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Monroe, Melody Snow - Brittany's Destiny [Pleasure, Montana 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Melody Snow Monroe

  Pleasure, Montana 4

  Brittany’s Destiny

  Brittany has a secret and has avoided returning home because of it. Sparks, her best friend in high school, knows why she left, but he has told no one. Brody, the man who loved her, has never gotten over her defection, and his twin, Evan, longs for her return.

  Now Brittany has come home to get a new start on life. Her parents are not welcoming, and Brody is so hurt by Brittany's betrayal he won’t let her near him. Only Evan and Sparks, the two forest rangers in town, are willing to help her move into her cabin in the mountains, which is in need of much repair. Slowly, she learns how much those two men care. They convince her to confront bad boy Brody. When she tells him the truth, he runs off. What can she do to convince them that she yearns for a ménage relationship with all three men?

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 53,213 words


  Pleasure, Montana 4

  Melody Snow Monroe


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2012 by Melody Snow Monroe

  E-book ISBN: 1-61926-312-2

  First E-book Publication: January 2012

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  To Hawk and Anna Small. Your help was invaluable.


  Pleasure, Montana 4


  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter One

  Forest ranger Evan Thomas was halfway down the mountain after finishing his ski patrol when a patch of red caught his eye. His body shot to high alert.

  He plowed to a stop to check it out. While it wasn’t snowing, the wind was picking up the fine powder and swirling it around, making it hard to see. He made his way over to the object at the base of a tree.

  As he neared, his heart dropped to his stomach. A young boy, maybe ten years old, was lying on his side, his head half-covered in snow. Evan rushed toward him, praying he was alive.

  He dropped to his knees and took off his skis. “Hey. Are you okay?” From the odd angle of the boy’s position, he didn’t expect a response. He shook the boy’s shoulder but got no answer. Shit.

  Despite years in the field as a wilderness EMT, his heart still raced. Evan tore off his gloves to feel for a pulse. Ignoring his own thumping heart, he detected a faint beat. Relief poured through him. Given the boy’s proximity to the tree, and the trace of blood nearby, Evan could guess what happened. The kid had lost control, slammed into the tree, and been knocked unconscious.

  Anger rushed up his gut. What was he doing alone on this side of the mountain anyway? The ski slopes were in the other direction. Hadn’t his parents warned him about the dangers of skiing alone?

  Stop lecturing.

  He began his patient assessment. There was a large, bloody contusion on the boy’s forehead. After Evan searched for other external injuries, the major concern seemed to be the concussion, but there was no telling what kind of internal problems existed. If he didn’t get the child to safety soon, he would die of exposure.

  Evan grabbed his phone and called 911. The dispatcher said she’d contact the clinic and have the ambulance meet him at the base of the mountain. Now he just needed to get the kid down without further injuring him.

  From his backpack he pulled out his blue webbing to make a harness. After he looped the rope around the boy’s legs and waist, Evan threaded the rope over the boy’s shoulders. Fortunately, the kid didn’t weigh much more than a hundred pounds. It took a few tries to lift him up and position him on Evan’s back. Once he was satisfied the boy was secure, he clipped on his skis and headed down the slopes. If he hadn’t just gotten off work, his partner would have been with him, making the transport easier.

  Skiing with dead weight on his back took a lot of energy. He had to take it slow to make sure he didn’t lose his balance. After thirty minutes, he made it to his vehicle, where the ambulance sat waiting. Thank God.

  The nurse-practitioner jumped out of the front seat. Evan detailed what happened.

  “Thanks, Evan. Looks like you saved this boy’s life.”

  “I hope I found him in time. I’ll call later to see how he’s doing.”

  He waited until the ambulance was on its way before taking off. He would have headed home, but his roommate was on his way to a conference. Instead of eating alone, he decided to go to the Mountain View Bar & Grill for some coffee and a hot meal. His heart still hadn’t slowed.

  It wasn’t often he found someone so close to death. Once he and Sparks had found a body frozen in the snow, dead a good week. The man’s face still haunted him.

  The snow was coming down in earnest, making the drive to town rather treacherous. The
chains on his tires kept him from slipping all over the place. Luckily, he secured a parking spot in front of the restaurant. Few must have been willing to venture out in this storm. As soon as he stepped inside, warmth hit him. The bar and grill smelled of cider and coffee. Pure heaven.

  He sat in the corner, wanting to reflect on today’s tragedy and rescue. He needed to make sure there wasn’t much else he could have done for that poor kid. He didn’t recognize the boy and could only imagine the parents’ despair.

  Luke, one of the owners, came over to take his order. He and Sparks had helped find Luke’s kidnapped wife a few months ago. Good thing all ended well.

  “You look cold, Evan.”

  His nose was still red, he bet. “Just got off patrol. Found a kid in the snow.” He explained what happened.

  “Thank God you got to him when you did.”

  “I’m glad Pleasure sees fit to have me on the payroll.” Not every town had two full-time rangers. During the summer, he and Sparks watched for fires and checked on the isolated cabins.

  “Dinner’s on me tonight.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “We like to support our heroes.”

  He wished he could have found the kid sooner. “Thanks.”

  After Luke poured him coffee and took his order, Evan leaned back to relax.

  He was halfway through his meal when the front door opened. A petite woman, bundled in a large coat and scarf, rushed in, along with a rush of snow. She stomped her snow-covered boots on the mat and looked around as if she were searching for someone in particular. When she turned her head, he blinked a few times. She reminded him of Brittany Davenport, the girl who’d been the fourth cog in the wheel during their junior and senior year in high school. Brody, Sparks, he, and Brittany hung together all the time. She was Brody’s girl, but Evan had adored her from afar, as had Sparks.

  His eyes must have been playing tricks on him, but when she stepped closer, he got a better look. Jesus Christ. It was her!

  She sat down and took off her hat. Her long, brown hair tumbled out. Now he knew he was right.

  He jumped up and rushed over. “Brittany!”

  She looked up. It took a split second for her to recognize him. “Evan?”

  “You betcha.” He held open his arms.

  She shot up from her chair and gave him a hug. “It’s so good to see you.”

  “You, too. Are you meeting anyone?”


  “Care to join me?” He failed to keep the excitement from his voice. She was even more beautiful than the last time he’d seen her, which had to be a good seven years.


  He led her to his table. “So tell me what’s been going on in your life.” My God, he couldn’t believe she was here. She’d been in his dreams many a night.

  Her gaze shot right, then left as if she didn’t know where to start. “You probably heard, I went to school in France for a few years. After I graduated, I moved to California, where I got my master’s degree in nursing.”

  “Good for you.” He always knew she was an achiever and would be a success. Too bad she didn’t include any personal details. “Are you back for good or here visiting your parents?”

  It had stung that she’d never contacted anyone after graduation. She was here one day, gone the next. Given she appeared to be in love with his twin, it seemed odd that she dropped off the face of the earth.

  “For good. I wanted to give Pleasure another chance.” She took off her scarf and jacket. “I was taking care of my grandmother when I was in graduate school. When she passed, I inherited some money and thought I’d come back to start anew. I got a job working at the clinic with Doc Trumble.”

  “They’re good people there.” He searched her face for something else. They’d all been so tight during those years. As soon as she moved to Pleasure as a sophomore, they met, and the rest was history.

  One thing he appreciated about her was that there never had been any secrets between them. But when she left in a hurry, they all believed something must have happened to make her cut ties.

  Luke came over and took her order. Evan introduced her. Luke was a bit older than Brittany and wouldn’t have known her when she lived here.

  Once he left, she leaned forward. “So tell me about yourself. I’m hoping you’re still friends with Sparks.”

  “We room together.” He told her they both were forest rangers and patrolled the slopes during the winter.

  “That’s awesome. I know how much you both loved the outdoors.”

  He waited for her to ask about his twin, who at one time had been the love of her life, but she didn’t. “Do you plan on living with your parents?” He hated the small talk, but they had a lot to catch up on.

  “God, no. If you remember, they’re rather difficult, but I must admit after living in Pleasure for a while, they seem to have softened.”

  “When did you get back?” If she’d been here a while and hadn’t contacted him, he’d be hurt.

  “Three days ago. I’ve been running around looking for someplace of my own.”

  During his patrol, he’d seen the Walker cabin was up for sale. They discussed what she was looking for and how much she was willing to pay.

  “I might know of a place. I’m friends with the son. I could pick you up tomorrow and we could take a look.”

  She smiled and the memories flooded back. “That would be great.”

  “You still into Scrabble?”

  She laughed. “My God. I haven’t played since high school with you all.”

  “Maybe we could have a rematch for old times’ sake.”

  “I’d love that.”

  “Once Sparks gets back into town, let’s plan on it.”

  She sipped her hot tea. “Speaking of which, where is he?”

  “At a forestry conference for a week.”

  “Well, it will be good to see him.” Given the width of her smile and the sparkle in her face, she meant it. “Tell him to call me when he gets into town.” She gave Evan her number.

  After they finished their meal, she said she had a few more errands to attend to. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then?”

  “Sure. I’ll call you with a time.”

  He watched her leave and inhaled to calm his breaths. Reaching under the table, he adjusted his cock. The woman had a way of getting to him even after all this time.

  He wasn’t sure what it was about her, but he would definitely be spending more time with her. He yanked his phone out of his pocket and dialed the clinic. Doc Trumble answered.

  “I was wondering how our little skier was doing.”

  “Tanya took him to the hospital in Bozeman. She just called, as a matter of fact, and said the kid was going to be just fine.”

  Other than a bad headache, he suspected. “Thanks for the good news.”

  If anything had happened to the boy, he would have felt bad for wasting so much time at the top of the mountain. Next he called Sparks.

  “What’s up?”

  “You’ll never believe who just came into the Mountain View.” He knew Sparks could never guess. “Brittany.”

  “Our Brittany?”

  “The one and only.”

  “Oh, man, I wish I’d been there. How does she look?”

  “Hot doesn’t come close to describing her.”

  Sparks laughed. “Well, we’ve been looking for someone to share.”

  Her name came up repeatedly over the last few years. If there was a woman to share, she was it. “I don’t think she’d go for it, but that’s not going to stop me from trying. I’m going to take her around tomorrow to look at some properties.”

  “Are you shitting me? She’s moving back here?”


  “My day just got a lot better.”

  That made two of them.

  * * * *

  Brittany couldn’t believe how amazing Evan looked. Even though Evan was three minutes younger than Brody, the
y looked nothing alike, or at least they hadn’t in high school. Evan’s once-smooth face now had strong, angled planes and his eyes were wide and deep set, almost to the point of looking mysterious. His face had filled out and the small lines in his face accentuated his good looks. Most likely, he’d be considered the more handsome of the two.

  Besides the maturity in his face, he’d packed on a ton of muscles, particularly to his upper body. She’d always thought he was hot back in high school, but now, he was better looking.

  It came as no surprise that he was now a local hero, saving people on the slopes. Her parents had told her how he and Sparks had been nearby when little Charley Devereaux had fallen and broken his leg. Apparently a bear was near and was trying to get to the boy, but Drake, his dad, had scared off the beast. Drake needed help getting his son to safety and Evan and Sparks came to save the day.

  One of the things she remembered about Evan was that he always loved helping people. She would never forget how he helped her cope after she and Brody broke up.

  The doorbell rang at her parents’ house. “I’ll get it,” she called. “It’s probably Evan.” She rushed to answer the door, hoping to beat the butler to the job. “Hey.”

  Evan was dressed in jeans, boots, and had on an unzipped parka. Wasn’t he cold? She so wasn’t used to the cold weather.

  She yelled good-bye and closed the door behind her. He smiled and wrapped a possessive arm around her waist. She normally wasn’t so forward with a guy, but with Evan the intervening years seemed like weeks. Once they got talking about the kids they knew, and where everyone was in their life, it was like those seven years had never happened.


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