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Page 14

by Alexi Ferreira

  “Ceric,” she murmurs, her legs like vices around my waist.

  “Why was Sam touching you?” I ask, trying to contain the anger that enfolds me when I think about it.

  “He hugged me,” she mumbles, trying to thrust her pelvis against mine, but I’m holding her hips still and won’t allow it until she tells me everything.

  “What else?”

  “He kissed my neck playfully, okay?” she says angrily. The thought of any man’s lips anywhere near my woman’s body drives me to want to commit murder. “He’s like my brother,” she confesses. “We’ve been together since we were five.”

  “If you want to keep him alive, keep his fucking lips away from you.” With that, I lower my head, taking her lips in an aggressive kiss that conquers, possesses, and leaves no room for doubt that she belongs to me.

  We are both breathless when I pull away. Moving towards the bed, I place her on her feet. Discarding the torn clothes, I have her standing naked before me in no time. Pulling my T-shirt off, I open my jeans and then sit down at the end of the bed, pulling her across my lap. I have her ass in the air before she knows what’s happening.

  “Ceric!” she squeaks just as my palm spanks one of her white cheeks. Instantly, a red mark appears. “What the hell!”

  “This is for you to learn that you cannot go out without an escort.” I spank her, and the other ass cheek reddens. “You will not place yourself in danger like that again.” Another spank, and she groans. I widen her legs a little and place one hand between her legs, feeling her pussy pulse with lust. “Looks like my hellcat likes to be spanked,” I groan as my cock jumps with impatience.

  “Asshole,” she grumbles. My hand comes down once more and I hear her breath whoosh out. Her ass a bright red now, she will feel it every time she sits tomorrow, make sure she remembers to keep herself safe.

  “Promise me you’re not going out again without taking one of the brothers to accompany you.” At her quietness I spank her again.

  “Argh, okay” she grumbles “I promise” her voice is huskier than normal with lust. I bend and feather kisses on her heated ass cheeks seeing her skin pucker in reaction. My hand moving up her back, gently I continue my onslaught on her senses. Reaching her arms I lift her up and place her on the bed gently. I take her mouth in an urgent kiss that has us both mindless with want, her fingers buried in my hair my jean clad pelvis rotating against her heat.

  I lower my lips down her neck until I’m feasting at her perfect breasts, “I love these babies” I say gruffly, at her deep groan I can’t wait any longer, I stand up and remove my pants. Seeing her eyes on me I take my hardness in hand and pump slowly groaning when her tongue slips out to moisten her lips. “Turn around, on your hands and knees.” I order.

  She sits up and then moves into the position that I have been dreaming about the whole fucking day. “Head down against the sheets, ass up for me Hellcat, and spread your legs.” As her pussy opens up for me and I see her glistening labia my hardness twitches in readiness.

  Grunting I move between her legs, the heat of her still red ass cheeks radiating out towards me. Grabbing my cock, I stroke the head over her moistened labia, we both groan in pleasure. This woman can drive a saint to sin; her body is made for my pleasure. I place my cock at her entrance and slowly push in, her heat engulfing me with desire. I take hold of her hips holding her still and plunge into her molten depths.

  “Fuck” I growl, we are both mindless with want at this stage, my thrusts start gently but soon I’m ploughing into her depths like a ram. I take hold of her beautiful blonde hair that’s shining around her like spun gold and pull on it gently lifting her head while I continue to thrust with vigour.

  “Yes” she gasps, “Ceric … yes” her voice is low with urgency; I can feel her inner walls start to convulse around me, tightening like a vice until it’s nearly painful.

  I tear at my wrist, placing it over her mouth. “Drink,” I command as I bend over her and bite down on her shoulder. “Fuck.” My balls tighten. “Fuck, Hellcat.” My rhythm is frenzied. “Nova.” My essence gushes into my woman, branding her with everything I am.

  I am still breathing hard, slumped over Nova, my arms taking most of my weight as not to crush her, when she starts to struggle, moving her head and then wiggling her body to try to get away.

  “What the hell?” I say, slipping out of her body, making both of us groan as I move to her side.

  “Augh, you did it . . . again,” she says, still breathless as she sits up in bed, rubbing at her mouth. I sit up next to her. Taking her face in my hands, I place my lips over hers, gently kissing her until she quietens.

  “Is that better?” I ask. I know she has an aversion to taking blood. Bion told me about the women asking him about different ways of taking their mate’s blood. Brandr also told me about the women’s conversation, as Aria was worried and asked him what other options there were for blood sharing between mates, and why she wanted to know.

  “Yes, but stop doing that,” she responds huskily.

  “I have to give you blood. I can’t let you get weak or sick,” I reply quietly. “But I have been thinking about it. What if after I give you blood, I kiss you as I just did? Then the taste will be gone.” I feel her shudder against me at the thought of taking my blood. I wish there was another way and I didn’t have to do this. The thought of Nova feeling any kind of discomfort doesn’t sit well with me, even if it’s for her own good.

  “I guess we can try next time, but make sure you kiss me before I realise what you have done,” she orders, a spark of her fire coming out. I feel myself grin at her grumpiness; at least she’s willing to try.

  “I have something for you.” At my words, her eyes shoot up to mine in curiosity.

  “What?” she asks excitedly, and then her eyes lower to my crotch and a smile lightens her face. “I’ve already had that, but who’s complaining?”

  Throwing my head back, I roar with laughter. “I’ll give you that too,” I say, still chuckling as I get up from the bed and move towards my cupboard. Once I have what I want, I come back out and find her kneeling in the middle of the bed as I left her, her breasts covered by her hair that’s flowing around her like rays of sun. Her waist is so tiny, I can encompass it with my hands. Sitting next to her, I open my hand, revealing a velvet box.

  Her eyes widen, and she claps excitedly. “Is that for me?”

  “Yip, you wanna see it?” At her excited nod, I open the box and hear her gasp at the chain lying inside. Lifting the beautiful white-gold chain, I show her a smaller but nearly identical jasper stone. “I thought you would like it as I have seen you wearing the semi-precious rings.”

  “It’s beautiful,” she says, her finger stroking the stone gently. Then she looks up at me, and there’s a sparkle in her eyes that hasn’t been there before. “Please put it on.” She turns her back towards me and lifts her hair, showing me her curvaceous back and elegant neck.

  “I give you a part of my essence to protect and enhance your energy. By wearing this jasper, you will always have a piece of me with you. You are now part of my blood, my soul, my very essence. I ask that you wear this always to remind you of our bond and the love I hold for you.” I kiss her neck gently, seeing her skin pucker in response.

  “Thank you,” she whispers as she leans back against my chest. Lifting the stone that is now lying between her breasts, she strokes it gently. I can see tears on her cheeks. “No one has ever given me such a precious gift. I’m going to tell you something.” I can hear the pain in her voice as she whispers the words to me.

  NOVA 18

  My heart is racing as the past comes rushing back to haunt me. Ceric has his hands crossed across my stomach and is nuzzling my neck gently. “Since I can remember, my father always abused my mother.” I feel Ceric tense behind me. “Not physically, but emotionally. She used to go out of her way to please him, and he would take it all for granted.” My voice is raw with unshed tears, with the pain that is su
ffocating me.

  “As the years passed, she became a shell of the person she used to be. One day, we arrived home early to find my father in bed with another woman.” A sob escapes at the memory. Ceric tightens his arms but doesn’t say anything as he quietly supports me. When I manage to regain control again, I continue. “She simply took my hand, turned, and walked us both back to the car. We sat there until the woman left the house. She didn’t cry or say anything; she had a dead look to her eyes, as if that were the last straw.”

  “It’s okay, Hellcat, you don’t need to continue if you don’t feel like it,” Ceric says gently.

  “I want to,” I confess. “I haven’t told anyone about this except for Sam.” He squeezes me gently in understanding and doesn’t say anything else. “The next day, when I got home from school, I found my mom in the tub with her wrists cut. She was still alive. I called an ambulance, and they saved her, or what was left of her. Do you know that the whole time she was in the hospital, not once did he come to visit?” I take his strong hand in mine, gently stroking the back of it. I turn it around and entwine my fingers with his.

  “She didn’t live long after that; she committed suicide a few months later.” I feel the tears coursing down my cheeks, but I ignore them. “When I was in college, I dated this one guy.” I hear him growl behind me, but I continue. “He started out okay, but then I found out he was also cheating. When I confronted him, he said it was because I was frigid, that it was my fault he was cheating.”

  “Motherfucker,” Ceric says. “Give me his name, and I will castrate him.” At his words, I smile. My man is such a hothead when it comes to me. My man? Where did that come from?

  “No castrating. Besides, Sam beat him up,” I say proudly. At my words, he huffs but doesn’t say anything else. “I decided then that I didn’t need a man in my life, until you came along.”

  “My good looks blew you away!” he says teasingly. “You couldn’t forget my enigmatic personality and my hot body.” As he intended, his teasing makes me laugh. “I will never hurt you like that, Hellcat. You are my other half. If I hurt you, I hurt myself.” And then he starts to tell me about his mom and how he had to take care of her when his father died. I could feel deep in my soul his anguish at her passing, the pain he still carried around even after so many years.

  “So you see, we have both been through very similar situations. I would never be able to make anyone feel like that,” he confesses.

  “I’m glad I told you.” I feel lighter now that I have told him. We sit like that for a few minutes, Ceric nuzzling my neck while I play with his fingers.

  Suddenly, an alarm starts blaring. Ceric tenses, and then he’s jumping out of bed and getting dressed. “Get dressed, Hellcat, but I want you to stay inside the compound,” he orders, a scowl on his face.

  “What’s going on?” I have already jumped off the bed and am now dressing as quickly as possible. Ceric is strapping his weapons in place and making his way to the door.

  “There has been a breach; that’s the only reason the alarm would go off. We are going on lockdown. Be safe.” He strides towards me again, kissing me urgently before he leaves. My heart is racing as I finish dressing and make my way towards the courtyard. Jasmine and Aria are already there, Jasmine holding Orion with a worried look on her face, and Aria stroking her belly.

  “Do you know what’s going on?” I ask as I join them. Aria shakes her head as she sits on the bench. “If Celmund’s in the computer room, maybe he can tell us.” I start making my way there before the women can comment. We are nearly there when Gabriela and Brielle come hurrying towards us.

  “Are you going to the computer room?” Gabriela asks. I simply nod and continue making my way there. As we enter, I see Celmund sitting in front of his screen, scowling and listening to something going on. At our entrance, he turns. When he sees all of us, he groans.

  “Are you coming to give me a hard time?” he asks before he turns back to his screens. We approach, standing behind his chair as we also look at the screens.

  “Bitch,” Jasmine says. “What is she doing back here?” We are all stunned at the vehemence in her tone. Jasmine is not the type to swear or hold grudges, but seeing Katya on the screen has lit a fire in her.

  “Apparently her informant indicated that we have weapons in the compound. She has a search warrant,” Celmund reveals as he continues to listen to what’s going on in the bar.

  “Do we?” Gabriela asks worriedly.

  “Not the ones they are looking for. Don’t worry, everything will be fine.” He presses a button, and the conversation in the bar comes through the speakers instead of his earphones. “Aria, seeing as you’re here, maybe you can hear what they are thinking. Nova, you could maybe persuade them to tell us what we want to know.” At his words, I can feel a smile spread across my face.

  “I can do that,” I say happily. Looking at the cameras, I see all the guys are sitting or standing around at the bar as if they’ve been there the whole day. Katya is standing before Draco, a smirk on her face, five federal agents and six cops behind her.

  “Why are you really here?” Draco is saying. “Because if we were smuggling weapons, you know we wouldn’t be stupid enough to have it here.”

  “I don’t know. You are all cocky enough to think you could get away with it,” she states. “And where are the women and the kid I saw here last time?” She looks around, as if we are going to suddenly appear.

  “I don’t think our women have anything to do with the warrant you have there in your hand, so go ahead, look around and then leave,” Draco growls.

  “Is there a way you can speak to one of them?” I ask.

  “Yeah, why?” Celmund asks with a raised eyebrow.

  “Tell them that I’m going to persuade Katya to answer any questions they may have. When she’s ready, I will let you know.” Celmund smiles and then turns back to his computer and starts talking into a mic.

  “You heard him. Get to it, boys. Let’s find those weapons,” she calls back, and then walks towards the bar where Ceric and Burkhart are sitting. I have never done this before, but after what we did with Jasmine, I’m sure I can persuade her.

  “Have you got her number? If you phoned her, I’m sure I would be able to persuade her like that.” Celmund sends me a naughty smile and then hands me a cell. “I’m dialling,” he warns me.

  I hold it against my ear, waiting for her to answer. I see on the screen her looking down at her phone and frowning, but after a few seconds, she answers.


  “Hello, Katya. You don’t know me, but I know you. I want you to tell . . .”—I stop, looking at Celmund in question. He mouths Draco— “Draco anything he wants to know. I also want you to tell him what you are looking for and why you asked about the women and baby.” I’m about to end the conversation, when Jasmine starts to pat me excitedly on the arm.

  “Tell her to leave Wulf alone,” she whispers. My eyes must have opened wide with my surprise, but then I grin. I hear Celmund choke, and then he’s laughing uproariously.

  “Shh,” Jasmine says as she looks at Celmund. I try to compose myself for my voice to be persuasive.

  “Katya, I want you to try to forget Wulf. Look at other men and have fun,” I persuade her, and then I disconnect the call and look at Jasmine as she stares at the screen. “Persuasions are usually for short-term things, not obsessions like she has. Therefore, this might not work. You know that, don’t you?” I ask, worried that she might be upset if Katya continues to pursue Wulf, but then she grins as she continues to look at the screen.

  Looking over, I see Katya looking around as if confused, and then she walks towards Burkhart and Ceric, who are sitting close to her, and leans in, saying something. From where the camera is, I can’t see Ceric’s face, but I see Burkhart’s look of surprise. “Oh, hell no,” I grumble. “Get me back on the phone, Celmund.”

  “Sorry, sweetheart, can’t do. Already taking a chance phoning her on an FB
I cell phone. I can’t do it twice without them taking notice.” But he has a mischievous smile on his face, obviously holding back laughter.

  “If she even thinks to make a move on Ceric, I will pluck her like a chicken,” I grumble. At that, Celmund can’t hold it in anymore and throws his head back in loud chuckles. The girls are also laughing at what they are seeing.

  “How about you two show me your weapons?” I hear Katya say seductively as she stands between the two of them and strokes her fingers down each of their arms. Ceric stands up so quickly that the high stool falls over as he frowns at her.

  “Good choice, buster,” I grumble, happy that Ceric decided to get away from her.

  “Why so shy? You mustn’t worry. I’ll be gentle,” she states coquettishly with a wink.

  “Katya!” Draco calls from where he’s standing with Wulf. She reluctantly makes her way over towards them, swinging her hips exaggeratedly as she approaches. “Why are you really here?” he asks as soon as she draws closer. The only way we can hear them is because each of the brothers have their earpieces in, which allows two-way communication.

  “They want to know about the women you have here, and if the kid I saw is one of yours,” she states dazedly. Celmund huffs from where he’s sitting, anger enveloping him as he swears quietly. I can see all the guys have tensed at her words.

  “Why are they interested in the women and the child?” Draco asks quietly, so quietly that even from where I’m standing with the other women, my heart races at the threat I can hear in his voice. I see her shrug, and then she says something that none of us were expecting.

  “We are to try to get samples of them for testing; they know they are human, or were,” she divulges.

  “Katya,” one of the agents calls from the door of the bar. She seems startled at her name being called, but then she frowns, shakes her head, and then moves towards the other agent. The guy quietly says something to her and then leaves.


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