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Page 13

by Laura Marie Henion

"Lauren, Jesus! What's wrong with you? Talk to me.” Tom held her by her shoulders. She pulled away.

  "I'm not liking the feeling I have right now, Tom, I want this guy, badly. Let's wrap things up here, and hope for some quick results from the lab."

  Tom watched her for a long, uncomfortable moment. “I know you, Lauren. You're closing up, and I know now is not the time to make you talk.” He glanced around them. Lauren followed his line of sight.

  Everyone appeared to be doing their jobs. Crime scene technicians continued to search and collect evidence. Civilians were kept at bay, to prevent gawking and contaminating possible evidence. Eddie and the local detectives spoke to one another in a group, writing notes on their notepads, as more technicians worked on the area where Lauren found the locket.

  "You're a great detective, and we'll discuss this later. Got it.” He looked at her very seriously, and she nodded ‘yes.'

  "We should head back to the Ridgeburgh P.D. and wait on the results of the tire marks. Bruce put in a call to the lab. They understand the intensity of this case, so we should have results within a couple of days, if we're lucky."

  "Good. Let's see how the officers did questioning everyone in the building and the surrounding area.” She hoped she sounded confident, instead of dazed, like she still felt.

  She and Tom walked toward the front of the building, where camera crews and reporters questioned the local residents, and tried to get statements from the police.

  "Detective Phelps. Detective Phelps. Is there a killer loose in the area? Has the Co-ed Killer struck again? Is the body that of Jillian Monroe?” the reporter screamed out, but Lauren kept walking. Tom headed in a different direction, while she made her way to Detective Ken Murphy.

  "Hey, you made it through there, huh? The damn vultures,” Ken said.

  "Yeah, the nerve of them. We haven't even told the family yet, and they're broadcasting it over the airways,” Lauren added, in disgust.

  "With a high profile case like this, it's expected."

  "Expected, maybe, but right? No way."

  "Hey, Ken, anything yet?” Eddie said, as he approached.

  "Not yet, but one of the patrol officers radioed in a few minutes ago saying that someone may have seen a dark-colored vehicle early this morning. The guy leaves for work around 3:30 a.m."

  "That's great. Maybe his description will match the vehicle that left the tire tracks we found?” Lauren said. Both Ken and Eddie agreed.

  Ken excused himself, leaving Lauren and Eddie alone for a moment.

  Once Ken was out of hearing range, Eddie voiced his concern. Lauren was just glad he didn't touch her. She wasn't sure if she would slug him, or welcome his embrace. Crazy thoughts. She didn't need consoling, she needed Ibuprofen. She rubbed her temples.

  "Are you all right?"

  She gave a weak smile and looked around, just to be sure no one saw them together. Eddie appeared to do the same, then moved a little closer.

  "What's the deal, Lauren? You haven't made eye contact with me since you got here."

  "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm a bit consumed by the case.” She was unsure why she was on edge, and she noted the defensive tone in her voice.

  "Are you afraid your boyfriend might find out about us?” He shot back at her.

  Lauren gave Eddie a sharp stare. She glanced around. No one seemed to be paying attention to them. More importantly, Eddie hadn't seemed to pick up on her uneasiness.

  "Listen, now is not the time or the place for this. Tom is not my boyfriend. I'm trying to remain professional here."

  "So am I.” He sighed. “But, I can't help it. I'm jealous as hell."

  They both stayed silent a moment, then Eddie spoke. “What's wrong with you? You're not acting like yourself, and I can't help but wonder if I have something to do with that. Do you regret last night? Do you want to just forget about it?” He whispered the question, so only they could hear.

  Lauren was half relieved he thought last night had something to do with her demeanor, instead of the killer. She went with it, and hoped to use the change of subject as a distraction for a minute, to recoup.

  "Stop it, Eddie. Of course I don't want to forget last night. I'm sorry if you think that.” She took a deep breath. She felt like someone was watching her. She released a sigh, and rubbed her temple nervously.

  "What is it, then? I can see the tension in your face, the worry in your eyes. Talk to me, honey."

  There went recouping, and counting on Eddie not reading her true thoughts. She struggled with sharing her emotions, but something overcame her. She trusted him, knew he wouldn't jeopardize either of their careers.

  Staring into his eyes, being so close to his body, the body she'd explored last night, she confided in him, just a bit.

  "I can't shake this feeling. Something isn't right. I mean this guy, Silver, knows that we have identified him, and that we're trying to find him. Yet he leaves Jillian here, back at his residence, and leaves us the locket, the blood drops, and the note."

  "What is it you're feeling?"

  Lauren needed to get the thought out of her head, to tell someone, and she didn't give telling Eddie a second thought.

  "Like that note was meant for me,” she whispered.

  He looked upset and concerned. He took a step closer, and she didn't move. She couldn't move. The words from the note entered her mind. "Your mine ... and we belong together."

  "What makes you think that?"

  "I don't know. I just have this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Listen, don't say anything to anyone. I'm sure it's just that I want this guy. We have to find him before he strikes again."

  "I don't like this,” he said, just as Ken came up from behind him.

  "You don't like what

  Neither Eddie nor Lauren responded.

  "Okay, since no one wants to let me in on the discussion, I have some other news in relation to the case. Looks like this guy, Teddy Loft, will meet us at the Creek Valley P.D. in fifteen minutes. Peter is going to get a statement from him and a description."

  "I'll get Tom, and we'll meet you guys there in a little while,” Lauren said. She walked back toward the crime scene, when her cell phone rang. “Detective Phelps."

  "Hey, Lauren, it's Jack. What's going on over there?"

  She filled him in on the case. “How about Officer Lopez? Does she have any new information for me?"

  "She's working like a dog, but nothing yet."

  "All right. Tom and I should be back later today. We may have results for the tire tracks, faster than usual. Also, there may have been a witness who saw the killer's vehicle. I'll check in later."

  "No problem, partner, but I wish I was there."

  "So do I, Jack. I'll see ya later."

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  Chapter 11

  Lauren and Tom headed back to the city around 6:30 p.m. They wanted to go over the files of all the victims, as well as the jewelry found in Silver's home.

  As they headed through the crowded city streets, Lauren thought more about Ben Silver, and his fixation with the fifties’ era.

  The words he left on the note, beside the locket, still hummed in her head. You're Mine, and We Belong Together. Those were the words from a famous song. She knew a lot about the old rock and roll music. She grew up with it, and danced to many of the well-known songs with her father.

  Two of the victims were found naked, wearing only black and white Hush Puppies cheerleading shoes, with white anklet socks.

  At first, they had no idea what it meant, but now things were beginning to come together. They now knew Silver hunted for his victims in off campus bars, and the new rock and roll style restaurants. Some of them received supplies from the company he worked for. Silver made numerous deliveries, and had access to exit doors. He knew the regular routine at each location.

  Then, there was his apartment. It was like entering a time warp. Silver decorated it in the fifties’ style. It appeared he lived tw
o very different lives.

  Lauren's phone rang, interrupting her thoughts. “Detective Phelps here."

  "Hey, Lauren. It's Eddie."

  Her heart beat faster for a moment, and she felt her face flush. Unfortunately, Tom seemed to notice it. He smiled and winked, as he continued to maneuver the Crown Victoria through the streets surrounding the 53rd Precinct, trying to find a spot to park.

  "What's going on?” she asked.

  "I just heard from Peter, over at Creek Valley P.D. He said they found an inscription on the locket. It reads: To Elizabeth, Love Daddy. None of the victim's names are Elizabeth, and no one has reported anyone named Elizabeth missing. So what do ya think?"

  "I hope this doesn't mean he's struck again and has another victim."

  "How do you want to handle this?"

  "Well, for now, we just hold onto the information, and hopefully we'll make a connection. There's the possibility that the killer had it in his family? If no one by that name was reported, then there's not much we can do. The technicians will run it through the lab, in case there are any fingerprints on it. That will take some time. Anything on the tire tracks yet?"

  "Not yet, but Peter will call me as soon as he knows anything."

  "Sounds good, Eddie. I guess we'll touch base later, then."

  "I could take a drive into the city tonight. Ken will cover things here, and there's not much more we can do right now. I want to see you."

  "I understand what you're saying, and I have something I want to check into tonight. I won't get back until late.” She glanced at Tom. He appeared to be forming his own conclusions.

  "I don't care how late it is. I'll only stay a little while. I want to see you."

  "I'll call you, unless you hear something first. Bye."

  Lauren closed up the cell phone and swallowed hard. She wanted to see Eddie, too, but she had such an uneasy feeling after the crime scene today. She just couldn't seem to shake it.

  "What's going on?” Tom said, as he finally wedged the car in-between two patrol cars in a tight space.

  Lauren filled him in on the locket info.

  "Okay, so we wait until further word, and hope Elizabeth isn't being held by this monster already. Now, what about you and that Ridgeburgh lieutenant? How long has this been going on for?” Tom winked at her, and smiled, as they walked across the parking lot.

  She was about to deny it, but it wasn't worth it. Tom had figured things out, and she couldn't lie to him. She stopped him by touching his arm.

  "Listen, Tom, please don't say a word about this to anyone. It just kind of happened out of the blue, and I'm not sure if anything more will come of it. My focus is on this case right now. I really don't have the extra energy to entertain an attraction."

  "Lauren, give me a break. First, I won't say a word. Second, he seems like a cool guy, a bit older than you, but that may be what you need. Third, you've been wrapped up in this job, homicide after homicide, never allowing anyone to get close to you. Allow yourself to open up a little. Take it from me, if you're not careful, this job can eat you up inside. I think this is great. I'm not going to deny that I'm a little jealous, but I guess I'll get over it,” he teased, and Lauren laughed, as they entered the building.

  * * * *

  By 8:30 p.m., Lauren and Lizzy were exhausted and frustrated. They'd been searching the computer records, and found a relative of Ben Silver's. It had taken hours just to find that information. They hoped that this would lead to a possible hideout location.

  They were soon disappointed, when an address in Florida came up.

  "There's no way he's there,” Lizzy said.

  "Damn, and I thought there was a chance."

  "Let's check it out, anyway. Get someone from the local department down there to check the location. We'll run the phone records to be sure."

  Lauren sighed, then leaned back in the chair. She rubbed her eyes and the back of her neck. Lizzy stood up to stretch out her legs and her back.

  "You're doing a good job, Lopez. I hope you're not mad that I got you assigned to this case?"

  Lizzy squinted, and put her hands on her hips, showing a confident attitude. “Are you kidding me? I've been waiting for an opportunity like this. I'll never forget that you gave me it."

  Lauren smiled. She knew exactly how the rookie felt. “Well, it wasn't too long ago that someone gave me the same opportunity."

  "You mean McNulty?"

  "Yep, and he's been there for me ever since.” Lauren held her hand over her mouth, trying to hide a yawn.

  Lizzy did the same thing.

  "Listen, why don't you call it a night, and get back here tomorrow morning? I'm going to head home to shower and change."

  "If you need me to come back, I can. I'll just run home and do the same. It's not like I have a date or something."

  Lauren grinned. “There's no need, really. We probably won't hear back from anyone until tomorrow, during regular business hours. If I'm not here yet, then just get started. I have something that I want to check out at Silver's job."

  "What's that?"

  "I've been trying to come up with a profile for this guy. He's definitely a sexual offender. I think he's been working, up to this point, for a long time. We figure his first kill was over a year ago, with the case you located.

  I'm sure he's engaged in some pretty off the wall sexual fantasies, especially in relation to his fixation with the fifties and sixties. I want to go to the restaurant supply company he worked for and ask the employees some questions. There were a few young women there, one in particular, who tried a bit too hard to act like she hardly knew Silver. There may be something there."

  "Sounds interesting. I guess I'll meet you back here tomorrow morning."

  "Good night, Lopez, and, again, good job today.” Lauren headed out twenty minutes later, after Eddie called and said he was at her house.

  * * * *

  Whether she wanted to admit it or not, she was happy Eddie showed up at her place again, even if their time together was limited. She just needed a few hours of rest, then she could head back to the precinct to work on the case.

  "Hey, I thought you were never going to make it here,” he said, holding the storm door open, while she unlocked the front door. They entered the house, and locked the door behind them. Lauren laid her keys on the front table.

  "Want something to drink?” She headed toward the refrigerator. It was her regular routine to grab a bottle of water first thing.

  Eddie grabbed her hand.

  "Come here. I want you next to me,” he told her, taking both of her hands into his, pulling her body against his own.

  "I see Tom didn't drop you off. You planning on going back there tonight?"

  "No, he didn't, and yes, I am. I have things I want to do first thing in the morning. I need to stay focused on this case. That damn locket thing is bothering me."

  He wrapped his arms around her waist, still holding her hands in his. “I know what you mean. I hope we don't get a call soon, saying that a woman named Elizabeth is missing."

  "I hear you."

  "Tom's not going to come knocking at that door is he, or perhaps some other guy?” he whispered, while he leaned down and kissed her neck.

  The touch of his lips caused her entire body to respond, but she held her ground. “Eddie, we shouldn't do this."

  He paused, to whisper in her ear, “Yes, we should. Unless, there's someone else?"

  He turned her around, pinning her against the front door. His lips continued their path across her neck, to her chin and cheek, then to her lips.

  Her eyes were closed. She didn't answer. All she could think about was Eddie. He let go of her hands, as he kissed her deeply, wildly taking her tongue inside his mouth. He pulled her leg up, by the thigh, and grabbed hold of her backside.

  She held onto the waist of his pants with one hand, while the other grabbed a handful of his dark, navy blue shirt. His eyes took on a wild, animal-like expression. She wondered if her
eyes expressed the same desire.

  They stared at one another. No words were spoken, as if they mutually knew exactly what they wanted, what they needed.

  "Is there anyone else?” he asked her, one final time.

  Breathless, she answered, “No."

  His lips covered hers, all over again. He held her face between his hands, kissing her all over, as if he desired every section of her mouth, before nibbling on her bottom lip. The sensation of his hands caressing her shoulders, spreading the fabric of her silk blouse, forcing it to spread wider, sent her body into a wanting frenzy. They grabbed at one another's clothing, tossing weapons, handcuffs, badges, and undergarments around the front entrance, their desire apparent in their haste.

  * * * *

  The lustful emotions were too intense for Eddie. He lifted her into his arms. She straddled his hips. He licked and nibbled on her neck. In his mind, he lost his sense of direction. Where was a couch, a bed, something? She moaned, and he couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to be inside her, make love to her.

  They never made it to the couch. Instead, they tumbled to the beige carpeting, Eddie on top, grabbing hold of her chocolate-colored locks, and desperately kissing her.

  Their hips rocked and swayed, a sure sign they could no longer wait. There was no need to ready one another, as he entered her, immersing himself, falling into warm, intoxicating bliss.

  Lauren arched her back, taking Eddie fully inside. Her need was as apparent as his own. His mouth glided over each breast, then her neck, before covering her mouth.

  Eddie could feel Lauren's hips push harder against him. He surged forward, answering her call for more of him.

  They grabbed at one another, rocking back and forth, both trying harder than the other to satisfy each other, and to be deeply connected. Each thrust, each sway of motion, destroyed all feelings of loneliness, replacing it with true love and desire.

  They held on tight, gazes locked, bodies one, as they groaned simultaneously, satisfied and complete.

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  Chapter 12

  Eddie stood in Lauren's kitchen. They were dressed, and ready for the day. He hadn't planned on spending the night, but after their lovemaking in the living room, there was no way he was leaving her.


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