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Forever Wild: A Camden Ranch Novel

Page 15

by Jillian Neal

  She trembled against his force and his girth. How could she have forgotten how massive he was when he was aroused? He groaned out his approval. “It’s right there isn’t it, sugar? Jesus Christ, I feel it coming. Come on my cock, Indie. Come hard for me, baby. Screaming my name. Let me feel those sweet pussy muscles squeezing around me.”

  His heat and the satin steel of his cock felt like nothing she could ever have fathomed. Nothing would ever feel this amazing. No one could ever make her feel this desired. No one but him.

  “Luke,” groaned from her as she collapsed against the mattress. Fevered heat and pure, unadulterated satisfaction radiated from the top of her scalp to the tips of her toes. She shook with release as she came in rapid pulses that quaked throughout her body.

  He seized, and she panicked when it finally occurred to her one of the reasons it felt so insanely good. “Luke, the condom,” she managed in a breathless gasp.

  “I didn’t want to wear a condom. I wanted to do this.” He jerked out of her pussy and with one stroke of his hand came in hot splashes all over her ass. An involuntary moan spilled from her lips. “All mine,” he growled.

  For a moment he slumped over her, but before she quite knew what had happened, he’d located a hand towel that must’ve been on the floor and cleaned her up.

  If any other man had unloaded all over her, she probably would have beaten the shit out of them. For some reason that thought continually played on the fringes of her consciousness, but she refused to accept it. She longed for him to mark her in every possible way. She needed to be owned, wanted desperately to fulfill his every dominating desire, but only because it was Luke.

  Rolling over when he’d rid her of most of his cum, she stared up at him. A hint of fear played in the unquenched thirst in his eyes. He chased his breath. Her eyes tracked rivulets of sweat streaming from his temple to his collarbone. She longed to lick it away, to taste his salty musk.

  “You okay? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to lose control like that,” he managed in a pained whisper. Shame radiated from every chiseled plane of his body. Since she’d loved every minute of it, she needed to rid him of any guilt as soon as possible.

  “I’m much better than okay, and don’t you dare apologize. I sure as hell hope you aren’t done, cowboy. I need more of you just like that. Let me see more of this side you’d never show anyone else. I’m a very willing participant, Luke. Stop beating yourself up and show me what else you had in mind.”

  He closed his eyes and worked his jaw frantically. Indie studied him. Was he attempting to summon more calm, more control over himself so he could attempt to recreate the way they’d had sex for the last fifteen years? She rolled her eyes as she assumed that was precisely what he was doing.

  “Don’t,” she ordered.

  When he opened his eyes, they were the precise shade of a scalding blue flame, and she intended to stoke the fire.

  “Don’t what?”

  “Don’t try to stop yourself from taking whatever you want. I want to do it. Say it, whatever it is, Luke. This is me. This is us. Show me the part you’ve kept hidden for way too damn long.”

  His pecs tensed and a harsh swallow contracted his neck. He was still on his knees over her. Sitting up, she ran her hands down his chest, stopping to spin her index fingers over the disks of his nipples. He loved that. She knew. A staccato series of grunts sounded from him. His jaw flexed again, but he wouldn’t give in. With a smirk, she leaned and spun her tongue around the sensitive flesh. When she nipped at the stiff solid tip of his nipples, a low greedy growl tore from his lungs. His hands clasped around her waist.

  “I’m going to keep kissing you and sucking from here,” she let her fingernails scrape down his chest, “to here,” parting her fingers at his half-flaccid cock, ignoring it altogether, she ran them down his thighs. “And I’m not gonna touch anything else until you tell me exactly what you really wish I would do. Pretty sure you already know I’m damned stubborn when I need to be.”

  His body jerked, just as voracious for more as she was. Certain Luke Camden was the only man she’d ever have to encourage to get his mind out of his head and into his briefs, she continued to taunt him with suckling kisses and the gentle scrape of her fingernails.

  His dark penetrating gaze never left her eyes. His breaths came in quickening pants.

  “Tell me.”

  “Fucking hell, woman,” he groaned when she neared his package with her kisses but refused it any attention.

  “I’m still waiting.”

  “Fine. Dammit you wanna know what I want? I’ll sure as hell show you, but if this isn’t the version of me you need .…”

  “It is. It always has been. Pretty sure I’ve made that more than clear.”

  His fingers laced through her hair with more force than she quite expected. The slight pull amped the arousal blistering through her veins. He pushed her head lower. “Suck me. Taste your juices off of my cock. Taste how good we are together, and let me hear how much you’re enjoying it.”

  Delighted she’d won again, she’d drawn the beast out of the man, she moaned as she ran her tongue up and down his stiffening cock.

  “I said suck me.” His order was demanding and graveled. If she hadn’t been able to feel the slight rubbed sensation between her thighs from round one, she would have been certain she was caught up in one of her fantasies of him and had lost all comprehension of reality.

  The scent of their releases mixed together and the tang of his sweat saturated her senses. She longed to give him more, and the command to do so tapped into the well of wild she would always require.

  Drawing him fully into her mouth, since he was still recovering from his first orgasm, she sucked with fervor, loving the way he lengthened and filled her mouth. The heady sensation of power consumed her once again.

  Keeping his hand in her hair, he thrust his hips, pushing more of his cock in her mouth and groaning out his pleasure. When she could no longer contain him in her mouth she focused on the crown, spinning her tongue around his head as she sucked and letting her hungry moans vibrate down his shaft.

  Guiding her head with his hand, he drew himself out of her mouth. Pouting at that, she stared at the blazing fire she’d ignited in his eyes waiting to see what might be coming next.

  “Suck my balls. Open wide and get me wet.”

  Another moan of approval rang from her lips as she lowered her head once again. Now they were getting somewhere. His groans turned to rasping growls as she complied, drawing on his sac with gentle suckles and teasing licks. His intoxicating scent was more potent here. She indulged herself with his flavors, flattening her tongue to absorb while she sucked. His body swayed above her.

  “Enough,” he grunted. “Clean that up.” He pointed to the beads of pre-cum now coating the tip of his cock. Spinning her tongue over him she sucked away the salty essence. Tipping her chin upwards a moment later, she stared into the raging fire in his eyes. He grasped her hands, hoisted her up on her knees, and crushed his lips to hers in a brutal showing of male possession. His tongue dove between her lips, stealing her breath and tangling with her own. The raw abandon consumed her like a drug.

  “Lord almighty, I love the taste of me in your mouth. I love the taste of me everywhere. Lay back and spread your legs. I want more.”

  Easing back on the mattress, Indie panted in anticipation as Luke settled between her legs, using the broad width of his shoulders to brace them apart. The slow, sinuous glide of his tongue up her slit made her writhe wildly, desperate for more.

  His rope-roughened hands clamped around her waist and pinned her to the mattress with force. “Be still, sugar. Let me enjoy you. I dream about how sweet you taste. I’ll never get enough.” Somehow, the pressure and strength of his hands keeping her anchored to the mattress juxtaposed with the tender caresses of his tongue freed her soul. She’d never felt more desired, more fulfilled, more accepted, or more loved. His willingness to show her a side of himself she’d never kn
own existed added another dimensionality to their entire past.

  Another slow back-and-forth rasp of his tongue from her ass along the curve of her body up to her clit had her considering their future. When he finally honed in on her clitoris with a thorough bath from his velvet tongue and began to suckle gently, she lost all ability to contemplate anything beyond how insanely good that felt.

  He nuzzled his face against her inner thigh as he gently opened her lips with his thumbs. The abrasion of his stubbled beard mixed with the thorough care of his tongue sent another rush of wetness down her slit. A low growl of approval reverberated against her tissues, making her long to move. Giving in, she began to grind her pussy in his face.

  “I said be still, sugar.” Tension tightened and then frayed his vocal cords. Impatience flashed in his eyes.

  “I don’t want to be still. I want to be fucked,” she defied. “What are you gonna do about it?”

  The hot sting of his massive right hand smacking the side of her ass jolted through her body. “Oh, yes,” she panted. One single cell of her brain wondered if she should be ashamed that she’d nearly come with the strike of his hand and that she desperately craved more. That one brain cell shut up quickly, however, when he gorged himself on the juices her body readily supplied.

  His tongue speared deep between her slit. Another strike of his hand accompanied him sucking at her clit, and she came again with a choked gasp of his name. Euphoria sated her as she trembled against the mattress, riding the aftershocks of the orgasm he’d orchestrated perfectly.

  “Like that don’t you, doll baby? You like just a little pain with your pleasure. Made you so fucking wet for me. Made you come for me, didn’t it? Not a damn thing wrong with that, so stop gnawing on that lip. I ain’t finished yet.”

  Still lost in a post-orgasmic sea of bliss and confusion, she hadn’t realized she was chewing on her bottom lip. Deciding to just believe that he was right, there was nothing wrong with it, she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply in the scent of his musk and his heat.

  She heard the condom wrapper tear, and a moment later he surged inside of her. Covering her body with his own, he became her sheltering harbor, shielding her from everything that had no business being in her mind when she was safe in his arms. Accepting her and somehow bringing her every fantasy to life.

  “Look at me, Indie,” he whispered as he gently eased back and then took her with another slow thrust.

  Her eyes blinked open, and she stared into the exhilaration and love that darkened his from ice blue to indigo.

  “So, damn beautiful. My sweet baby. I’ve got you.” Another thrust so thorough she shook with his tender care. “I know what you need, sugar. I know how to take care of you. Please, just trust me. I love you.” His words melted into a low groan of pleasure on his next pass.

  “I do trust you.” She rocked against him, losing herself in the thrumming sounds of his voice and their slick heat connecting deep inside of her.

  Lowering his head, he took her lips with the same decadent greed his cock was currently using to possess her pussy. Slow and steady, he built her again. She seized around him, swollen so tight he could barely move. Her body flexed, constantly begging to be filled.

  “Sweet Jesus, you feel good.” He forced one more thrust and they both lost it all. The ecstasy that always came from being in his arms washed over her like a healing balm. She collapsed as the waves overtook her, and he wrapped her up in his arms as he filled the condom with another potent round of semen.

  Unable to guard her own thoughts, he’d removed every armament she’d always clung to. In that moment she wished he’d left the condom off again. She wanted his heat fully inside of her.

  When he eased away and disposed of the condom, she managed to shut that thought down. She’d think about it later. Back in Oklahoma City, alone in her apartment, when she was reviewing the past two weeks and adding them to the lengthy list of fantasies she had of him. She’d think about it then.

  Turning off the lamps in the room, he drew her up onto his chest and cradled her against him. He brushed a kiss on her head, against her dampened hair. “I didn’t mean to be so rough with you the first time back. God, the things you do to me, sugar. I lose it all. You can yell at me if you want.”

  Indie smiled against his chest. Her blinks extended in length as he rubbed his right hand over her ass, tending the sting that was already almost gone.

  “I don’t want to yell at you,” she yawned.

  Chuckling, he traced his hand up from her ass and tilted her head until she was staring at him in the moonlit room. “You sure? You always want to yell at me.”

  “I told you, this is precisely what I want. I love that you finally showed me this side of yourself. Makes me a little upset you kept it from me all of these years, actually. I guess I could yell at you about that if it’d make you feel better. I’d rather hear about where that’s been all of these years, though.”

  Luke stared down at the only thing he’d ever really wanted in his entire life. In that moment he knew he’d give up everything for her. What he didn’t know was how to explain that it had taken him a few years after college to be able to analyze their somewhat bizarre fuck buddy relationship and to understand that what she craved was that feeling of being out of control.

  She’d always had that need, a wild child from the very beginning. The image permanently branded in his mind of her pure glee as his truck spun recklessly over mud in the spring and ice in the winter flared against his skull. Right up until the moment the CV joint snapped, she’d been completely out of control and happier than he’d ever seen her. He was driving. She could do nothing but hang on to him as they rode, and she trusted him and no one else. He could still hear her begging for more. That feeling was what he had to recreate for her constantly for the next two weeks. This time he wouldn’t let her down.

  She’d loved every demand he’d made every time they’d shared anything sexual for the last two days. She desperately needed him to restore her wild soul by taking away her stubborn determination to do everything her own way. The complexities of that hadn’t cemented in his mind until he was nearing 30. It was then he’d finally allowed himself to picture her as the star of his most carnal fantasies.

  He’d been an idiotic college freshman when he’d pushed her away by all but insisting she marry him. In the long list of regrets he had over Indie, that was right at the very top. He should have given her some space and some time to process everything that had happened. He should have stayed in the Glen with her instead of dragging her to Lincoln with him. He should have sat her down and just listened as she talked through everything. And if running away was the only thing that would’ve helped her heal, then he should have run away with her.

  “What we just shared, I can’t give you twice a year when you show up at my house after midnight, sugar. That just isn’t how this works. Trust and passion like that, they don’t come from a one-night stand. They come from a relationship. I’m not gonna paddle your sweet sexy ass if I don’t get to be the one that rubs and kisses it until it feels better afterwards. Also not gonna leave rope marks on you if I don’t get to tend them ‘til they don’t hurt any more. You understand that, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, I get it.” She didn’t sound overly thrilled with that explanation however. “Rope marks, huh?”

  “Only if you want to try that.” Thankful for the cover of darkness as it provided a safe haven for her deepest desires, he pretended not to notice the fevered embarrassment he could feel against his chest.

  With a quick clench of her jaw, her determination came back to her in full force. Luke grinned. He knew it would if he gave her just a minute.

  “I ain’t had anything but sissy city-boys making plays for me for the last decade, except when I came home to you. Now you’re laying here after the best sex we’ve ever had telling me you’re gonna tie me up and give me more of that. I’m not sure my body can take it. I may die of happiness. Not too sure I
like the sound of ropes though. Isn’t there something else we could use?”

  Luke forced a half-chuckled grunt. The thought of her with any other man made fury erupt in his soul. “I just came up with at least five things that ain’t ropes and I’m beat. We’ll do whatever you want, but I ain’t ever gonna fuck you like a pretty city-boy, Indie Jane. That sure as hell ain’t me. I don’t do anything half way. You know that. Every time I take you to bed I’ll make damn sure you understand who you belong to, and I’ll show you precisely what your gorgeous body was made for. From the most mundane to the raunchiest things you might want to try, I plan to explore every single one of your fantasies in-depth and repeatedly. I’ll tell you this, too, there won’t be any more pansy-ass pussies after my girl. Mine. You got that?”

  No answer. Moonlight glinted in her eyes revealing her desire to agree, however.

  “I know what you need, and I’ll give it to you when I want you to have it. Think I just proved I’ll also take whatever the hell I want, too. And I’m assuming everything you just said means you’d like to be tied to my bed while I drive you wild out of your mind. You just don’t want anything that leaves marks. That is what you’re saying, right?”

  “Hell, yeah, cowboy. How many times do I need to repeat myself?”

  “I won’t ask again. I’ll just start takin’.”


  Unable to help himself, he kissed the sides of her impish grin and then centered his lips over hers and sank his tongue inside her mouth with a slow sinful glide. His hands traced gently along her back and down to her ass. Keeping her in the protective sanctuary of his body he lingered in the kiss, never wanting it to end.

  When she pulled away with a panted breath, he trailed his tongue down her neck and left another love bite near her collarbone, smaller than the other but every bit as dogged.


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