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Queen Bitch of the Callowwood Pack (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 30

by Siobhan Muir

  “You’re mine, Julianna!” He slammed into her. “Mine!”

  “Make me yours, Jeff!” She wrapped her legs around his, tightening her inner muscles. “Make me your Luna!”

  He roared as he thrust in a few more times, then he swooped down and snapped his teeth into her shoulder. Tingling power like an electric shock, seared through her in a pulsating connection, pushing her over the edge of bliss. Julianna screamed as her orgasm flooded through her, and her teeth elongated in her mouth. They itched in her gums, and she closed her jaws on whatever body part lay closest, flying over the edge of pleasure once more.

  She came back to herself with her teeth buried in Jeff’s shoulder and his jaws locked in hers. They lay there panting for long moments, neither willing to let the other go. When Jeff licked the wound he had given her, the energy surged again, reestablishing their connection. It rippled through her in a rush that made her body arch in a taut bow.

  “Dear Goddess!”

  “You got that right,” He laughed, and she smiled up at him. Then she licked his shoulder playfully, and he shuddered with pleasure. “Holy shit, that’s amazing!”

  To her surprise, Julianna felt some of the pleasure he experienced, and it set off another ricochet within her. Her inner muscles clamped down on Jeff’s cock again, and he groaned, flexing his hips.

  “Yes, amazing. Promise me we can do that a lot more.”

  A wicked laugh erupted, and he claimed her mouth in a blistering kiss. She tangled her tongue with his and squirmed against him, feeling his cock stiffen again. Julianna consciously squeezed her internal muscles again, and he thrust his hips a few times.

  “Oh, First Canid.” His eyes rolled up in his head.

  “Don’t take my great-great-grandfather’s name in vain,” she teased, and his eyes opened wide.

  “Are you really the last descendent?”

  “At least the last one here in Callowwood. I don’t know if I have more family elsewhere.” Julianna trailed her fingers over his shoulder and arm. “I only learned that I’m related to Him yesterday afternoon. I don’t know anything more than that.”

  Jeff stared down at her thoughtfully and brushed the fingers of his hand over the side of her face. “How did you find this out?”

  Julianna rolled her lips inward and stared at her bite mark on his shoulder. He’d have to know the truth of her connection to Sebrina eventually.

  “Sebrina told me.”

  He studied her for a few moments more then he smiled as if that was a good enough explanation. “Then I’m a very lucky Alpha to have found my True Mate in First Canid’s family.”

  She snorted at his flippancy. “You don’t believe me.”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “You didn’t have to. I can hear it in your voice.”

  He sighed and rolled off her, taking his luxurious heat with him. “Isn’t the First Canid just a creation myth?”

  “Not according to Sebrina, and she should know.”


  Julianna bit her lip. “Because she knows all the stories and kept all the lore. She taught them to me.”

  Jeff lay silently beside her for a few moments, thinking. “But they’re just stories.”

  “Almost all creation stories are based on some truth. Even Jesus and Buddha were real people at one time.”

  “So the First Canid was real, too?”

  “I think so.”

  “And you’re a descendent.”


  “How do you know that if you were adopted by human parents?”

  “I told you. Sebrina told me.”

  “How does she know about your ancestry?”

  Julianna took a deep breath, closing her eyes. “Because she’s my mother.”

  A stunned silence greeted her words. Julianna opened her eyes and turned her head, needing to see Jeff’s face.

  He looked astonished, the green in his eyes overwhelming the gold.

  “She’s your mother.”

  Julianna nodded slowly.

  He lapsed into silence, and she could tell his mind raced. She waited for him to reach all the conclusions she had earlier that week. She knew he wouldn’t like what he’d discover, but she didn’t know if she could explain it to him.

  “Why?” The scent of anger and disbelief rose between them. “Why did you grow up with human parents when she’s been here the whole time? Why did she abandon you? Didn’t she want you?”

  Julianna sighed. “Her reasons are her own, and she’ll have to explain them to you when she’s ready. Just remember that it happened in the past, and it can’t be changed now. She didn’t know who I was until I changed for the first time in front of her. When she saw me in my Sister form, she realized I had to be related to her. Apparently, my looks are mixed enough that I don’t look like her or my father.”

  “Who is your father? Where is he in all this?”

  “He’s dead.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be too hard on Sebrina, Jeff.” Julianna squeezed his arm. “She regrets her decision to give me up. We can’t punish her any more than she can punish herself. Besides, I grew up in this town, in a good and loving family, and I turned out okay. Her decision wasn’t all bad.”

  “But you’re her child!” His elongated canines flashed with his distress. “How could she do that to you? And if you’re right and you’re part of the First Canid’s family—”

  Jeff stopped short and turned his wide eyes on her. “Sebrina is a descendent, too?”

  Julianna just nodded.

  “How do you know it’s not just a story she told you?”

  Julianna stiffened. “I might be an inexperienced Moon Singer, but I can still smell when someone’s lying to me, Jeff. She believes the story and I have no reason to doubt her. Besides, being part of the First Canid’s family hasn’t given her more honor or status than any other alpha female. And she certainly hasn’t flaunted it.”

  “Oh, dear Goddess.” He rolled onto his back, his gaze returning to the ceiling as he organized his thoughts.

  She touched his chest. “I believe her, Jeff.”

  He said nothing to that, just kept staring into space.

  “Are you sorry you chose me for your Luna and Mate?”

  He moved so quickly she couldn’t remember if he’d been lying quietly next to her when his body settled on top of hers. She groaned in satisfaction as his warmth surrounded her and his thumbs stroked over her cheeks.

  “I’ll never be sorry for that, Julianna,” he whispered. His eyes shifted back to gold with his sincerity. He ducked his head and licked the bite mark on her shoulder, making her tremble with pleasure. “You’re my Luna, my Mate, and your parentage doesn’t change any of that. So I’m True Mated to the latest descendent of the First Canid. Big deal.”

  She laughed softly and wrapped her arms tightly around his ribs. “God, I love you.”

  Julianna felt Jeff’s chuckle before she heard it. “And I love you.”

  “Do you know how often I want to hear that?”

  “Um, once a week?” he quipped. He grunted when she thumped his shoulder with her fist.

  “Try once an hour. To start.” She smiled. “I’ve waited a long time to be right here.”

  “I’ve waited just as long to give you this.” He brushed his lips over the mark in her shoulder, and she arched her back with a soft wail. “I wanted you even when I thought you human. When you showed up at your father’s funeral, it was all I could do to stay away from you. You smelled so damn good.” He nipped her collarbones. “I wanted to wrap you up in my arms, covering my body with your scent. In fact…”

  Jeff’s cock stiffened and pushed against her aching nether lips as he took her mouth with a fervent kiss. She melted beneath his heady onslaught and reveled in the sensations his kiss sent through her body.

  When he drove into her, she growled and wrapped her legs around him, riding his swift lovemaking with a sense of belonging. He c
ontinued his nipping, wet kisses as his cock shuttled in and out of her pussy. Every soft touch combined with the smooth thrusts of his cock built her pleasure as surely as bricks built a wall.

  Julianna moved with him, reveling in the sweetness of his love and the glorious hardness of his cock in her core, until they both toppled over into the well of ecstasy. Jeff stiffened above her, bowing his head until his lips rested at her shoulder once more, and his teeth sank into her with his last stroke. The warm jets of cum spilled into her just like in her dream, and his pleasure slid through her, enhancing her own. Her pussy tightened around him until she couldn’t tell where he stopped and she began.

  “Goddess above, Julianna.” Jeff panted when he released her shoulder. “You’re so damn sweet.” He carefully rolled his body off hers, but she missed his weight.

  She chuckled. “I hope that means I taste good instead of just being cute and nice.”

  “Oh, yeah.”


  They rested together for a few moments, and Julianna’s satisfaction settled into her heart. She’d True Mated with Jeff, and no one could take that away from her. He belonged to her, and she didn’t have to hide it from everyone anymore. She thought about Beth’s delight in Jeff’s invitation and realized she’d have to tell her mother about the changes in their relationship. How would Julianna explain that?



  “If I’m your True Mate and chosen as your Luna, I’m technically your wife, right?”

  He rolled onto his side to look at her. “Oh, yeah.” He breathed into her ear, and she shivered. “Why?”

  “Beth won’t know what happened tonight.”

  “Oh, yes, she will.”

  “She will?”

  Jeff smiled so tenderly it brought tears to Julianna’s eyes.

  “I stopped by to see your mom a few days ago. I asked her if I could court you.”

  “She told me.”

  “She did?” Jeff grinned. “Does that mean she approves?”

  Julianna laughed. “I think her words were ‘it’s about time!’”

  Jeff joined her then sobered and brushed her face with his fingers. “So, Julianna Sarah Morris, future Luna of the Callowwood Pack, will you marry me in a conventional wedding so we can announce to everyone in town that you’re mine, and only mine?”

  “Will I get to wear a lovely dress and see you in that tux again, even if it means I have to take it off you?”

  He chuckled and tucked her closer to his body, her breasts pressed against his ribs. “Absolutely.”

  “Yes. Oh, yes!”

  Jeff leaned down and licked the mark on her shoulder, and she shuddered as the magic slid through her once more.

  Julianna reveled in the pinging excitement until the bedroom door crashed open and slammed against the wall. They both shot out of the bed and stood at attention regardless of their state of undress. One part of Julianna’s mind remarked dryly that a naked woman with her breasts hanging out offered very little menace, but she’d be damned if she’d lie in bed with an intruder in her room.

  Jeff slid his body in front of hers, naturally protecting his female.

  Dammit, Jeff!

  Julianna shifted to one side and saw Cameron Winthrop around his shoulder, scenting the rage wafting from the other bitch. Julianna’s fury erupted, and she bared her teeth, her long canines scraping her lower lip.

  What the fuck is she doing here?

  Chapter Thirteen:

  The Luna of Callowwood

  Jeff’s anger and frustration unfurled like a flag as he took in Cameron’s visage. The female’s eyes narrowed in fury, and her hair looked like someone had taken a fork to it. Her scent shifted between rage, indignation, and rancid meat. He wrinkled his nose unconsciously, his lips pulling back from his teeth in a warning snarl. He’d allow no one to interrupt his time with his new Luna! He’d chosen Julianna, and that was that.

  “What are you doing here, Cameron?”

  “I’m here for what’s rightfully mine!” She snarled, her gaze centered on Julianna.

  Somewhere deep inside, a voice quipped, I think you have the wrong room. He would’ve laughed if the situation wasn’t so dangerous.

  “I don’t have anything of yours.” Julianna shifted farther to the side to see her rival better.

  “Yes, you do.” Cameron paced closer, her motions stiff with fury. “You took him! You distracted him from the bitches who were better for him than some runaway pretender who wouldn’t know a Moon Singer from a mothball. Jeff Lightfoot is supposed to be my mate. I’m supposed to be the next Luna!”

  You were never my Mate. You were just a political conciliation to uphold the traditions. Jeff wanted to shout it at her, to throw it in her face in response to her audacity of barging in on him and his True Mate. His father’s training kept his words behind his lips and pulled him back despite the rage ripping through him with each insult she hurled at Julianna.

  Julianna remained icily stoic, wearing nothing but the wolf pendant. Despite her lack of clothing, she looked as regal as a queen. Holy Mother of All, she’s fucking gorgeous! With her shoulders squared and her head up, Jeff knew he had to start thinking about something else or he’d give away just how sexy he thought her.

  “I’m neither a pretender nor a runaway, Ms. Winthrop. I’ve never pretended to be anything but what I am.”

  “Really?” Cameron’s sneer ripped through the room. “You pretended to be human for all those years growing up. I don’t know how you did it. You even smelled human. But now you show up just as he needs a Luna? How convenient for you.”

  To Jeff’s surprise, Julianna laughed. “Do you think I orchestrated my father’s death to coincide with the candidacy party? I’ve been away for eighteen years, Ms. Winthrop. I didn’t know anything about Jeff’s ascendency until I returned to Callowwood.”

  Jeff bit back a snarl. “You need to go back downstairs to the party and leave us alone, Cameron.”

  “Oh, I’ll leave as soon as I get what I came for.”

  Shrieking in rage, Cameron leapt forward, swiping at Julianna’s chest with one hand. Jeff pivoted to stop her, but she ducked under him. Julianna snarled as Cameron’s fingers raked across her bare chest before the younger female shot out the door, crowing her triumph.

  “Give that back!” Julianna launched herself after Cameron.

  Jeff tried to catch her, but she flew out the door before he could stop her.

  Dammit, what the hell is wrong with me tonight?

  He grabbed his pants and shoved his legs into them before he snagged his shirt and tore after them. He’d be damned if every male in the pack would enjoy the naked glory of his lovely Luna!

  Jeff reached the ground floor just as Cameron’s voice carried from the backyard, shrieking her right to be Luna and the proof in the form of the previous Luna’s pendant. Julianna demanded its return as he bolted down the hall. Dammit, I have to get the shirt on her! He gritted his teeth and raced for the doors.

  What greeted his eyes when he arrived alternately fueled his fury and set his blood alight with arousal. Cameron paced in the center of the space before the podium with her hand in the air, his mother’s pendant dangling from it. Wild eyes filled with righteous anger swept the crowd, and her whole body vibrated as she fixated on her rival.

  Julianna stood at the edge of the circle of packmembers closest to the house, her own body regal and calm. Jeff sensed her dampened anger as if she’d placed it inside a glass box. His pride for his True Mate surged, and he strode toward her, intent on wrapping his shirt over her glorious beauty.

  “You selfish, blind, stupid son of a bitch!” Cameron’s face twisted up into a hideous scowl when she saw him. Julianna stiffened, and Jeff threw the shirt over her shoulders.

  “I’ve been here the whole time. Right here!” Cameron jabbed herself between her breasts with a hard finger. “I know how the pack needs to be run. I know the families, the problems, our goals, and
needs. I know what’s happened with the pack for the last eighteen years while she’s been absent!” The hard finger flung itself at Julianna. “But who did you choose? The rookie. And who did you bring in as part of the candidates? An outsider from LA. You never once looked at me. I was right here the whole time. A local and better than all the others. Hell, I even passed all the tests without a blip. But did you notice? No-O-ooo. You were too busy sniffing after Ms. Morris’ tail to notice that I was the best choice!”

  Jeff raised a disdainful eyebrow at Cameron in disbelief. The best choice?

  “Who did you choose? The little girl who dogged your footsteps for years. The newbie who just showed up in time for you to start looking for a Luna. The one bitch who knew nothing about the Callowwood Pack, not even how to shift shape!”

  Gasps echoed around the clearing, and Julianna tilted her head curiously.

  “Oh, yes, Miss Morris, I was there!” Cameron’s lip curled with disdain. “I was there when you learned how to shift into your Sister form from Sebrina. I watched you struggle to become what you were supposed to be. You didn’t even know how to do the simplest things our people know. You’re not worthy of being Luna.

  “I was the best candidate, and I still am!” She brandished the pendant, her eyes blazing. “I passed all the tests. I should be Luna.” Her zealous gaze fixed on Jeff once more. “But you never saw me!

  “All she does is attract trouble, Jeff.” Cameron’s voice filled with a wheedling whine. “You saw what those thugs from LA did to her. You know that whore from LA hired them to take her out. She brings trouble to our pack and our town.”

  A snarl ripped from the crowd, and Brenda Solaris pushed into view, her face an icy mask of fury.

  “Watch what you say, little bitch. I never hired anyone from LA while I was here. I have family here, who invited me to come and be a candidate for Luna. I had nothing to do with any attacks on the future Luna.”

  “I’m the future Luna!” Cameron raged, her face flushing. “And it’s so obvious you hired those thugs. They were from LA, and we all know it pays to have friends in low places. Hell, they even smelled like your apricot perfume. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out.”


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