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Brave Bear: BBW Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance (BRIDES fur BEARS Book 2)

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by Natalie Kristen



  Natalie Kristen

  For more books set in Shadow Point


  Bad Bear (Book 1)

  Brave Bear (Book 2)


  Marrying the Bear (Book 1)

  Loving the Bear (Book 2)

  Mating the Bear (Book 3)

  Tempting the Bear (Book 4)

  Taming the Lion (Book 5)

  Embracing the Lion (Book 6)

  Copyright © 2016 by Natalie Kristen


  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are used fictitiously or are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual locales, events, establishments or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  About this Book

  Struggling single mom Serena Locke just wants to give her daughter a rare treat on her birthday. She wants Ashley to have a happy birthday like any other five-year-old.

  But when a simple trip to the ice-cream parlor turns into a nightmare, Serena is forced to run to keep her little girl safe.

  Jax Carlan is returning to Shadow Point from a business trip in the city when he is flagged down by a frantic young mother.

  There is something about her little girl, and even his brothers, who are powerful bear shifters, can't identify what the child is.

  Things take an unexpected turn when Jax enlists the help of two good-hearted but highly effervescent grandmotherly witches whose specialty seem to be magic and mayhem.

  But amid the danger and chaos, his bear is sure of one thing. It has found its beautiful mate and feisty, badass cub.

  Jax is determined to protect Serena and Ashley, and show them that happiness isn't that elusive after all.

  * * * * *


  As Serena Locke trudged up the stairs to her neighbor's apartment, she hurriedly erased the deep frown on her face. She had little to smile about today. She had known all along that this wasn't a permanent position, but still, she worked hard and she always volunteered for extra shifts. She was paid hourly as a cashier at the supermarket, and her contract did state that a day's notice was all that was required to terminate her services. But still. She couldn't possibly find another job in just one day.

  With a deep sigh, Serena squared her shoulders and focused on the positive. Today was her daughter’s birthday. Ashley was five years old today. That was reason enough to smile. She'd lost her job, but she still had her beautiful little girl. As long as they had each other, everything would be fine. She would find a way to make ends meet. Things would be okay.

  Serena rang the doorbell and fidgeted a little while she waited. She'd promised Ashley that she would take her out for ice-cream once she got off work. It was a rare treat, but it was her little girl's special day. She could afford to spend a little more tonight. She wasn't going to disappoint her little girl again.

  Mrs Huang opened the door and Ashley came bounding into her arms. “Mummy! You're here! Look what Mrs Huang gave me for my birthday!” Ashley squealed in excitement.

  Serena stared at the lovely doll that Ashley was holding up to her. “Oh! It's...beautiful!” she spluttered and looked up at Mrs Huang. “Mrs Huang, you shouldn't have...this doll, it's very...” Expensive.

  Serena had promised Ashley that she would get this Donna Doll for her when it went on sale. Once a new, improved model came out, the old Donna Doll would be sold at a discount. She'd promised Ashley she would get her the doll then.

  Mrs Huang merely waved her hand. “It's her birthday. I'm glad she likes her present.”

  “I love it, I love it!” Ashley jumped up and down, and hugged Mrs Huang's legs. “Thank you!”

  Serena blinked hard. Her eyes filled with tears suddenly and she threw her arms around her neighbor. Mrs Huang was a sweet, kindly lady with two grown-up daughters. She was a sprightly, fiercely independent woman and she had stubbornly insisted on staying in her old apartment even though her daughters had urged her to move in with them. She'd assured them that she was fine living on her own and told them not to nag.

  Mrs Huang had been babysitting Ashley since she was born. She had knocked on Serena's door with a big pot of nourishing soup and a box of diapers when Ashley was just a few days' old. Ashley had been screaming the place down, but once Mrs Huang took her into her arms and cuddled her, Ashley had quietened down immediately.

  “You are...alone? You don't have anyone to help you with the baby?” Mrs Huang had asked.

  When Serena shook her head, the older woman simply clucked her tongue and said firmly, “Then I will help you.”

  Mrs Huang babysat Ashley while Serena was at work. She refused to accept any money from Serena, saying, “My daughters give me enough to spend. No, no, don't thank me. I should thank you. Ashley keeps me alert and occupied. My two daughters are both career-minded women. I don't know how long I have to wait for grandchildren. I might be six feet under by then!”

  As Ashley ran to get her bag, Mrs Huang took Serena aside and said quietly, “When I picked Ashley up from kindergarten today, she was rather...sad. I think something happened in school today. She refused to tell me what was bothering her. She cheered right up after I gave her the doll, but...”

  Serena nodded. “I'll talk to her. Thank you for telling me.”

  Ashley came running out. She gave Mrs Huang a big hug and took her mother's hand. “Bye, Mrs Huang!”

  “You girls have fun now. Don't stay out too late though. It's not safe,” Mrs Huang said.

  “Come with us,” Serena said earnestly. “You like ice-cream, don't you, Mrs Huang?”

  “Ice-cream sounds lovely, but I have to stay home. I promised my elder daughter to call her tonight. She says she's got something very important to tell me. I think...she's met someone, and she's going to bring her young man home to meet me next weekend!” Mrs Huang rubbed her hands with obvious delight and anticipation. “She told her sister, and of course, my younger daughter called to tell me even though she was supposed to keep it a secret.”

  “That's exciting news!” Serena grinned. “All right, we'd better get going now,” she said as Ashley tugged impatiently at her hand. “You have a lovely evening, Mrs Huang. And thank you very, very much. I...”

  “Go! Go have your birthday treat. Happy birthday, Ashley!” Mrs Huang shooed them away with a laugh and closed the door.


  Serena held her daughter's hand as Ashley bounced down the stairs beside her. As they walked to the ice-cream parlor, Ashley clutched her Donna Doll tightly and kept her eyes down.

  “What did you do in school today, sweetheart?” Serena began gently. “Did you play with your friends?”

  Ashley just walked on silently, her eyes still downcast. Finally the little girl shook her head slowly.

  “You didn't play with your friends? Why not?”

  “They don't want to play with me,” Ashley said in a small voice.

  Serena's heart ached for her daughter. “Do you know why they don't want to play with you?” she asked after a pause.

  Ashley nodded once.

  “Can you tell me why…?”

  “They said they're scared of me. They said there's something different
about me today and they don't like me any more.”

  “Why would they be scared of you, Ashley? Why don't they like you any more?” Serena took a steadying breath. Surely Ashley hadn't been bullying the other kids. “Darling, just tell Mummy the truth. Did you say or do anything to the other kids…?”


  “What did you say to them, Ashley?” Serena asked slowly.

  “I told them I could see their animals. And I told them what they were.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Ashley squirmed and looked up. She looked confused and frightened. “I saw the animals in the shifter kids. I couldn't see them before, but today, I could see their animals clearly. I told Tommy that I could see his wolf, and I told Jessica that her bear has the prettiest golden fur. The children all kept away from me today. They said I wasn't the same and I was scary. But I'm not! I'm not scary, Mummy!”

  “Of course you're not,” Serena said. “You're a very good girl, Ashley. It's not your fault at all and you did nothing wrong.” She made up her mind to speak to Ashley's kindergarten teacher about this on Monday. It sounded like the other kids were just being mean. But…

  Ashley had never displayed any paranormal powers before. There were paranormals living in the city, and the kindergarten Ashley attended had a fair number of shifter children and a handful of young witches. She had put Ashley down as “human” in the enrollment form even though she suspected that her daughter was really half-paranormal.

  But the trouble was, she didn't know what her daughter really was.

  Serena stroked her little girl's inky black hair tenderly. Ashley looked nothing like her. Ashley had dark, black hair and eyes, and was tall for her age. The girl had lean, long limbs and her kindergarten teachers had commented that Ashley was very agile and athletic for a five-year-old. She could outrun the other kids, and she was fast and strong.

  Serena had never been good at sports, and she wasn't tall and lean. She was short and curvy, with light blond hair and hazel eyes.

  Serena tried to remember Ashley's father, but honestly, she couldn't even remember his face.

  It sounded clichéd but it was a one-night stand with a tall, dark, handsome stranger.

  Serena couldn't even remember the details of that night, the night that Ashley was conceived.

  What she could remember was her dream when she fell asleep that night. She had dreamed of fire, and in the midst of those dancing, writhing flames, she had seen a little girl.

  And that girl—was Ashley.


  Serena burped loudly as she walked out of the ice-cream parlor with Ashley. “Mummy!” Ashley giggled.

  Ashley was in much better spirits after polishing off a large ice-cream sundae. She seemed to have forgotten all about her unhappiness at school. Serena was glad to see her little girl smiling happily again and enjoying her birthday treat.

  “Happy birthday, sweetheart,” Serena said, bending to kiss her daughter's head.

  Ashley yawned as they walked home. She clutched her precious doll tightly and murmured something about having a birthday party someday.

  Serena winced. She had never thrown a birthday party for Ashley before. It was difficult enough paying the rent and saving up for the occasional treat and shopping trip. She had no one to help her. Her parents were gone and she didn't have any siblings or close relatives.

  She was only twenty-five, but she didn't go to pubs and clubs like other single, carefree young women in their twenties. She was a young, struggling single mom but she never, ever felt burdened by her daughter. Ashley was her baby girl, the light of her life.

  Serena stared at her daughter and chewed her lip. What exactly was Ashley? Her paranormal powers seemed to be emerging. She was quite sure that Ashley wasn't a shifter, a vamp, or even half fae.

  At the back of Serena's mind, she suspected what Ashley was. Would her sweet, loving little girl turn...dangerous as she grew older? Would she be despised, deplored or hunted by the other paranormals?

  Serena gripped Ashley's small, warm hand and swore that she would keep her little girl safe always.

  Serena pulled her daughter closer to her as they walked down the quiet street. The shops were all closed for the night, and the sounds of traffic faded behind them as they turned into a small lane.

  “Come on, sweetheart, let's walk faster. It's past your bedtime,” Serena urged. The echo of their footsteps sounded too loud and ominous.

  “But Mummy, I'm tired.” Ashley pouted and dragged her feet.

  “Let's just try to get home quickly, darling,” Serena said, glancing behind her. “It's getting late.”

  They were rounding the corner when Serena saw the flash of a blade. Before she could scream, Ashley was yanked away from her.

  A man had his hand clamped over Ashley's mouth and was holding a knife to her throat. Serena felt the point of a knife at her back as a male voice snarled in her ear, “Don't make a sound or we'll slit the girl's throat.”

  “P-please don't hurt her...” Serena stuttered, trying to turn round to see her attacker.

  The man grabbed a fistful of her hair and slammed her against the wall.

  “Shut up and hand over your purse,” the man said.

  Serena gasped. The envelope that her manager had handed her this evening was tucked into a side pocket of her bag. It contained her final wages and she was going to use it to pay the rent. The money would keep a roof over their heads and put food on the table for a couple more weeks.

  “Please...” Serena pleaded. “Please don't do this...”

  “The bitch is begging.” The other man laughed and tapped his blade against Ashley's cheek.

  Serena glanced at her daughter, trying to reassure her with her eyes.

  But Ashley wasn't looking at her. She was staring intently at the man who was holding Serena against the wall.

  “Don't hurt my Mummy,” Ashley said. Her voice was small but she didn't sound scared.

  Serena shook her head subtly at her daughter. Don't talk to them. Don't make a sound. These men are dangerous.

  But Ashley continued staring at the man. Her dark eyes seemed to glow faintly. “Let my Mummy go,” she repeated.


  “Oh, we'll let your Mummy go,” the man said with a mocking laugh. “After we're finished with her. Your Mummy is a nice piece of ass. She's one hot Mama!” The man jerked his head at his accomplice. “Get the kid away, Percy. I can't get it up if she's watching me with those creepy eyes.”

  Percy cursed. “Just do what you have to do, Sal. Stick your dick in her and get the money!”

  Serena whimpered as Sal kicked her legs apart. “Don't make a sound, bitch, or your kid gets it.”

  Sal hitched her skirt up to her waist and pulled her panties down. Serena heard Sal yanking down his zipper.

  “No...” she wheezed. “No, please...”

  When Sal chuckled and squeezed the back of her neck to hold her still, Serena knew that he wasn't going to let her go. He was going to do it.

  “Ashley, close your eyes. Please baby, just close your eyes,” Serena begged tearfully. “Don't look. Don't be afraid. Mummy will be okay. I promise you...”

  Serena gasped as Sal grabbed her hair and slammed her head against the wall. “I said, shut up! Or we'll stick the knife in your daughter!”

  Sal smashed her head against the wall again. Serena cried out in pain and saw lights at the back of her eyelids. Serena felt her knees buckle and as her body began to sag, she thought she heard a scream.

  “Baby? Ashley!” she cried, her hands reaching out blindly. “Please don't hurt my baby! She's just a little girl! Ashley!”

  She finally managed to open her eyes and focus. What she saw made her scrabble back in shock.

  The man who was holding Ashley was rolling on the ground, screaming in agony. He was burning, literally burning. His whole body was consumed by flames. His clothes were on fi
re, and he was screaming as he flailed and rolled on the ground.

  “Oh God!” Serena gasped. “Ashley!”

  Ashley was rushing at Sal, her small hands outstretched. Once she touched his pants, his clothes ignited. Angry red flames leaped and writhed all around him. Sal bellowed in pain and careened into a dumpster, setting the contents alight.

  Serena ran to her daughter and scooped her up in her arms. “Ashley! Oh, baby...”

  “They were bad men, Mummy,” Ashley said, burying her face in Serena's neck. “And he...he's a bad wolf!” Ashley pointed a shaking finger at Sal.

  Serena heard running footsteps and shouts as the men's screams attracted the attention of passers-by and the residents of a nearby block. She thought she heard the sound of a police siren in the distance as she stumbled away with Ashley.

  Serena carried her daughter and ran. “Don't worry, baby, we'll be fine,” she assured Ashley who was sobbing into her shoulder. “Mummy will protect you. We'll be okay. We're okay...” she repeated like a mantra.

  When she was a few blocks away, her legs finally gave out and Serena slumped wearily against a wall. She hugged Ashley and thumbed away the girl's tears.

  “I lost Donna,” Ashley sniffed. “I'm sorry, Mummy...”

  “Donna?” For a second, Serena was confused. “Oh, your doll. Never mind, darling. You were very brave back there. So very brave.” Serena held her daughter's face in both hands and kissed her forehead. “ saved me, from those bad men.”

  Ashley nodded. “They were very bad.”

  “How did you...” Serena took a shaky breath to compose herself. “What did you do, sweetheart? How did you make those men burn?”

  “I got scared, and mad,” Ashley said, starting to cry again. “I just pushed them, and they started to burn. Am I bad, Mummy?”


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