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Flesh: Alpha Males and Taboo Tales

Page 13

by Raminar Dixon

  "Pete? Did you hear me?" the photographer asked.

  "Um, no sorry," the young man mumbled.

  "I said that I want to do a more official looking publicity shot. Move out of the way so Senator Scrotorum can stand up."

  Pete hadn't realized that he had moved in so close to the handsome senator. Brick smiled at him and Pete felt like he melted inside. Brick had the slightest hint of a crooked smile revealing his beautiful teeth. Pete had the crazy thought that the senator must have had braces when he was younger because his teeth were so straight. Pete wanted to kiss the older man's lips so badly. His heart beat faster and he suddenly felt warm all over. His could feel his palms sweating.

  The photographer instructed Senator Scrotorum to put his arm around the intern's shoulder. Pete immediately felt the weight of Brick's arm along the length of his shoulder blades. The warmth of the senator's body next to his felt so good.

  As the photographer clicked away from different angles, Pete started to panic. There was nothing he could do to control it. He could feel his cock getting hard! Not this, not now, he thought to himself. With every pounding heartbeat, more blood pulsed into his prick and made it throb with anticipation.

  Pete feared that one of them would notice any second. Besides the senator and the photographer, there were a couple other senatorial aides as well as the photographer's assistant in the room. At some point, one of them would glance at his crotch and disaster would ensue. Would Brick recoil in horror when he learned that he had his arms around a gay dude? Would Pete lose the internship? What about his entire future political career? He could lose everything he had ever worked for just because of one raging boner!

  Pete was afraid to look down and see how bad the tent in his pants was getting. He knew by the way it pushed against his khakis that it was the strongest hard-on he'd ever experienced. He tried to keep smiling for the pictures, almost hoping that someone would notice so the suspense and dread would end.

  "Put another book on that pile," the photographer instructed his assistant.

  The assistant plopped the book down absently. As Pete watched her do it, he breathed an audible sigh of relief. He had completely forgotten about the fake pile of work on the desk. It had books, folders, computer printouts, and a clipboard. Luckily, the pile was high enough that it was blocking the view of his crotch from the rest of them. Well, except for Brick who was standing right next to him. However, Brick was looking straight out into the camera lens, not down at the bulge in the intern's pants.

  Pete was safe! He made a mental note to slap his dick later when he got back to his dorm room. He would have to punish his cock for being so naughty. Well, maybe not so much punish it as to relieve the pressure that built up in it!

  Pete's hard-on subsided and the photo shoot drew to a close. When Brick removed his arm from his shoulders, Pete almost popped another fresh boner because the senator's hand lightly touched his ass on its way down. Pete knew it was an accident, but it still felt stimulating.

  As the weeks went on, Pete had a few more close calls with his overactive hard-ons. The difference was that he was prepared and always made sure he had a jacket with him or something he could use to cover the offending area at a moment's notice. He also made sure that he was never in the office alone with Brick as he was afraid that if the opportunity arose, so to speak, he wouldn't be able to stop his prick from jumping out of his pants.

  The one thing that sucked (and not in the good way) about the situation was that Pete couldn't really tell anyone. He just gave his roommate the vaguest of details without any names. What would be the point of telling all his friends that he was in lust with a straight, "family values" politician who was just barely old enough to be his father? He already had to put up with enough teasing from his friends just for the fact that he worked in Scrotorum's office. He could just imagine if they knew what he dreamed of doing to Scrotorum's orifice!

  One day, several staffers were working quietly in the office with Brick. The door suddenly burst open and a deep voice boomed out, "Scrotie!" Pete looked up to see a six foot three, two hundred and eighty pound wrestler type guy taking up the whole doorway to the room. The visitor wore snakeskin boots, a large belt buckle, and a ten gallon cowboy hat. His face was clean shaven and weathered from what Pete could only assume was time spent outside on a ranch in the Texas sun.

  Pete's mind raced trying to place the man. The obvious conclusion was that he was a senator from a cattle intensive state, but Pete had already either met all the senators (or studied and memorized their pictures) from every state and he wasn't one of them. Pete was only halfway through trying to memorize all 435 representatives so it's possible that the man was a member of the House of Representatives and Pete just hadn't gotten to him yet on his list.

  Brick got up from his desk to greet the man. Pete and the other staffers had to stifle a laugh when they realized that Senator Scrotorum would respond to someone calling him, of all things, "Scrotie!"

  Since Pete was closer to the door than Brick, the man introduced himself by slapping the intern on the back and saying, "Howdy, I'm B.J. Garrows." Good thing Pete wasn't eating at the time because B.J.'s slap/greeting was so strong that the food would have come flying out of his mouth. B.J. was a bear of a man who didn't know his own strength.

  Brick made the proper introductions around the office and it turned out that B.J. (aka Billy Jeff) Garrows was Brick's old friend and roommate from their college days in New York. He would stop in to see Brick whenever he was in Washington on business. Senator Scrotorum turned slightly red-faced with embarrassment when B.J. revealed to the staff members that "Scrotie" was Brick's nick-name in college. B.J. swore them all to secrecy about that with a good old-fashioned Texas wink.

  Brick and B.J. made plans to go out to dinner. This meant that Brick would not be returning to the office later in the evening as he often did after dinner with his family. It worked out perfectly for Pete since he could stay late in the office by himself and catch up on some work. His roommate had asked him not to come home until late that night because he was planning to, as he put it, "sex up a hot stud for several hours" and he wanted privacy.

  Pete sat at his desk about half way through a thousand election packets that had to be stapled together. Of course, if the staffer who actually got paid to do her job had done it correctly and set the copy machine to staple the papers together as they were being printed, none of this would have happened. Everybody knows that interns get stuck doing all the crappy jobs so her screw-up resulted in Pete sitting at a desk manually stapling them all together.

  It was about nine o'clock when he pressed the stapler and nothing happened. He checked for a jam, but it turned out that the problem was that the stupid thing had run out of staples. He definitely needed to stretch so he didn't mind having to get up and make his way across the room to the walk-in supply closet. He took the scenic route around the office and looked into the hallway. It was a little creepy because all the other offices on the floor were dark. Pete figured he would get the stapling done as fast as possible and get out of there.

  He was in the walk-in supply closet looking for the right size staples when he heard a noise in the outer office. He had to remind himself that nobody else was there. Something must have fallen off a desk. Then he heard what sounded like muffled voices. He quickly closed the closet door as much as possible to hide himself. Pete left it open a barely noticeable sliver so he could see who had broken into the office.

  "I told you nobody would be here this late," a man's voice said. Pete couldn't be sure, but it sounded like Brick's friend, B.J.

  "Yeah, yeah you were right," another male voice agreed.

  Pete shifted his sight line from his position hiding in the supply closet and confirmed the voices belonged to Brick and B.J. He knew he still had time to make his presence known by walking out of the closet with an armful of supplies, but there was something naughty about eavesdropping on their conversation that appealed to him.

  "That was a great dinner," B.J. said to Brick. "I can't believe you found a restaurant back east here that knows how to cook a man-sized piece of beef properly."

  "I'm glad you're satisfied," Brick told his old friend.

  "I wouldn't say that I've been satisfied - yet. I still haven't had dessert," B.J. said with that same Texas wink he had used earlier when he confided in the staffers about Brick's nickname. Brick turned away from B.J. and looked out the window.

  From his hiding place in the closet, Pete could tell that this conversation had another meaning beyond whether they had ordered chocolate cake after their meal.

  Pete thanked goodness that he hadn't found the staples yet or he would have dropped the boxes and given away his presence when he witnessed what happened next. His hand shot up to his mouth to stop him from gasping out loud in shock.

  B.J. walked up to Brick and put his arms around him. Not one arm around the shoulder in a "Hey bro, you're cool" way, but as in a full-on bear hug, tightly folding Brick's body into his own with his crotch grinding against Brick's ass!

  Brick freed one arm and yanked on the pull cord next to the window which overlooked the dazzling lights of Washington. The blinds snapped shut loudly. "Jesus, Billy! In front of an open window! You might as well invite a reporter from the Washington Snooper to a join us for a three-way!"

  B.J. dismissed Brick's concerns with a hearty laugh. "You only call me 'Billy' when you get really mad at me or really turned on. So which is it right now?" B.J. stepped back and tenderly turned Brick around to face him. He held Brick's chin in his hand and raised it until their eyes met.

  Brick mumbled softly in answer to Billy's question, "Both."

  B.J. reached down for Brick's crotch and began to rub it through his pants. "Holy shit, man, this thing is living up to your name tonight. Your cock is hard as a brick!" The senator moaned lightly as B.J. put more and more pressure into the prick massage and grabbed at Brick's throbbing hard on. "How long has it been, buddy?"

  "Three months," Brick admitted.

  "Three months? That's the last time-"

  "Yes, the last time you were in town," Brick confirmed.

  "You haven't gotten your rocks off with a guy since the last time we were together?"

  Even though it felt so incredible, Brick removed his friend's hand from his dick. Their fingers intertwined and Brick said in the saddest voice imaginable, "Billy, you're the only person I can trust."

  B.J. smiled weakly in what can only be described as a mixture of feeling flattered to hold such an honored place in his old friend's life and feeling pity that his friend was really so alone in the world despite all the people that surrounded him on a daily basis. Not being the eloquent type, as expressing one's feelings is not high on the list of priorities when growing up on a cattle ranch in Texas, B.J. preferred to take action to comfort his friend. "Now it's my turn to live up to my name," B.J. said to Brick as he knelt down before him and quickly undid the buckle on Brick's belt. A second later, Brick's pants were down around his ankles.

  Brick's boxers were tenting like he had a ruler stuffed in there sticking straight out pointing at B.J. In another second, B.J. slid the boxers down revealing Brick's full prick - which now stood straight up in full salute. He pushed Brick back against the desk so that Brick was in a half-standing, half-leaning position.

  From his vantage point in the supply closet, Pete only had to shift ever so slightly to continue to be able to see everything clearly. The intern's dick was hardening inside his pants too. The sight of Brick's soda-can thick cock was making Pete's mouth water. When he saw Brick's rod disappear into B.J.'s mouth, Pete was so jealous that he felt a bit of precum form on the tip of his cock inside his underwear. He reached inside his pants and silently pumped his own prick while he watched the action unfold in the main office.

  B.J. definitely lived up to his name as he slid up and down like an expert cocksucker. A bulge formed in his cheeks every time his mouth engulfed the senator's engorged prick. He reached up and started to play with Brick's ballsac. He alternated back and forth between his man nuts, squeezing one between his fingers and pulling on the other one at the same time.

  He must have pulled or squeezed a little too hard at one point because Brick cried out in pain. B.J. apologized and said, "Did I hurt you? Do you want me to stop?"

  "Yes to the first question and hell no to the second," Brick answered.

  B.J. coordinated the vacuum pumping he was doing of Brick's meat stick with the action of his hands. Brick moaned with pleasure and his body tensed up. "Stop! I'm gonna cum," he announced.

  "OK. That's enough then," B.J. said as he stood up and took a step back from the half-naked senator. "I guess I'll be going back to my hotel alone then," B.J. teased.

  Brick looked at B.J. with months of lust built up behind his eyes. He kicked off his shoes, freeing the pants and underwear piled up at his ankles. He practically lunged at B.J. saying, "Billy, I want you so bad." Brick ripped at his friend's clothes. He soon had B.J. Garrows completely naked.

  A few minutes earlier, Pete had mentally awarded Brick the title of The Largest Prick He'd Ever Seen In Person. Now that he got an eyeful of B.J., he had to award the title to him instead. Pete decided that it must be true what they say - that everything is bigger in Texas! B.J. had at least another inch of girth as compared to Brick and a couple inches more in length. Watching the two of them cross swords as they rolled around on the floor was like watching a duel with the naked combatants wielding baseball bats between their legs.

  What started off earlier as almost a sweet scene between two old friends turned into a masculine raw fuck session. They wrestled around on the floor with testosterone fueled abandon. Pete spit into his hand and kept his dick well lubed while enjoying a live sex show from his hiding place in the supply closet. Where earlier in the evening, he was so mad at that staffer for screwing up her job and making him stay late to fix it, now he was so thankful to get this behind the scenes look at Senator Brick Scrotorum's gay sexcapades.

  As Pete observed that both men seemed to be expert wrestlers, he vaguely recalled reading in the senator's biography that he had been on the wrestling team in college. B.J. must have been on the team as well, because neither seemed to get the upper hand for long. Every time one of them towered over the other for a second, pinning down his opponent's arms or legs, the one in the submissive position soon wormed his way out of the situation and reversed it. Not being much of a sports fan, Pete's favorite moments were when Brick and B.J. were both flat against each other rolling around. He especially liked the side view in which he could see their two gigantic cocks grinding together as well as and enjoy their sweaty pec to pec and nipple to nipple action.

  One time when Brick was on the losing end of a wrestling hold, B.J. said, "Man, you are on fire tonight. Stay down, bitch!"

  "You're gonna be the bitch," Brick said.

  "That's all you, Scrotie!" B.J. retorted.

  Up to that point, Pete thought they were just play wrestling for the pure frottage fun it afforded. After that little one-upmanship exchange, he realized that the stakes were higher. Their relationship went beyond blowjobs and naked fooling around. They were wrestling to see who was going to be the bottom!

  Pete could hardly contain his own excitement to find out. Luckily, it didn't take long because B.J. performed what would have to be classified an illegal wrestling move - he simply started to tickle Brick. "Scrotie is ticklish, aren't you?" the Texan taunted his friend.

  "No, not at all," Brick tried to say, barely getting the words out between laughs, and gasps for breath.

  "Scrotie can't stop himself from laughing," B.J. said in a sing-song voice as his fingers lightly worked their magic all over Brick's exposed, chiseled abs before working their way down around his thigh and crotch.

  Brick was basically helpless as he stretched out on his back, at the mercy of his two hundred and eighty pound bearish friend who had reduced the proud senator to a gigg
ling, horny, stud - not by using his obvious muscles and weight, but simply by skillfully applying his fingertips to Brick's many sensitive areas.

  The next part happened so fast, Pete could barely keep up and take it all in. The intern-turned-voyeur had a feeling that this scenario had played out like this many times, perhaps all the way back to Brick and B.J.'s college days together.

  When he realized that Brick could barely breathe between fits of laughter, B.J. made his move. B.J. slid one strong arm under Brick's back and easily flipped the senator over on his stomach. Crack! He smacked Brick's bare ass so hard that it sounded like a dry stick snapping in the woods on a cold fall day. Then, with no warning or foreplay, B.J. shoved his massive tool between Brick's ass cheeks.

  "Oh, fuck!" Brick screamed out in a mixture of pleasure and pain.

  "You got that right," B.J. exclaimed as he raised his hips and then let his full weight drop down on the senator's back again, driving his cock into its target for the second time.

  That's when Pete lost it. As he saw B.J.'s thick shaft disappear into Brick's tight butt, he creamed his pants. His cock exploded in his hand. All the muscles in his body tensed and relaxed. There was no way to stop it as the cum gushed between his fingers. His prick pulsed seven or eight times, each squirt less forceful than the one before it until he finally had to squeeze the last burst halfway out. The warm, sticky load ran down his thigh and soaked into his underwear.

  Meanwhile, on the floor of the office, both B.J. and Brick enjoyed their respective positions. Up and down, in and out, B.J.'s hips were like a jackhammer the way they pounded on Brick's ass. For his part, Brick didn't lay there taking it helplessly. He was an active participant. He moved his butt in rhythm with his friend's dick. He arched his back and tightened his ass just right each time to draw his friend's cock into him as deeply as possible and to put maximum pressure on it from all angles. Each time B.J. pulled out of him, Brick felt empty and couldn't wait to have that huge cock fill him up again.


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