Ripped (Divided, #2)

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Ripped (Divided, #2) Page 15

by A. M. Wallace

  “Who did you get for Secret Santa?” she asked with a huge smile.

  “I’m not telling you.” I shook my head as I laughed again.

  Our Christmas party here at work was Monday, our last day of work until the following week. We were all doing Secret Santa, and we drew names this morning.

  She rolled her eyes. “Come on, Amy. I’ll tell you who I got.”

  “I don’t care who you got.”

  She sighed and laid her head on the desk.

  It was just her own curiosity getting the best of her. She couldn’t care less who I was buying for. Besides, I didn’t want her to know how cruel fate really was to me lately.

  Of course, I’d drawn Marcus’ name.

  “Fine. Don’t tell me. I’ll probably guess when I see everyone’s gifts.” She huffed, pretending she was angry, and walked away.

  To my surprise, she headed to Marcus’ office instead. I sighed, followed her, and walked in to see her leaning forward with her elbows on her knees, her hands clasped together in a dramatic plea.

  “It’s not a big deal, Mark. Just tell me. Please?” she asked, dragging out the last word in a while.

  I shook my head, grabbed her arm, and dragged her to the door despite her protests.

  “I’m sorry. She was dropped on her head as a child. She doesn’t understand that no means no.” I smirked back at Marcus.

  He laughed in response.

  Once I made sure Devon was moving on upstairs, more than likely to bug someone else, I poked my head back into Marcus’ office.

  “I don’t know what’s gotten into her lately,” I said, shaking my head.

  “She’s very persistent. She’d already called to ask before she came down here.”

  I couldn’t contain my laughter. “She’s a nut. That’s really all there is to it.”

  It was true. Devon was shy and withdrawn until you got to know her. Then she was just plain crazy but in a fun way. She was pushing me to go out and have fun when all I wanted to do was mope sometimes. I owed her a lot.

  “She makes Chad happy,” he replied.

  I nodded, agreeing wholeheartedly. “And Chad makes her happy.”

  It looked like Marcus was about to say something else when my cell phone rang in my pocket. I took it out and frowned, not recognizing the number.

  “I’ll be right back.” I walked outside his door to answer. “Hello?”

  “Hello, is this Amy Harper?” the woman on the phone asked, making my frown a little deeper. It sounded too official.

  “Excellent! I’m Margaret from Bob’s Furniture Outlet. I was calling to inform you of your delivery today.”

  I blinked a couple of times and walked over to the front desk, leaning over it instead of walking around to get my planner. Quickly, I flipped through it.

  “Uh, that wasn’t supposed to be until Friday.” I’d penciled it in so I could ask to get out of here early.

  “Oh, well there must have been some miscommunication. It’s been delivered already,” she politely informed me.

  “That’s impossible. There was nobody there to receive it.” I was getting a little angry. How could this happen? Who accepted my delivery?

  “Let me check the notes, ma’am. One moment.” She put me on hold.

  I pinched the bridge of my nose. I’d already asked for an early day Friday. I couldn’t just leave today, but it looked like I was going to have to.

  “Ma’am?” she asked when she returned.

  “I’m here.”

  “It says here that you opted out of signing for it?” She was asking instead of telling, which meant she knew it had to be a mistake as well.

  “How is that possible? It’s a bed. They can’t just leave that on my doorstep. They were supposed to set it up for me as well,” I groaned into the phone.

  “I’m sorry. There must have been a mistake. Let me—”

  “No, it’s fine. I’ll figure it out. Thank you.” I hung up before I could say something I’d regret. It wasn’t the woman’s fault, but I was frustrated nonetheless. There’s a chance I could have remembered wrong as well.

  How was I supposed to do this? One, I couldn’t just leave right now. Well, I probably could, but I didn’t want to lose more time. And two, I had no idea how I was going to get the bed into my apartment, let alone set it up by myself.

  And then it clicked.

  Grinning, I walked back into Marcus’ office.

  He raised a brow, chuckling. “Everything okay?”

  “Well, actually…” I smirked, and he tilted his head, narrowing his eyes in suspicion. “I need your help.”

  two hours later, chad and Marcus were in my spare bedroom, setting up the new full-size bed I’d gotten for Andrew and Natalie. Whether things moved forward with Mom adopting them or not, they spent a great deal of time with me, and I wanted them to have somewhere else to sleep besides the couch or my bed.

  I stood in the doorway with two glasses of water. It was always fun to watch together, but trying to get them to do something productive together was funnier than I imagined. They were both right all the time. They both knew a better way to do things all the time. And they both had a problem with listening to the other. All the time.

  “It says you need these screws to put the frame together,” Chad said, holding up one of the bags of screws while Marcus was trying with another set.

  I had no idea what was going on or what they were supposed to be doing so I stayed out of it. That didn’t mean I couldn’t laugh. They were making this way more difficult than it had to be.

  “I’ve already got this half started, Chad. If you’d been paying attention, we’d be adding the headboard and footboard by now.” Marcus sounded tired, and I wasn’t sure if it was from working or fighting with Chad. Probably both.

  I had to admit this looked like the most complicated bed I’d ever seen. Mine was simple. Just the mattress, box frame, and metal frame. I didn’t even have a headboard or footboard. But I wanted the kid’s room to look nice and then I’d have a nice bed if I ever had company. But when my only friends lived here, it was unlikely.

  “How about you guys take a quick break? I brought some water.”

  They both looked up and smiled like I held the Holy Grail in my hands.

  “Yes, please.” Chad came over to take the water, kissing my cheek as he walked back. “Thank you.”

  I chuckled and Marcus shook his head with a grin.

  “You’re welcome,” I said to both even though Marcus hadn’t thanked me yet.

  “Thanks,” he said when he took his glass of water. He watched me over the glass as he took a drink.

  His gaze was intense, and I had to avert my eyes. I didn’t want to read something in his eyes that wasn’t really there.

  “Thanks for coming to help with this,” I said as I backed out of the room and made my way to where Chad was sitting on my couch. “I really appreciate it.”

  “No problem. I’m sorry Mark doesn’t have a clue what he’s doing, or we’d be done by now.”

  I started to laugh.

  Marcus glared over at Chad. “Fuck you, Chad. You’re the one taking forever.”

  “All right, boys. Don’t make me put you in separate corners.” I glared playfully at them before walking into the bedroom to see what all they’d actually gotten done.

  Everything felt so normal. I liked being around Chad and Marcus. It was like nothing had changed. In reality, though, everything had changed. Marcus and I were succeeding at being friends and only friends, for the time being anyways. And I was glad for that, glad to have him in my life even when it got difficult to handle.

  I really was a glutton for punishment.

  I picked up the instructions for the bed frame and laughed out loud. They had both been right the whole time, just about different parts of what they needed to do.

  Footsteps sounded behind me, and Marcus came in the room. He eyed the instructions in my hand and raised a brow.

  “I was right
, wasn’t I?” Smirking, he held out his hand for the papers, which I handed over. “Shit,” he said after looking at them.

  “You know, I swear you two should have been brothers.”

  He grinned at that.

  after what seemed like forever, the bed was set up, and I was getting the bedding on it. Chad left as soon as they were finished because he had a date with Devon, but Marcus stayed behind. My heart raced with excitement at the idea of hanging out with him again, but my stomach threaten to expel all the food I’d eaten today because I knew we probably shouldn’t be.

  “So, this is the kids’ room, then?” Marcus asked from the doorway where he was watching me work. I tried not to think about the fact that I was bent over the bed to get the fitted sheet on right.

  “Yeah. I wanted them to have somewhere better than the couch to sleep on when they stayed.”

  When I got the fitted sheet on, Marcus came over to help me spread the top sheet and then the comforter. I had to go with something that they would both like and settled on bright and colorful. The fitted sheet was a lime green, and the top sheet matched the comforter, which was a bright blue with lime green stitching. I was sure they’d love it. Too bad if they didn’t because I couldn’t afford anything else right now.

  “You plan on having them a lot?” he asked as we finished up.

  “Yeah, actually.” I sighed, turning to admire our handiwork before smiling at Marcus and going back into the living room.

  He followed and joined me on the couch. “No change from your sister, I take it?”

  The concern in his voice moved me. That he cared about what was going on meant more than I could say. Especially when there were times I felt so alone in this even with my mother going through the same thing.

  “None.” I swallowed hard and looked down at my lap where I was wringing my hands nervously. “My mom is trying to adopt them legally.” I wasn’t supposed to say anything, but it was eating me up inside.

  “Whoa. That’s intense.” He turned to face me on the couch. “And you’re okay with that?”

  “I would have done it myself if she hadn’t, but she said I needed to live my own life right now and not worry about being a mother to them.” I took a deep breath, laying my head back on the couch.

  “You’re good for them, Amy, but you do need your own life too.”

  Sometimes, I wished he didn’t care so much so maybe I could walk away a little easier.

  “I just want them safe and healthy. I want them to know they’re loved.”

  The feel of his hand on mine made me lift my head to look at him. I knew I shouldn’t, but I turned my hand, letting him hold on for my comfort.

  I swallowed hard, hoping he didn’t see how much he affected me still. I felt the heat from his hand all through my body, causing a terrible ache between my legs that I knew I’d have to take care of later. Throw in his scent of clean sweat with that husky cologne he wore and I was almost a goner. In reality, it hadn’t been that long for me, but it felt like forever. I hadn’t been with anyone since Marcus, and it was starting to wear on me.

  I closed my eyes and laid my head back on the couch, wishing my train of thought would derail so I could move on to a new subject. I could feel my cheeks redden from where my head was, and I hoped Marcus didn’t notice. I pulled my hand away to give myself some distance.

  “So, uh, have you heard anything more from Mrs. Kelley?” I asked, raising my head.

  His brows rose, and I knew he was wondering why I took a turn into left field. Thankfully, he didn’t question it. If I was right, he already knew, which made it that much worse.

  “Some. She hasn’t been back for quite a while,” he said sadly. They were pretty close considering he’d been training her for so long. “She’s been taking a few vacations here and there, or so she says.”

  “You don’t believe her?” I asked, chuckling lightly.

  “Sure, I do.” He grinned. “But I wouldn’t put it past her to make up some excuse so I wouldn’t worry.” He sighed.

  I left it at that, glad we were finally on a safe subject. We fell into a kind of routine. It just seemed natural. I only hoped it would last and things wouldn’t get too awkward.

  “these hormones suck. like, seriously,” I complained to Erica as we sat on Marcus’ couch, eating pickles and peanut butter. Okay, I was eating pickles and peanut butter. Erica was sticking to the potato chips she was dunking in frosting, and yet, she was giving me a disgusted look.

  “Well, on the plus side, your boobs are a little bigger, I think.” She laughed and nodded towards my chest, causing me to look down.

  “Really?” That was a plus. I’d always had a small chest. “Small silver lining when I can’t decide whether I’m pissed off or sad about things. It’s ridiculous.” I sighed. “I don’t know how Marcus is going to put up with me for seven and a half more months.”

  “Hannah, he’s dealt with you your whole life. He’s not gonna stop now,” she said. She popped a chip in her mouth, and I smiled at her words. “Besides, you’re really not much more emotional than normal if it makes you feel any better.”

  The smile fell from my face. “Bitch,” I muttered, dipping my pickle back in the jar of peanut butter.

  “I’m just saying.” She was smirking, but I couldn’t tell if she was kidding or not.

  “And I’m just saying that you’re a bitch.”

  She flipped me off, and I laughed. Just like that, I wasn’t angry or upset anymore. I was sure that had more to do with Erica than the hormones, but I couldn’t be sure.

  “So, you’ve practically moved yourself in here now, haven’t you?” she asked.

  If I was anyone else, I might not have seen the hurt in her eyes, but it was gone before I could even acknowledge it, really.

  “Kinda, yeah.”

  “Mark is okay with that?” When I frowned , she added quickly, “I just meant, I know how you’ve been worried he wanted space. I was just asking if that was resolved, I guess.”

  “Oh. Yeah, I think so.” I chewed on the inside of my cheek and shrugged. “I don’t know. Ever since he found out about the baby, after the initial shock, that is, he’s been great. Not that he wasn’t before, but still,” I said with a smile, sighing contently.

  “You’re going to say something that’s gonna make me gag, aren’t you?”

  “You know, he talks to the baby every night before we go to sleep.” I smiled wide and laughed when she rolled her eyes. She thought it was cute too. This wasn’t the first conversation we’d had about it.

  “Yeah, I think you’ve told me that one before.” She winked. “Hey, I’ve always heard sex is better when you’re knocked up. Is that true?”

  Erica and I had always had a great friendship, one where we could talk about anything. And we did. I couldn’t believe how relieved I was to have her ask. I’d been dying to bring it up, but I knew I’d been talking her ear off about mine and Marcus’ sex life since we got together.

  “God, E. I’m so freaking horny all the time. Another reason to hate these hormones.”

  She frowned. “I’m failing to see why you’d hate your hormones when you have a guy like Mark sleeping next to you every night.”

  It didn’t bother me to hear Erica comment on Marcus’ looks like it would if someone else had. The jealousy wasn’t there when it came to her. Thank goodness because she reminded me how hot he was a lot.

  “That’s the problem.” I sighed. “He sleeps.”

  “He just not into it, or…” She frowned in sympathy for me.

  “I don’t know. Everything else just seems so perfect. I don’t really want to question it.” I shrugged. “But I’m ready for it. All the time. And I’d like to have a good sex life before I look like a blimp.”

  I was already starting to show. Or at least that’s what it looked like. It was really too early, but I had an itty bitty baby bump. That’s what I called it, anyways. It was more than likely just bloating and my body changing with the surg
e of hormones, but I was worried about the way Marcus would see me when I was huge.

  “Mark loves you. He’s not going to be less attracted to you when you’re big. It’s not like you’re letting yourself go. You’re having a baby.”

  “I know, but I already feel like I’m getting fat.”

  She glared at me. “You’re not going to be fat. You’re growing a human.” She smirked. “Hell of a super power, if you ask me.”

  Erica could always make me smile. She was good at finding the good in things even when I was being a pessimist from hell.

  “Do you know what I’d worry about if it were me?” she asked. “I’d be worried about if or when I no longer wanted it.” She raised her eyebrows suggestively.

  I laughed. “If he already doesn’t want it, then wouldn’t that be a Godsend?” I tried keeping my tone light, but it was still bothering me.

  “You gotta make him want it,” she said with a wink.

  “Make me want what?” Marcus asked, making us both jump.

  I looked over to see he was leaning over the couch to eye us like we’d been up to something. Which we had been, but he didn’t need to know what.

  “I think that’s my cue to go,” Erica said with a laugh. She gathered her snacks and took them to the kitchen.

  Marcus watched her with a disgusted look on his face. “Chips and frosting?” He turned back to look at me. “Are we sure she’s not the pregnant one?”

  “Ha ha. Funny, Mark.” She smirked at him before winking at me. “Catch you guys later.”

  When the front door closed behind her, Marcus slid over the back of the couch to sit next to me. His hands went to my stomach, which was always the first thing he did in greeting.

  “So, what were you guys talking about?” He grinned at my stomach before looking at my pickles and peanut butter with the same disgusted look he’d given Erica. He was wise enough not to comment though.

  “It’s nothing,” I said quietly, looking down at where he hand laid on my stomach, covering it with mine.


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