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Flesh: Alpha Males and Taboo Tales

Page 8

by Raminar Dixon

  ©2013 Raminar Dixon Erotica

  Daniel flopped down on the loveseat across from me and blew out tiredly. I could always tell my roommate had been through one hell of a day whenever he came dragging in late like that, but this day must have been worse than most. His normally well-groomed appearance had become a disheveled mess and there were dark circles under his eyes.

  “Rough day?” I asked casually.

  He swept his hand back through his thick head of hair and sighed again. “The worst, man. Laura and I broke up today.”

  “You did?” My heart skipped a beat and a single, frightening idea sank into my belly. “Does he know?”

  “Yeah. Hard to believe, huh? We’d been together for more than a year.”

  “Well…uh, what happened?”

  “She told me it just wasn’t working out,” Daniel said with a shrug. He propped both feet up on the ottoman and stared blankly ahead at the television. “Said I wasn’t meeting her needs.”

  My pulse steadied. “That’s shitty, man.”

  “Tell me about it. Dr. Mackey has had me working overtime on all those new experiments and Laura just…she didn’t understand how important that kind of stuff is to me.”

  “Laura never struck me as being particularly smart, Daniel,” I replied. “Remember that biology final she flunked? She actually thought the professor should’ve given her half credit for answering that DNA stood for Dinosaurs Not Around.”

  Daniel shook his head and chuckled.

  “I never thought she was right for you, man.”

  “Things were good at the beginning, though. But the last two months or so…something changed with her. Laura just didn’t seem that interested in me anymore. We pretty much stopped fucking, too, which was weird because she was always so, I dunno, horny before…whatever happened. Maybe she was right. Maybe I just wasn’t giving her enough attention.”

  I nodded, trying to appear sympathetic. The truth was, his now ex-girlfriend had been receiving plenty of attention all right…from me. She was the one who initiated it, but I sure as hell didn’t try to stop her.

  How it happened was simple, really. Laura used to come over and hang out with me while waiting for Daniel to get home. She did it all the time. When he started getting home later and later, we wound up spending more time together. She was horny, I was horny. One thing led to another. I’m not proud of it, but damn, it was a thrill to be fucking my best friend’s girl. It was just so wrong, so…unlike me to do something like that. I guess that’s why it turned me on like it did.

  “Do you think she was cheating on me?” Daniel asked.

  I swallowed hard and felt my pulse rise again. “I…uhh…no, no. Cheating on you? I don’t think so. What makes you think that? Did she…uhh…did she say something about another person?”

  “No, she didn’t,” Daniel answered bluntly. He was studying me with a curious expression as I tried to keep myself composed. “She was acting weird, though. Did Laura ever say anything to you about another guy? I know she used to hang out here a lot when she was waiting on me to get home. You guys must have talked, at least a little.”

  “I don’t think so. I would’ve said something to you, anyway…if she had.” My chair suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable. The lies seemed to float out and stick in the air.

  Daniel’s eyes scrutinized me. “Why the hell was he looking at me like that? Did he know or not? Was he just fucking with me and about to jump up and punch me in the jaw?”

  “Yeah,” he said, turning back to the television. “I know you would have. You’ve always been straight with me, Carter. You’re a good friend, man.”

  I wasn’t. He didn’t need to know that, though. As far as I was concerned, my relationship with Laura was over, too. If he saw us together, even after she’d dumped him, Daniel would know something was up. The less he knew about it, the better.

  “Forget about her,” I said, and realized that I’d been chewing on my thumbnail. It was a bad habit that I always did when I got nervous. Immediately, I put both hands in my lap. “It’s probably for the best that you guys broke up. Now, you can concentrate on other things. Maybe even find you a girl that knows more about what happens in the world than what she learns watching Jersey Shore.”

  “Whatever, man.”

  “Really, I mean it, Daniel. Why don’t you ask out one of the girls from your applied psycho-analysis class?”

  Daniel grimaced at the idea. “God, man. No. Have you ever seen those girls?” He briefly counted out on his fingers. “All…what? Four of them? They’re…not really my type.”

  “So they’re ugly, then?”

  Daniel twisted the cap off his beer and took a swig. “Let’s put it this way, man. You’d make a much hotter girl than any of them…and they’re actually girls.”


  “I got too much going on right now, anyway. We’re moving on to a new experiment next- Oh! I nearly forgot!” Daniel quickly popped up off the loveseat and strode into the kitchen. He fiddled with something on the counter and brought back a plain yellow envelope, which he tossed into my lap.

  “What’s this?” I asked, and removed the tape which held it shut. A shiny CD fell out that had Carter’s Program scrawled across the front in black magic marker.

  “That’s the thing I was telling you about. The hypo-therapy program to help you quit smoking.”

  “Cool. So, I just listen to this and it makes cigarettes taste gross or something?”

  Daniel lazily flipped to the next channel. “Well, not exactly, but it does do that. Mostly, it should make you sort of…forget about smoking. The program uses a kind of hypnosis to give you suggestions while you’re asleep.”

  “Is it like, a voice, or something? Repeating things over and over again? I tried one of those once to help me cram for a Spanish test, but it did nada.”

  “Oh, this is much better. Instead of a voice, it uses binaural tones, so you’ll want to use headphones. The professor and I worked on the technology for this on our last experiment. More than eighty percent of the people in the trial completely quit smoking after only two days. I added some extra to stuff to yours to raise your mood and give you more…ahh…energy.”

  “Wow. That’s impressive, Daniel. I’ll have to try it out tonight.”

  He looked over at me again and smiled. “I can’t wait to see how well it works on you. It’s gonna change you into a much better person.”

  A few hours later, I did just like Daniel said and settled into bed with my headphones on. When I clicked “play”, the gentle sounds and noises reverberated in my ears like they were all around me. It wasn’t so much a rhythm as it was different random tones playing over top of each other, echoing back and forth, sometimes joining in harmony for a moment before trailing off. The sensation lulled me in a nice way, and before I knew it, I was asleep.

  The next morning, I could faintly remember having the strangest dream. Although almost all of the details of that dream were lost to me, I did recall being on my knees and wearing a blindfold. There was a presence of someone near me and I was touching something hard and fleshy with my hands. I concentrated on the dream, but try as I might, nothing else would come. At least whatever it was seemed pleasant.

  Once I had a chance to wake up, I noticed a difference in myself almost immediately. Usually, I’d throw on enough clothing to be decent and head outside for my morning cigarette, which I could hardly wait to smoke. To my surprise, I found myself not really thinking about it that much. I even pulled one out of the pack and examined it, only to find myself vaguely turned off by the idea of lighting it up. Even better, I felt alive and exuberant, much more so than usual. I was smiling and enjoying myself immensely as I went from one boring task to the next at work.

  It was like that most of the day. A few times I had a smoke anyway, but only when the nagging urge to get some nicotine in my bloodstream caused me to give in. Each cigarette I smoked, however, tasted absolutely stale and awful. By the time I got
home from work, I’d only had three the entire day.

  I flipped the lid of my stereo open and made sure the CD was still in there. “Right on. This little thing is amazing. I can’t believe it actually worked. I’ve got to thank Daniel for giving me this.”

  I began to feel guilty all over again. Here I was, taking advantage of my best friend’s favor, and I’d been boning his girlfriend the previous two months. What kind of a friend does something like that?

  “Let it go, man. It’s over now. You can’t see Laura anymore and Daniel’s broken up with her. Just move past it and move on.”

  I turned on my computer and reached for the well-used water bong that sat beside my desk. “A little weed and a little porn will help me relax,” I thought, hoping the subliminal message on Daniel’s CD that helped me not want to smoke tobacco didn’t also apply to the smelly green buds I had packed into the bowl. After taking a few long draws with no ill effect, it seemed he’d thankfully left that out.

  As I began to partake in my favorite after-work activity, I clicked through some of my favorite web sites. None of them really seemed that interesting, though. Most of the videos were your standard fare; a pretty, slutty woman would come onto a guy, she would suck his dick, and then they’d fuck. It was all so…boring, for some reason. I rubbed my dick through my shorts to try and get myself interested, but could barely manage to reach even half-mast.

  “What the heck? Have I seen all these before or something?” I whispered under my breath in frustration.

  I began to check out different categories than my usual old favorites, looking for something that would really get me hard. After a while, I was beginning to lose hope.

  When I found a category labeled “Sissy”, an odd compulsion came over me to click it. At first I thought it would just be really prissy, dolled-up girls or something, but I was shocked to discover it was anything but. I watched as the camera panned slowly past two black, high-heeled shoes and up a pair of smooth, creamy thighs. The model had on meshy, pink fish-nets with little bows where the garters attached and sheer panties which didn’t do much to cover an amazing ass.

  The model turned towards the camera, revealing not a pussy, but a small cock, which was shaven bald and enclosed in some type of plastic cage.

  A thrilling sensation of arousal came over me. My cock felt like a piece of steel and was in my hand before I knew what I was doing.

  “God damn. That’s a…a guy?”

  If it hadn’t been for the cock, I would have probably never known. The model had on a matching corset, which had been tied purposefully tight around the back and enhanced his…her…bust, giving the appearance of a set of small but impressive breasts. Other than her eyebrows and the long, lovely blonde hair on top of her head, the model had shaved every inch of her body to sensual, girl-like perfection.

  In the back of my mind, I was wondering why I was so entranced by the video. I’d never been into anything gay…just the thought of two guys…together? It never did much for me. But, this guy didn’t really seem like a guy at all. He was a girl, wasn’t he?

  I stroked my shaft with increasing speed. My eyes were glued to the screen and no matter how I wanted to turn away, I felt like I couldn’t. The model obediently got on her knees when a tall, hard-bodied man walked into the room and stood shirtless and in front of her. There, she carefully removed his cock from his pants and began stroking it in one petite, manicured hand.

  “Mmmm. I wonder what it feels like to do that?” I found myself wondering. The model then opened her mouth and engulfed the swollen prick between her lips. “She really seems to enjoy making that cock nice and hard.”

  While I masturbated, I placed one finger in my mouth and began to suck on it. I was suddenly filled with an irregular curiosity about how it felt to do something like that to a man. Just as I did, the sensations down below began to swirl and churn inside me like never before. Doing it felt naughty and wrong, but it enhanced the pleasure so much. In no time, I was sucking harder, concentrating on the extraordinary feeling of my lips as they encircled something stiff and warm.

  I opened my eyes when the sounds on the video changed to the groaning, falsetto voice of the sissy. The man had turned her around on all fours and pulled the thin pair of panties aside. Already, the bulbous tip of his manhood was pressing against the tight, slick entrance of her ass. My hand began to pump with even greater haste.

  “I want your cock,” she moaned and gripped the sheets in front of her, bunching them up. Her tight entrance gave way, stretching out until the man’s cockhead finally passed through it, followed by the entire length of his firm shaft.

  Once he was buried completely, even more strange thoughts floated into my mind. “He’s turned himself into a little cock-hungry slut. How does it felt to be treated like that, to be used by a man for his satisfaction? Would I like that, too?”

  The man in the video didn’t waste much time being gentle. His cock glistened with whatever slippery lubricant had been employed for their performance and easily slid in and out of the sissy’s ass. Their flesh met with the dull smack of skin against skin. The camera took up a new position, directly behind and underneath them, and I watched as the man’s balls slapped against her supple backside.

  “I bet those are so full of sperm,” I whispered, only half-believing how aroused I was by what I was watching. “What the hell is wrong with me? Why is this turning me on?” The head of my member tingled with increasing brightness, nearly ready to erupt.

  The man caressed the model’s body, feeling the soft skin of her back and the curving roundness of her posterior. His hands settled on her waist and gripped there roughly. His pace became rushed and he began to thrust harder and faster, jarring the model’s body and sending her into a series of short, gasping breaths. He let out a guttural moan, withdrew his stiff member, and pumped out several jets of rich, thick cream across the sissy’s backside.

  Just as he had his release, so did I. Warm, erupting sperm filled my hand as I bucked my hips in the chair. My thighs quivered and pulses of erotic, vibrant energy flowed between my belly and the back of my head.

  Even though my brain was swimming delightedly in post-orgasmic bliss, one chilling question crept through and sank into my stomach like lead. “Why did I just do that?”

  I listened to the CD again that night. In the morning, I gave a cursory glance at the nearly-full pack of cigarettes on my nightstand, but felt no temptation whatsoever to have one. As soon as I got on my jeans, I made my way into the kitchen. There, I was surprised to find a large cardboard box filled with several articles of women’s clothing. On top, I could see a colorful dress and a few pairs of lacy undergarments. Before I had a chance to inspect it any closer, Daniel opened the outside door and tromped into the kitchen.

  “Hey! What’s up, Carter?”

  I withdrew my hand away from the box just in time. “Oh, not much. Still kind of sleepy.”

  “How’s that smoking cessation program working for you? Tried it out yet?” He asked innocently and began rifling through his backpack. “I mean, I understand if you haven’t had a chance to test it.”

  “It’s good,” I said, leaning against the counter and trying not to look into the big box. “Really good, actually. Yesterday I only had, like, three cigarettes and today I don’t even think I want one.”

  “Wow! That’s great, man. You must be very susceptible to the hypnotic suggestions I implanted into the tracks. Some people really take to it.”

  “It’s definitely working on me,” I trailed off, once again feeling my interest pull towards the dainty items in the box. “So, what’s…uhh…what’s with all the clothes?”

  “That?” Daniel walked over and pulled out the dress. The material looked stretchy and light in his hands. “Just some of Laura’s things. She left a bunch here in my room and I was getting all of it together to take back to her sometime.”


  “Yeah. Look at all this stuff. I bought it for her whi
le we were dating.”

  Daniel put the dress on the table and reached back inside the box. He then removed several more interesting objects; lipstick tubes of different colors, various types of makeup kits, and even a bright red wig.

  “A wig?” I asked, perplexed. “Why did she have one of those?”

  “It’s from Halloween. She went as Jessica Rabbit, remember?” Daniel sifted through the remaining stuff in the box. “Dunno what happened to the rest of that costume, though. But, there is this –“

  With a wide grin plastered on his face, Daniel pulled out a flesh-toned, rubbery dildo and planted it right on the table. The thing had a suction cup on the back of it that stuck easily to the wooden surface. It had to be seven or eight inches long and was shaped exactly like a real cock, right down to the rounded, ridged head and subtly raised veins that ran down the shaft.

  “Check that shit out,” Daniel said. “Got it for Laura on her birthday last year. She hasn’t touched it since.”

  “That’s a…a big one,” I whispered softly, admiring it. For some reason, I really wanted to touch it…to wrap my fingers around it and feel it under my hand. I had to fight the urge by keeping my arms down by my sides. “Looks real, too.”

  “It’s molded after some porn star or something,” He said and popped the dildo off the table with a tug, tossing it back into the box along with the rest of the stuff. “Anyway, I’m pretty sure there’s a few things of hers still around here that I need to find and take back to her. You don’t mind if I leave this out here for now, do you?”

  I shook my head and stared at the box. “Nah. It’s…fine.”

  “Great. Now I gotta get out of here before I’m late again.” Daniel grabbed his keys and made his way across the kitchen. “The professor is starting up a new project next Friday and I need to hit the office and sign up the students who want to participate. I probably won’t be gone too long.”

  “Ok, well, then…I’ll see you. Maybe I could cook us something to eat tonight? Does that sound good?”


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