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Queen Bitch of the Callowwood Pack (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 28

by Siobhan Muir

  She found Sebrina seated on her left, and unease flickered. The Paiute woman looked old, far older than Julianna had ever seen her. She wore sadness like a mantle over her shoulders. Julianna’s ego wanted to shout, it’s her own damn fault, but her heart knew better.

  Holding on to anger over something that can’t be changed is the epitome of stupidity.

  Could she forgive Sebrina?

  Yes, her Sister said.

  Putting her words into action, Julianna reached out and grasped the older woman’s hand under the table as she sat down. Sebrina looked over at her in surprise, and Julianna gave her a compassionate smile, squeezing her hand to convey her forgiveness. Sebrina studied her a long time, her gaze measuring Julianna’s body language. After several seconds, she squeezed back and turned her attention to the Alpha. The older Moon Singer’s scent shifted. Relief filtered through her sorrow, and she took a deep breath.

  Julianna let out her own inner sigh of relief.

  “Tonight is a great night for us all.” Richard gestured to the crowd. “To our honor and delight, we have three Luna candidates who have passed all Seven Leadership Tests. Please join me up here for all to see. In alphabetical order: Brenda Tiffany Solaris, Cameron Elizabeth Winthrop, and Julianna Sarah Morris.”

  Julianna rose with the others, her heart swelling with excitement. Sebrina gave her an encouraging smile, and she followed the others as they strode to the dais. She stood to Cameron’s left with her head up. She’d earned her place, and looked forward to the game. Whatever happens after Jeff chooses me, it’ll be exciting.

  “Your candidates for Luna.” Richard stepped back, and polite applause washed through the audience. Still, Julianna soaked up the excitement emanating from her fellow candidates.

  “Now, as is the custom, the Successor will choose the best female for his mate from the three candidates.”

  Richard stepped down from the dais, and Jeff strode into his place, his expression tense and watchful. Julianna’s awareness riveted on him, and she rolled her shoulders to loosen them, keeping her eyes trained on her male. Jeff’s primal virility sang through her mind, and her body reacted to his presence by tightening.


  The crowd hushed, and a shriek boiled beneath her serene exterior in response to the tension building in the garden. She clenched her jaw on her voice and tried to breathe normally, but her heart raced as Jeff stalked toward them, his eyes hot and feral. She felt wetness coat her nether lips and hoped no one would notice in all the excitement.

  Jeff paced around them, orbiting them to inspect every physical aspect. Julianna heard him breathing deeply, taking in their scents for comparison. He never paused in his measured strides, constantly circling them. Julianna tried to keep calm, but her heart thundered with his nearness, and her nipples hardened to tight little points. His eyes snapped to hers, and he growled low in his throat, but he didn’t stop his circuit.

  Brenda smiled at him expectantly and wiggled a little with her excitement. Julianna would have laughed if the erotic tension rising around them hadn’t stolen her focus. Cameron’s smile became seductive, and she whined softly, her body undulating as if her dress encased her body too tightly. Julianna wanted to snap at the other two. He’s my Mate, and I’ll be damned if either of you bitches touch him!

  She heard another low growl and realized it had come from her. The sound was full of warning, and Jeff’s gaze returned to her, his eyes flaring with lust and dominance. Julianna’s canines elongated in her mouth, but she kept her lips firmly shut in a tight smile. She raised her chin in challenge, and his shoulders tensed, but he kept up his mesmerizing revolutions.

  At last, he stopped directly in front of the candidates, and Julianna realized all of them panted as if they’d been the ones circling their prey. Jeff looked them all over with his blazing golden eyes, and Julianna shivered with every stroke of his gaze. She saw Brenda’s body freeze in anticipation and heard Cameron’s soft excited exhalation. Julianna could barely hold herself still.

  Jeff had built the tension up so tight Julianna was ready to jump out of her skin. His hot gaze stopped on each female, but when he met Julianna’s eyes, satisfaction filled his expression, and he shifted his body until he faced her alone. When he reached for her hands, excitement, electricity, and hot desire shot through her, while disappointed whines erupted from the other females. Julianna’s nipples felt like they’d cut through her bodice, and she desperately wanted to rub them against his chest until they relaxed.

  His nostrils flared, and his smile heated.

  “I, Jefferson Mac Lightfoot, Successor of the Callowwood Pack, choose you, Julianna Sarah Morris, as my Luna.” Jeff’s eyes smoldered with his burning passion. “I choose you to be my strength in times of conflict, my compassion in times of strife, my wisdom in times of uncertainty. I choose you to be the mother of my pups and the pack’s Guardian of the Stories.”

  Energy swirled around them, fed by the anticipation of the crowd and the vows Jeff had spoken. Julianna felt buoyed up by it, and her response burst from her with a brilliant grin, exposing her long canines.

  “I, Julianna Sarah Morris, daughter and last descendent of Ho’a’tote, the First Canid, accept the position of Luna of the Callowwood Pack, to stand beside you in strength, compassion and wisdom, to bear your pups and to keep the stories alive in the pack’s memory.”

  Amazement rippled through the crowd. Mouths gaped and eyes widened while whispers floated in the still air. The tension reached a crescendo. Julianna’s blood thundered through her veins, and her hands tingled. Jeff stared at her hungrily, his eyes full of triumph, and he trembled in an effort to keep his motions smooth. His jaw clenched as he dragged her away from the others and turned to face the audience.

  “I give you Julianna Morris Lightfoot, future Luna of the Callowwood Pack!” Jeff’s joy rang clear for all to hear.

  The pack exploded into cheers and applause, the excitement and jubilation rising in a roar. Dishes and cutlery jangled as people pounded on the tables like in old Viking times, and howls split the night as elation spread through the ranks.

  The sharp scent of disappointment filled Julianna’s nose as the other two candidates left the dais to return to their seats. Brenda tore off her wolf’s head token and threw it to the floor in a fit of furious disappointment. Cameron quietly removed her token and solemnly handed it to Richard. Julianna caught the scent of unbridled fury, but when she turned her head to chase it, the scent faded. She shrugged it away.

  “Jeff, can I choose my cadre right now, or should I do it in private?”

  He looked at her, and lust flared in his eyes. She shivered with the promise of pleasure to come, but he reined it in with effort.

  “You’re Alpha now, my sweet Lupine. You can do anything you wish.”

  “Well, not anything.” She grimaced. “You’re Alpha, and you weren’t allowed to touch me until tonight, remember?”

  “I seem to remember touching you a little,” he whispered, his eyes full of wicked humor.

  She bit her bottom lip and blushed.

  “Go ahead and name your cadre tonight.”


  He chastely kissed her cheek and stepped behind her, his hands resting on her hips as she turned to face the audience. Pleasure zinged through her from the heat in his hands, but she focused and raised her hands to catch the audience’s attention.

  “I thank you all for your acceptance and approval of me as your Luna.” A whistle broke the silence, and she grinned a triumphant smile. “It’s a great honor for me, and I’m grateful. In particular, I must thank Sebrina Westwind for patiently teaching me all the stories of our People, especially those of my family. She taught me there’s more to being a Moon Singer than the family that raised me or the hardships that influenced past choices.”

  Julianna inclined her head deeply to Sebrina, and the older woman’s expression filled with gratitude. Applause thundered around them, and Jeff’s hands tightene
d on her hips as the scent of his approval flowed past her.

  “I recently learned the value of having loyal friends at my back, and I chose my cadre based on that lesson. I want you all to be aware of the exceptional packmembers who have won my gratitude and friendship.”

  Julianna paused and thought carefully. The order of the names would correspond to the rank the cadre members held for the rest of her tenure as Luna.

  “Tawny Lightfoot, for her wisdom and understanding of the rules and protocols of the pack.”

  Applause, less thunderous now, danced among the members of the pack. Tawny rose to her feet and picked her way to the dais where Julianna stood, her eyes sparkling. Jeff released Julianna’s hips and stepped back. Julianna missed the heat of his touch, but she focused on Tawny’s approach as a distraction.

  Tawny stopped before Julianna and bowed her head to her Luna. Then she turned her back on Julianna, facing the audience with composure and serenity. Julianna spied a fine tremor ripple through Tawny’s muscles, a telltale sign of her jubilation. Julianna bit back a grin.

  “Marybeth and Jennilynn Grayhound, for their friendship and unswerving loyalty.”

  The twins rose and strode to where Tawny stood, their faces showing their unabashed pleasure at being named part of the new Luna’s cadre. They, too, bowed their heads to Julianna then faced the crowd at Tawny’s left.

  “Woody Scatterstone, for his cool head under pressure and his complete honesty.”

  Silent surprise greeted her announcement as Woody sauntered out of the crowd and stopped before Julianna, his eyes bright and full of feral joy. He bowed his head, but never dropped her gaze, before he spun in place and stood beside Jennilynn. His scent radiated sheer triumph and satisfaction.

  Julianna suspected her choice of an omega member turned tradition on its ear and would elevate Woody to a low-level beta. She didn’t care. He deserved the honor. She’d been surprised to learn Tommy Scatterstone was his younger brother. They looked nothing alike, and Woody had a much better attitude.

  “Gary Howler, for his historical knowledge of the pack and his medical skills in the field.”

  Shock rippled through the crowd. Gary’s advanced age made his inclusion a surprise. Julianna guessed the Lunas of the past generally chose women to be in their cadres, but Julianna valued Gary’s perspective and his ability to stay calm in stressful situations.

  He paused next to Woody with a half-smile on his face and swept his body into an elaborate bow from bygone times. Then he spun to face the pack, and Julianna had to hide a grin. Show-off!

  Julianna gestured to them and said, “Ladies and gentlemen, the cadre of the future Luna.”

  Richard took center stage once more and addressed the pack as Jeff returned to stand behind Julianna. She savored his burning touch and resisted the urge to rub her back against his hard chest.

  “In accordance with our traditions,” Richard shouted over the applause, “the Successor and Luna will take the leadership when they have whelped their first child. When that occurs, I will step down as Alpha, and Jefferson Lightfoot will take up the reins of leadership. To the future Alpha and Luna!”

  “To the future Alpha and Luna!” the crowd thundered, and howls once more echoed under the tents. Julianna grinned when Jeff squeezed her with his arms, laying a soft kiss to the back of her neck.

  “I have to talk to my cadre, Jeff,” she whispered through the rising lust.

  “That’s fine. But if those males touch you, I’m going to kick their asses.”

  “Aw, come on. Just one hug? I promise it’ll be short.”

  Jeff’s jaw bunched, and his eyes narrowed as his gaze fixed on Gary and Woody.

  “Just. One. Hug.”

  She winked and stepped off the dais to join her cadre. Tawny hugged her immediately.

  “I knew you could do it!” she whispered.

  Julianna laughed. “Thanks for believing in me.”

  Tawny snorted but stepped back to let the others close. Marybeth and Jennilynn shared their hug, but Julianna didn’t mind. Gratitude for the love and loyalty she sensed from both of them filled her heart. They each winked the opposite eye at her and said together, “See you back at the table.”

  Then she turned to Gary and Woody. “I’m into hugs, gentlemen, but this is the only time I’ll be able to offer you one.”

  Gary stepped into her embrace and squeezed her gently. “You’re magnificent, Mistress Julianna, and I’m very pleased to have you as my Luna. It’s an honor to be in your cadre, and I will serve you to the best of my ability.”

  “Thank you, Gary.” She smiled as he stepped back. “I’m grateful you agreed.”

  He gave her a horrified expression. “Turn down a chance to serve the prettiest female in town? Hell no.” He answered her grin.

  Julianna laughed as she turned to Woody, and he hugged her like a brother.

  “Thank you, Ms. Julianna,” he whispered. “I don’t know what more I can say. It’s an honor to serve you.”

  “I liked you the minute I met you, Woody,” she whispered back. “You have a strength that most of the others don’t see, and I wanted you in my cadre because I knew you’d always have my back.” She pushed him to arm’s length and smiled at him. “This elevates you from omega rank, doesn’t it?”

  “Yes, it does.” Triumph filled his smile. “You made me beta tonight, and I can’t thank you enough for that.” His smile melted in to solemnity. “And I will always have your back.”

  “That’s what I need.”

  He nodded and retreated to join Gary. The two males walked away together, and she admired them in their tuxes, amazed she’d never noticed how handsome they were. They’d give the ladies of the pack a show tonight.

  She grinned and shook her head. They might be handsome, but no one outshone Jeff Lightfoot. She swung her gaze around the room and found her Mate advancing on her with an intense expression.

  Julianna’s pulse quickened, and goose bumps rose on her skin with each menacing step he took. An excited whimper burned in her throat. Goddess above, how can he be that beautiful?

  Jeff inhaled deeply through his nose when he stopped beside her, scenting her arousal. He settled his hands on her hips and drew her close to his body, rubbing his own arousal against her belly with a subtle motion of his hips. She sucked in a startled breath as liquid flooded between her legs.

  “Those males are lucky I know you’re mine.” He growled against her ear. “If they touch you again, I’ll tear out their throats.”

  Julianna shivered at the possessive fury in his voice. “They know it. No one will touch me but you. I promise.”

  “Good.” He nuzzled her ear, nipping the skin below the lobe. “Holy Mother, I’m dying for you. The last three days have been hell on me. Unfortunately, we have to stay here, entertaining the pack and socializing until after dinner.”

  He raised his head to fiercely stare into her eyes. “But as soon as our duty is done, I’m paying you back for that little stunt you pulled two days ago.”

  “I thought you paid me back in the shower.” She hissed as he licked her throat below her earring, and he chuckled darkly.

  “Not nearly enough, my dear Luna.”

  He jerked her against his chest and bent his head to place a painfully soft kiss on her aching lips. The force of his desire burning in the tender touch stole her breath. He pulled back and clenched his jaw, releasing her reluctantly.

  “Now, let’s go eat, and I’ll let you sit with your cadre, but after the meal, you’ll stay by my side as my Luna and my Mate.”

  She smiled up at him wickedly. “And if I refuse your demands, my Alpha?”

  He growled at her under his breath, but she felt it all the way down to her pussy. “Then I’ll spank your ass and torture you until you’re screaming with pleasure, minx.”

  Julianna laughed huskily, and Jeff grinned as he took her arm, leading her to the front of the buffet line, just behind his father. He glanced at her while she lo
aded her plate with food as if he thought she might have disappeared when he looked away. She grinned and winked at him as she sauntered away, wiggling her hips. She heard him catch his breath, and an ecstatic laugh almost broke free, but she squashed it.

  Julianna knew she should begin, but she still felt strange eating before the others joined her. Her mother would be appalled at her rudeness. She unconsciously shook her head. She’d have to get over her human tendencies.

  Julianna ate, but she barely tasted the food. The knowledge that she’d be in Jeff’s bed that night sent butterflies dancing in her gut. Her awareness centered on the male sitting with his own cadre a few tables away. How would she make it through dinner?

  At last her table filled up with her cadre, and she thanked God for the company to distract her. Despite the conversation, she couldn’t stop sneaking glances over to the table where Jeff sat with Zach and Kyle. Tawny followed her gaze, and the hundredth time Julianna turned her head, Jeff’s sister elbowed her.

  “It’ll be over soon, I promise,” she whispered.

  “What will?”

  “Dinner.” Tawny smirked. “None of us will keep you longer than necessary. We all know how long you’ve been waiting to be together.”

  Julianna huffed a sigh, blushing. “Is it that obvious?”

  “Uh, yeah.” Tawny snorted. “We could scent both of you when you stood close to each other.”

  “Sorry. We tried not to touch each other, but no one said we had to stop feeling arousal. At least we no longer have to pretend we’re only mildly interested.”

  “Yeah, lucky you.” Tawny’s gaze returned to where Zach chatted with Kyle.

  Julianna took a breath to say something, but her thoughts splintered when Jeff rested his hands on her shoulders. Excitement sizzled through her body as she stared up at him. He held his hand out to her, and she took it, watching in a daze as he pulled it to his lips and kissed her knuckles. Delicious pleasure shot straight to her crotch, and she gave him a low moan. How does he stay so cool?

  Her gaze dropped to the front of his slacks and hid a smile. He wasn’t nearly as unaffected as his expression appeared.


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