag with the miss-delivered item and handed it to her. Holding it out to her, his eyes twinkled. She took it and opened it.

  What she saw made her blush. “My jackrabbit. I thought as much.” Looking up, she met his gaze levelly. His incredible smile was contagious. It was obvious he was expecting her to be embarrassed. No matter what it cost her, she would not let him know the extent of her dismay. Lifting it from the package, she turned it over in her hand. “Where are my instructions?”

  His tongue came out and dampened his full lower lip. Cooper had the urge to capture that lower lip and suck on it. A snort escaped from his kissab
le lips. “You need instructions?”

  “I’ve never used one before.” This man was different from any other man she had ever been around. He was certainly different from her late husband. Shyly, she lifted her eyes to his, and felt the sexual awareness roll between them in waves. She had never been so attracted to a man before. Ky exuded virility and unadulterated sexual energy and right now t was all directed at her. It was an amazing and unbelievable feeling.

  “Well, maybe I can help you, darlin’.” He took his pocketknife out of his jeans, took the package from her hand, and proceeded to free the large plastic pleasure toy from its confines.

  “You know a lot about sex toys such as this?” she playfully asked him. Turning she made a move that was entirely unexpected on her part. Heading to the kitchen, she beckoned him to follow her—he was easily led. She pulled out a chair at her table and invited him to sit down. “Would you drink a cup of coffee with me?”

  “Baby, drinking coffee is just one of the many things I would like to do with you.” Cooper ignored his loaded comment. He sat down in the chair offered him and pulled the hard plastic apart, freeing the vibrating dildo.

  Obviously determined to milk this for all it was worth, he began to speak. “Now, about how to use this little contraption. I think this part,” he gingerly touched the rather large head of the plastic penis, “goes into your tight little channel and this part,” he lightly touched the clitoral stimulator, “tickles your sweet spot.” His verbal foreplay was having its intended effect.

  “Thanks for the tutorial. I hope you don’t think badly of me. I know ladies don’t usually resort to using something like this.” She handed him a large mug filled with fragrant coffee. That she was playing this verbal game of cat and mouse with him was beyond her comprehension.

  “I don’t think badly of you, Cooper. For some odd reason, it excites the hell out of me.” His honest and forthright answer shocked her. He didn’t elaborate and she didn’t know what else to say. Picking up the dildo, he looked at her seriously. “Sweetheart, pardon me, but I have to ask.” He laid the sex toy down on the table between them. She sat across from him, enjoying the view of his strong neck, his fabulous chest covered in a tight, white, western-cut shirt, and a sexy five-o-clock shadow that was slowly driving her mad.

  “Ask what?” She sipped the coffee, trying desperately to settle her nerves. She wanted him so badly, she could taste it. “What in the world is a delectable woman like you doing with a dildo? You could have any man in the world panting at your feet. Why would you settle for a piece of cold, lifeless plastic when you could have a hot, hard, grateful man inside of you—like me?”

  This conversation was taking on a life of its own. Cooper shivered with awareness—awareness of the man sitting across from her. She knew it would be like this if she got close to him. He literally made her ache. She should ask him to leave, but she couldn’t. So, she answered his question—truthfully.

  “I don’t date men, Ky.” Those words spoken as she looked down toward the table. Raising her head, she saw all traces of humor fade from his face.

  Cowboy Heat

  (Hell Yeah! Book 1)

  Aron McCoy walked into the dining room and his cock went stiff as a board. When he saw the dainty little doll standing there in the midst of his rambunctious family, he felt like someone had whacked him upside the head with a 2 x 4. As his gaze hungrily moved up and down her exquisite curves, his blood pressure shot up like a rocket and a sudden burst of heat rushed through his body.

  Lord Have Mercy!

  Aron almost forgot where he was. He had been lured by the incredible smell of Italian food and the warm, enticing scent of garlic bread. His stomach was doing cartwheels, begging to be introduced to the dishes responsible for wafting those delicious aromas. When he stepped into the dining room, however, all thoughts of food went sailing out the window.

  Lord Have Mercy!

  She was breathtaking.

  He didn’t know where to look first, or where to look longest. Tight jeans encased a sweet, heart-shaped little butt that made him want to bare his teeth. Her legs were long and all he could think about was what they would feel like clasped around his hips. A form-fitting, red T-shirt proclaimed that she was “Raw Honey – Sweet as Sugar, Twice as Addictive”. The implications of those words practically had him bowing at her feet. He bet her cream would taste like raw, wild honey. His fingers itched to see if he could make them meet around that trim little waist. When his eyes roved northward, tears almost came to his eyes. She bounced a little bounce in response to something funny that Jacob had said, and when she did, he wanted to step forward and catch those sweet little tits before she hurt herself. Maybe, he ought to change his job description – he could go from being a simple cowpoke to a full-time, full-service breast support man. By their jiggle and wave, there was no doubt in his mind that those tits were real and in dire need of about an hour of attention from his hands and tongue.

  Realizing he was about to embarrass himself, he took off his Stetson and held it below his belt buckle, effectively hiding her unexpected and tremendous impact on his libido. His smooth move did not go unnoticed by Noah, who smirked from across the room. Casually, Aron shot him the finger. Asshole. He couldn’t remember the last time a woman had affected him this way, if ever. Watching his brothers surround the tempting little morsel, Aron opted to utilize a tactic which had come in handy when the McCoy’s would be out carousing pre-Sabrina. They had tried to avoid stepping on one another’s toes, romantically speaking. Whenever one would see a little filly who caught his eye, he would look at her and simply say one word that would alert the others that she had been claimed and was strictly off-limits to the rest of the McCoys. Stepping closer to the table, he loudly proclaimed, “Tag!”

  As soon as the word had left Aron’s mouth, the younger men looked up at him in surprise. Isaac bit back a snort, and Jacob simply said, “Thank God.” Their brother had finally decided to come out of hiding.

  Libby wondered at the word Aron shouted. Was this some type of fire drill or a weird game they played? She could feel him looking at her, ‘God give me strength’, she prayed.

  Libby, as of yet, had not turned to face him fully. And he had to see her – now. “Turn around, Baby. Let me see your face.” Confused, Libby did as he requested. Slowly. Uncertainty made her hesitate, but when she had made a complete 180, she heard him catch his breath and she raised her eyes.


  There was no way she was going to hide the joy that she felt, so she didn’t try.

  Her smile lit up his world.

  Visit Sable:




  Beau Coup Publishing

  Hell Yeah! Series

  Cowboy Heat

  Hot on Her Trail

  Her Magic Touch

  A Brown Eyed Handsome Man


  Burning Love - Cajun Style

  Forget Me Never - Cajun Style

  I'll See You in My Dreams

  Finding Dandi - Cajun Style

  Skye Blue

  I'll Remember You

  True Love's Fire

  Thunderbird – Equalizers

  Welcome to My World

  How to Rope a McCoy

  One Man's Treaure

  Other Books by Sable Hunter:

  Texas Heat


  http://HYPERLINK ""

  My Aliyah - Heart In Chains

  Hill Country Heart

  Unchained Melody

  Scarlet Fever

  Bobby Does Dallas

  Dixie Dreaming

  Come With Me

  Pretty Face

  (El Camino Real Book 2)

  A Breath of Heaven

  Loving Justice

  Green With Envy (with Ryan O’Leary)


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