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Walking Away (The Walking Together Series Book 2)

Page 13

by T. E. Killian

  She could tell that Kent wanted to talk some more about that subject but he just sat there with his teeth still clenched and his hands tight on the steering wheel.

  Finally, he turned to her briefly then looked back at the road. “I want to help you with those people Grace. Will you promise to call me the next time they give you trouble.” He seemed to think about that for a moment. “At least call me if Matt can’t get there right away. Even then, if I’m just two doors down, I can probably still get there before Matt can.”

  Grace felt tears threaten her eyes and desperately fought them back. Kent really did care about her.

  “I promise Kent.”

  After that, they spent the next few minutes in silence and were soon driving into the restaurant parking lot.

  * * *

  As they followed the hostess to their table at the restaurant, Kent couldn’t help but notice that several of the men seated at tables they passed, gave Grace admiring looks. That angered him at first, but when he thought about it, it made him proud to be with her. He’d always thought she was one of the prettiest girls around in high school and she had grown even lovelier since then.

  Once they were seated and had given their drink order, Grace leaned forward and looked up into his eyes. “Now, don’t you think it’s your turn Kent?”

  He didn’t pretend not to know what she meant but started right in.

  “Well, after my first year of teaching at the high school, I married Shelly Peck. You remember her don’t you? She was in your class.”

  Grace nodded but didn’t say anything. He was sure that she and Shelly hadn’t gotten along very well and Grace was being nice by not saying so.

  “Well, anyway, we really never got along that well. But the biggest problem was that she wanted to leave Strawberry and I didn’t. So I’m sure you can imagine how many fights we got into over that.”

  When Grace didn’t comment, he went on. “Well, another disagreement was that I wanted kids and Shelly didn’t. But we were both surprised when she got pregnant anyway.”

  He grinned at her. “Then along came Michelle. So I thought I’d somehow managed to win.”

  He didn’t really want to go on but he also knew that if he and Grace were ever to have any kind of a future together, she needed to know all of it.

  He took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and was ready but the waitress came for their orders. When she left, he looked down at his hands and back up at Grace.

  “We continued to argue a lot and finally, shortly after Michelle’s first birthday, she divorced me saying that there were too many things out there, away from Strawberry that she wanted to see and do and I was just holding her back from what she really wanted to do.”

  He took a drink of his soda and continued. “Well, in some ways, the divorce was really working out better for me than being married to her. We didn’t fight as much anymore. Since Shelly didn’t seem to want Michelle around, I got to see Michelle just about whenever I wanted.”

  He never liked talking about this part. After another drink of his soda, he went on, “Then when Michelle was two, I went over to Shelly’s apartment to pick Michelle up for the weekend and found an empty apartment. And I never saw her again, until Monday when Hal called me down to the police station to get her.”

  Grace placed her hand on top of his on the table. “Oh Kent, that must have been terrible.”

  She seemed to think for a moment. “But things appear to be working out quite well for you with Michelle now. She seems to be adjusting to living with you much better than I would have thought she would.”

  He snorted. “She sure does. I just can’t believe it’s only been four days since she showed back up in my life. It seems like she’s been here so long.”

  He chuckled. “In fact, I think I’ve fallen in love with my little girl all over again.”

  He was shocked to see tears in Grace’s eyes. She pulled a tissue out of her purse and dabbed at her eyes before saying, “Oh Kent, that’s so sweet.”

  Their meals came then and they busied themselves with eating and the conversation was centered mostly on the food and the restaurant for a while.

  Then, Grace placed her fork on her plate and looked over at Kent. He used to know her well enough to say that she had something heavy on her mind when she gave him that look. Was that still the case? He didn’t have long to wait.

  “Kent, I know you aren’t responsible for your brother’s actions, but don’t you at least have a little influence over what Larry does?”

  Now he knew what was coming next. “What did Larry do this time?” He remembered Larry telling him that he’d been in Grace’s room shortly before Kent had gone in there to ask her out.

  “Well, he’s always pestered me about going out with him.” She frowned. “I don’t want to hurt your feelings Kent, but I really don’t like to be around Larry, especially when he’s been drinking.”

  Kent didn’t know what to say and blurted out the first thing that popped into his mind. “I don’t like to be around him when he’s been drinking either.”

  Well, that wasn’t any help. Brilliant! Now what could he say. Then he remembered what Larry had said yesterday.

  “Grace, did you really agree to go out with me just to keep Larry from pestering you?”

  She looked hurt at first then she laughed. “Oh Kent, is that what Larry told you? Did he tell you that he was pestering me right before you came into my room yesterday?”

  He was nodding as she spoke.

  “Well, Kent, I probably shouldn’t say this right now, but Larry had nothing to do with my agreeing to go out with you. In fact, I was secretly hoping that you would ask me long before Larry bothered me yesterday.”

  Kent couldn’t believe the warm feeling that spread over him at Grace’s admission. He looked into her eyes and discovered two things. First, he realized that he did indeed still love this wonderful woman. Second, he was sure he saw something in her eyes that might come close to matching what he knew was in his too. Wow!

  Grace must have seen all he had for she tried to change the subject. “Well, you should have seen Larry run out of my room when Judy threatened to call Hal about him.”

  Kent didn’t laugh, as he was sure she expected him to do. But he did figure that he needed to clear the air a little.

  “Grace, I don’t think you need to worry too much about Larry bothering you like that anymore.”

  When her head jerked up and she stared at him, he said, “I told him I had a date with you and he asked me if I wanted him to back off then. When I said yes, he said he would.”

  Grace smiled back at him but didn’t seem convinced. “Well, Kent, as much time as you and I spent together as kids and in high school too, he never backed off. I don’t mean to hurt your feelings but I’ll believe that when I see it.”

  He knew that if anybody else had said that he’d have become angry. But not only was it Grace saying it, but the way she said it wasn’t malicious at all. In fact, he had to agree with her about Larry.

  “I can’t argue with that Grace. We’ll just have to wait and see.” He thought for a second. “But if he does bother you, be sure to tell me right away. Okay?”

  She nodded but didn’t say anything. She just kept smiling at him. Wow!

  * * *

  Later, as they were pulling out of the restaurant parking lot, Grace began to realize that an almost uncomfortable silence had fallen over them since their conversation about Larry.

  Was Kent angry with her over what she’d said about Larry? She sure hoped not and didn’t really think so. She knew that Kent and Larry had a rather strange relationship, especially for twins. They were so much different that they seemed to argue and even fight often over the years that they were all growing up.

  She wondered how they got along now. Should she ask him? She had decided not to when he began talking about Michelle again and she was glad. That should be a safe topic.

  Kent snickered. “You know, I just can�
�t believe how Michelle has turned out to this point, especially considering that I’m sure that she was virtually ignored by Shelly for the last five years.”

  Well, what could she say to that? She certainly agreed with him, especially the part about Shelly. Grace had never been friends with Shelly in high school even though she’d tried. In fact, Shelly had often made Grace’s life rather uncomfortable. But she definitely couldn’t say so to Kent. She felt that there had been too much negative spoken of already tonight.

  Kent must have sensed her hesitation to comment. “Shelly wasn’t very nice to you in high school, was she?”

  Grace was afraid to agree too adamantly so she said, “We were two different kinds of persons and we didn’t agree on much of anything.”

  Kent laughed then. “If I’m allowed to read between the lines and also add a little personal observation from back then, she picked on you. Didn’t she?”

  When Grace didn’t answer, he pushed. “Didn’t she?”

  Grace knew she was blushing and was glad that he couldn’t see her face in the dark car. “Yes, I guess you could say that she did. But it wasn’t really all that bad.”

  Kent laughed again. “You know, I didn’t remember this until after I married her but she was always chasing me around in high school trying to get me to go out with her.”

  Grace decided that it was time to change the subject. So she said, “You know Kent, I’m just so thrilled that Brianna has Michelle in her class and our homes are so close that they can play together often. They have truly become very close friends in such a short amount of time.”

  Kent reached out with his right hand. She placed her left hand in it and their clasped hands lowered to the console between them.

  “Grace, I don’t know what I would have done with Michelle if it hadn’t been for you and Brianna.”

  She started to protest, but he cut her off. “No, don’t try to deny it. I know that my parenting skills are rusty at best. Sure, Sheila helped a lot the first day when I was so overwhelmed that I couldn’t have done anything. But she’s been too busy to help much since then.”

  Grace needed to tone this discussion down a little. “But your mom is here now and I’m sure she’s a big help.”

  Kent shook his head. “Yes she is, but that wouldn’t have been enough. You and especially Brianna have made Michelle happy to be living here. No one else could have made that happen so quickly.”

  As he pulled into a parking space at the theater, he turned to her and said, “Thank you.”

  They entered the theater in silence but were a few minutes early for the show so they sat in their seats and looked at everything and everyone but each other.

  Finally, Kent turned to her and said, “Grace, I need to talk to you about something Michelle said earlier when I was getting dressed.”

  She giggled softly and turned her eyes on him. “Yes, I have a feeling that Brianna said the same thing to me too. They’re just seven-year-old girls Kent. They don’t understand all the dynamics there are between a man and a woman like you and me. Sure, it’s natural that they’d wish that we would get married.”

  She was blushing so brightly now that she had to stop talking. What in the world had made her blurt all that out?

  Kent turned in his seat so he could look directly at her. “Do you mean that it doesn’t bother you that our daughters want us to get married?”

  She knew that was the way he’d take what she’d just said. But how could she explain without possibly hurting his feelings. The fact that everyone kept saying that Kent had always loved her kept floating around in her mind.

  She finally decided on the simple truth. “No Kent. It doesn’t bother me. I just don’t know what to think about it though.”

  She had meant to say more but suddenly couldn’t think of a single thing to add to it.

  He had turned his eyes back on the blank movie screen in front of them. “I guess it’s all harmless. But we don’t want them to get too carried away with all this.”

  “No, Kent we don’t. But I’m sure it will pass with a little time.”

  The lights went out and the previews of future movies started showing on the screen. Grace hoped that the uncomfortable conversation was now over.

  Kent turned back to her and said, “Michelle said that she and Brianna were praying that you and I would get married.”

  She didn’t know what to say to that so she didn’t say anything.

  “Have you been talking to Michelle about religion Grace?”

  She was shocked, especially at the harsh, accusatory tone in his voice.

  “No Kent, I wouldn’t do something like that without your permission. I’m sure that Brianna did that all by herself.”

  Grace was relieved when the movie began and Kent kept his attention on that. Other than a whispered comment occasionally about the movie, they didn’t talk until they left the theater.

  Once they were in the car and headed home, Grace was afraid that Kent would resume the previous conversation about religion but was surprised at what he did say.

  “My mother wants to take Michelle to church with her Sunday.”

  What could she possibly say to that? So she waited.

  “I don’t know what to say. But thanks to Brianna, Michelle really wants to go to church. So I guess I’ll have to let her go.”


  “Will you take her to your church?”

  When she jerked her head around to stare at him, he laughed. “I’m not comfortable with the church my mom goes to. I know your dad well enough to think that Michelle would be better off there.”

  Grace was thrilled. Maybe this was a start, a crack in his resistance to church.

  “Of course Kent, I’d be happy to take Michelle. Brianna will be thrilled to have her with us.”

  After that, they discussed the movie until he dropped her off at her home.

  Chapter Eleven

  Grace awakened Saturday morning to the shouts of Brianna just before her daughter landed on the bed next to her.

  When she opened her eyes and looked up at Brianna, she saw her mother standing in the open bedroom doorway behind her.

  “Hi Mommy. When are you and Michelle’s daddy going to get married?”

  Grace tried to wipe the sleep out of her mind as she looked at her mom, hoping for some help there.

  “Now Brianna, you know I asked you not to disturb your mother. Why don’t we go into the kitchen and get started on breakfast?”

  Brianna gave Grace a quick hug and bounced off the bed. “Sure Grandma. Can we make pancakes?”

  They left and Grace quickly grabbed her robe and headed for the shower.

  Soon they were all three sitting around her kitchen table eating pancakes. Grace was still a little shocked to see the two of them so early. That was when she looked at a clock for the first time. Ten o’clock! Impossible.

  “Mom! Why didn’t you tell me I’d slept so late? I know you have this big party planned for this afternoon. As soon as we finish here, we’ll go over and help you get ready for it.”

  Her mom laughed. “Calm down Dear. Betty Sue and Trish are coming over later to help. Besides, Brianna and I wanted to surprise you with breakfast this morning didn’t we Brianna?”

  Brianna jumped out of her chair and hugged Grace’s neck. “We sure did, Mommy. But I can’t wait for Michelle to be my real sister.”

  Grace gave her mom a look but she merely shrugged her shoulders. “That’s all she’s wanted to talk about since yesterday when I picked her up.”

  The party was scheduled to start at five that afternoon and being August, it would still be light for a couple of hours but the worst of the heat would be gone by then.

  Grace was glad to have something to do all afternoon. Otherwise, she might have just sat around the house thinking about Kent and their date last night. And she knew it was far too early in their relationship to be thinking some of the thoughts that kept wanting to pop into her mind. She’d best keep bus
y and thus keep her mind occupied with other thoughts.

  With Betty Sue and Trish working alongside Grace and her mom, things were going rather smoothly. At least it was until her mom went inside the house for a few minutes. Betty Sue and Trish immediately cornered her as soon as her mom was out of sight.

  Trish grabbed Grace’s arm and guided her to a group of patio chairs and they all three sat down.

  “Now, Grace, you don’t think we’re going to let you go another second without telling us all about your date with Kent last night do you?”

  Grace immediately began blushing brightly and Betty Sue laughed. “Whoa, it must have really been something. Look at that blush, would you?”

  Trish laughed with Betty Sue then stopped to look into Grace’s eyes. “Okay girl, spill.”

  Grace looked back at her old friend and mentor and saw only kindness and concern in her eyes.

  “Well, there’s not that much to tell. We went to a really nice Italian restaurant in Kansas City, then afterward, we went to a movie.”

  Betty Sue was squirming in her seat. “But what did the two of you talk about all that time?”

  Grace smiled at Betty Sue’s enthusiasm. She stopped to think about how much she’d grown to love her new sister-in-law in such a short time.

  “Okay, I think I need to tell you about something that happened even before the date for you to better understand some of the things we talked about.”

  When they both kept staring at her, she reluctantly continued. “Well, it seems that Brianna and Michelle have decided that they want to be real sisters, as they call it.”

  She could see the recognition on the other women’s faces when they figured out what that implied.

  She decided to go ahead and dump the rest on them. “So they’ve apparently been praying that Kent and I will get married.”

  It took the other two women a moment to process that, then they both started laughing and talking at the same time. They both stopped then and Betty Sue pointed at Trish.


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