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The Earl's Perfect Match

Page 25

by Kimberly Nee

  She nodded. “I do.”

  “It’s Bennett Edward Leighton Markham, Earl of Dunning, Viscount Lorningham, and a few lesser titles that would mean nothing to you.”

  “That’s a mouthful.”

  “That it is.” He squeezed her closer. “But, remember, I didn’t choose it.”

  She rose onto her elbow, letting her right hand splay across his chest, sweeping gently across it. “It is just like another world for me. I only hope I don’t embarrass you.”

  “You have nothing to fear.” He eased his hand around to brush her hair over her left ear, letting his fingers linger along her cheek. “Firstly, I don’t embarrass that easily. Secondly, you couldn’t do it if you tried, because you’re not even remotely the ungraceful lady you seem to think you are. Everyone here has been utterly charmed by you. You are going to do fine.” He smiled. “I only hope that my tedious ways don’t embarrass you when we visit St. Phillippe.”

  “You?” she scoffed, shaking her head. “You’ve nothing to fear, my lord. You’re handsome. Powerful. Titled. The ladies on St. Phillippe will be eating out of your hand and will go mad with trying to figure out how to get closer to you.”

  “So, between us, we should actually be ruling far more than this earldom?” He shifted to ease himself atop her from the waist up, and bent to sweep a kiss over her lips. “I could become accustomed to that.”

  She gazed up into his eyes and smiled. “As could I, but let’s take it one kingdom at a time, shall we?”

  “As you wish. Now, no more words.” He kissed her again, this time more deeply, pulling away just long enough to add, “Unless they are love words.”

  “Love words?” Elena smiled before he could kiss her again. “You mean, quiero sentirte dentro de mi, con un movimiento lento y profundo, mi señor?”

  “I have no idea what you just said,” he growled, “but it sounded erotic.”

  To his surprise, a blush stained her cheeks, a blush that did odd things to his insides. Those odd things grew odder still as she held his gaze and murmured, “I said I want to feel you moving inside me, slow and deep, my lord.”

  He bit back a groan even as he kissed her yet again, whispering, “I do like how that sounds, in any language.”

  She broke the kiss to snuggle against him once more and he couldn’t hold his own sigh as he stroked his hand along her arm, her olive skin such a striking contrast to his paler English skin.

  He loved that, loved that it was exotic and different, just as she was. Before much longer, he’d be able to touch her whenever he liked and to hell with convention. If they were dancing, he would kiss her whenever the mood struck. Let the tongues wag. He didn’t give a damn.

  He leaned over, brushed the hair away from the side of her neck, and swept his lips over the pulse beating in her throat. She let out an airy breath, whispering, “Mmm…that feels so nice…”

  His Elena. He’d have to send word to her father in the West Indies, formally asking for her hand, and he had no clue how long that would take. Months, most likely. He didn’t care to wait months before making her his wife, but if Elena insisted upon it, he would. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for her. If she asked, he could move the heavens and bring her the moon.

  He kissed her again, this time letting his hand skim down over her belly to pull her into tighter contact with him. She felt so good against him, so right. Any space between them was too much as far as he was concerned.

  His Elena.

  She sighed once more, and turned to peer up at him. “What time is it?”

  He squinted at the clock on the mantle, although he didn’t know why. He couldn’t possibly see it in the dark. “I haven’t a clue, but dawn is still far enough off that we don’t have to worry about anyone disturbing us.”

  “Good. I can only imagine the scene that would create.”

  “If you like, I can take out a special license that will allow us to wed without having to post banns.” He slid his hand beneath hers, so their palms touched. Her hand was so soft, her fingers slender and tapering as they threaded with his. “We can go off to Gretna Green in the morning and be married at sunset.”

  “I couldn’t do that. Conn would come after us in a heartbeat. I know he seems very devil-may-care, but he’s fiercely protective when he wants to be.” She slid her forefinger slowly along his, up and then down. “How long would it take, if you post these banns? And what, exactly, are they?”

  He folded his fingers over her hand. “They are statements to the effect that we are to be married and anyone who has just cause why we shouldn’t, should come forth.”

  “No one here knows me well enough to care. But are there any who would come forth for you? I know you’re a sought-after bachelor.”

  “Ah, I was a sought-after bachelor,” he said, giving her hand a squeeze. “And no, there is no reason why anyone should speak out.”

  “Lady Rosamund might.”

  “She won’t. We had no agreement. I hadn’t asked her for her hand. There is no more reason why she should speak out than Huxley should.” Bennett brushed a kiss along her temple. “But tell me, will you be happy living here? So far from your home and family? So far from everything you know.”

  She turned in his arms, facing him. “I haven’t thought about it. But you have to be here, don’t you?”

  A small kink in his gut brought a bit of a sour taste to his mouth. He hadn’t considered Elena might not be happy living in England. Especially if something did happen to him after all. No. He wouldn’t think like that. Everything was going to be just fine. “Yes. I do. When Parliament opens, I have to be here. And then there’s the running of the estate and my other holdings. I have caretakers for my northern holdings, but I still need to be within a reasonable distance should a problem arise.”

  Her face fell. “I see. Of course.”

  “Your family would have an open invitation to Dunning Court. To all of our properties, really. Welcome at any time and welcome to stay as long as they like,” he said, searching her eyes for any sign she found this acceptable. Not that he needed a reason to stare into her eyes. He could spend a lifetime in their golden depths and never grow tired of it. “Especially those with children.” He kissed her forehead. “I think our children should know their cousins and know them well.”

  “Our children?” she asked softly, a hint of a smile behind the words.

  “Loads of them, love. At least one a year.” And with any good fortune, he’d be there to watch them grow up.

  She rolled her eyes. “Perhaps we start a bit slower than that?”

  He eased her onto her back, covering her from the waist up with his body. “So, do you think you would be happy calling Dunning Court home?”

  Her hands grazed along his sides, up his back, and he almost shivered from the sensations rippling through him. To his relief, she smiled. “Will I be Lady Elena?”

  “No, darling, but you would be Lady Dunning.”

  “Would I be Elena Markham or Elena Dunning?”

  “Both. You would be Elena Markham, Countess of Dunning.”

  “And our children?”

  “A daughter would be Lady and whatever first name we chose for her, and any sons would be Lord and whatever first name we chose for him.” He grinned. “See? It’s not really quite so complicated, is it?”

  “Not for you. You were raised with it. But for me? It will never make any sense.”

  “It will in time. If not, you need only ask and I’ll be more than happy to explain it.”

  “You say that now. I’ll wager in about five years or so, you’ll be so sick of explaining that you’ll run screaming from the room at the slightest hint that I might say, ‘Now, how do I address Mrs. So-and-So?’”

  “Never.” His gaze fell to her full, inviting lips, and he leaned forward to brush them with his.

  She melted against him and when he drew away, she whispered, “I don’t want to leave. I want to stay here, just like this.”

ou can’t, darling. I don’t want to ruin you.” He smiled. “At least not anymore than I already have.”

  “I don’t care.”


  “No one will come in until you ring for them. And if someone did come, I could hide beneath the bed. I don’t care.”

  His resolve wavered. There was nothing more in the world he wanted than to drift off with her in his arms and wake with her the same way. But the risk was too great. He didn’t want to create any friction with Conn, didn’t want anything to come between him and Elena being married as soon as possible.

  “I promise you, as soon as we can, we will sleep together.” He smiled. “You know how I mean it.”

  She nodded and sat up, pulling the sheet modestly to her chin. He reached for it, tugging as he said, “Come now, love, no shyness. We still have some night left and I—”

  She allowed him to draw her down into his arms as she whispered, “You what?”

  “I am not finished loving you,” he murmured, tilting her face to his and covering her lips with a gentle kiss.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  The next time Elena opened her eyes, it was dawn and the first rays of pale sunlight slid through the crack of the draperies. Bennett was sound asleep behind her, his arm draped over her waist, his fingertips brushing her belly. She smiled, snuggling down into the thick pillows. It was one of the most comfortable beds she’d ever slept in, and she was in no hurry to leave.

  Unfortunately, it wouldn’t be much longer before the servants started their day, which meant she needed to return to her chambers as soon as possible. The last thing she wanted was to be caught in Bennett’s room. It might push Conn past the limits of his tolerance and then he’d probably pull Bennett’s head right off. Or worse, he might pull off a different body part altogether.

  But as she tried to inch toward the edge of the bed, the hand on her belly halted her, as did Bennett’s sleepy, “Where are you going?”

  “It’s half six, Bennett,” she whispered. “I need to return to my room.”

  “Why?” His voice was thick with sleep, only slightly more audible than hers. “Afraid you’ll have to marry me?”

  “I’d rather not have the servants gossiping about me, if it’s all the same to you.” She peered over her shoulder at him. His eyes were open, but only just, and with his free hand, he rubbed them both at the same time.

  “Let them talk.” He tugged her into him, nestling her bottom against his groin. To her surprise, he stirred, the firmness of his erection poking into the cleft of her backside.

  “This from the same man who wanted to throttle me one hundred and one ways last eve for daring to lock myself in here?” She tried to pull free from his embrace, but his arms were like iron bands clamped around her. Impossible to break and truth be told, she didn’t really wish to be free of him anyway. There was something heady about seeing him throw such caution to the wind. The arrogant, sober-faced Lord Dunning, unable to keep his hands to himself when it came to her.

  “It was one hundred and three, and will go to four if you don’t stop trying to get away from me.” Laughter wove through his words.

  A warm, slightly damp kiss slid over her nape, temporarily melting her resolve. She went limp against him, enjoying the feeling of being totally surrounded by him, by such fierce maleness. There was something heady about it, about the way he kissed gently along her neck, down into her shoulder, about the way his hand tightened on her belly, about his erection that seemed to grow harder still. Knowing he desired her did strange things to her; it made her feel beautiful and sensual, but it also made her feel cherished and loved.

  “But what if someone comes in?” Her words came out far airier than she’d intended, but she couldn’t help it. He was doing some magical things with the tip of his tongue.

  “No one would dare without my permission.”

  “Oh, think so, do you? You were hurt and you’ve a houseful of concerned people. Any one of them might think to come and check on you. Or, worse, Conn might think to do so.”

  His lips went still. “Good point.”

  She shifted in his arms to face him. “There will be plenty of mornings, you know.”

  “Oh, darling, you’ve no idea what sort of giant you’re going to awaken.” He lay back as she slid to the edge of the bed and rose, extremely mindful of the fact that the room was light and she was stark naked before him.

  Heat flooded her as she tugged the sheet to try to hide herself and Bennett groaned. “Dear Lord, Elena… Why on earth would you cover that up?”

  “Because I’m modest,” she told him, scowling as she stared at the floor. Where the deuce had all of her clothes gone? She could’ve sworn he’d just let things drop where she’d stood.

  “Look under the bed. I might have kicked a few things under there.”

  She rolled her eyes and crouched, freezing when someone rapped on the door and Conn called, “My lord, are you awake? Elena’s not in her room.”

  All heat drained from her body and a sour taste practically exploded in her mouth. “I told you this would happen!” she whispered hotly. “It’s like he heard us!”

  “And I told you the same thing last eve,” he retorted, throwing off the blankets to rise and reached for his dressing gown. “Get back in bed and burrow down. I’ll cover for you.”

  She dove beneath the blankets, doing as he said and burrowing to the foot of the bed. It was hot, it was dark, but at least she hopefully just looked like another lump of sheet and blanket.

  “Have you any idea what time it is, Captain?” Elena smiled at the anger in Bennett’s voice. It was difficult to tell if it was real or not, but he certainly sounded furious.

  “I beg your pardon, but I’m more concerned with my sister’s whereabouts this early in the day.”

  “Perhaps she couldn’t sleep and went for a walk. It wouldn’t be the first time she’s done something so impetuous. From what I understand, it’s a regular habit of hers.”

  Elena made a face and then the sound of approaching footsteps had made her heart slam into her ribs. Fortunately, she swallowed her gasp before making a sound.

  “May I help you, Captain?” Bennett’s voice was dry.

  “She’s known for acting before thinking.” Conn’s voice dropped to the growl that meant he’d stand for no nonsense at all.

  Fortunately, Bennett let out a convincing laugh. “Indeed. Just the other morning, I believe she took it upon herself to go for a morning walk and ended up losing a boot in the mud.” He paused. “However, suffice it to say, she probably hasn’t wandered far, considering how much concern she’s shown for me. I expect her to come round to check on me before much longer, to make sure I didn’t succumb to my injuries during the night.”

  Conn sighed. “You’ll have your hands full with her, my lord, I don’t mind warning you now.”

  “Don’t I know it.”

  Elena scowled, but then Bennett added, “But she’s worth every bit of aggravation, as far as I’m concerned. Which reminds me, I understand that you and Miss Chandler have been getting along well these past few days.”

  The door clicked softly shut and their voices faded. Elena emerged from her cocoon, breathless, and wasted no time in locating every last bit of clothing before darting into what she thought—what she hoped—was his lordship’s dressing room.

  She wriggled into her chemise and then stared at the innocent-looking corset on the chair. How on earth was she going to lace it on her own? She debated leaving it there, but thought better of it. It would surely raise his lordship’s valet’s eyebrows, finding a feminine undergarment in the earl’s dressing room.


  She spun around as the door opened, clutching the corset to her chest as if it were some sort of odd lace and silk shield. It slipped from her grasp, but she caught it before it hit the ground, then promptly fired it at Bennett.

  “What the—”

  “I told you— Oh, never mind. Could you h
elp me?”

  He stepped up and passed her the corset. “Of course. And you’re right. I should’ve listened. Just as you should’ve listened to me last evening.”

  She held the corset in place. “And if I had, last evening would never have happened. Now, could you lace me, please?”

  “Fine.” When he finished securing her corset, he helped her into the cumbersome gown and bent to kiss her forehead. “Let me dress and we’ll get you back to your room. I suggested to Conn that you might have gone to check on Loki, so that you could set my mind at ease on that score when I woke. We probably have about ten minutes before he finds no one but Daniel in the stables.”

  Elena couldn’t help but grin. “Quick thinking. I couldn’t have done better myself.” She glanced up at him. “By the by, how are you feeling? You’re moving quite well, considering you were dragged for what seemed like miles yesterday.”

  “I’m a little stiff, but I’ll be fine. You didn’t seem too concerned about it last evening, you know.”

  “I know. It was terribly selfish of me.”

  “It was a pleasant way for a man to take his mind off how much his body hurts.” He smiled and led her out of the dressing room. “If you like, I’ll show you how to get to your room without bumping into anyone.”

  She smiled. The secret passages. A sense of forbidden excitement bubbled up, that delicious feeling of keeping a wicked secret. “How many people know about these?”

  “Not many. Me. Perhaps one or two of the older servants. But they haven’t been used in years. Not since the first Earl of Dunning came into his money by smuggling. He had the house built over what used to serve as the headquarters for his nefarious doings.”

  “A smuggler. That’s almost as exciting as my father having been a pirate. Oh, we have some stories for our children, don’t we?”

  He smiled. “That we do, darling.” He drew her in for a soft kiss. “That we do.”

  With that, Bennett dressed, then crossed to the far wall, where the hearth was, and gestured to one of the two golden candlesticks on the mantle. “Should you ever have need, the one on the left is the one you move.”


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