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Enlightenment (Children of Ankh series Book 2)

Page 30

by Kim Cormack

  The cat launched itself into the air. She dove out of its path, hitting the ground with a thud right beside a large rigid stick. The terrifying salivating feline regained its footing and was immediately upon her. The enormous cougar roared with a spine-tingling pitch before it sunk its teeth deep into her shoulder blade. At the last second, she’d swung the thick stick in front of her. The cougar impaled itself when it pounced on her, its jaw slackened and it released the grip on her shoulder. The cat looked momentarily confused before it slumped to its side. Kayn couldn’t believe it. This kind of thing only ever happened in movies. She’d killed a cougar with a random stick. She was awesome. She struggled to her feet and held her hand over her shoulder. There was a lot of blood, it was streaming down her chest and had already soaked the front of her sarong. The mind was a protective thing. Why was there so much blood? Why didn't it hurt? The cat had torn a chunk from her throat. This was not awesome. She stood there stunned for a moment before falling into the thicket comically close to the mountain lion that had killed her. In the thicket in the realm of the in-between, her inner lion slept tonight.

  Kayn could smell the sweet scent of morning dew on the purple clover before she attempted to open her eyes. She inhaled the oxygen rich air, yet she did not stir as she cracked an eye open to stealthily survey her surroundings. She could learn a lesson or two from the cougar that killed her. She almost giggled as she sat up for she had a vision of the cougar pouncing on her the second she endeavored to stand. Two times she had died, but neither version was from an arrow shot by a clan member. It had to be a little bit impressive that she had managed to avoid them for this long. Kayn stood up and looked around. She appeared to be completely alone. She was standing in a field of purple clover and buttercups. She smiled as she bent down to pick a clover. She plucked a small thin petal out and put the sweet end on her tongue. If she had shoes she would have stuck it in her shoe for luck. She heard the whooshing sound as an arrow whirled past her head, missing her by only a few inches. It was time to run; they had found her. Her legs took off on instinct. It was a relief to be running in the soft grass. She bolted for the end of the field needing the cover of the trees. The moment her feet hit the dirt her mind took her into the past. Adrenaline rippled across her skin. Run faster Kayn. Her muscular legs carried her into the brush where she had only a split second to deduce the most favorable getaway. She was fast. This was one of her gifts. She had bought herself only a moment. Should she go uphill or downhill? She made the decision to go up hill; if she made it to the peak without being hit it might buy her some more time. Kayn climbed the steep embankment, pulling herself upwards using the ferns and roots of trees. An arrow whooshed past her. They’d already caught up to her. Another whizzed by, narrowly missing her leg. She scrambled upwards as she heard the sound again and gasped at the feeling of fire as an arrow pierced the back of her thigh. Kayn made it to the top of the embankment and attempted to run full on, ignoring the pain. Her vision wavered. Oh yes, there was poison in these arrows. She had to pull it out. She stifled a scream as she snapped one end and yanked it out. Kayn hobbled along for a second and then she remembered Frost and the bear. She had to control the blood loss. She ripped a strip of material off the bottom of what she was wearing, tied it around her thigh and continued to run. Her mind felt hazy and the scenery began to spin. Kayn dropped to her knees as the poison took effect. She hadn’t seen either Zach or Melody since the exercise had begun. She laid in the dirt and became still. She saw Zach’s body not far from hers. Was she hallucinating? She could see her own hand as it reached ahead of her and stretched towards him, wanting to touch him. She wanted to know if he was real. The light around her flickered and it went out.

  She awoke, gasping for air with her lungs and throat on fire. This time as she got up, there was no sneaky ceremony. The in-between had deposited her somewhere new as she healed. There was only forest as far as she could see in every direction. She elected to climb a tree so she could to get a better idea of where everyone was. She scaled the first tree with an easily accessible low-hanging branch. It had been a long time since she’d climbed a tree. She occupied her mind with thoughts of childhood as she gripped onto the branches and scaled the massive tree. When the branches became too thin to hold her weight, she found a solid place to perch and gazed upon the exquisite beauty of the in-between. In the distance, she saw Zach and Melody running through the woods. Lexy was right behind them. A branch snapped below her and she thought, you have got to be freaking kidding me. Her salivating feline nemesis appeared to be smiling as it cagily scaled the tree below her. This mountain lion was relentless. She had nowhere to go. She’d have to try to jump to the next tree. She cautiously shimmied out onto one of the branches while holding onto the limb above her. There was no way she was going to be able to make the jump. Either way, this was going to hurt. The loudly purring cougar had almost reached her when an arrow whirled through the air. The enormous feline wailed as it dropped from the tree. Relieved, she exhaled as she glanced down to see Grey standing below her beaming widely with his bow extended.

  Once again, she only had time to say, “Oh crap.” As Grey’s arrow penetrated her chest, a direct hit to her heart. She dropped from the tree, smoking multiple branches during her descent. Before losing consciousness, she saw a flash of the cat in the fetal position below her and the lights went out.

  She had an excruciating throbbing headache as she awoke in the dirt. This training was painfully monotonous. She sat up, surveyed her surroundings for a second, then she scrambled to her feet and started to sprint through the woods. The three newbie Ankh ran away from Lexy and Grey for almost an entire week, replaying each scenario countless times. The theme of the week's training was... Run.

  They were all insanely past emotionally spent when they finally returned to the land of the living. The tomb slid open and they climbed out in silence. As Grey opened the crypt, bright sunshine flooded into the darkness. It felt like she’d been gone forever but in truth it had only been a little over an hour. Kayn trudged through the woods behind her two equally spent clan members towards the RV. Following the others inside, she quietly climbed on a bunk and slipped underneath the covers.

  The Brothers of Prophecy

  Kayn slept until her mind began to regain its ability to function. She opened her eyes and saw Zach. He was awake in the bunk directly across from her. He smiled at her and Kayn shut her eyes again. The plan was only to sleep for a moment longer. She heard the rustling sounds of people getting ready and felt someone stroking her hair. She didn’t have to open her eyes to know it was Frost. They were probably all getting ready for tonight. She should get up. She drifted off to sleep again.

  Lily’s voice asserted, “Kayn, you have to get up. We are supposed to be there in half an hour.”

  Kayn groggily opened her eyes and yawned. She felt like she could sleep for a year. The other girls appeared to be ready to go and the guys were nowhere to be seen. Kayn shimmied off her bunk, knowing she desperately needed a shower. After a speedy one, she blow-dried her hair and wandered out of the bathroom in her underwear. She hauled her backpack out and stared into it. She had no dress clothes, nothing that wasn’t sporty. She wanted to climb back onto her bunk, close her eyes and finish that dream. She’d been having a wonderful dream.

  Lexy pulled back the curtain to the bunk area and took charge, “Let’s get her dressed for this thing. Lily can you look through the suitcases in the closet in the backroom and find her something to wear. Her elevator does not appear to be making it all the way to the top floor.”

  Yes, hamster wheel between her ears was squeaking rather loudly. Her brain felt like a pool of slushy goo. She obediently put on the slinky silk top and short black skirt she was told to wear as they did her makeup and hair. She ended up looking like a very studious yet sexy version of herself. She had to admit that she was curious about this, whole Brothers of Prophecy thing. Frost was incredibly gorgeous. Tiberius was deviously hot. What was Th
orne like? Melody looked stunning. Mel would be seeing her old love interest tonight. This promised to be an interesting evening with the clans in the same room. The ladies of Ankh strolled together towards the banquet hall arm in arm.

  Kayn whispered to Melody, “How are you doing?”

  Mel whispered back, “I wasn’t going to be able to avoid this situation forever. How about you?”

  Kayn smiled while replying, “Other than the fact that I feel like I couldn’t tie my own shoes right now...I’m fine.”

  “I’ll tie them for you,” Mel teased.

  Kayn’s jumbled mind prodded, you’ll be seeing Kevin. Don’t think about him. There’s no point. Her thoughts were distracted by the humming of conversations as they approached the large log cabin hall. Kayn squeezed Mel’s arm in a show of silent support as they climbed the stairs and entered. There was a guy standing with Tiberius, Frost and Markus that she didn’t recognize. That must be Thorne. If there was any doubt, the expression on his face when Melody walked in clarified it. The brothers were standing in a makeshift receiving line with Markus beside them. Markus was probably there to make sure they behaved.

  Tiberius chuckled. He leaned towards Thorne and whispered, “You, my brother, have the worst poker face I’ve ever seen and it’s been a long damn life.”

  “I can think of worse qualities than the inability to lie,” Thorne sparred as he stepped away from his younger brother, as though Tiberius had tainted his air space.

  “Touché,” Tiberius jousted with a knit brow making it obvious that he hadn’t missed his older brother’s body language. With a wry little smile, Tiberius casually pushed his brother’s buttons by teasing, “I wonder if Frost tapped that one yet?”

  Thorne glared at Tiberius and under his breath he uttered, “Enough. Quit trying to fluster me you jackass.”

  “Who even uses the word flustered anymore?” Tiberius ribbed.

  “Keep it up and the next time we capture you I am going to shoot a dozen arrows up your ass little brother,” Thorne whispered.

  “Promises, promises,” Tiberius teased.

  Kayn fought the urge to grin. They were hilarious together. It was incredibly entertaining.

  Lexy strolled right past Tiberius without making eye contact and said, “Charmed as never.”

  Tiberius called after her, “Satan ...It is so nice to see you again. Glad you could make the trip to hang with us mere mortals.”

  “Well, isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black?” Lexy sparred.

  Markus took Lexy’s hand. He leaned in close and whispered in her ear, “Do try to behave tonight. Might I politely suggest that you sit as far away from Tiberius as you can?”

  Kayn slowly shuffled along with the group, quite content to stay hidden in the background. She was busy listening to Markus as he warned Lexy to behave when she found herself standing beside Melody in front of Tiberius. Melody politely took Tiberius’s outstretched hand.

  Tiberius somewhat ignorantly remarked, “You’re exactly Thorne’s type, aren’t you?” Melody accidentally stomped on his foot. Tiberius abruptly yanked his hand away as she gave him an innocent smile. Tiberius leaned in close and whispered, “A cease fire means you’re not allowed to do that sweetie.”

  Melody winked and replied, “I’m so sorry. I seem to have two left feet.”

  Tiberius met Melody’s eyes as he teased, “You look all sweet and innocent, don’t you? I love it when dangerous presents are wrapped in inconspicuous boxes.”

  Kayn wasn’t sure if he’d been insulting her friend or complimenting her. Frost and Tiberius were a little more alike than either of them would care to admit. Melody was standing in front of Thorne. She hesitantly took his hand.

  He raised it to his lips and tenderly kissed it. “Melody,” Thorne whispered with his voice full of emotion.

  “Thorne.” Melody whispered as their eyes locked.

  It felt voyeuristic watching them so she looked away. That was the moment she’d hoped she would have with Kevin but hers had been one sided. As Thorne let go of Melody’s hand, her heart broke for her friend. She was brought back to reality by the sound of Tiberius’s voice.

  The mischievous immortal flirtatiously said, “Well, don’t you look lovely this evening. Like a naughty librarian or something.” He guessed as he reached forward and touched her hair.

  Kayn froze, unsure of what he was up to. He slipped the pins out of her hair and it cascaded down her back in a loose pile of curls. She scowled at him.

  Tiberius teased, “Now, that’s much better. You look like the lion you were meant to be. You aren’t meant to be a mouse.”

  He had a way of complimenting you, with an underlying insult. She wasn’t honestly sure which he’d just given her. He was so familiar, an exact duplicate of Kevin’s brother Clay. A part of her had to resist the impulse to hug him in greeting as another part was resisting the urge to slap him for what he’d done to her hair.

  “Touch her again and I’ll show you what a lion is capable of.” Lexy threatened.

  Tiberius glanced at Lexy and provoked, “I dare you.”

  Lexy met Tiberius’s gaze with a fiery one of her own as she took Kayn’s hand and said, “I’ll fix your hair, it’ll only take a few seconds. Ignore Tiberius, nothing he says is important.” Lexy pinned her hair back up and pulled a few tendrils down around her face. She smiled and said, “See you inside.”

  Kayn almost had an extremely sexy moment as she strutted confidently away from Tiberius. Until she awkwardly stumbled in her heels and fell into Frost’s arms.

  Frost whispered in her ear, “Way to be inconspicuous love.” He tucked one of her loose ringlets behind her ear as he propped her back up, grinned and assured, “Ignore my brother. Tiberius knows nothing of lions. Sheep are his cup of tea.”

  Tiberius teased, “Now ...Now, don’t knock it till you’ve tried it brother.”

  “I’m hot enough to stick with my own species.” Frost declared.

  Thorne rolled his eyes while stammering, “Oh, for the love of everything sacred, you two are a thousand years old. Your immaturity level is actually painful.”

  Tiberius jousted, “Mr. Monogamy doesn’t find my shenanigans funny. Oh, thank god, if you did, I’d have to chuck it all and join a monastery.”

  “You’d never be able to stop talking long enough.” Thorne bickered.

  Frost boisterously laughed and piped in, “He’d light on fire as soon as he stepped through the gate.”

  “Right alongside of you,” Tiberius said, patting Frost’s shoulder.

  “Touché,” Frost chuckled. “You do have me there.”

  They abruptly stopped laughing. Kayn didn’t need to turn around to know who’d graced their presence because you could smell her intoxicating scent in the air before you saw her. She always had a way of making an entrance.

  Thorne addressed her first, “Long time no see Lilarah.”

  She gave Thorne a genuine smile in return. They greeted each other as old friends, embracing as she replied, “It’s good to see you again Thorne.”

  Lily stood in front of Tiberius without attempting to touch him. Tiberius flirtatiously prodded, “What? No hug for me?”

  The breathtakingly gorgeous immortal with shimmering black hair smiled and flounced away. She was brilliant. Kayn could tell it drove Tiberius crazy that Lily had opted out of speaking to him. Witnessing these strangely interwoven relationships was like watching someone slowly put together a puzzle. So far, two of the Ankh women had strolled right by Tiberius without even offering up a well-mannered attempt at a greeting. One would think Tiberius would be upset. He was far from that; he appeared to be intrigued. Tiberius caught her staring at him and winked at her. Kayn quickly turned around and followed the group.

  The room’s décor reminded her of a small low key wedding reception. There was see through white linen, crystal and candles at every table but no personalized wedding favors. Kayn kept her eyes trained on the girls in beautiful dresses walk
ing in front of her. Don’t look for him. Do not look for him. She slipped into a seat next to Melody and Zach. She sensed Kevin’s presence but kept her head from turning, knowing the mere sight of her best friend would create havoc on her heart. Her emotions had made her appear weak. She thought of the humiliating speech he’d given her at the track. Each time she replayed his uncharacteristically brutal words in her mind, she managed to calm the urge to glance his way. Heaven forbid she give Kevin, or guy that looks like Kevin, a reason to think she’d give him the time of day.

  A squeal from the mic at the small wooden podium up front startled her. Jenna and two others she didn’t recognize were standing at it.

  Jenna spoke, “Some of you are probably wondering why you are here. I’m sure your clans have already made you aware that your authority figures will be leaving you alone for the next week. There has always been a prearranged cease fire between the clans while the leaders go to the Summit. The older members of your clans that have already gone through the Testing are permitted to leave. The new untested clan members must stay within a five-mile radius of this campground. This happens every five years, for one week. Anyone who disrupts this one week term of peace will be entombed. This event is brought to you by The Aries Group. Enjoy your dinner and spirits.”

  Kayn asked for an Earl Grey tea as the waiter passed by her seat. When she glanced at the waiter to smile and thank him, she saw Kevin. He was sitting at the table directly behind her with a few girls. They were intently listening to his every word. Times had definitely changed. Kayn quickly turned around so he wouldn’t catch her looking at him. She felt incredibly uncomfortable. As she looked around the table, it felt like everyone was waiting for her to do or say something stupid.


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