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Shifting Magic (Shifted)

Page 2

by Lynn Leite

  “Nice going Emory. Two for the price of one. I’m impressed.” Nina’s reaction made Emory laugh.

  “I like her,” Emory said to the group. “This is Willow. She’s Rory’s sister and she’s mated to my brother, Ryder.”

  “Keeping it all in the family I see,” Nina quipped.

  “Yes I am,” Willow continued the introductions, “You’ve met Xavier I take it. And that leaves Ranger… Ranger,” she looked back to see her best friend glaring. “Come on, she doesn’t bite,” Willow said jokingly.

  “I wouldn’t count on that Ranger,” Xavier groaned as Ranger moved extending his hand.

  “Hi, I’m Ranger,” Ranger stepped closer and took the woman’s hand in his. “I’m your mate,” he added without hesitation the second their hands met.

  Nina didn’t know what to do with the enormous man in front of her. She was vaguely aware of the gasps coming from the others in the room, but that awareness paled to the feelings pulsing through her with the mere touch of his hand. He was tall. She needed to tip her head to look at his face. A face that far outshined all the handsome faces she had seen before, and with the Cheveyo males all being so hot, you could combust. That was saying something.

  She knew a little bit about werewolves. She knew what a statement like, ‘Hi, I’m your mate’, meant. It meant she was his mate. She didn’t doubt it for a second. She felt it, a connection like a missing piece sliding into place. If the room wasn’t full of people, she just might take him to the ground and make him back up that statement with action. She had never wanted a man so purely. Yup, she was his mate. Now what?

  “Yes you are,” she finally replied as soon as her brain came back on line.


  Ranger had known what her touch would feel like the second he saw her. He was oblivious of the conversations whirling around him. He tensed when his father took her hand and didn’t let it go. The hard lines of his father’s face, as it fell, were punctuated by the silence that engulfed the room. Had she just said werewolf? He wasn’t sure. Damn, he should have been listening.

  He watched as others were introduced to the officer. She was about Willow’s height. The light coming in from the window shone on her midnight locks, picking up silver and blue highlights. She smiled as if being in a room full of Alpha males had no effect on her. Even humans tended to back away. Although, they couldn’t give a specific reason for their unease.

  The sheer impact of her presence was riding him hard. He had no urge to run, no urge to deny his mate. He just wanted her to be near. He prayed that he had heard correctly. She knew what they were. That was half the battle right there.

  “Ranger?” he heard Willow call. Again he wasn’t paying attention. “Come on, she won’t bite,” Willow said.

  He didn’t register Xavier’s snide retort because he was thinking that he would like to bite her. How would she react? How should he handle this? His thoughts went back to Rory’s words she had said to him when Ryder finally returned and told Willow why he had run. She had said, “Do me a favor and when your mate shows up just tell her”.

  “Hi, I’m Ranger,” When reached out to her a flood of awareness hit him. It was nothing like he had expected it to be. It was more. “I’m your mate.”

  There was a silence like a bubble that encased only them. Her face didn’t falter. She didn’t try to pull her hand away. Then finally, she smiled. “Yes you are,” she responded swamping him with such a feeling of relief. He whooshed out the breath he had been holding.

  “Holy shit!” Xavier said breaking the spell.

  “Intense, huh?” Willow said hitting his shoulder.

  “You could say that, yes,” Ranger stuttered. “Nina, can I speak to you for a second, privately?”

  “Yeah, I think that would be good,” she agreed. Ranger pulled her with no resistance out the front door.

  “Okay, so to tell you the truth, I don’t know exactly what was said in there. I wasn’t really listening.”

  “What do you want to know?”

  “My father.”

  “The Alpha.” She was trying to help him along.

  “Okay, that answers that question. My father seemed to recognize your name.”

  “My last name. He and my dad…well…”

  “They don’t get along?”

  “No, it’s not that. Let’s just say they are on different sides of the same fence.”

  “You’re a Witch?”

  “Yup and you’re a wolf.”

  “Yes, we established that. Nina, what do you know about werewolves?”

  “A lot I guess. You mean specifically about mating, or Weres in general?” He had to hand it to her she was right to the point.


  “Well, wolves are like anybody else. They date, fall in love, and have kids. Some just get married, but mating is a whole different thing.”

  “Yes, go on,” he as he pulled her toward him. He needed her closer.

  “First, let me ask you, when you said I’m your mate, that wasn’t some Shifter pick up line, was it?”


  “Okay, that’s what I thought. Well, if I’m your mate, then I’m your mate. That’s kind of predetermined by the universe, right?”

  “Something like that. So what about you?”

  “Me? I have to say that would be the first time I had ever wanted to strip a man down and ravage him in public.”

  “You felt the connection?”

  “That would be an understatement, Ranger. More like I became the connection. Dad’s going to love this.”

  “That was sarcasm right?”

  “Right, my father is were friendly. He just … I think he might have a small problem with this.”

  “I can speak to him. That is if you agree to the mating. You are not bound.” Ranger knew giving her an out would drive him mad, but his concern was for her not himself.

  “I’m bound, and surprisingly alright with that?”

  So what about your father?”

  “I’m a big girl. He won’t love it, but he will deal.”

  Ranger looked down at the woman who was now looking at him with love, or lust, or maybe it was just need. He didn’t know what she was feeling. He had all of those emotions and more running wild in his brain.

  “Nina,” he said bending to kiss her. He couldn’t hold back any longer. His whole being was on fire. The mating heat was in full tilt, making him lose control.

  Nina wound her arms around the neck of this man she had known for ten minutes. She felt him. It was as if his essence was specially made for her pleasure. His kiss was cautious. He still didn’t know if she would run. She knew his thoughts instinctively. The connection took a vice like hold on her as the kiss deepened.

  She had always known some weres got bond mates or true mates. She hadn’t, however, expected to someday be one. No wonder the weres mated for life. There was no way she wanted to ever give this up and he had only kissed her.

  “Ranger!” She heard the Alpha before Ranger did, pulling back to find a puzzled look on his gorgeous face. She was going to have to get this man alone and soon.

  “Your Dad is calling you,” she explained as his face fell. He feared she was retreating.

  “What?” he growled without turning. She had to think that growling at the Alpha, even if

  he is your father, was not a great idea.

  “A word, with both of you,” Royal commanded with a force Nina actually felt.

  “I’m on duty here Ranger. It’s probably not a great idea for me to be making out with you in the parking lot,” Nina teased.

  “No, I suppose not.” Ranger pulled back sliding an arm around her waist as they headed back to the doorway the Alpha was waiting in.

  “It would seem another of my children is to be challenged by the mating heat.” Royal was shaking his head.

  “Don’t tell me you’re going to deny the mating because she’s a witch,” Ranger barked.

  “I don’t think I am your
biggest issue at the moment. Nina, there are things you need to know, things your father needs to know, before I can allow this to progress.”

  “Okay, shoot.” Nina listened while easing back against Ranger. The big bad wolf didn’t scare her. Not after growing up with Malcolm Blackwell as a father. Compared to that, Royal Cheveyo was a pussy cat.

  “I think a meeting should be arranged for us to discuss this mating. If you, in fact, wish to purse the idea of mating Ranger.”

  “You’re lucky you came out when you did or we might have already gone there.” Nina

  Smiled as she looked at Ranger in her peripheral vision. He was trying not to laugh.

  “I see. Well, as I said, there is information you need before going into this lightly. There is more at stake due to who, and what, you are.”

  “More at stake how?” Nina looked for clues in the Alpha’s expression and found none.

  “Please just call your father. You can arrange a meeting for later today. As soon as Rory and Maverick’s child arrives, I will free up any time he is available. Ranger, you and Nina need to refrain for that long. I can’t imagine a meeting with Malcolm Blackwell would go well if his daughter arrived as a mated wolf.”

  “He’s right, that wouldn’t go well,” Nina laughed. She imagined her father blowing his stack, a stack she had seen blow many times because of her. “I’ll call him and explain the sitch. I’m pretty sure he’ll rush right over. Where should I tell him we’ll be?”

  “I think your house, Ranger, would be more suitable.”

  “I’ll tell Willow and Ryder,” Ranger saw Nina’s confused look. “I live with them at the moment,” he explained.

  “Like Emory lives with Hank and Sam?” she questioned.

  “No, Ryder is Willow’s mate. I’m just their sidekick. You are mine,” he added.

  “Good to hear. As cool as Emory’s deal is, I don’t think I’m into sharing.”

  “Neither am I,” Ranger snickered. This girl had spunk, a fire that shone with every word. What you saw was exactly what you got. She was real and open and his.


  Malcolm Blackwell hadn’t expected to hear from his daughter that day. So when his private line rang with her number, he picked up immediately.

  “Nina, are you alright?” he asked his first born. She never called his private line. She usually called the house and spoke to her mother.

  “I’m good. Better than good. Guess who I’m with?” she started playfully.

  “I haven’t a clue Nina. I’m quite busy today, so if you wouldn’t mind skipping the guessing games.”

  “Fine. I’m with Royal Cheveyo and family. He would like to schedule a meeting with you for this afternoon. The sooner the better.”

  The request was not at all what he had expected. “Why, may I ask, are you with the Cheveyos?”

  “It’s a funny story actually. I was chasing one of the Alpha’s sons earlier this morning. When he didn’t pull over, I followed him to Maverick’s house and tackled him.”


  “Relax, I’m fine. Turns out the Chosen was in labor, so I drove her to the clinic.” Nina hadn’t known about the clinic before that, but she was sure her father did.

  “I’ll come and get you. Wait there.”

  “No wait, Dad, that’s not it. Really, everything is fine, just complicated.”

  “Complicated? Nina, please get to the point. Do you need my help?”

  “No, I don’t need your help, but I do need you to see Royal. There was a small complication. I was going to handle it myself, but Royal insists you be involved.”

  “Spit it out girl.” Malcolm knew that Nina was trying to soften him up whenever she danced around an issue.

  “Okay, I’m Ranger Cheveyo’s mate.”



  “I’m sorry. It was a knee jerk reaction. So one of Royals sons claims you’re his mate?”

  “He doesn’t claim it Dad. I am.”

  “What!!! God and goddess child, don’t tell me you’ve done what I think you have.”

  “Not yet, but I do intend to. Dad, Royal says he really needs to see you. He wouldn’t tell me or Ranger, why but he made us promise to wait.”

  “You will wait. That’s an order,” Malcolm raged. His blood pressure had to be sky high.

  “Order shmorder, Dad, I’m thirty years old. I can make my own choices.”

  Malcolm took a deep breath as if he was trying to center himself before continuing. “Nina, what on earth would possess you to agree to a mating with a werewolf you just met?”

  “I believe they call it mate fever,” she said pointedly.

  “He claims you’re his true mate?”

  “Again with the claiming. I am his true mate. Believe me when I tell you. I’m sure.”


  “I can feel it too Dad. Without going in to too much detail, I feel him like he’s a part of me. A part of me you, or Royal Cheveyo have no say so in.”

  “How are you being treated?”

  “Really Dad, I know you don’t much like the wolves, but it’s time to get over that and fast. They have been more than welcoming.”

  “Damn it Nina, when and where is this meeting? You can tell Royal I intend on bringing my guard.”

  “Fine, he probably expects it. Look, I have to get inside. As soon as Rory has this baby, I’ll call you and we’ll meet you at 41 Main Street, the psychics place.”

  “His daughter-in-laws’, the one they call the oracle. I know the place. Why there?”

  “Ranger’s living there at the moment.”

  “Fine, just promise me you’ll wait for me. Don’t go off half-cocked and let him bite you.”

  “I already promised Royal the same thing. See, you two are a lot alike.”

  “Nina, don’t play with me right now. I am on the edge. Call me when the child comes. I can be at the Brook’s place in ten minutes from that time.”

  “Great, see you then,” Nina said cheerfully.

  Ranger had watched as his mate handled her father. Why couldn’t this be simple? He had thought when she had responded to his mating declaration that he had lucked out. She wasn’t human. Even if she was, that little obstacle had been met when Maverick took Rory as a mate. He didn’t feel the need to run. He thought for a second everything would fall into place. He hadn’t anticipated a power struggle between the Alpha Wolf and the Head Mage. If Nina took down Xavier, did that mean Nina’s dad could best his father? Would grown men, leaders of thousands, reduce themselves to that?” Lord, he hoped not.

  “So?” he asked, waiting as Nina let out a deep breath.

  “So far he isn’t here. That’s a good sign.”

  “It might take him a while to get here. He could still be on his way.”

  “Nope, he would be here. Poof.”

  “Poof? You can poof?”

  “Really? You turn into a three hundred pound wolf and you’re surprised I can poof?”

  “Good point. I don’t know that much about witches.”

  “Time to start learning, hot stuff.”

  “I guess so. So, do you think our kids will be able to poof?”

  “Hummm wolves that poof. We might just start a new breed.”

  “I don’t doubt it. Come on. Let’s go meet my niece or nephew. We have a long day ahead of us.”

  “Honey, I’ve already had one hell of a day even before you showed up. I have to call the station. Technically, I’m on duty.”

  “When do you get off?”

  “Now, due to a family emergency. If this doesn’t qualify, I don’t know what does,” Nina said shaking her head. She was trying to clear her thoughts before calling into headquarters.


  Malcolm made several calls, canceling his busy afternoon. He had more pressing matters to attend to. Nina mated to a wolf. There was no doubt in his mind that she would go through with it with, or without, his permission. His oldest child had always challenged him.
Her choice of careers had not pleased him, but he had to admit she was good at what she did, and she was happy doing it.

  Storming into the kitchen, he slammed down the empty glass he found on the counter, breaking it on impact.

  “Whoa, what got into you?” His wife of forty years pushed him out of the way so she could remove the glass shards before they got in the disposal.

  “ Nina just called. Apparently, she’s mating a wolf shifter.”

  “What!” Kendra asked, now distracted from her task.

  “Oh, it gets better. She is being claimed by Ranger Cheveyo.”

  “The Alpha’s son?”

  “One of them, yes. The third, if I’m not mistaken.”

  “Malcolm, how does she know this man? Why haven’t I heard about him?” Kendra knew Nina kept some details of her life from her father. She didn’t however keep things from her.

  “They met today. She is apparently his true mate. If that is the case, the connection would be immediate.”

  “Love at first site?”

  “Times ten, yes. I’m meeting with Royal this afternoon. He wishes to meet with me and has asked them to hold off.”

  “Hold off mating?”

  “Hold of completing the bond which entails our daughter turning no doubt.”

  “This isn’t like her. She’s not an impulsive girl, not when it comes to the big things.”

  “She claims to feel the mate fever as well. As I understand it, there’s no stopping that. If they both feel it, I would imagine it is inevitable.”

  “Do you trust this man?”

  “ Kendra, I don’t know the man. I only know his father. From what I have seen, Royal is an honorable man. He asked them to wait before

  I even knew what was going on. He insists we meet on this. I take that as a good sign. I just don’t know what my meeting with Royal will

  accomplish. I suspect if we deny them the mating, they would go ahead and do it anyway. Nina, once her mind is set, is a force to be reckoned with. I don’t know this Ranger, but I do know wolves will go to the ends of the earth to protect their mates.”

  “Nina is not a wolf.”

  “Apparently, that has no bearing on this. I got the impression that had Royal not asked for a meeting, I wouldn’t have known until after the fact.”


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