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Judged By You (Judge Me Series)

Page 15

by Patricia Voois

  I didn’t have to wait too long; they walked out two minutes after I did. We got in the car and headed towards “their dream house”. It was literally around the corner. My house was on acreage, but there back fence backed onto the far corner of our fence. It was a beautiful old house, which had been renovated recently. It contained three large bedrooms, open plan living and dining, large timber kitchen which was the highlight of the house I thought. The bathroom had also been fully renovated, and it hosted a Jacuzzi. When I walked into the bathroom Angel was sitting in the empty tub pretending to sip something, Wine I would have thought. She had the biggest smile on her face; she would be in heaven here. I went into the master bedroom which also came off the bathroom and the first thing I noticed was pole from the roof and secured into the ground. A stripper pole? I walked out of that room as fast as I could, I didn’t want those images in my mind.

  Over all, the entire house was beautiful. I can see why they liked it so much; I had to admit I would buy something like it, minus the stripper pole of course. The agent talked about the history of the house, and all the renovations that had taken place. I couldn’t actually remember what the house looked like before as I barely had a reason to go this route to places. I wanted to ask how much the house was on the market for but decided against it.

  “Do you like it?” Derek said, basically marching on the spot

  “It’s very likeable, very…… Angel in some areas.” I couldn’t help but smirk at Derek. He returned my smile and knew what I meant by that.

  Derek spoke to the agent, and they arranged to finalise paper work tomorrow morning. By the time, we got pulled up at home it was almost five thirty, and I hoped Nicole was home because I was hungry. All I had eaten today was those muffins that I bought on the way home from Damon’s. Which reminded me, I hadn’t heard from him. I shrugged and grabbed a bag of groceries out of the back. Derek took it off me and headed inside with angel while I checked the mail. More bills That is what I always got. Stephen had a few letters, one from the bank, one from a collection agency, and one that was not marked as to who it was from. I put them in my bag and headed towards the house. As I reached the steps and ascended them I heard laughter, a lot of laughter. …I wonder who else has joined us. I briefly thought Stan would be here. I opened the door to see Nicole, Derek, Angel and Damon standing around the kitchen bench. Damon was here?

  Nicole came straight to me and wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into a hug.

  “Dinner will be ready in twenty.” She said as she released me.

  I nodded and walked to the counter to join everyone else. Damon wrapped an over my shoulder and kissed the top of my head.

  “I hope you don’t mind me intruding on your dinner.” Damon said.

  “Not at all, you’re more than welcome anytime.” Nicole spoke before I had a chance to say anything.

  “Its fine, I’m glad you’re here.” I turned to him and kissed his jaw.

  Angel handed Nicole, and I a glass of wine, and Derek got a beer for Damon. Nicole looked at me with a what-do-I-do look, and I shrugged. I had no idea, I did mouth tell them to her, but she shook her head and walked over to stir dinner. The boys started talking about fishing and I stepped away from the conversation, and headed towards Nicole to help with dinner. I noticed the boys heading towards the front door and looked over to see Damon looking back at me; he winked and followed Derek to the porch.

  “Did you invite Damon?” I asked Nicole when they were outside.

  “He turned up looking for you, so I asked him if he wanted to stay for dinner.” Nicole said handing me her glass of wine, and indicating for me to hurry up and drink it for her. I drank her glass of wine in three gulps than handed her empty glass back to her. I gripped the bench to allow the wine settle in my system.

  “I thought while he was here you could talk to him Savannah.”

  “No way, you are not doing the whole match maker thing Nicole.” I gave her my best I’m-not-impressed-look. But she just smiled. Great……..

  Angel came into the kitchen and topped up mine and Nicole’s glass, than grabbed two more beers out of the fridge for Derek and Damon. Angel preferred to hang with the guys. Her flirting only worked on men……. Well maybe. I set them table and helped Nicole with the last of the preparations for dinner. I placed the apple pie in the oven for dessert and hid in the panty to drink Nicole’s glass of wine. I’d had four glasses in half an hour, and I was feeling it in my extremities.

  Nicole laughed when I tripped over my feet and landed on my arse with a thud. Derek and Damon came in the door at that, and Derek of course burst out laughing intensely loudly. Damon was a gentleman but had a smirk on his face when he helped me to my feet.

  “You aren’t laughing at me are you?” I said to Damon in a slur.

  “You’re slurring your words Savannah.” Damon said kissing me briefly of the lips.

  I laughed and straightened up my shirt. Nicole handed me another glass and wine and winked. That bitch winked at me. I took it and headed towards the table; Damon placed his hand on my lower back and pulled out my chair once we were at the table.

  “This looks divine Nicole.” Damon said.

  “Smells better than it looks.” Derek said with a look like he’d eaten something sour.

  “Shut up. Like you ever cook Derek.” Nicole returned.

  “When we move around the corner you can come over for my fantastic cooking”. Derek added with a nudge to Nicole’s ribs.

  “Around the corner?” Nicole suddenly straightened.

  “We are buying the house around the corner. Got the extra money we needed for the deposit today.”

  “Who gave you that?” Nicole said looking at Angel with a suspicious look.

  Derek and angel picked up their forks and started eating. I put my head down and picked up my fork as well. I hadn’t told Nicole that I gave them money yet, and I to tell the truth, I wasn’t looking forward to the lecture. She knows I don’t spend my inheritance and save my pay check, which I haven’t had a pay check for a few weeks now.

  “Are you hiding something?” Damon whispered in my ear. Then kissed my cheek.

  “I gave them the money Nicole.” I reached for my wine.

  “You are a champion at saving Savannah, I envy you.” Nicole replied stuffing her face.

  Well that went better than I thought. But I had hadn’t explained in detail about the money, I would but just not tonight. And she had no idea how much money I gave so that kind of helped the situation. We exchanged small talk around the table during dinner, you know, about the weather and gossip about people we know. Derek mentioned one of Stephen’s ex-girlfriend’s just had twins. I remembered her name but can’t place her face. I didn’t like Stephen’s girlfriends; they were trashy, worse than Angel.

  Vanessa, his last ex girlfriend used to walk around the house naked, no matter who was here she was just walk out with nothing on. And when he went to jail she continued to come over and sleep in his bed, Derek had politely told her, not to come around anymore.

  “Well I have some news.” Nicole piped up.

  Everyone looked at Nicole. She gave me a do-you-think-I-should-tell look, I nodded. I believed it would help her come to turns with her pregnancy.

  “I’m having a baby.” She Blurted out.

  “Oh my goodness.” Angel jumped up and ran to Nicole hugging her.

  “Congratulations Nicole.” Damon said.

  “That’s going to be one spoilt baby.” Derek said, getting up from his chair to stand behind Angel.

  Angel still had not let Nicole go. Derek tapped her shoulder and angel finally released her.

  “I want a baby.” Angel said giving Derek puppy dog eyes.

  I was attempting to swallow my wine when she spoke and almost spat it all over the table. Damon patted my back and shook his head with a smile. I turned to look at Derek, and he looked pale and frozen in place. Nicole and I couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

What’s so funny.” Angel said.

  I continued to laugh along with Nicole; I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. I saw Damon shrug and stand to start clearing plates. I would have helped, but I was too unstable. I had another two glasses of wine whist having dinner. Derek hugged Nicole, but at a distance, I think he thought he was going to break her in some way. I wiped the tears from my eyes and grabbed the wine bottle that was sitting in the middle of the table; I poured myself another glass and yelled to angel to grab another bottle out of the fridge because we were out.

  “I better not drink anymore if you’re going to continue to drink,” Derek said with a smile. “We know what happened last time you drank wine.”

  “What happened?” Damon asked, taking a seat beside me.

  “Savannah broke her ankle and refused to go in the ambulance. Stephen and I had to drag her drunken arse to the hospital along with six buckets. She hurled everywhere.” Derek said laughing. Nicole also joined in at remembering that night. I cringed. That night was horrible.

  “I had a hangover for days, and they couldn’t give me anything strong enough for the pain because I was so drunk.” I scrunched my face up in remembrance.

  “I will make sure your safe.” Damon said squeezing my hand under the table. I mouthed thank you to him.

  Conversation started again in no time. Mostly angel asking Nicole about baby names, and asking questions about birth. Angel shared her “my friend told me” stories and the look on Nicole’s face was priceless. It was almost like Nicole just remembered she has to bring a child into the world via her vagina. Derek and Damon turned into the kitchen bitches and served dessert. Damon placed mine in front of me, and I pushed it away. I was not eating anymore, I did not want to vomit in the morning, and I felt if I ate that I would most defiantly have my head stuck in the bowel.

  I excused myself from the table while everyone else ate, I passed my apple pie and ice-cream to Nicole, she was more than willing to eat it.

  “Are you okay?” Damon asked, standing the same time as me.

  “Yes, just got to use the bathroom.”

  “You’re going to puke aren’t you?” Derek said laughing. He stopped when angel elbowed him in the ribs.

  “No, I’m not.” I said a little harsher than expected.

  Everybody started laughing as I walked …. No, stumbled away. I was grateful when I made it to the bathroom; I did my business than sat on the floor. The floor seemed the better spot since whilst I was on the toilet I felt like I was falling off. I started laughing, I had no idea why……, but It was full blown laughter. I have no idea how long I laughed for, but it finally stopped. I gathered the energy to get up off the floor; I looked at myself in the mirror I defiantly looked drunk. My skin was pale, I had black rings around my eyes, but my reflection was a bit blurry. I needed another drink. I headed back into the dining room were Derek and angel sat talking. No arguing about children.

  “I don’t want kids just yet.” Derek all but shouted.

  “Please just one now. We can have another one later.” Angel tried to reason with Derek.

  “No, the answer is no, Angel.” Derek crossed his arms over his chest. This typically meant discussion over.

  “Have it your way.” Angel said, and stormed off the way I came… to the bathroom.

  “You’re so mean Derek…. She wants babies.” I said starting to laugh again. He gave me a look that could kill before standing and following angel calling her name. I heard the bathroom door slam and more shouting.

  I couldn’t see Nicole or Damon anywhere. I walked into the kitchen and got a glass of water; I drank it and refilled the glass. I heard Nicole’s contagious laughter, and knew then that they would be sitting outside. I headed towards the porch, but the couch looked a lot more advertising, so I took a seat. Sleep… that’s what I needed.

  Chapter 8

  My head hurt. Why did my head hurt? Last night’s dinner came to mind and I remembered drinking a few too many glasses of wine. My stomach churned, this was not going to end well. I wanted to open my eyes but couldn’t bring myself to do it, I knew as soon as I did I was going to regret it. But I did anyway. My familiar surroundings came into view, my duchess, computer table, and photos of my family hanging on the walls in old wooden frames. The house seemed quiet, I tried to piece the last memories of last night together………….

  In the distance, I heard laughing, Nicole’s laugh. She had this laugh that made you laugh kind of sounded like a seal dying……, but it was darned cute and funny as hell. I slowly sat on the side of the bed hanging my feet over the edge, I eyes hurt, and my stomach did not agree with me. I needed coffee, and a shower. I stood and almost fell, I had to reach out and grab onto my cupboard to steady myself, I am never drinking again I repeated in my mind. Once I felt stable enough, I headed to the bathroom. The laughing grew louder as everyone came into view, Derek, Angel, Nicole, Damon…. Shit….. Damon was still here? They were all sitting around the table with mugs in their hands, and they all looked every much awake, I wondered what time it was.

  “Good morning sleepy head.” Derek all but shouted.

  “You look sick.” Nicole said laughing.

  “She does not.” Angel said with a grin.

  Damon just smiled his devilishly handsome smile. I couldn’t even deliver one; I was going to be sick. My hand went straight to my mouth, and my legs moved a little faster. I just made it to the bathroom and got the toilet lid up before I vomited. This why I hated drinking, vomiting was the worst thing ever, that feeling that your stomach was trying to make it's way out of your mouth was something that I tried to avoid at every cost. I don’t know how Nicole could stand to be pregnant, morning sickness looked horrible, even though one day I would like to have children seeing her like that actually turned me off.

  Since the content of my stomach was empty, I got up off the floor and turned on the shower. The feel of water on my body was magnificent, beautiful and hot. I considered sinking to the ground, but decided that I shouldn’t. Because if I did, I wasn’t sure If would get out of the shower today. And today was Sunday, I had to go and see Stephen. And Stephen would get a good laugh out of seeing me like this I knew it.

  I washed as fast as I could and got out. I forgot my clothes, which meant, I had to find the biggest towel to wrap around my body. I opened the door and kept my head down as I walked past the table, conversation came to a holt as soon as I walked through and I felt every pair of eyes burning into me, but I didn’t look up I just kept heading for the bedroom.

  Jeans and a singlet seemed the most comfortable option to me, I couldn’t be bothered dressing up today. I pulled my hair into a neat bun and slipped on my flat strappy shoes. It was good enough for me, I had no one to impress. I headed back down stairs to join the over noisy guests. Damon was standing in the kitchen by the coffee machine having a conversation with Derek when I strolled in. Damon was wearing different clothes; maybe he didn’t stay after all.

  “You passed out last night Sav! Reminds me of that night we got hammered on Tequila.” Derek stated laughing. I remembered that night, but I tried so hard to ignore.

  “That’s why I hate drinking with you Derek. I made sure this morning that I didn’t have a dick drawn on my face.” I snarled at him.

  Derek stopped laughing; maybe he remembered how I handled that situation. It wasn’t my finest hour, but pay backs a bitch.

  “Good morning.” Damon came to me wrapping his arms around my waist. I threw my arms around his neck, leaning in to kiss him. His lips were soft, and gentle, his touch was warming.

  “Morning.” I whispered as I pulled back to look at his perfect face.

  “Coffee’s hot.” Nicole called from behind me.

  I turned to see her sitting on the chair with one hand on her cup and the other gently rubbing her slightly swollen bump. She winked at me, and I smiled. She was glowing and beautiful as always. I turned back to Damon who still had his arms around my waist “what are your plans to
day?” I asked.

  “I have a stack of paperwork to take care of, and a suit fitting for the ball on Wednesday night.” He said kissing the corner of my mouth.

  “Oh.” I felt a little disappointed.

  “Here’s your coffee.” Derek said handing me a cup.

  I stepped back, and Damon let me go. Taking the cup from Derek, I took a sip. It was just what I needed. I grabbed Damon’s free hand and walked to the table to join Angel and Nicole, they were talking about a mutual friend who was getting married next weekend. I remembered that Stan was the best man to the event.

  “Have you found a dress yet Nic?” I asked.

  “I don’t think I will go.” Nicole said in a quiet voice. I thought maybe I didn’t hear her right.

  “You’re not going?”

  “I don’t know, I don’t actually want to anymore.” She said in a semi harsh manner. I didn’t want to argue with her, but I couldn’t leave it alone.

  She and Stan hadn’t been seeing much of each other lately, and I wondered what was going on. Nicole didn’t actually talk about him like she used to which is unusual, they were going to be parents soon.

  “Why don’t you want to go? I mean, Stan is the best man and he’s your boyfriend.” I looked for some sort of reaction in her face. But she all she did was shrug and get up from the table. Without another word, Nicole walked to the kitchen.

  I turned to Angel for answers; she looked towards Derek who was taking a seat at the table to join us. I shook my head and looked at Damon; he also looked away from me. What did I miss? I opened my mouth to speak, but a knock on the door halted my thoughts.


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