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Tempest the Wolf

Page 5

by Dahlia Rose

  Amber nodded. “Yes, Mistress.”

  She made sure they were safe and could hear the other wolf skulking outside. “Alex, Dom, I’m at Heath’s cottage, Boscoe is on his way here,” she sent the mental call out, hoping they weren’t too embroiled in the fight that they couldn’t hear her. She almost cried when she heard them answer. Tempest was terrified. She would protect Matthew and Amber, but she was terrified that she wasn’t strong enough to keep Boscoe at bay. The door crashed open, the enforced locks doing nothing against Boscoe’s massive werewolf frame. He was literally foaming at the mouth and his yellow eyes were rimmed with red as he stepped slowly into the house. Another wolf followed him, and then a third. She held the shotgun up, knowing that as soon as she shot one the others would attack. She was outnumbered and her mates would not be there in time.

  Thinking on her feet, Tempest dropped the gun and began to take off her clothes quickly. Boscoe growled low in his throat and the disgusting sweaty smell of his arousal filled her nostrils. She wrinkled her nose in disgust. He thought she’d take him as a mate, she’d rather die so she began her shift. It was the only way to give her more maneuverability. Tempest gave herself over to her wolf and Boscoe stayed back while she did so. The other two weres with him whined and clawed at the floor looking at her shift. They probably wondered why she didn’t feel the pain and anguish they did when she shifted.

  Boscoe came forward and tried to nuzzle her with his snout, and she bared her teeth at him and bit him on the neck. She backed away, crouching low and growling fiercely to let him know she would fight. Boscoe pounced suddenly and she was pinned beneath his massive grotesque body. She whined and struggled to be free of him as he tried to position himself to mount her in his beast form. His wolves howled at his show of superiority, but Tempest would not give him the satisfaction of raping her. She felt his teeth dig into her skin as he bit her nape trying to hold her still. Tempest shook her head viciously, feeling his incisors rip her flesh but not caring.

  She would not be taken by this monster. Just as she thought that her fight was for nothing she felt his weight leave her. She was knocked into a wall and the sounds of a new fight began. She shook away the dizziness and focused on the fight. It wasn’t brown or black, the color of her mates, but a large gray wolf that knocked Boscoe away. Beside her Vanity in her wolf form protected her when another faced off against the two other weres in the small cottage. Vanity and Isla managed to get the other wolves outside, and the gray wolf had beaten Boscoe into submission. By the time Dom and Alex showed up Boscoe was lying on his side panting and the gray wolf stood over him silent, not even a growl but its eyes never left Boscoe. She shifted to her human form and held her hand against her neck. Dom shifted while on the move toward her and Alex stayed in his wolf form as he stalked Boscoe.

  “How bad is it?” Dom asked as he gently moved her hand away.

  “Puncture wounds from him.” She inclined her head toward the werewolf on the ground. “If it wasn’t for the gray wolf, Vanity, and Isla, he would have mounted me. I fought him as hard as I could but he was so much stronger than me.” She pressed her face against Dom’s chest. “I would’ve died before I allowed that to happen.”

  “I know sweetness, I know.” Dom’s voice rumbled in his chest and she sighed, grateful to be in his arms.

  “Well then it was good I came.”

  She looked up when she heard the gentle, polite voice. The gray wolf had shifted to his human form and she studied his face. She could see the wisdom in his dark eyes and also a hint of sadness. His hair was mostly silver with only hints of the black color it used to be. His face showed some age but wore it well, looking around fifty-five when Tempest knew he had to be much older. He looked at her with a small smile on his face and then suddenly turned away as if he couldn’t bear to continue to see her. What was that about? she wondered, but left that alone for now. The answer would come later, and a sliver of trepidation ran down her body. Was she ready to hear what he had to say?

  “Vanity and Isla, are they okay?” Tempest asked.

  Dom nodded. “They were in a vicious fight when we came up. Didn’t need our help. They’re dragging the bodies of the weres they killed into the swamp. They ripped them apart so they could never heal.”

  “I left this one for her mates to dispatch. I did not want to talk that right away from you,” Gray said.

  Boscoe had shifted back to human form. He held up a weak, shaking hand. “I beg for mercy.”

  “Like you showed her? You started this and now you want us to say hell, it’s okay for biting our mate and putting her in danger?” Dom asked in disbelief.

  “I was trying to protect my people’s existence,” Boscoe said.

  “But now you’ve doomed them all to death,” Gray answered. “Staying hidden would have kept the wrath of the Guardians off you. But you can’t control yourselves, can you? The moon drives you mad and you hunt human flesh. This is why you are destroyed. But there are other ways to live, you choose not to embrace them.”

  “Your choice, Alex, give him a pass or not, it is your decision,” Dom said to his friend still in wolf form.

  Tempest met his gaze as he looked from her to Dom, his yellow eyes somber. Tempest knew he was wrestling with his anger and the promise he made to her when she first was bitten. Then Boscoe tried to rape her and also the way he goaded them while she suffered the change. Suddenly Alex turned and he caught Boscoe’s neck into his jaws. Boscoe couldn’t even scream as Alex’s bite shattered the bones in his neck and cut off his airway. Tempest had one last look at Boscoe’s lifeless eyes before Alex dragged him away to tear him apart and drop him in the swamps with the rest of his pack. The alligators wouldn’t leave anything for anyone to find. The free meal would keep them full and no one could question what could not be found. The swamp was a watery graveyard that yielded very few secrets.

  Vanity rushed in. “Matthew? Amber?”

  “The hidey-hole. I calmed them both and got them hidden. Matthew had some sugar cookies, I think he’s going to be wired tonight,” Tempest answered. “Isla, your sister is brave, you should be proud of her. I expect to see you both for dinner someday soon.”

  Isla nodded shyly. “Thank you, Mistress.”

  Vanity gave a watery laugh and wiped tears away. “That’s okay, thank you mistress for watching out for my son.”

  “He’s like my own baby. I would never let anything happen to him or Amber,” Tempest answered. “We destroyed your house, so you, Heath, and the baby must stay with us until it’s all fixed. Gray, you can have a bed there as well.”

  “Thank you, Mistress… I mean Tempest,” Vanity said. “I can make up two downstairs rooms.”

  Gray shook his head. “I prefer the outdoors, your swamp is fine.”

  “At least come home with us and have a meal,” Tempest said. Dom stroked her hair while he held her in his arms and rocked her, making her too relaxed.

  He inclined his head. “I would never refuse a home cooked meal. We will talk soon, when the days have settled back to a normal routine. There is much we all need to discuss.”

  “Yes we do,” Tempest answered.

  Alex strode back in and without a word lifted her into his arms and nuzzled her neck. “You never listen, do you?”

  She stroked his damp hair and asked huskily. “Would you have me any other way?”

  He shook his head and swallowed. His next words were filled with emotion. “No, but please have care. Losing you would kill this wolf, Dom would go off into a rabid haze, and we would never know anything but grief. That’s the love we have for you, you are the link that holds us together.”

  She held out a hand to Dom and he stood. She wrapped her arm around his neck and hugged until all three of their heads were touching. “I love you both too, more than you will ever know.”

  “Let’s go home,” Dom said huskily.

  She smiled. “Let’s, I need a shower.”

  She looked around and frowned. Gray was go
ne and she wondered why he slipped away. But the chaos of Heath running away and grabbing his wife and child in his arms and reporting that they suffered no casualties took her focus away at that moment. The werewolves had been all killed and now the cleanup of their grounds had begun. Alex and Dom made sure she was safe upstairs before they went back outside to help the pack.

  The first thing Tempest did was shower. She wanted to wash the scent and feel of Boscoe off her body and made the water as hot as she could make it. A shudder ran through her knowing that if Gray had not shown up she may have been mounted and taken like an animal. While they carried a second nature, the grotesque way of his mating was not something any woman should ever have to experience. Her mates always took her with love and care no matter how much passion they shared. Their control had snapped on many occasions but they never wanted to hurt or mistreat her in anyway. She came out of the bathroom after getting clean, wearing her thick terry cloth bathrobe and drying her hair with an oversized blue towel. Tempest walked to the window where she could see outside and the moon that hung low in the sky. She could feel its effects tingling along her body but she didn’t lose control and shift. She was different and Gray knew how. She looked down to the mowed grass of the side yard and saw him there, the gray wolf looking up at her with soulful yellow eyes.

  She stuck her head outside the window and called, “Gray, come inside for a meal and a warm bed, please.”

  His response was to turn and run away, blending into the darkness and shadows quickly. Tempest sighed. She couldn’t force him and he would learn to trust them in time. But her instincts told her there was something more to this story, much more. It was well after three in the morning when her men came upstairs.

  “The grounds are immaculate, no one could tell the fight that was had out there,” Dom said.

  “We also lined the property with the scent of the fight and of the dead weres so any other interlopers will know we will fight for what is ours and we will win,” Alex added. “Vanity, Heath, and the baby have taken two adjoining rooms on the far left of the house.”

  She inhaled. “You both smell clean.”

  Dom grinned. “We showered downstairs. We didn’t want to bring that offensive werewolf scent back up to you. You’ve been through a lot tonight.”

  “I thought you’d be asleep,” Alex said.

  She knelt in the bed and let the sheets fall off her naked body. “I have all this energy from the moon coursing through my body and I need some help getting rid of it. Come love me and remove any thoughts of that creature touching me from my mind.”

  Alex’s nose flared and she watched them both remove their sweats to show the rigid erection that she caused. They were always ready to please her, to make her body tremble with satisfaction and to take her to the heights of passion. These two, who made her heart sing with love, Alex and Dominic were the only two men she could ever want or need.

  Tempest was completely nude and hungry for what they offered. Alex sat on the side of the bed and pulled her onto his lap. His hands played at her nipples and nuzzled her neck. His mouth sent delicious shivers through her body and Tempest arched her neck and moaned gently. She was in his arms, and she was safe. The mental door in her head was permanently closed and Boscoe was no longer an issue. Alex’s hands traveled between her thighs, parting then and then cupping her pussy. He kissed her hard until her senses swam. His tongue funneled between her lips, tasting her with such a fierce need that she bucked against the hand that was between her thighs.

  “You are forever loved, forever cherished by us,” Alex whispered.

  Dom sat on the other side of her and she wrapped her arms around his neck and brought him close so they were in a tight huddle.

  “I love you both with everything in me,” she whispered.

  Dom’s breath hovered over hers an instant before his hot mouth took her in a searing kiss. Alex took her nipple between his lips and she moaned into Dominic’s mouth in response. Alex slipped his finger between the thick lips of her pussy and slowly rubbed her clit. Tempest felt herself become slick from his touch. She trembled in his arms while still being kissed senseless by Dom. She spread her legs wider hoping that Alex would fuck her with his fingers. But he was bent on teasing her and with each rub of her clit her juices ran from arousal.

  “I’m so hungry to taste you,” Alex whispered in her ear.

  “Make her come, Alex,” Dom’s voice was a deep rumble.

  Alex sank his finger deep inside her and she cried out in pleasure. He slipped a second digit inside her wet sex while she sat spread wide on his lap. Dom went down to his knees and watched with open desire as Alex penetrated her repeatedly with his fingers. She was braced against him, her back against his chest. Her legs spread wide over his hard, toned thighs. She reached up and placed her hand behind his neck while he used his other hand play with her hard nipples. Dom was so close to her pussy she could feel his breath. And as Alex made her wet Dom licked at her juices eagerly.

  “Take my fingers, come for me,” Alex said gutturally.

  “Oh God yes,” Tempest panted.

  She felt the coil of pleasure tighten in her stomach. His thick fingers moved with urgency while she sought the satisfaction he offered with his fingers. Her body arched and tensed as the force of her orgasm hit her and she felt her pussy flow.

  “Fuck.” The harsh word came from Dom on his knees between her legs.

  She leaned back on Alex, trying to catch her breath but his big hands rubbed her full breasts keeping the fire stoked inside her.

  “Now it’s my turn,” Dom said and lifted her off Alex’s lap.

  He deposited her on the bed with her toes touching the floor. Dom was on his knees once more and put her legs over his shoulders. Without a word he buried his face into her moist sex and she clenched her hands in the sheets when she felt his tongue lick her. With a moan he lifted her hips roughly and pressed her harder against his seeking mouth. A cry escaped her lips while his tongue played between the delicate folds of flesh. Dominic spread the lips of her pussy and sucked the bud of her clit into his mouth, making her shudder in delight. Dominic made his tongue rigid and delved into her. He grabbed her hips and pulled her against it with rough strokes, fucking her with his tongue.

  She was flat on the bed staring up at the creamy beige ceiling. Maybe it was because she had her eyes closed tight and then opened them but she swore she saw stars. Dominic pulled her faster to his seeking mouth. Alex took her hand and placed it around his cock, and she began to stroke him. A groan escaped him as her hand moved to match the urgency inside her. Dominic was ravenous between her legs. He used one lone finger and dipped it into her sex seeking the g-spot that was close to the entrance of her pussy. His mouth and finger sent her reeling into her orgasm and she cried out in delight.

  “You’re ours,” Alex growled. “Now and forever.”

  “Oh, Dom, Alex, fuck me please,” Tempest begged.

  Tempest was wanton with pleasure, her men brought out the animal in her. She was driven to the point of primal need to mate and seek gratification from her wolves. Each caress and touch from the men in her life made her ache. Dominic joined them on the bed and when she straddled Alex he kissed her hungrily. Tempest straddled his thick waist and positioned his cock at the entrance to her pussy. He sank into her depth in one smooth motion.

  “Ah sweet Tempest, you feel so damn good!” Alex groaned.

  Tempest took the initiative and began to ride him hard. She loved watching the pleasure on his face. The way he gritted his teeth when the sensation became just too damn good. He raised his head and closed his mouth over one of her tight nipples and sucked. The ecstasy speared through her like a bolt of lightning.

  “I just want to fuck you until you scream my name.” Alex kissed her thoroughly.

  “Stop a moment so I can join in,” Dom said, and she felt Alex still.

  They never took more or less from each other in anything and that included her. The two of the
m cherished their friendship and her. She felt him pour a liberal amount on her ass and ran his finger over the tight hole before slipping his finger in her tight anus. He moved his finger slowly into the forbidden entrance and she whimpered as he got her ready for his cock. She felt Dom’s other hand against her back, stroking her trembling frame, and he slipped his finger deeper. Then he pulled his hand away and slowly penetrated her ass inch by torturous inch. In a moment he was completely inside her anal passage and they both impaled her. She was simply so full and felt so complete that they stay laid still for a moment, savoring the closeness. Then they began to move and she lost all reason as pleasure shot through her core.

  “Yes, oh yes,” she gasped.

  Alex fisted his hands in her hair and plunged his tongue into her mouth as they plundered her body. This was the epitome of sexual conquest and the only one she ever wanted. Their groans and guttural cries filled the air and she succumbed to it all in an orgasm that she felt all over her body. Their release came soon after hers as they pumped deep into her body with frantic thrusts. She loved their gritty, harsh cries as they emptied their seed inside her. Dominic threw himself spent on the bed and again she was snuggled between them as they waited for their heartbeats to regain a normal rhythm after such intense loving.

  “I think I need another shower.” Tempest giggled. “I’m all sticky and stuff.”

  “Are you complaining?” Dom bit her shoulder gently.

  “I have nothing to complain about, I’m a very happy new she-wolf,” Tempest answered.

  “She-wolf, I like that,” Alex teased. “We’re our own little pack inside a pack.”

  “I like that.” She laced fingers with him and smiled with her eyes still closed.

  Tempest knew no matter what they’d have each other. The night proved that even up against the odds and the unknown they’d find away to keep each other safe. She couldn’t help but feel that they would need that now more than ever. While Boscoe was gone, the Guardians were still a big threat and one that would be heading their way.


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