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Heroes Duet

Page 4

by Pinder, Victoria

  “Neither was Mr. Haniel once.” Bernadette tilted her head. “Who knew his interest in computers and cars would pan out like they have?”

  Both of those sounded like honest endeavors and she felt her heart skip a beat. “He earned his money through hard work and effort?”

  Bernadette shrugged. “You’ll have to talk to him about his business, dear, but I’ve never met a more determined man.”

  “Determination is good.” Sophie waved goodbye as Bernadette went down the hall.

  Once she was alone, she stared at the dress. The cherry red shimmered and she knew if she wore it, she would feel sexy too—which wasn’t conducive to resisting Michael.

  She ignored the dress and searched through the suitcase.

  Nothing called to her like that red dress. Jeans, button down shirts, the assortment even looked like ‘mom clothes.’

  She turned back and the fabric seemed to glow. Her heart raced. If she wore that dress, Michael would kiss her again. Her lips tingled at the thought.

  Giving in, she decided that there was no harm in trying it on in the privacy of her own room.

  She tugged the yoga pants and exercise bra off as she headed into the bathroom to put the red dress on.

  As she zipped it up in the back, she felt it hug her waist and breasts. When she looked in the mirror, she saw a confident woman looking back.

  Wow. Now she definitely wanted to wear this.

  The bathroom door opened, and her sister leaned against the frame and whistled. “Now that is a dress.”

  “You like it, Emily?” Sophie turned and saw all of her sisters waiting for her.

  Emily motioned for her to come out. Sophie strutted as if wearing heels and Isi and Emily clapped. Emily laughed and said, “It’s like the modern version of Pretty Woman and slightly sexier. Where did you get it as you’d have never bought that on your own?”

  Sophie ignored Emily’s point and winked at Isabella. “Bernadette, who enjoyed the younger girls’ company today.”

  Emily crossed her arms. “Did they get in trouble?”

  Sophie shook her head. Emily didn’t need to worry—Bernadette had been sincere about liking their company. Mr. Sexy said they could stay here. Her heart stopped. She was the one who might mess up their invitation.

  Abigail’s sweet smile brought her back. Sophie knelt down, hugged both her baby sisters and said, “No. She hopes you come and visit her again tomorrow.”

  Sophie inhaled the clean baby girl scent her sister had while Abby held tight. “She’s nice, Sophie.”

  Emily stood Sophie up and played with her hair, combing the side back behind her ears and pinning it. Sophie let her sister fuss and her hair looked better as a result. It was still down, but one side pinned in a roll gave her a polished, sophisticated look.

  Once Emily was done, she gently shoved Sophie’s shoulder and said, “Go, sis. Have fun on your date.”

  “Okay. I love you all.” Sophie slipped her feet into Emily’s buckle black heels, which were the best shoes she could find.

  Abigail answered, “Love you too.” Then Isi hugged her thigh. “Bye, Sophie.” Even Emily gave her sister a quick hug. “Have fun.”

  Sophie strolled out of her bedroom like she was confident, but once she made it to the stairs, she clutched her stomach.

  Mr. Sexy was downstairs and waiting for her. She’d never, ever given in to physical temptation and intended to show her family that none of them needed a man in their lives. However the zip in her pulse from the idea of seeing him made her entire body feel alive.

  She hesitated with her hand wrapped around the door handle of the dining room. Michael was on the other side of that door, waiting for her. She took a deep breath and went inside.

  Michael closed his tablet and stood, wearing dark blue jeans and a short-sleeved midnight blue t-shirt where she spied a tattoo on his shoulder. Her heart hammered as she said, “Michael.”

  His eyes opened in surprise, actually more like shock. She pressed her lips together as she wondered if this was his ex-wife’s dress or something. She stepped forward as he asked, “What are you wearing?”

  The older woman had seemed so nice. She couldn’t have set her up. Sophie’s stomach twisted, but she looked down at her sparkly dress. “Bernadette gave this to me. Is that not okay?”

  He came over and took her hand off her dress. She glanced at him as sparks raced up her arm. “It’s fine. It looks better on you anyhow.”

  Her gaze narrowed. Something had been wrong. “Why do you have this dress? It’s too small for Bernadette. Did you have a wife or girlfriend?”

  He held out a chair for her. “No wife. No girlfriend. Please sit.”

  She took the seat and once she was in, he slipped in the seat next to her. Then he held up a wine bottle and she nodded. “Now I’m even more curious.”

  He poured a French red wine. “I bought that as a gift for someone who will never step foot here, but it doesn’t matter. I can get something else if necessary.”

  The mystery became more curious. This couldn’t have been for his mother, could it? She took the glass of wine he offered and said, “So, this was a gift to a girl you want to be your girlfriend?”

  He scoffed as if she’d said something sarcastic. She sipped the deep red with appreciation and read the label. Cabernet Sauvignon? It was slightly sweeter than what she’d expected. Michael said, “My ex-girl… ex-fiancée actually. It was to be part of a plan.”

  She almost choked on her sip, but she managed to keep it down. She swallowed and asked, “You were engaged?”

  He shrugged, drawing out the movement. “In another lifetime.”

  She sipped her wine and mulled over what he’d said. She knew nothing about Michael Haniel really, but then he knew nothing about her either. There was only one way to remedy that. “Well, I’ve never been engaged.”

  His eyes widened as he scooted his chair closer to her. “Why not?”

  The whole spinster thing was her future, not that she’d say that. Instead she took a fortifying drink. “Never met the right guy, I guess. I don’t want to get married or be engaged unless we’re completely in love.”

  He leaned closer but his laugh caught in his lips. “Love is a myth we sell to the young, like Santa Claus.”

  Whoever the ex was must have burned him, badly. She wasn’t that jaded. “That’s depressing.”

  “But truthful.” Michael sat back as Jack entered the dining room with salad plates. Neither one said anything else as the servant set the dishes before them. Once the door closed, Michael asked, “Did you enjoy yourself in my home today?”

  She picked up her fork and stared at her spinach and lettuce mix. He didn’t believe in love? “Yes. You are kind…”

  The rest of her sentence failed her.

  He reached across the table and took her hand. “I’m not kind. I’ve not been that in years, but I am hospitable.”

  Fine dining. Their huge bedroom suites, near each other but separate. This mansion was bigger than her mother’s old home, which was over two thousand square feet. She toyed with her salad and listened to her heart that beat faster from his touch. He smelled better than any man in her memory. “In Miami, my sisters and I were crowded into my two-bedroom condo.”

  He released her hand, but it felt like his stare burned through her. “So you don’t have much money?”

  “We had enough.” She folded her hands in her lap, not ashamed of her circumstances. “I own the condo. When my sisters came to live with me, I made sure Abby and Isi had their own room and Emily shares with me. The rooms are large and it works for us. We ran because I’d trusted that the FBI would handle our protection-”

  “I remember.” He leaned closer and traced her arm, leaving a warm trail of goosebumps in his path. “I want to make you an offer and I was trying to figure out your position first.”

  She scooted closer to him like a moth to the flame. Nothing could stop his pull on her. She kept her voice low. “Just ask me

  He stood and came beside her seat, his hands tracing her shoulders now. Her breasts ached as he said, “Sophie. I want you far more than I should. I can make your life much easier and upgrade this condo of yours if you agree to a relationship that doesn’t involve love.”

  She glanced up and then stood. Her lips tingled for his kiss. He must have sensed her desire because his arms wrapped around her waist.

  Her eyes closed and the moment his lips claimed hers, she was in heaven. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she held onto him because it seemed they were one person, one soul.

  The zap she felt near him couldn’t just be solitary.

  His hold on her waist made her think he felt it too.

  Slowly he ended the kiss and let her go. She was lost. She couldn’t breathe or think. Finally, because he stared at her with heated intensity, she played with his shirt collar and asked, “I don’t need a new condo. As for the relationship, can I think about it?” She’d have to figure out something to tell Emily.

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  The door opened and Jack stepped back, surprised. “Did you not like your salads?”

  “We’re more interested in the main course.” Michael held her chair for her again to sit.

  Tonight was different. Every cell in her body was alive. She needed to discover more about Michael. Perhaps if she did, she’d make a better decision because her mind was completely scattered.

  Chapter Six

  Michael refilled her glass while Jack fixed their dinners in front of them. Sophie recognized chicken, mushroom, lardon and garlic cooked in burgundy wine. If she remembered the food channel right, this was Coq au Vin. Her stomach growled, and she hoped Michael didn’t hear it.

  Jack left and closed the door behind him. Michael put his water goblet down and reached for her hand. “I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable earlier, Sophie. No matter what you choose, you’re welcome here until we can get you on your way.”

  Her gaze narrowed. “Interesting way of changing the facts. I can’t go anywhere.”

  “Did you want to?”

  “Right now, I’m good.” His palm was warm. She pushed her hair behind her ear careful not to disturb the curl her sister had styled on one side. She let out a small sigh and said, “Thanks for that assurance, but that wasn’t what I was thinking.”

  He picked up his fork and stared at her with those dark eyes of his. “What were you thinking?”

  She watched as he swallowed a bite of chicken and his Adam’s apple bobbed. She picked up her fork to avoid his gaze. “Your kiss really hit home.”

  Again he reached out and brushed his hand on hers, igniting sparks. “Likewise, Sophie.” She looked up at him. “Your kiss makes me forget myself. I haven’t felt that in a long time.”

  His words burned through her. She stayed silent while they both ate some of their meal. Once they were close to done, she dabbed at her mouth with her napkin and asked, “Why did you and your ex break up?”

  He almost choked it seemed, but he wiped his lips with his own napkin, met her gaze and then said, “She chose someone with money instead of me.”

  “Now that was dumb of her.” Sophie reached for her wine.

  He did the same and they clinked glasses. He then stared into the ruby depths and quietly said in his deep voice, “You didn’t know me then. If anyone was the dumb one, it was me. I was the fool, but I won’t be that. Ever again.”

  Mr. Sexy tugged a small piece of his dark hair like he’d pull it out, until he put his glass down and stared at her.

  Her skin ached for his touch. She nudged her wine glass away. “My last boyfriend and I just grew apart. We dated in high school and then college and once all that finished, we looked at each other and wondered what we had in common. It was amicable, though I was sad.”

  Without a word, awareness grew inside her as he scooted closer. “If he didn’t keep you and worship you, then he was the fool in that story.”

  “Thanks Michael. You’re sweet.” She looked up and wondered what would happen if she threw caution to the wind just once and kissed him. If she dared to make the bold move. The tingles in her lips begged her to follow the thought, but she stayed still.

  Michael leaned closer to her and every part of her awakened. “Did you enjoy your meal?”

  His warm breath caressed her cheek and her eyes fluttered closed. “It was delicious. Why?”

  “Because I want you as my dessert.” He lifted her chin and claimed another kiss.

  Zero to boil was the closest way to describe how he made her feel already. Sophie wanted to pull his shirt off and just as easily throw off her inhibitions. However, Emily’s beliefs that women used sex to trap a man ran through her mind. She pushed him back. “Wait. My sisters are upstairs.”

  He reached for her again. “So we won’t let them see us. I am excellent at keeping secrets.”

  For the second time, she avoided the very touch she craved. “I bet you are.” He pulled away and she took his hand. He had to understand that she wasn’t rejecting him, the man. “My biggest issue is my sister, Emily. She thinks… never mind.”

  “No.” Breathing hard, he sat back and handed her wine glass to her, then picked up his own. “What were you going to say?”

  Right. She sipped the sweet red that didn’t hit the spot she truly wanted. She swallowed and then told him the truth. “She thinks women use their bodies to get men and get ahead. She’s still mad at our mother for divorcing her dad I think, but your offer makes me feel a bit of a hypocrite if I say yes.”

  He cleared his throat and tightened his grip on the curve of the wine glass. “I understand better. If I still had my little sister, I’d do whatever I could to show her right from wrong. What happened to your mother?”

  Still? The past tense caught her attention. She came closer. “What happened to your sister?”

  He sat further away in his chair and looked at the table, instead of her. “She was murdered. I don’t like to talk about it.”

  Tears formed in her eyes. Murdered? She clutched his hand to her heart and squeezed. “Oh my God. That’s horrible. I’m so sorry.”

  He reached out and petted her hair as a sad smile formed on his lips. “You didn’t do anything to be sorry about. What about your mother?”

  With his hand still near her chest, she held him tight. With him, it might be easier to share what had happened. She swallowed and met his stare. This time, with him close, the words flowed out of her mouth easier. “She died in a car accident. She was overtired from working and veered off the road.”

  He massaged her back a little and hugged her. “Now that is sad with little ones at home.”

  “It was.” Being responsible suddenly when she was only 22 about to be 23 meant she’d had to care for everyone else. She swallowed and let a few of her tears fall.

  Michael didn’t seem to mind as he gathered her close and held her.

  The door opened and he pulled back. Jack coughed like he hadn’t seen them hugging. “Are you ready for dessert?”

  Michael pushed his plate a little and nodded at Jack, but kept her hand in his. “Yes. And Jack, please tell Bernadette she outdid herself with dinner.”

  Jack took their empty plates and kept his head down. “She made your favorite cake for tonight and hopes you enjoy.”

  Sophie had no idea what to do or say. Jack had clearly seen them. Her cheeks stung as his gaze scanned her and Michael’s clasped hands, but Jack held his tongue. He took the plates out and returned a moment later with a white strawberry cream cake, her own personal favorite.

  He set the dessert down, placed their plates and silverware, and then left.

  She could breathe once he was gone even though her heart still raced. “Your servants are loyal to you.”

  Michael cut the cake. She smacked her lips at the fresh strawberries inside, though she had no idea where in winter Bernadette even had such fresh fruit. The delicious concoction had been a treat as a child.
“Jack thinks I saved his life once.”

  He offered her a plate that she gladly accepted. She picked up her fork. “Did you?”

  He put a plate in front of him. “Technically.” He edged his fork into the cake. “But he’s been more than loyal, which is something I value. What is something you want, Sophie?”

  She ate a bite and almost choked on it. She coughed but swallowed the sweet morsel. Once she was sure her throat was clear, she asked, “Something I want?”

  “Something I can give you.” He brought a strawberry to his lips.

  From Michael all she wanted was to rekindle the desire he’d made her feel before cake. Talking and sharing was the greatest way to get to know one another, but now she felt him pull away. She scraped the last bit of strawberry from her plate. “From you? I’d like for us to talk like we are now, every day. It doesn’t have to be dinner.”

  He set his silverware down. “I’ve enjoyed our conversation, so for the next few months, we’ll talk about whatever you want over dinner. Afterwards, I’d like to strip you naked and have my way with you.”

  A huge bubble of laughter escaped her lips. She wiped her lips to stop laughing. “I… can’t be a hypocrite.”

  He leaned closer and the smell of his testosterone mixed with a hint of evergreen sent her right over the edge—and all he’d done was pat her arm. “You refused my offer of a new condo. Right now, it’s two people who want nothing more than to enjoy each other.”

  Her lips tingled, and her body temperature heated as her heart raced. She lowered her lashes. “I’ve taken advantage of your generous offer of your house and even your mother’s clothes and given nothing in return.”

  “That’s hospitality.” He reached up and traced her face with his muscular hand. “All I want is you, because you want me. You make me feel when I’m normally just a robot on the inside.”

  There was nothing mechanical about Michael. Her lips parted. “A hot robot.”

  He stood and took her hand in his. “Let’s go to a secret room, where your sisters will never find us.”


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