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Against All Odds

Page 31

by DePrima, Thomas

  ~ finis ~

  *** Jenetta's exciting adventures will continue. ***

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  This chart is offered to assist readers who may be unfamiliar with military rank and the reporting structure. Newly commissioned officers begin at either ensign or second lieutenant rank.

  Space Command Officer Hierarchy:

  Admiral of the Fleet (5 Star)

  Admiral (4 Star)

  Vice-Admiral (3 Star)

  Rear Admiral – Upper (2 Star)

  Rear Admiral – Lower (1 Star)



  Lt. Commander


  Lieutenant(jg) "Junior Grade"


  Space Marine Officer Hierarchy:

  General (4 Star)

  Lt. General (3 Star)

  Major General (2 Star)

  Brigadier General (1 Star)


  Lt. Colonel



  First Lieutenant

  Second Lieutenant

  The commanding officer on a ship is always referred to as Captain, regardless of his or her official military rank. Even an Ensign could be a Captain of the Ship, although that would only occur as the result of an unusual situation or emergency where no senior officers survive.

  On Space Command ships and bases, time is measured according to a twenty-four clock, normally referred to as military time. For example, 8:42 PM would be referred to as 2042 hours. Chronometers are set to always agree with the date and time at Space Command Supreme Headquarters on Earth. This is known as GST, or Galactic System Time.

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  Admiralty Board:

  Moore, Richard E - Admiral of the Fleet

  Platt, Evelyn S. - Admiral - Director of Fleet Operations

  Bradlee, Roger T. - Admiral - Director of Intelligence (SCI)

  Ressler, Shana E. - Admiral - Director of Budget & Accounting

  Hillaire, Arnold H. - Admiral - Director of Academies

  Burke, Raymond A. - Vice-Admiral - Director of GSC Base Management

  Ahmed, Raihana L. - Vice-Admiral - Dir. of Quartermaster Supply

  Woo, Lon C. - Vice-Admiral - Dir. of Scientific & Expeditionary Forces

  Plimley, Loretta J. - Rear-Admiral, (U) - Dir. of Weapons R&D

  Hubera, Donald M. - Rear-Admiral, (U) - Dir. of Academy Curricula

  Ship Speed Terminology:

  Plus-1 - 1 kps

  Sub-Light-1 - 1,000 kps

  Light-1 - 299,792.458 kps or (c) (speed of light in a vacuum)

  Light-150 or 150 c - 150 times the speed of light

  Hyper-Space Factors:

  IDS Communications Band - .0513 light years each minute (8.09 billion kps)

  DeTect Range - 4 billion kilometers

  Sample Distances:

  Earth to Mars (Mean) - 78 million kilometers

  Nearest star to our Sun - 4 light-years (Proxima Centauri)

  Milky Way Galaxy diameter - 100,000 light-years

  Thickness of M'Way at Sun - 2,000 light-years

  Stars in Milky Way - 200 billion (est.)

  Nearest galaxy (Andromeda) - 2 million light-years from M'Way

  A light-year - 9,460,730,472,580.8 kilometers (in vacuum)

  A light-second - 299,792.458 km (in vacuum)

  Grid Unit - 1,000 Light Yrs² (1,000,000 Sq. LY)

  Deca-Sector - 100 Light Years² (10,000 Sq. LY)

  Sector - 10 Light Years² (100 Sq. LY)

  Section - 94,607,304,725 km²

  Sub-section - 946,073,047 km²

  Mission Descriptions for Strategic Command Bases:

  Strat Com 1 – Base - Location establishes it as a critical component of Space Command Operations - Serves as home-port to multiple warships that also serve in base's defense. All sections of Space Command maintain an active office at the base. Base Commander establishes all patrol routes and is authorized to override SHQ orders to ships within the sector(s) designated part of the base's operating territory.

  Recommended rank of Commanding Officer: Rear Admiral (U)

  Strat Com 2 – Base - Location establishes it as a crucial component of Space Command Operations - Serves as home-port to multiple warships that also serve in base's defense. All sections of Space Command maintain an active office at the base. Patrol routes established by SHQ.

  Recommended rank of Commanding Officer: Rear Admiral (L)

  Strat Com 3 – Base - Location establishes it as an important component of Space Command Operations - Serves as homeport to multiple warships that also serve in base's defense. Patrol routes established by SHQ.

  Recommended rank of Commanding Officer: Captain

  Strat Com 4 – Station - Location establishes it as an important terminal for Space Command personnel engaged in travel to/from postings, and for re-supply of vessels and outposts.

  Recommended rank of Commanding Officer: Commander

  Strat Com 5 – Outpost - Location makes it important for observation purposes and collection of information.

  Recommended rank of Commanding Officer: Lt. Commander

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  This map shows Galactic Alliance space after the second expansion. The white space at the center is the space originally included when the GA charter was signed. The first circle shows the space claimed at the first expansion in 2203. The second circle shows the Frontier Zone established with the second expansion in 2273. The 'square' delineates the deca-sectors around Stewart SCB, and shows most of the planets referenced in Books 4 through 6 of this series.

  No attempt has been made to show the thousands of stars, planets, and moons in this part of space. The only purpose of this two-dimensional representation is to provide the reader with a feel for the spatial relationships between the various nations referenced in Books 6 and 7. The Milori Empire is the large area nearest the center of the image. The Uthlaro Dominion is the larger area below that, and the Tsgardi territory is above on the left.The Gondusan nation is to the right of the Tsgardi, and the Ruwalchu is to the right of that. The Hudeerac Order is the small circle near the right edge of Milori space. This represents a time after the Milori have conquered and absorbed most of the Hudeerac territory.

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  .jpg and .pdf versions of the maps created for this series are available for downloading at :

  should the names be unreadable in your printed or electronic media, or if you simply wish to gain a better overall perspective.

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  Product Decription

  Some readers have requested that the product description on Amazon, be included with the kindle copy. I've added it here:

  War has kept Admiral Jenetta Carver far from home for twelve years. With the advent of peace, she takes a well-deserved vacation and returns to Earth for a visit before her duties as Military Governor and Supreme Military Commandeer of Region Two prevent such a trip for more years. She picks up her two sisters on the way home and the three women surprise their mom with the unannounced visit.

  Just a week after arriving home, Jenetta receives word that Region Two has been invaded. No war has been declared, and details are sketchy, but Tsgardi Warriors have landed on at least one planet a hundred light years inside the border and begun rounding up, harassing, and in some cases killing the citizenry. Determined not to let the news interfere with her mother's joy of having her three daughters with her, she doesn't mention the invasion at home, but she's summoned to appear at Space Command Supreme HQ
to discuss the situation.

  As Jenetta begins the trip back to her base, she begins formulating plans and sending orders so that all will be in readiness when she arrives. She's determined to deal with the Tsgardi situation once and for all, and in a manner consistent with the way she dealt with the Milori situation. When an enemy refuses to let you live in peace, the only action you can take is remove their ability to ever wage war against you again. Jenetta doesn't yet know that the Tsgardi thrust into Region Two is just the tip of the lance. Three other interstellar powers have joined the effort to arrogate the new territory before Space Command can move security forces into place. Jenetta's tiny fleet will face an armada a thousand warships strong. It's not just another day at the office.

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