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Ruled By Pain

Page 11

by Sarah Bale

  Ares replied, “Enough talking. Let’s go. I’m ready to feel the sun on my skin.”

  Hermes took me by the arm and said, “We’ll walk through. It’s as simple as that. Just don’t let go.”

  I knew what could happen if I did – I might end up somewhere that I couldn’t be found. Just like in my dreams. I’d woken up more than once after fighting the sensation of being lost. Maybe it had been an omen.

  Ares stepped through the spinning portal first and we followed. It felt like being wrapped in a blanket full of static. It was dark and anytime I turned my head I was shocked by a small zap of electricity. But no matter how much I tried to be still, I couldn’t. It was like my body longed to be freed.

  Hermes led me forward and we came of out of the portal right in front of my old apartment building in Austin. The sun shined down on us and I wanted to bask in the warmth.

  I gasped. “What are we doing here?”

  Hermes pointed to my gown. “As beautiful as you look, you can’t walk around dressed like that. It would draw too much attention.”

  I led them up the stairs. Glancing around to make sure no one was looking, I found the spare key and unlocked the door. When I stepped inside my eyes watered. Everything was the way I’d left it and my perfume lingered on the air. I was home.

  “There’s food in the kitchen or you can watch TV. I’m going to grab some things from my room.”

  I went down the hallway to my room and stopped. My bed was a mess, probably from the dream I’d been having the night I left the surface and entered the Underworld. I made the bed, tossing my decorative pillows on top of the comforter when I stepped on something. The little dress I’d been wearing that night was in a pile on the floor beneath my bare foot. Sighing, I picked it up and tossed it in the hamper. When I did, something fell to the ground.

  I picked it up and froze. It was a note. From Vedah.


  If you’re here, then I can only assume things are happening according to plan. I know they think I am the one to fear, but you should be looking much closer to your home. Someone very near is the one who will make the game-ending move. I should tell you who seeks you out, but that is not my path to take and who am I to spoil all the fun?


  My heart pounded.

  What’s wrong, little flower?

  There’s a note from Vedah in my room. She said whoever we are looking for is close to our home.

  Do the others know?


  Get to them! Right now!

  I ran down the hallway and my husbands jumped from the couch.

  “What is it? Is someone here?” Ares asked, pulling his sword out.

  I showed them the note.

  Hermes said, “I don’t know how she pulled this off. I should have sensed when she did this.”

  Ares replied, “Unless whoever she’s working for left it.”

  My heart pounded in my chest. “Hades said we were the only ones who could come and go in the Underworld.”

  Hermes’ mouth opened and closed. “You’re right. But it wasn’t one of us. I would sense it.”

  “Unless it was you,” Ares spat out.

  I put my hands up between the two of them and pushed them apart.

  “Stop it right now. I know it wasn’t either or you. Or Hades. But that means either Hades was wrong about who could come and go in the Underworld or it means Vedah left the note herself.”

  Ares narrowed his eyes at me. He was angry that I’d stepped between him and a fight. But I didn’t care.

  I patted his cheek and said, “I love you too much, War God, to let you fall back to your old ways.”

  His eyes flickered with surprise.


  He stared at me and said out loud. “That is the first time you said you loved me.”

  I wrapped my arms around his waist and said, “Well, I do, you dummy.”

  He laughed and hugged me tight. Hermes watched us with a grin on his face.

  Ares sighed. “I feel like an original poem is about to be vomited out.”

  Hermes said, “Damn right. God of Gore. Never met a fight he didn’t want to his core. He married the Goddess of Spring and Love. And now he’s softer than a-”

  I laughed. “Hermes, be nice.”

  He grinned and said, “I’m only kidding. It just makes me so happy to see him caring about something other than himself.”

  Ares growled, and it made me hug him tighter. He looked down at me and relaxed.

  “I still need to grab some clothes, but I’m not going in there alone. Come on.”

  I led them to my room and they watched as I packed some clothes and trinkets I wanted to take back with me.

  Ares said, “This space suits you.”

  “It might have, once upon a time, but now I prefer our chambers with our big, comfy bed. Speaking of, hand me that little bag next to my nightstand.”

  Ares picked it up and asked, “What’s this?”

  “My dildo.”

  His eyes widened as he handed it to me.

  I burst out laughing. “I’m joking. Who needs a dildo when she has three Greek Gods at her beck and call?”


  I opened the bag and showed Ares and Hermes the necklace that was inside.

  “It was my mother’s. After my parents were killed my grandparents thought I should have it.” I pointed to the bag. “I want to show the spirits this shade of purple. I always wanted a dress this color, but my grandma couldn’t ever find it.”

  Ares said, “I think I liked the dildo better.”

  “Kinky, are ya? Well, there’s a store down the street we can look at.”

  The thought of taking two Gods to a sex toy store gave me more pleasure than it should.

  “If your blush is any indication, then I say let’s go now.”

  Hermes held up his hands. “We can’t. We need to meet Zeus.”

  “He’s always late. Come on, brother. I can tell by her blush that this store will be worth it.”

  Hermes closed his eyes and was still for a moment. Finally, he said, “You’re right. Zeus is running behind, so we have some free time.”

  I stripped from my gown and put on a denim skirt and a tank-top. It was humid in Austin and I knew I’d been sweating the moment we stepped outside.

  Ares asked, “Is that all you’re going to wear?”

  I nodded.

  “But you didn’t put any undergarments on.”

  I realized he was right. In the Underworld I didn’t feel self-conscious about my lack of clothing in general. Heck, I’d always enjoyed walking around my apartment nude and in the Underworld, I was naked more often than not.

  Ares’ face softened. “I didn’t mean anything bad by my words. I’m just not sure I can handle a bunch of mortal men ogling your breasts.” He ran his finger over my nipple and it hardened. “These are for our eyes only.”

  Hermes nodded, and I sighed.

  “Fine. I’ll put a bra on. But what about you two? You can’t wear your sexy man-skirts.”

  Ares mouth dropped open. “Man-skirts? These are not skirts.”

  I laughed. “Well, whatever they are you can’t wear them out on the streets.”

  Hermes said, “We brought clothes. They should be arriving now.”

  As he finished speaking there was a buzz in the air and two bags appeared on my bed. My husbands stripped down and put on jeans and t-shirts. My mouth watered looking at them. Hermes looked like a model and Ares looked like he belonged on a motorcycle. The only thing missing was my dark Lord. My pussy clenched at the thought.

  Ares pulled me into his arms. “You like seeing us in mortal threads? I’ll have to remember that.”

  I caressed his face. “I like it. A lot.”

  Hermes sighed in annoyance. “For the love of Gods, come on. I’m curious about this store.”

  I took my shirt off and went to my dresser, grabbing a bra. I put it on and then threw my shirt back on.
Ares cupped my breasts and nodded, satisfied.

  “What about my bags?”

  Hermes said, “I’ve already arranged for them to be sent to our chambers.”

  “Let’s go, then.”

  Hermes took me by the hand and Ares walked next to us. The sun was warm, and I could smell oatmeal cookies from the corner bakery. The adult toy store was a block further, so I pointed out little things along the way.

  “I used to go to that bakery every morning. I even waitressed there for a while.” I pointed across the street. “And that store is where I bought all my paint brushes.”

  Hermes said, “We’ll have to make sure you have a studio at the house.”

  “That would be wonderful.”

  He squeezed my hand and leaned down, kissing me.

  “Aubrey? Is that you?”

  I turned as my friend, Mikayla, threw her arms around my neck. Hermes stepped aside, not that Mikayla gave him a choice.

  “Oh my god, we’ve all been so worried about you!” She pulled back and looked at me. “Are you okay? Where have you been? Why haven’t you been returning our calls?”

  I pushed her arms from me and asked, “What are you talking about, Mikayla?”

  “Aubrey, we’ve been trying to get ahold of you for like three months!”

  My heart slammed against my rib cage. Three months? How was that possible?

  I gave a little laugh. “You’re joking, right?”

  “No. I’m not. We filed a missing person’s report on you in May.”

  That was only a few days ago. Wasn’t it?

  Hermes cleared his throat and said, “We’re sorry for scaring you. Aubrey and I have been on our honeymoon.”

  I was so glad he stepped in because I had no idea what to say to Mikayla that wouldn’t sound crazy. Hermes winked at me.

  She shook her head in disbelief. “Honeymoon?”

  I nodded. “Surprise!”

  “But… I didn’t even know you were seeing anyone. We all thought you were a lesbian.”

  Ares laughed from behind me. “She’s most definitely not a lesbian.”

  Mikayla’s eyes went wide. “Hello. What’s your name, handsome?”

  “Taken, darling.”

  I grinned. “This is our bodyguard.”

  Ares raised an eyebrow at me but didn’t correct me.

  Mortals don’t understand multiple partners.

  I’m aware, my sparrow. Just remember you owe me for this.

  I look forward to repaying my debt.

  Mikayla pouted and turned to me. “So, you’re really married? How did you even meet? I mean, you never go out. Ever.”

  Sheesh. Way to make me sound like a huge hermit.

  Hermes jumped in again. “We met at an art show. After a month I knew I couldn’t live without Aubrey, so I proposed. We left in the middle of the night and drove to Vegas to elope.”

  Mikayla sighed. “That’s so romantic.”

  His words were so believable that I wanted to sigh along with my friend.

  He replied, “I thought so. After Vegas, I took the light of my life on her dream honeymoon. We just returned to the States today.”

  “Oh wow. The girls are going to die when they hear this story! Are you two free tonight? Maybe we can all do dinner?”

  I shook my head. “As great as that would be, we are only in town for a few days.”

  Hermes put his arm around my waist. “I plan on spoiling my wife for at least the first year of marriage.”

  “So, you’re rich then?”


  She gave me an innocent look. “Well, it’s a legitimate question.” She tossed her blue hair over her shoulder and asked, “Where are you going next?”


  “Really? Even with all the strange weather they’ve been getting. You’re braver than me.”

  I had no idea what she was talking about.

  Ares saved me from replying by saying. “I hate to break this up, but you two are going to be late if we don’t leave now.”

  I hugged Mikayla. “Tell everyone I’m fine.”

  “I will.” She hugged me back. “Don’t be a stranger.”

  With a wave we went our separate ways. When she was out of earshot I stopped walking.

  “Has it really been three months?”

  Hermes nodded. “Yes. Time moves differently for us than mortals. Sometimes it’s faster, other times it’s slower.”

  Ares put his arm around my shoulder. “It’s been slower because we’ve been getting to know each other.”

  “But three months? I can’t wrap my mind around it.”

  Hermes said, “Time doesn’t matter to us. After a while you won’t notice, either.”

  I wasn’t sure about that but didn’t comment. We walked to the next block and stood in front of the adult toy store. Their sign was simply and rooster and a cat.

  Ares’ lips twitched. “Cock and Pussy. Clever.”

  I laughed and went in first. The woman behind the counter put her magazine down when my husbands followed me.

  “My, you three are stunning. You don’t even look real.”

  Ares smiled, and I swear the woman swooned a little.

  “We’re real, honey, and we’re looking for something fun.”

  Her eyes darted to me and to Hermes. “For the three of you?”

  I said, “Four of us. My other man is at home.”

  “Three men. My, oh, my how I envy you.”

  I smiled. “I’m not complaining.”

  “Is he as handsome as these two?”

  I nodded, and she fanned herself.

  “You’re a smart woman. Most people aren’t open to the idea of poly love.” She waved us over to a table. “What about these?”

  She pointed to a shelf filled with vibrators and dildos.

  Ares said, “Maybe something to tie her up with.”

  The woman led him to a section filled with ropes, shackles, and tape. My stomach tingled just watching him browse. He selected some rope and came over.

  “We’re going to have so much fun with this,” he said into my ear.

  My entire body flushed at his words.

  Hermes asked the woman, “Do you have anything for oral pleasure?”

  Oh. My. Gods. They were going to kill me.

  She nodded and took him to a shelf on the other side of the room. She explained what each item did, and I grew wet with each one.

  Ares said, “Careful, sparrow. This isn’t like the old days. Sex in public is frowned upon.”

  I turned and said, “That might be true, but it doesn’t stop people.” To the woman, I asked, “Excuse me. Do you have a bathroom?”

  Hermes had her so wrapped up that she called over her shoulder, “Through the curtain. First door on the right.”

  I gave Ares a look and went through the curtain. I’d just reached the door when he came up behind me.

  “Such a naughty girl.”

  I pulled him into the tiny bathroom and flipped on the light.

  “Only because the three of you have made me this way. Drop your jeans. Now.”

  He unzipped them and pushed them down his legs. His cock was hard and ready. I started to get on my knees, but he stopped me.

  “Oh no, my sparrow. I’m going to fuck you.”

  He lifted me and sat me on the tiny vanity counter and spread my legs.

  “I’m starting to appreciate the fact you didn’t put panties on,” he said as he ran his finger through my folds. “And you’re wet. Seeing us look at those toys really turned you on, didn’t it?”

  I nodded.

  “Just imagine how hot it’s going to be when we use them on you.” He nipped my earlobe and goosebumps rose on my skin.

  I kissed him and bit his bottom lip. “Good thing you talked me into a bra. Otherwise my nipples would be poking out.”

  He chuckled and pulled my shirt over my head. He freed my breasts from my bra but didn’t take if off.

  “You l
ook so sexy with your skirt around your waist and your tits hanging out like that.”

  I grasped his dick and pumped him. “And you look sexy with your pants around your ankles and your cock as hard a rock.”

  He thrust into my hand and groaned. “We don’t have much time left. Hermes said we should wrap this up. Are you ready? This is going to be rough.”

  I nodded and spread my legs wider. He held onto the countertop and entered me in a single thrust. I gasped when he pulled out and slammed back in. I was so wet that it made a smacking sound. He grunted and pumped in and out so fast that I held onto his shoulders. My nails dug into his back and I moved closer to the edge of the vanity and wrapped my legs around his waist, so he could go deeper.

  He held onto my hip and continued to punish me. But I loved every moment of it. My breasts rubbed against his smooth chest. I moaned. God, this felt so good.

  “Fuck. We have to hurry,” he whispered.

  I reached between our bodies and rubbed my clit. It was enough to make me come, hard and fast. Ares was right behind me and he said my name like a prayer. When he pulled out, our juices dripped onto the floor, much like the first time we’d had sex. But everything felt different now that I loved him, and he loved me.

  “I could take you again,” he said, eyes dark.

  I stood and grabbed a paper towel. “Me, too, but I don’t want to give that nice lady a heart attack.”

  He chuckled. “You’re right. Plus, Hermes said I owe him.”

  We cleaned up and dressed. By the time we slipped through the curtain Hermes and the woman were just finishing.

  She smiled at me. “You have a keeper with this one. He wanted to make sure he knew how to use each item.”

  Hermes’ smile was tight. “You know me- always the prepared one.”

  I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him, letting our tongues dance.

  “Thank you, husband.”

  He replied, “Of course, wife.”

  The woman said, “Would you like to get anything to use with your other man?”

  I nodded and said, “Yes. And I know just the thing.”

  I went to the oils and she followed.

  “This one warms up when you rub it on skin. This one is flavored. And that one is good for anal.”

  “I’ll take these two.” I pointed. “And I’m going to need something fun to wear. Something naughty.”

  She butted my hip with her hip. “You might be my hero. Come on. I just got this in.”


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