Book Read Free


Page 10

by Tony Corden

  Orumeck’s Minor Soulstones (Spider)

  These stones were by Mage Orumeck during the time of his exile from Sihirbazlari. If the stones are crushed when fully charged, they provide the owner with a store of excess mana.

  For information on their use, please visit the Dunyanin Official Manual.

  Leah rushed back through the caves and double checked everything, but no luck. She then headed for the door. Gèng said, “Leah, it is time for you to take a break. I think it would be advisable to log out and have dinner. You have been here for nine hours, virtual-time.”

  “I thought, in games, you can’t log out when in a dungeon!”

  “In Dunyanin, as only one person or group can enter any given dungeon at any one time it is permitted to have a break. The dungeons are created in separate realities. Two groups can do a dungeon, but each is alone. Time moves on. The two groups might compete for a resource or prize. The game keeps track of who finds it first and denies it to the other team. You can have a short break and then return.”

  “So, someone could be doing this same dungeon and might beat me and be first through.”

  “It is possible; however I am confident that people will hardly have made it to First Bridge, much less found the hidden entrance. You haven’t posted where it is, and the closest people can be sure of is the town.”

  “All right.”

  Leah sat down, back against the door and dissolved into mist.

  Back in her space, Leah noticed that the room seemed different, it was sharper as if the artist had spent more time to get all the details right.

  “The room looks better than before, are you working on it?”

  “Yes, I have been manipulating the various factors to understand how to create a better space.”

  “Well, it’s looking good. Could you sort through my bag and get the loot in some order. I’ll look through it before I go back.”

  Leah lay on the sofa, closed her eyes and woke back in her small real-world room where she showered and dressed.

  “I’m hungry Gèng, can you transfer a platinum coin into Virtual Credits and I’ll go get a snack and some dinner from the machines. It’s too expensive to eat all the time but today is a special day.”

  Leah headed to the foyer and began looking through all the machines, trying to decide what to eat. She was just about to buy a one Virtual Credit container of dried ramen, when a voice behind her said, “I wouldn’t if I were you, I think that ramen has been here forever.”

  Leah turned and came face to face with a boy several years older than herself. He was tall, with a mop of messy hair, and he had green eyes. She didn’t notice anything else, just the eyes. She had never seen such eyes before.

  “Hello, my name is Jackson. Welcome to Purgatory.”

  “Purgatory, what do you mean, Purgatory?”

  “That’s what we call it, those of us who live down here in the basement. Up there is heaven, and only hell could be worse.”

  “Oh, yeah, sorry! My name is Leah, and it’s my first day. Um! How long have you been here?”

  “Just under a year, I’ve got my V-day party in four days. Your welcome to come?”


  “Yep, V-day! Down here we celebrate every anniversary of the day we went virtual. Many of us come from poorer families who can’t afford to own extra pods and have to rent them. I’ve three older brothers, and I’m the second one who’s had to come here. My family only had enough to get me a developed AI, but no Pod. So every year, ‘those who suffer’, like me, invite people into their world for a huge party. If you want, I can send your AI the IP address, and you can come. I’d like that.”

  “I’ll, um, think about it. It sounds great but I’m still trying to work out everything, and I’m still a bit shell-shocked. So, um, why no ramen?”

  “Well, its been there, they say, since the beginning of time, I’ve never heard of anyone eating it. If you look closely, you can just make out the ‘use by’ on one of the packets.”

  Jackson peered in the window and finally pointed to a packet of Chicken Ramen which was turned slightly to the side. Leah peered in and could make out a date ’13.07.69’. She chuckled.

  “Thanks for saving my life. What do you suggest then?”

  “Well, if you’re going to eat-in, then most of us go for the frozen stuff: a lasagna or maybe the Chicken Madras, it’s good. There is a small supermarket a few streets away from here; it's where we shop sometimes. I can show you if you like!”

  Leah was flustered. “I’d like that, just not today. It’s my first day, and I’ve so much to do.”

  Jackson shrugged, “No worries, you’ve got my address. Just let me know when, and I’ll walk you.”

  He opened out the door and headed out.

  Leah hesitated, she took a few steps back and forth, finally following him out she called. “Hey, wait up, I’d love to come.”

  Jackson walked with her, chatting away. He led her out onto the street and along the fence line. She hardly said anything as he talked about anything and everything. The supermarket was only a few blocks away, and Leah started to enjoy the outing. Jackson needed some bread and milk, and he finished quickly. Leah, on the other hand, looked carefully through the shop, and in the end, bought some bulk ramen and orange juice concentrate. On the way back Jackson insisted on carrying her groceries. He monopolised the conversation all the way back, telling her story after story about his family. Leah had dreaded an awkward moment, but none arrived. When they arrived back at the facility, he gave her the groceries, grinned and said, “I’ll see you Wednesday 7 pm, my world?”

  “I’ll try and be there” Leah replied, smiling.

  As she closed her room door, she turned and sighed deeply. “Did you see those eyes?”

  Gèng responded, “I’m not sure which eyes you’re referring to.”

  “Jackson’s eyes, they were so beautiful! No, Don’t say anything. I was just talking to myself.”

  She had a glass of orange juice and a bowl of Ramen, as she sat she pondered why the eyes fascinated her. She had enjoyed the walk and was surprised that Jackson had been so friendly. But why the eyes?

  After eating, she showered and headed back to the Pod. Once again in her world, she sat on the sofa and said, “So where is the stuff to go through?”

  Gèng directed her into a new room it had fashioned. Around the walls, placed carefully on long tables was the loot from various fights as well as the medallions and money.

  “Let’s leave most of the stuff here. I’ll take the weapons and the vials of poison. Include two of each sort of claw or spike, just in case. The fire-starter, some trap-door covers and what’s left of the waterproof sheet. My water bottles. What else?”

  “You must take the material to gather Farnel’s remedy. Do you want the keys, rings and maybe a few coins?”

  “Definitely the keys, let me read up on the rings. I’ll take two of each coin. Put the spider coins to the side. Let’s not use any of them yet. Start with the copper ring.”

  Worker Ring of Orumeck (1/10,000)

  Ring Level (1-20) Max Player Level 30

  This is one of many such rings made by Mage Orumeck during the time of his exile from Sihirbazlari. When charged, it fires a poisoned spike of condensed Mana similar to the fangs of the Worker Drone. The bearer of the ring is immune to the poison. When using the ring freeform, curl the finger the ring is on depressing the band while aiming the ring at the intended target.

  Cost: 10% of full charge

  Effect: A spike of pure mana will fire from the ring.

  Range: Ring Level x 2 metres

  To read the full description including information on ring activation, please see the Dunyanin Manual.

  Trapdoor Ring of Orumeck (1/1,000)

  Ring Level (1-20) Max Player Level 30

  This is one of many such rings made by Mage Orumeck during the time of his exile from Sihirbazlari. When charged, it conceals the bearer with a web of condensed Mana sim
ilar to that produced by the Trapdoor spiders he created. Only the bearer of the ring can see through this web to surprise and attack an enemy.

  Cost: 100% of full charge

  When using the ring freeform, curl the finger the ring is on depressing the band.

  Please note that any movement will disperse the shield.

  Effect: You will be concealed behind a shield of pure Mana for 3 x (Ring Level x Player Level) seconds.

  To read the full description including information on ring activation, please see the Dunyanin Manual.

  Webspinner Ring of Orumeck (1/100)

  Ring Level (1-20) Max Player Level 30

  This ring was made by Mage Orumeck during the time of his exile from Sihirbazlari. When charged, it will produce a cord of condensed Mana similar to that produced by the Webspinner spiders he created. Only the bearer of the ring is immune to its poison and can escape its’ binding.

  Cost Type 1: 10% of full charge Cost Type 2: 100% of full charge

  Preset Activation 1: When using the ring freeform, curl the finger the ring is on quickly depressing and releasing the band while aiming the ring at the intended target.

  Preset Activation 2: When using the ring freeform, curl the finger the ring is on hold while aiming the ring at the intended target.

  Effect 1: A cord of pure mana will fire from the ring and wrap around the target. The target will be immobilised for between 2 and 30 seconds. The formula used is complex and relates to the characteristics of both the target and the bearer, also the ring level.

  Effect 2: A cord of pure manna will be ejected from the ring and attach to the target. On release of the band, the other end will be attached to the ring bearer who may then move and change the attachment point. The cord will remain in existence for between 10-300 seconds and is scaled depending on the Ring Level.

  To read the full description including information on ring activation, please see the Dunyanin Manual.

  Leah tried the rings on and practised depressing the bands. Nothing happened. She did decide on which fingers which felt the most natural for aiming and in the end she put all three rings on her left hand keeping the right hand free for a weapon.

  Finally, she said, “Gèng, it would help for me to know how my health is going during a battle. Could you overlay a tiny bar at the top of my vision.”

  “Indeed I shall overlay four, Health, Stamina, Mana and Ki. Would you like them in different colours or with Labels.”

  “Different colours, HP in green, SP in yellow, MP in Blue and Ki in white. If any are getting low, then flashing red.”

  Finally with everything ready Leah stepped back onto the portal.

  As soon as Leah arrived in Dunyanin messages appeared requesting a hierarchy to charge the three rings. It took half an hour for the rings to load. During this time she carefully rechecked the rooms but found nothing. She did discover that the lichen, when scraped off the wall, continued to glow. She cut several squares from her diminishing supply of waterproof cloth and collected as much as she could. She also tied several rolled up trap-door covers to the end of the remaining plain fighting stick, just in case she needed a torch.

  When the rings charged, she spent some time shooting stalactites. The spikes were a dark purple and travelled almost too fast for her to see; she could see them chip away at the stalactites. Briefly touching the Webspinner ring caused a web to wrap itself around the target. When she held the Webspinner Ring down, a line shot from the ring and attached itself to the stalactite. As soon as it hit the rope went tight and Leah felt the rope end fasten itself to her fist. She pulled, and it came loose. Leah was able to attach it to the floor. Finally, she checked her statistics and distributed her points.

  ATHERLEAH (Level 5) (1000/5000) (+2.5%)

  Characteristics - Points Total, (Assigned, Racial, Location) 0 Undistributed

  Strength (S) - 10 (10)

  Constitution (C) - 7 (7)

  Agility (A) - 12 (10, 2)

  Wisdom (W) - 7 (5, 2)

  Intelligence (I) - 5 (5)

  Luck (L) - 8 (3, 0, 5)

  Statistics (Available, Capacity)

  Health - 100+(S+C)xPL - (185, 185)HP

  Stamina - 100+(C+A)xPL - (195, 195) SP

  Mana - 100+(W+I)xPL - (160, 160) MP

  Ki -100+(W+[S+A]/2)xPL - (190, 190) KP

  Leah was ready to enter what she hoped was the final room. She slowly inserted the key and hoped that it would be silent: no such luck. The click echoed through the corridor. Worse, it preceded a cacophony from beyond the door, screeches warred with clanging and the staccato of claws hitting the stone floor. Leah waited as the noise continued and then slowly died before fading away. After waiting for several minutes, she pressed her ear to the door and hearing nothing. She gently eased the door open. A voice, cold and harsh, spoke in the darkness, “Come, come inside little fly. We are waiting.”

  Leah had no choice about entering, so she decided to be bold and confident. She calmed herself and then pushing the door open wide strolled into the room and called out. “Who are you calling fly? Spider!” At her entrance, the noise started all over again. She walked into the large cavern that had been shaped, here and there, with tools, to create a small amphitheatre. It was thirty meters across and had four terraces slowly rising toward the cavern ceiling. A different type of spider filled each terrace. On the lowest rung were the Trapdoor Drones, then the Webspinners. Furthest away, the highest was covered with Worker Drones, each of them skittering on the stone terrace. On the third rung were a new type of spider. These were the largest so far, their heads probably at the level of her chest. They were purple and had long legs with a spike at each joint. Each one was balancing on six legs and used the other two as arms; each arm ended in a sharp scythe-shaped claw. She looked intently at one and words appeared:

  Orumeck’s Warrior Drone (Level 9) 900HP 900EP

  Terrified, she slowly walked through to the centre of the amphitheatre and heard the doors slam shut behind her. Turning deliberately, Leah saw a platform directly above the entrance, and the queen resting on it. The queen’s head, just above the eyes, was ringed in gold, her abdomen was the size of a small car, and like the warriors, she stood on six legs. One arm ended in a sword, the other in a claw with sharp dagger-shaped talons. Hanging around her neck was a medallion. Her mouth, ringed by fangs, opened, and the harsh voice resounded around the room.

  “Yes, a little fly, now freshly come into the trap. And what are you? Not human, not elf, a mixture perhaps? A cross between a house fly and a dragonfly. Well, I am the Queen, and I welcome you, to this, our games. We have waited long to feed, but I think you merely presage a feast. Orumeck prophesied that one day the doors would open and start a trickle of juicy morsels into our larder. You are the first. Why have you come?”

  Leah had no idea what to say. She didn’t think anything would help. But bravado had kept her alive this far, and nothing was likely to prevent some battle, so she remained silent. She raised her spear and took a defensive stance while staring at the queen.

  Orumeck’s Spider Queen (Level 13) 1300HP 1150EP

  Finally, in the silence, she said, “You, I’ve come for you.”

  Again the sound of claws on stone and shrieks filled the air. It settled slowly, and Leah calmed herself for what she knew was coming.

  “You may have defeated a few of my subjects, but you are not worthy to fight me. You must earn that right. You will face a collection of my drones in battle. Should you win all four battles, I may give you the right of challenge. Do you agree?”

  “I’ll agree, except your subjects might take it poorly when I kill you.”

  “You will not face me, for you will surely die much earlier. However if by some miracle you beat me, I will command my subjects to let you leave. Is this sufficient?”

  “Almost,” said Leah. “I also get your medallion and your treasure.”

  The Queen bobbed up and down in mirth. As a dry rasping sound that passed as laughter echoed
around the cavern. “You may have the medallion, fly, but my treasure will go to my daughter as the next queen.”

  “Your medallion and half your treasure.”

  Again the queen laughed, “All right fly, My medallion and anything you find in the cavern but nothing else! I have spoken. Prepare for your first battle.”

  Unique Boss Quest: Battle the Queen

  You have bargained with Orumeck’s Queen. Should you defeat her drones in four battles, she will do battle with you.

  Note: This area is usually completed with victory in four battles and the gift of the amulet to the victor.

  Difficulty: Very Hard

  Reward 1: If successful, you will receive Orumeck’s Spider Amulet

  Reward 2: If successful, you will be permitted to leave alive

  Reward 3: If successful, you will be permitted to plunder the Cavern of treasure.

  Consequences of failure: Death

  You may not refuse this quest.

  Four Worker Drones crawled down from their tier, over the bodies and down the wall onto the amphitheatre floor. Leah stared at them and saw they were no longer level three but these were all level six.

  Orumeck’s Worker Drones (Level 6) 600HP 450EP

  She needed to spread them, running to the right side she angled in toward the closest spider. Aiming the Webspinner ring, she shot at the legs catching the front two; the spider ploughed into the ground. Leah spun around and buried the spear deep into the head. She then turned and ran as fast as she could away from the other three who were trying to get around the downed spider which was thrashing on the ground. She turned and waited. One of the spiders was in the lead; this was her next victim. She repeated her previous attack, except this time, instead of running away, she ran at the next spider who started to rear up. Using the Worker ring, she sent three mana darts into the open mouth. She knew it wouldn't poison it, but it did some damage. She grabbed a knife from her belt and slashed at the legs as she ran past. Two legs dropped to the ground twitching slightly. Leah led the healthy spider in an arc back toward the first spider who had just regained its feet and was heading toward Leah. As she got close, she leapt into the air and over the spider, mid-flight she fired the Worker Ring several times down into the abdomen. On landing, she turned and bound the healthy spider just as it came around the side of the damaged one. The other two wounded spiders were near, but she had time, spearing both spiders close to her she then used her knife to slash at their legs. By the time she moved on, they were still alive but unable to do more than drag themselves after her. It took several minutes of running and attacking, but soon the drones were dead. She turned to look at the queen while checking on her various bars. Her Ki and Stamina were hovering at about half.


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