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Walking Away (The Walking Together Series Book 2)

Page 10

by T. E. Killian

  Of course, A. Ray and Roger were somewhat subdued in the presence of so much enthusiasm. That surprised Kent even more. His nephews were usually much more high-spirited, even rambunctious sometimes.

  Later, Kent had his parents and Michelle at his house and they were all settling in for the night, he thought he’d be able to unwind from another emotionally eventful day in the family room before going to bed, but that wasn’t going to happen.

  First, his mom stepped into the room where Kent was leaning back in his recliner. She didn’t say anything at first. She just sat next to him on the couch.

  After a few minutes of silence, she said, “I’m so angry at Shelly right now that if she were here, I think I would grab her and try to shake some sense into her.”

  Kent groaned. “I know Mom. I’ve been feeling the same way ever since she just dropped Michelle off at the bus station the other day.”

  Neither one said anything for another few minutes. Then his mom leaned over and kissed his cheek. “I’m so glad that she did though.”

  With that, she rose and went back to the bedroom she and his dad used when they stayed with him.

  Kent was just about to get up and go to bed when he heard a sound and looked up to see Michelle standing in the doorway. She was dressed in her nightgown and looked almost afraid to come any farther.

  He motioned with his hand and said, “Come on in Michelle. Did you want to talk to me?”

  She moved toward him slowly with her eyes down and finally took the spot next to him that his mom had recently vacated. She didn’t say anything for a few minutes. But he was certain that she had something on her mind, so he just sat there and waited.

  He was beginning to see some similarities not only between Michelle and Sheila, but also between Michelle and her grandma. That made him feel warm all over again.

  Finally, she looked up at him with tears in her eyes and said, “Mommy said that you were mean and that grandma was even meaner.”

  Now Kent was shocked. What could he say to that? After quickly thinking it through, he decided not to say anything.

  When he didn’t speak, Michelle did. “She was wrong.” She seemed to think for a moment. “Grandma is really nice.” She paused again. “And so are you.”

  Before Kent could respond in any way, Michelle jumped up and ran to her room, closing the door behind her. But she left behind her a very happy dad.

  * * *

  Grace’s mom had asked her to bring Brianna over to her house after supper that night. Brianna had told her that Grandma was going to teach her how to bake a cake. As much as Grace would have liked to watch that event, Brianna had told her that it was just supposed to be her and her grandma.

  So Grace dropped her daughter off at her parents’ house then went over to Trish’s house. She knew Trish would always welcome the company. She was pleasantly surprised to see Betty Sue there when Trish let her in the front door.

  Betty Sue joined them in the foyer and Trish immediately pulled the other two women into a three-way hug. Grace fought the giggles that tried to surface at the odd trio they made. With Trish at five foot three, her at five foot ten, and Betty Sue at six foot two, they were certainly stair steps.

  Once they were all seated in the living room, Trish began. “Well, Grace, how does it feel to finally be back home?”

  Grace didn’t know what came over her but instead of giving Trish the happy response that she knew her dear friend expected, she burst into tears.

  Instantly, Trish was on one side of Grace and Betty Sue was on the other side. They both wrapped their arms around Grace and let her cry while patting her back and holding her hands.

  She was so embarrassed and Trish must have realized it for she said, “Don’t feel the least bit bad about this Dear. We all come to times when things just seem to overwhelm us. Whenever you’re ready to talk about it, we’ll both be waiting right here to listen. Okay?”

  Grace nodded and tried to dry her tears with the tissues that Betty Sue had handed her.

  As soon as she could compose herself, Grace told them all about her ex-in-laws coming to Strawberry and how much of a negative impact that would have on Brianna and her too for that matter.

  Then she told them about what Mrs. Anderson had told her earlier that evening and they all had a good laugh over that one.

  Finally, Trish placed a hand on Grace’s arm and said, “You know Sweetie, there’s a lot of wisdom in what Mrs. Anderson told you.”

  Before Grace could protest, Trish laughed and continued, “No, I don’t mean the part about the baseball bat. I mean that you have to stand up to that woman in some way, so that she will realize that you mean business and that you’re not going to let her ruin your daughter the way she did her son.”

  Grace swiped at her eyes again and looked toward Betty Sue who had made a sound as if she wanted to talk. Trish must have realized that too as she also turned to Betty Sue to see what she had to say.

  Betty Sue seemed to be deep in thought for a moment then looked up at Grace. “You know Grace, my granny always said that the best way to get rid of a person like your ex-mother-in-law was to ignore her when possible and when that wasn’t possible, treat her so nice that she won’t know what hit her.”

  Grace sat there staring at Betty Sue for a long moment trying to digest all that the tall, shy woman had just said. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the same sort of perplexed look on Trish’s face.

  Finally, Trish laughed loudly and slapped her hand on her thigh. “Why, Betty Sue, I do think that I would have loved to meet your granny. Sounds like she was one very smart woman.”

  Betty Sue was grinning at the compliment and Grace could tell that Betty Sue had loved her granny deeply.

  Then, Trish suddenly rounded on Grace. “Well, have you tried it?”

  Grace was puzzled. “Tried what?”

  Trish snorted. “Tried to ignore her of course.”

  Grace, in spite of the seriousness of the conversation, laughed. “You don’t know Meredith Donaldson. She is one person you can’t easily ignore. In fact, I would say that it is virtually impossible to ignore her. If you try, she’ll just get right in your face and talk loudly until you finally acknowledge her.”

  Trish looked back at Betty Sue. “Well, what would your granny say to that?”

  Betty Sue grinned. “Why she’d just say you got to be real nice to her and that’ll throw her for a loop.”

  Grace sat there for a few minutes thinking all that through while the other two women simply sat back and watched her.

  When she finally looked up at her two friends, Grace was still confused but when she looked into their faces, all she saw was love, concern, and support. She realized then, that was all she really needed. She could do it. She was going to do it.

  Now the looks on her friends’ faces had turned into anticipation. She knew they were dying to find out what she was going to do.

  She looked at Trish then turned to Betty Sue. “I’m going to try it. Yes, I’m going to do it. This weekend when they come down here, I’m going to be so nice to her that she won’t know what hit her.”

  The other two laughed and Trish said, “I think I would give you just one piece of advice Honey. When Grace nodded toward her, Trish said, “I think it might be best if you take Brianna over to their house rather than letting them into your own house.”

  Grace knew immediately what she meant. “Oh yes. Then that way, I could pick up and leave any time I wanted to. But if they came to my house, I might not be able to get them to leave when I wanted them to.”

  Trish pulled Grace into a hug. “That’s it exactly Grace. I think that what both Betty Sue’s granny and Mrs. Anderson were saying was that you have to be in control at all times. As soon as you lose control, then that dreadful woman will win.”

  Grace left Trish’s house feeling better than she had for several days. She now had a plan and was sure it would at least help in her dealings with Meredith Donaldson.

nbsp; When she stopped in at her parents’ house to get Brianna, the little girl was so excited. Of course, Grace had to sample the cake they had baked.

  * * *

  Kent was getting antsy. He couldn’t just sit around the house any longer. Everyone else was in bed or at least in their bedrooms. He had been pacing the floor in his room for the last half hour. He knew he wouldn’t be able to go to sleep for a long time. He also knew exactly what the problem was.

  He hadn’t been to the casino since Sunday, three whole days. He hadn’t gone that long since he’d started going there three months ago.

  He just had to get back in there so he could start winning all that money he’d lost over the summer. He was beginning to fall behind on all of his payments and even his credit card was almost maxed out. What would he do if he couldn’t win some of it back?

  No, he wouldn’t think about that right now. That kind of thinking led to bad luck. But somehow, he had to try to sneak off tonight.

  Well, with his parents here now, he shouldn’t have to worry about leaving Michelle alone. That was it. He would go right now. He could probably get back before anyone even noticed that he was gone. At least he hoped that would be the case. He sure didn’t need his mom nagging him about that.

  Kent sneaked out through the kitchen door into the garage and left as quietly as he could manage. Half an hour later, he was at the casino and was quickly back into the swing of things, the way he usually was whenever he was there.

  Later, he would look back and realize that he would almost get in some kind of a trance whenever he was at the casino playing the machines. But right then, all he knew was that he was doing what he had to do. He had to win back all that he’d been losing. He just had to do that and tonight would be the perfect time to do so.

  But, just as he was sitting down at one of his favorite slot machines, he had the weird feeling that someone was watching him. He quickly looked around the entire area but didn’t see anyone he knew. He finally chalked it up to being paranoid about the idea of sneaking off on his parents the way he had.

  After all, the casino was half an hour’s drive from Strawberry and it wasn’t even the closest one. So the chances of him seeing someone he knew here was slim.

  After continuing to look around for a full five minutes, he finally settled down to do what he’d come here for . . . win.

  Kent had been there another hour when two women came up to him with one on each side behind him. He looked to each side quickly and saw a blond and a brunette and both were probably a few years younger than he was.

  Before he could say anything, the blond said, “We’ve been watching you and you’re here alone, aren’t you?”

  When he didn’t answer, she said, “And you looked kinda lonely over here all by yourself. So, we decided to come over and keep you company.”

  He looked at each one in turn and realized they were rather attractive, but all of a sudden, Grace’s face appeared in his mind’s eye. He knew he couldn’t do it then. He had to get away from them, and fast.

  He stood and said, “Sorry ladies, I may be here by myself tonight but I have a fiancée waiting for me at home.”

  With that, he headed for the restroom hoping they’d take the hint and be gone when he came back out. They were, so he continued to play on and on without realizing the time.

  It was two o’clock in the morning by the time Kent let himself into his kitchen from the garage. As usual, lately, he hadn’t won. In fact, he’d lost another hundred that he couldn’t afford to lose.

  He didn’t turn on a light since the nightlight that he’d been leaving on at night since Michelle came to live with him gave him enough light to see his way through the kitchen toward his bedroom.

  He almost jumped through the ceiling when his mom spoke from one of the kitchen chairs. “Where have you been at this time of night Son?”

  Kent knew he had to think fast. He couldn’t remember ever having lied to his mom and he didn’t really want to start now. But he sure couldn’t tell her where he’d been. He knew she’d have a fit. So, he tried to brazen his way through it.

  “Mom, I’m thirty years old.” He tried to grin back at her but realized she probably couldn’t see him that well. “Don’t you think that’s a little old to be explaining my comings and goings to my mother, especially in my own house?”

  In the soft light of the nightlight, he could tell that his mom was glaring at him. He wondered what she was thinking. Then when she started talking, he was somewhat relieved.

  “It’s a woman.” She continued to glare at him. “Isn’t it?”

  He didn’t know how to answer her now. Maybe, he could just not answer her and she’d continue jumping to the wrong conclusion. After all, wasn’t that one better than the truth?

  He tried to bluff his way through it then. “Mom, you know that my private life is just that. You don’t need to get involved in it in any way.”

  She looked like she was going to argue at first then shook her head and said, “I guess you’re right Kent. I think I’ll just go on back to bed now. I had gotten up to get a drink of water when I heard the garage door.”

  With that, she faded into the darkness outside the kitchen doorway leaving Kent shaking his head and breathing a little easier now.

  Chapter Nine

  Thursday morning, Kent struggled to get up and get ready for school. He was thankful when he noticed that his mom had purposefully taken Michelle in hand and made sure she was ready to go on time.

  Once he was in his room before class, he hoped to be able to rest a little before his first freshman attack. But that wasn’t going to be. He looked up when the door opened expecting to see Payne coming in. But no, he was pleased but more than a little surprised to see Linda Livingston come in and sit down in the chair next to his desk.

  Well, this sure was strange. He chuckled to himself when he thought about the fact that he’d had a variety of visitors in his room recently.

  He waited to see what she had on her mind that was so important for her to come to his room this way. He knew it must be something she didn’t want anyone else to overhear, since she never came to his room otherwise. Usually, she just caught him as he was passing the office.

  Linda sat there staring at him for a full minute before she finally spoke. “Kent, you can call me a meddling mother if you want but I’ve just got to ask you a question.”

  She blew out a sigh and looked down at her clenched hands in her lap.

  “Now, if the answer is no, I’ll just get up and get out of here and not bother you again. Okay?”

  She really had him going now. What in the world could she possibly be trying to ask him?

  She sighed again and blurted it out. “Do you still love my daughter?”

  As he just continued to stare at her in total disbelief that she’d ask him such a question, she sighed again.

  “Well, do you or don’t you?”

  He had to smile then at the serious look she was giving him. Finally, he nodded his head as he was now looking down at his own hands. That was about all he could get out right then.

  She leaned forward, eyes squinting at him. “Does that mean yes?”

  Kent was finally able to find his voice but still wasn’t ready to give her a straight answer. “Why are you asking me this, Linda?”

  He could tell that she hadn’t expected or particularly wanted to hear that answer. A puzzled look passed over her face before she said, “Because I think you are, that’s why.”

  Was he? Was he still in love with Grace? If he were honest with himself, he knew he was. He’d even had that thought several times lately, at least since Grace had moved back to town. But was he ready to admit that fact to her mother?

  With a frown on his face, he said, “It didn’t do me any good nine years ago. What good will it do me now?”

  He even surprised himself with that statement and he could tell that it threw Linda for a loop too.

  Finally, she frowned back at him.
“I know. Matt told me about him warning you off back then. But he’s changed his mind about all that now. Just ask him, and he’ll tell you.”

  He smiled then. “I don’t have to. He’s already told me that he wouldn’t stand in my way now. But I haven’t gotten any indication from Grace that it would do me any good to try again.”

  He was surprised when she laughed out loud this time. “You should have heard Matt when he told me how Grace reacted when he told her what he did nine years ago. He said he thought she was going to tear into him at first, she was so angry at him.”

  Kent leaned back in his chair and ran a hand through his hair. He was going to have to take some time to process all this. But he quickly found out that Linda wasn’t going to give him any more time.

  “Well, Kent, why don’t you ask her out then? I’m sure she’s just waiting for you to do so.”

  Before he could think of how it sounded, he blurted out, “Do you really think so?”

  He knew then that he’d given himself away for sure. He opened his mouth to rephrase it but Linda beat him to it.

  “Yes, Kent, I’m sure of it. I know that Grace has looked at you differently ever since we first told her that you used to be in love with her.”

  “But is looking at me differently, enough? She may just feel sorry for me and I couldn’t stand that Linda.”

  She shook her head vehemently. “No, Kent, I know she doesn’t feel sorry for you. If anything, she is embarrassed that she never realized that you loved her back then.”

  As he was processing all that, Linda demanded, “Well, are you going to ask her out?”

  He smiled at her as the bell rang. “I don’t know yet, Linda. I’m going to have to think about all this for a little while first. Okay?”

  She stared at him for a long moment then quietly rose to leave. At the door, she turned and said, “You be good to my daughter Kent. She’s already been through more than any woman should have to go through.”


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