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Mastered by Three Panthers [Caves of Correction 4]

Page 11

by Cara Adams

  “No, it isn’t,” Eliot argued.

  Zac stared at his younger brother. He hadn’t seen him approach.

  “Asher, Leo, and Aiden have all mated their women. We haven’t even talked to her about mating yet.”

  “They have? How do you know that?” Zac asked.

  “We have a bit,” Ryder argued.

  Zac grabbed both of his brothers by the arm and pushed them backward. “Let’s take this conversation a bit farther away from the crowd. We need privacy to talk. We can’t leave this discussion hanging.”

  Neither brother resisted him so they both must have agreed with him. Either that or they both were as eager to mate Piper as he was. Zac was sure that was how Ryder felt no matter what he said. Ryder was just being his usual cautious self, refusing to take any steps forward until he’d double checked the route and made sure his brothers were in agreement with him.

  Asher and Leo were the same age as Eliot, but Aiden was two years older. Eliot had accelerated his schooling and ended up two years ahead of kids his own age, so all these men had been his friends for many years. It wasn’t surprising that he’d been talking to them, although mating was usually a private thing until the official ceremony.

  “Who opened the topic of mating?” he asked Eliot.

  “Me. I asked them how they were getting on with their guests, and they were all clearly in love with their woman, just as I am with Piper. The conversation grew from there. All the women were very happy to stay an extra week, and Kenz absolutely hates her job and is already considering what work she might do here. She likes plants, and they might set up some trial beds for our mainland crops.”

  Zac grinned. Trust Eliot to talk about mating his woman along with his other great love horticulture and finding a new worker for his plants.

  Ryder said stubbornly, “I still don’t like the idea of rushing Piper. Everything has moved very fast. A mating is only legal if everyone agrees.”

  “What don’t you agree with?” Zac said, challenging him.

  “I agree with it. I want Piper as much as the rest of you do.”

  “Well in that case, why not talk to her about it? She can’t make a decision until she knows all the facts,” Zac argued.

  “He’s right. Tonight is a party night. Piper is talking to her friends. Likely they’ll tell her about their plans anyway and that will lay the groundwork for us,” Eliot said.

  “It might make her feel we don’t want her though, because all her friends know about it and we haven’t mentioned it to her.” Suddenly Zac was frightened that maybe they’d left the discussion too late. What if she genuinely thought they didn’t want her?

  “She’ll understand it’s not something to be rushed,” Ryder said.

  But Zac still wasn’t convinced. Oh fuck. What if she decides we don’t want her? Maybe we have left everything too late.

  * * * *

  Piper had loved the bonfire, the food, and the time spent with her friends. Aria had told them all about the caves under the Marshall brothers’ house and promised to take them all on a guided tour. They’d all also promised to help Piper set up new plant beds. Kenz was determined to grow strawberries at her new home, and maybe some of the currently fashionable superfoods, and wanted to learn all she could about hydroponic gardening first, so they all decided building the grow beds and finding out about plant nutrition was a good place to start.

  Piper wasn’t surprised that Kenz had decided to stay here. She didn’t like her lying, cheating boss, but Kenz’s hatred of her boss was ten times stronger. Kenz’s manager was one hundred percent asshole. At least Milo was just narcissistic and lazy. Piper could usually deal with him reasonably well. Although staying on the island was a damn appealing idea. Who couldn’t love the thought of sun, sand, and surf all year round? No more snow. No more horrible commutes to the day job, and three men to fuck her brains out every night as a delightful bonus.

  But would the three men want to fuck her and keep her? They’d talked a little about panther traditions, but none of them had hinted that they wanted to mate her. And yet she was certain she meant more to them than just a job for a week. Zac had said he loved her. But perhaps he said that to all the women? No, that wasn’t right. They’d told her she was their first client. Oh, it was all a bit too difficult right now. But staying here was an idea that appealed to her. Apart from people like Claire at work, she certainly wouldn’t miss her old life, especially since her best friends would all be here. But the men were the key point. Did they want to build a relationship with her or was she just a job to them?

  Instead of flashlights, the men brought a lit tree branch from the bonfire to guide them on their path home. Piper wondered if it was a tradition they had from precious bonfires as many people seemed to do it. She liked the idea. It was as if they’d all met together for the barbecue, and were all going home taking the fellowship and sense of community with them. There was nothing like that waiting for her back on the mainland. She sighed. It was no use building up her hopes. She simply had to wait and see if the men talked to her or not, although sex tonight would be good. It’d complete an exciting day.

  Ryder stuck the remains of the tree branch in a metal vase in the kitchen sink, where it could burn itself out in safety, and they all walked into the bedroom.

  They’d spent quite a few hours setting it up. All the old bunk beds had been deconstructed, and the wood piled neatly in the storeroom, ready to be made into growing beds for the crops. Then they’d cleaned the room thoroughly and connected the mattresses together on the floor, using the Velcro strips the lady had given them. It’d taken all four of them to line the mattresses up properly so all the sticky strips were aligned exactly.

  Then they made the bed putting one sheet sideways over the foot of the mattress and tucking it in tightly, then adding more sheets sideways, but the top sheets long ways. They’d followed a similar pattern with the blankets. It wasn’t ideal, but Piper thought the system would work. At least the mattresses wouldn’t slide apart, and without the old beds in the room, it was really quite spacious and delightful.

  “We’ll build a proper base for our bed soon, and one of the women might make us sheets the correct size,” Ryder said.

  “If someone will let me use their sewing machine I could make sheets to fit it. It’s just a matter or sewing some existing sheets together. With three of you I bet there’s a stack of linen in one of the closets that I could use.”

  “I can just see us sleeping on my old Thomas the Tank Engine sheets,” said Eliot.

  “No, no, my Batman ones would be better,” Zac teased her.

  Ryder looked thoughtful. “I’m sure Mom had a sewing machine. I can remember her mending our clothing when we were small.”

  “You’re right. I remember that, too. But maybe it doesn’t work anymore,” Zac said.

  “We’re in the process of cleaning out a lot of old closets and chests of drawers. Likely we’ll find it,” Ryder said.

  Eliot jumped up. “I bet it’s still in their room. One place we haven’t looked yet is the closet there. Come on.”

  Piper followed Eliot, Zac, and Ryder into another room, which was wall to wall plants. She hadn’t been in here before. She hadn’t consciously recognized it as their parents’ former bedroom. The room was a little smaller than the one the three brothers slept in, and like the main room of the house, it was completely filled with rows of crops. She walked past iceberg lettuce, red onions, brown onions, zucchini, and squash, before reaching the tables of cos lettuce blocking the closet door.

  Hastily she moved out of the way as the men lifted the heavy table out into the aisle so Eliot could open the closet door. Even with the wooden table hard against the next one over, the closet door only opened a foot, but Eliot stuck his head in and then wiggled in a little way.

  “Most of this stuff should likely be thrown out as well. Let me try the other door.”

  Almost immediately he grunted. “Aha.”

  There w
as some frantic wiggling, the closet door pushed against the heavy table of crops and Ryder gripped the table, but Piper couldn’t imagine it being knocked over. It was very solid indeed. The men had sweated over shifting it with all the trays of plants on it. Then Eliot backed out of the closet, his shoulders appearing, then his head, and finally his arms holding an elderly sewing machine.

  He took it into their bedroom, sat it on the floor, and plugged it into the electric outlet. Piper crouched on the floor beside him and watched the light come on and Eliot slowly turn the wheel, making the needle move up and down.

  “Likely it will need oiling and a new needle, not to mention thread and such, but we can look for them later. That is, if you meant it when you said you could make us sheets.”

  “Of course I meant it. I could sew some of the blankets together as well. Not the official navy blue Caves of Correction ones, but your own ones.”

  “So does this mean you’ll stay with us?” Eliot asked.

  She looked up into his hopeful gaze and then glanced at Ryder and Zac standing against the wall. Both of them were staring steadily at her. She thought they look hopeful as well.

  “You haven’t asked me to stay yet,” she said softly.

  Ryder rubbed his hand through his hair, looking embarrassed. “I wanted to do this properly, over a really nice meal at the dining table. With Mom’s lace table cloth—”

  “Which we haven’t found yet,” Eliot inserted cheekily.

  “—and Grandma’s crystal wine goblets—”

  “We haven’t found them either, although I think they’re on the top shelf in the kitchen pantry.”

  Eliot was likely still being cheeky although possibly he meant to be helpful.

  “With sweet scented candles in the room and pretty flowers on the table,” Ryder said.

  “After Hurricane Nathan there’re no flowers left on the island,” Eliot added.

  “Shut up, Eliot, this is important,” Zac ordered.

  “What they’re taking way too long to say is that we love you and want to mate you,” Eliot said, serious at last.

  “Did your friends mention anything about mating?” Zac asked.

  Piper smiled remembering some of the things Maddy, Kenz, and Aria had talked about. It’d all sounded deliciously erotic. “It’s for life, but you’d already said that, and you bite me when you come, which sounds very sexy.”

  The three men encircled her, held her hands, and her shoulders. “We love, you, Piper,” Zac said.

  “All of us do.” Ryder stroked her shoulders gently with his big hands.

  “Yes,” Eliot said, looking absolutely serious for the first time she could recall.

  We want you to live here on the island with us forever, not just for a week. We know it’s asking a lot of you, to give up your life on the mainland, but we promise to help you do whatever’s necessary to relocate here, and be happy with us. We’ll love and cherish you always,” Ryder said.

  Pulling apart their bunk beds might have been considered just finding wood to extend their hydroponic garden, but the words they said now made it completely clear that the changes in their house were focused on making room for her, that they were inviting her into the heart of their home and their lives.

  Piper looked into three identical sets of green eyes, her own filled with tears at the beautiful way they’d proposed to her. “We can do the candles, flowers, lace tablecloth, and crystal goblets one day. But I’m saying yes now. I’ll mate you and live here with you. I can’t imagine anywhere I’d rather live and any people I’d rather share my life with than you three.”

  She pulled Ryder’s face to hers and kissed his lips, loving how they were soft and firm simultaneously. Next she turned to Zac kissing his forehead the way he’d done to her that day. Finally she looked into Eliot’s smiling face and rubbed noses with him. He was always teasing, so she could tease right back.

  “We put a lot of effort into making the bed. Do we get to use it now?” Eliot asked.

  “Hell yes.”

  Piper stripped out of her clothes where she stood, but even so the three men were faster than her. Underwear, shirts, and boots littered the floor, but she didn’t care. She wanted these three men, needed them as much as she needed to breathe.

  “I’m ready to start my new life right now.”

  “Good, because I don’t think I could wait even a minute longer,” said Eliot, pulling her down onto the bed.

  “You understand we can’t use condoms to mate?” Ryder asked.

  “Yes that’s fine. You already told me that as panthers, you can’t give me any diseases.”

  Zac had hurried from the room and returned holding the lube. Ah, so they were going to take her in turns. Zac was the one who hadn’t had her ass yet, but it seemed that now he would. She lay on her front, crossing her arms and resting her head on them. Piper was certain she was going to love this part of her life. Never would she have dreamed that three men would be in her world forever—three Doms.

  Ryder crouched by her head, rubbing her shoulders as he’d done a moment ago. She liked his touch. It was firm, yet gentle just like his kiss had been.

  “Normally we would play in the dungeon before mating you, but I can’t wait. In future I’ll be more controlled.”

  “I like that normally you’re very much in control, but it makes tonight extra special that you all want to mate me as much as I want to mate you. You three loving me is the most amazing thing ever. Coming to the Caves of Correction was the best decision I’ve ever made.”

  “Starting the Caves of Correction was the best thing we ever did, otherwise we’d never have found you,” Zac said, rubbing lube around her opening. His fingers were already sliding inside her rosette as he stretched and prepared her back door for his cock.

  “I want this to be very slow and special, but I love you so much I don’t think it can be,” Eliot said and kissed her cheek.

  “Fast and furious suits me fine. I want to be yours.”

  Her heart was pounding, and her pussy was dripping with cream. She wanted to kiss and hug them all, but she couldn’t from this position. Soon she’d be able to touch them, though, and she would have the rest of her life to go slowly, to tease them, and to learn all about BDSM. She was certain there were a lot more toys and experiences they’d show in her in their dungeon.

  Eliot lay on his back and pulled her over his body, sliding his cock deep into her cunt, filling and stretching her to perfection as he pressed soft, delicate kisses to her eyelids, her jawline, and her ears. She giggled with happiness at his silliness, and sighed with lust at the feeling of his cock inside her.

  Then Zac braced himself over her back, pushing his cock at her back door. It took him a while to force his way past the tight muscled entry, and then he was driving himself deeper and deeper inside her until her tissues were stretched wide, and she was filled well beyond full with two cocks.

  Finally Ryder kneed in front of her and she lifted one hand from Eliot’s shoulder to hold his cock at her lips. She licked over the silky-soft head and sucked him into her mouth.

  And then Piper lost all her capacity to think. All three men took charge, pounding into her together so fast she was dazzled at the speed they moved and the force they used. She understood at last how hard they’d worked to be controlled and gentle with her and how very aroused they were now at the thought of mating her. She was incredibly aroused herself, and their wild slamming in and out of her body had her gasping with joy and delight. If sex was always going to be as good as this she’d likely die of pleasure.

  Zac held her hips as he drove his cock in and out of her ass, his body over her back a heavy, hot blanket coated in his sweat. She pressed her hard nipples against Eliot’s taut chest, and he rubbed against her increasing her desire, something she would have considered impossible. Every orgasm these men had given her had been amazing, yet she knew the one building inside her was going to make the previous ones look pale by comparison.

Ryder fed his cock in and out of her mouth. She was so aroused it was all she could do to remember to roll his balls in her hand or stroke his shaft occasionally. Her mind was numb with pleasure, and her body alight with the need to come. Meanwhile the three men maintained their intense pace, always pounding in and out of her in perfect unison. Such pleasure couldn’t last. She’d been on the verge of climaxing almost from the moment their cocks had filled her cunt, her ass, and her mouth.

  Piper groaned with the extreme pleasure and Ryder whispered, “Open the back of your throat. Let me in.”

  She tipped her head back, and Ryder held it in place as she did as he asked and swallowed his cock all the way down. While she did, both Zac and Eliot slammed full force inside her ass and cunt and she cried out as her body convulsed with her climax. Her throat gripped Ryder’s cock as her internal muscles held on to the two cocks deep inside her. Ryder pulled his cock back into her mouth, and she took a deep sucking breath of air only to swallow his cum as Ryder spurted his seed into her mouth. He kissed her forehead and then bit down sharply on her shoulder. There was a slice of pain and then incredible pleasure that made her cunt pulse even harder.

  Eliot’s cum filled her cunt as he came, and then hot seed spurted into her ass. She had a brief moment of joy that they’d all come, and then Zac and Eliot bit her shoulder together one on either side. Once again pleasure raced through her veins, giving her climax more aftershocks. Piper went limp with bliss, but she gripped Eliot’s shoulder and pulled his face to kiss, then tugged Ryder back down to her level so she could kiss him and swiveled her head around for a messy half-missed kiss with Zac.

  “I love you all. Thank you for honoring me with your trust.”

  “Thank you for agreeing to join with us. We’ll always love you, we promise,” Ryder said.

  “Absolutely,” Zac added.

  “Forever.” Eliot claimed her mouth in another mind-numbing kiss.

  She heard her grandma say, “See, dear. I told you everything would work out just fine. I know you’ll always be happy now.”


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