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Ladies of Disgrace Box Set

Page 30

by Vicki Hopkins

  A second later, Charlotte spewed her sarcastic reply. “You are right my husband has expired due to his age, Albert, whoever you are. As far as your condolences, the wealth of his estate has brought me much comfort indeed.”

  Cedric cringed at Charlotte’s response while catching Albert’s eyes widen in astonishment.

  “It would be a gross impertinence on my behalf to inquire as to your monetary gain or lack thereof at the demise of your husband.” Albert’s eyes tapered into a cautionary glare. “You might wish to temper the declaration of private financial consequences to others in the future.”

  Charlotte’s mouth gaped open. The atmosphere in the carriage charged to exhilarating levels, confirming the weeks and months ahead would be great entertainment. He wanted to rub his hands together like an evil inventor of mayhem.

  The carriage slowed as they arrived at their destination. When they exited, Albert offered his arm again, but Charlotte spurned the gentlemanly gesture. He did not appear to be offended but relieved she had refused. Cedric approached the maître d’ to announce their arrival.

  “Cedric Fitzgerald. I have reservations for three,” he announced. With menus in hand, the host led them to a table. Cedric had purposely chosen a moderate setting for dinner rather than one where he would run into his peers. Albert had been made aware ahead of time of his choice and agreed to the arrangement. As soon as they sat down, Charlotte glanced around at the surroundings with a wrinkled nose.

  “Cousin, dearest, is this the best location you could choose for dinner? I can think of better establishments.”

  “It suits this evening’s purpose,” Cedric replied as he situated himself in the chair.

  “I’m quite comfortable.” Albert inserted his opinion into the mix. “It appears they have an excellent roast duck.” He closed his menu and set it down on the table.

  The waiter arrived and took their orders for drinks and dinner. Cedric chose the same as Albert, but Charlotte decided on prime rib, selecting the most expensive dish. Not surprised, Cedric had padded his wallet with a few extra pounds in anticipation of her extravagant tastes.

  “So, are the two of you entering into a business arrangement? Is that the subject we are here to discuss?” Charlotte inquired, glancing at them. After she paused, another thought entered her mind. “Oh, I see. You want me to invest in whatever this scheme the two of you have hatched now that I’m a wealthy woman.”

  Cedric grinned. “Not exactly. You see, Charlotte, I have been granted a task by your extended family to intervene on your behalf.” Albert smiled in amusement, glancing down at his glass of wine. Charlotte stiffened her posture.

  “What the bloody hell is that supposed to mean?” she asked in a raised tone.

  “Cedric, perhaps I should assist and explain,” Albert offered.

  “Please, be my guest.” A sigh of relief escaped his lungs, having skirted his cousin’s potential explosion. He sat comfortably in the chair and watched Albert’s effort to explain their purpose.

  “I’m sure you are aware of the requisites for good society,” Albert remarked.

  “The what?” Charlotte queried, leaning forward. “Enlighten me.”

  “A woman who is acceptable to society should possess a high moral character, a polished education, a perfect command of temper, along with good manners, good habits, and a good bearing. These qualities are indispensable.”

  The seriousness of his tone had captured Charlotte’s attention, but Cedric could see in her eyes a rising display of anger soon to burst from her lips.

  Without hesitating, Albert continued. “In addition, wit, accomplishments, and social talents are of great advantage. Though not entirely necessary, they do round out the overall qualities a woman should possess.” Albert glanced over at Cedric. “Shall I mention good breeding as well? You indicated that was somewhat lacking in her childhood.”

  Albert had begun his dissertation with abundant talent but completely ruined it with the statement of good breeding. Afraid to look at Charlotte’s face, he slowly turned his head and grimaced when he saw her reddened complexion match her dress.

  “Excuse me, you pompous ass,” she spewed. “But are you insinuating my mother, who was my father’s former mistress, did not instill in me good breeding?”

  “Well, I—” Albert sputtered.

  Charlotte sliced his words off with another scathing reply. “I am a well-bred woman and intelligent. On the other hand, I refuse to be bound by the norms of society you so eloquently pointed out that I am supposedly missing in my character.” Charlotte swung her head around and glared at Cedric. “What the hell is going on here?”

  Almost afraid she would lash out physically, he shot a fearful look at Albert. Unmoved by Charlotte’s rant, he interjected.

  “Your cousin has asked me to tutor you if you will. I’ve agreed to help modify your ill-advised behavior and mold you into a socially acceptable female.” Albert lifted his chin in the air, adjusting his bearing into an egotistical pose. Cedric stifled a laugh at his antics. When he glanced at Charlotte, her lips pressed together in a straight line as she stared angrily at Albert.

  “You, sir, have lost your senses. If you think I’m going to allow reformation by your hand, then you are sadly misinformed by my cousin.” She threw her napkin down on the tabletop.

  “Oh, come now, Charlotte. Let him have a go at it,” Cedric cajoled. “This could be fun.” He paused for a moment as a wicked idea popped into his head. “I know, let’s make it a contest. Albert can attempt to reform you while you try to corrupt him.”

  “What?” Albert replied, raising his voice for the first time that evening. He swung his head and scowled at Cedric.

  “Interesting,” Charlotte drawled. “You’re afraid I will succeed.” She twirled a curl from her red hair around her finger and enticingly licked her lips. “I’ll seduce you, mister, sir, or lord whoever you are by the end of the month. You’ll be easy prey.”

  An indignant sneer spread across Albert’s face as he narrowed his eyes. “You don’t frighten me one bit,” he quipped, shaking his head. “I’m aware how to maintain high moral standards in the face of temptation no matter what the occasion.”

  “I’m not impressed,” Charlotte responded. “You are a snob as far as I’m concerned.”

  “And you are a vulgar woman who needs a strong male in your life for correction,” he announced through gritted teeth.

  Cedric watched as the two snarled at one another like rabid dogs, waiting for the other to retreat. The waiter arrived with their orders, and their glower broke as they observed their duck and prime rib.

  “Well, let us have a leisurely dinner,” Cedric said, eyeing his dish.

  As Charlotte ate the choice cut of meat, her visible irritation continued. Cedric pondered whether his scheme had been ill-advised and who would win the challenge at the end. Whatever influence Albert had upon her behavior, no matter how small, had to be an improvement. Charlotte’s challenge to corrupt Albert would be humorous. Cedric decided at once to approach his male counterparts at the club to bet on who would succeed in the end. It would provide immense recreation.

  “How’s your duck?” Charlotte suddenly inquired. Cedric, unsure if the question had been directed at him, glanced at his cousin. To his surprise, she had asked Albert, having directed her gaze at him.

  “A little dry,” he noted, taking his fork and separating the meat. “Probably overcooked.”

  “Well, what did you expect from this establishment? I suppose we should blame Cedric for his choice in restaurants,” she remarked. “I do hope if you take me out to dine anywhere, your choice will be far better.”

  Albert scowled at her remark, dabbed his lips with his napkin, and then set his fork down on his plate. “I don’t believe, Lady Charlotte, my bid to reform your behavior includes the two of us dining. My interaction with you will be more— How shall I say this?” He hesitated. “More instructional.”

  “Instructional?” Charlotte cho
rtled in return. “Well, then it appears I’ll have to instruct you on various pleasurable positions.” She picked up a piece of meat with her fork and brought it to her mouth, taking it to her tongue with a seductive glint in her eye.

  “Is she always this ill-mannered?” Albert asked, spinning his head toward Cedric.

  “I told you that you had your work cut out for you.” He grinned mischievously. “I’ve been attempting to keep her in check all evening long.”

  “And you haven’t succeeded have you, Cedric?” Charlotte took a sip of her wine, keeping her eyes on her cousin.

  “Perhaps we need to set rules for your interaction,” he answered.

  “What sort of rules?” Charlotte pulled her mouth to one side as if anticipating another chance to object.

  Cedric pushed his plate away, having not been too impressed with the dry meat either.

  “For this activity to succeed, I think equal time must be afforded to you both to accomplish your separate tasks. Albert,” he said, turning his attention to him, “you should take a single day to choose an activity that might be useful in tutoring Charlotte in the finer aspects of social behavior. She should try to behave to the best of her ability in the manner you prescribe.”

  Cedric turned his head toward Charlotte. “After Albert’s attempt, you are free to choose one of your favorite pastimes to involve Albert. You can entice him to your heart’s content and drag him kicking and screaming into the socially questionable world in which you live.”

  “And how long does this tit-for-tat activity last?” Charlotte inquired.

  “How about one month? You alternate activities as often as possible within the one-month period.”

  “Ha!” Albert spouted. “I don’t believe one month will be enough to reform your cousin.” He avoided Charlotte’s gaze and kept his attention upon Cedric, who concluded they would both hate each other by the end of his little experiment.

  “Take two or as long as you need,” Cedric responded.

  “Well, if that is the arrangement, I’ll go first,” Charlotte announced.

  “I don’t believe that would be wise,” Albert replied, asserting his objection with a scowl. “It’s important I set the foundation for your behavior immediately.”

  Charlotte scooted her chair backward as if she wanted to rise and rant her response. “Now listen here, Albert, whoever you are. I will do whatever you wish me to do when you try your best to make me into a lady. You must participate wholeheartedly in whatever activity I chose when we are together next. Agree?”

  “Agree.” Albert set his jaw and glared at her in return. “But I go first.”

  “Cedric,” Charlotte pleaded. “Whatever happened to ladies first? Do something!”

  Albert responded instead, raising Charlotte’s ire to the boiling point. “I shall not give in to your raving demands. Your first lesson is to learn that a lady does not insist allowances be made to please her. A little politeness on your part and acceptance of my wants are the order here.” He set the rules, showing Charlotte he would be the dominant contender.

  Cedric reached over and patted Charlotte’s clenched fist on the tabletop. “You have your work cut out for you it seems,” he concluded. “Do you still think you can drag him to your level or into your bed for that matter?”

  “He may balk the entire way,” Charlotte replied, turning her head and looking into Cedric’s eyes. “But I am quite sure the man will soon fall prey.”

  “Oh, this is going to be brilliant entertainment,” Cedric roared, rubbing his hands together like a diabolical scientist about to unleash a monster from its chains.

  “Tomorrow we shall commence the challenge,” Charlotte announced. “Name the time and place, and I’ll be there.”

  The duel had begun.

  Chapter Three

  Requisites for Good Society

  Albert Beckett paced the sitting room of his London flat, occasionally glancing out the window in anticipation of Charlotte’s arrival. As soon as he had opened his eyes and crawled out of bed, a gnawing irritation darkened his mood. Taking on the challenge to reform an unruly woman had been obligatory. Charlotte represented everything he found unrefined in the female species.

  Cedric had been an acquaintance he occasionally conversed with at the gentlemen’s club. Charlotte had often been the subject of discussion among the men as they joked about her outrageous behavior and her latest pursuits. The men gossiped and tossed around rumors as if they enjoyed her disgraceful conduct since Lord Rutherford met his maker. By the twinkle in a few of their eyes, Albert contemplated if any of them had bedded her in a moment of weakness. During a laughable discussion about killing her latest husband, Albert felt compelled to interject.

  “Something should be done about that woman’s conduct.” The self-righteous rant had earned him the attention of the entire club, and when the challenge had been offered to step in and do something about it, Albert naturally accepted.

  For years he had sought a wife with character, poise, and social skills but had failed in his search for a perfect companion. A few thought him prideful and too fussy, but the values he sought in a female were realistic ideals. Unfortunately, during his pursuit, he had discovered an underlying social upheaval brewing where the female sex had been concerned. Values and ideas were changing the collective landscape as women became more outspoken regarding their rights as females. The growing restlessness of the gender to break free from their ordained place in the scheme of things hindered Albert from finding the right woman.

  Ladies in the purest sense, as far as Albert was concerned, should be soft-spoken, demure, modest, not argumentative, intelligent, and graced with exceptional social skills. While waiting to meet a woman who possessed all the qualities he found essential, he would spend his time reforming Charlotte for the greater good. He treated her affliction of vulgarity like a disease that needed eradication before infecting other women in her social circle. No doubt she had already poisoned a few young ladies with impressionable minds.

  Albert glanced at the clock and took note of her tardiness. When his eyes lingered upon the decanter of brandy on the sideboard, he felt tempted to take a drink to calm his growing annoyance. As soon as Albert dismissed the thought, he pulled back the lace curtains and glanced into the street below. A carriage slowed and stopped. Charlotte exited dressed in a brilliant blue frock, with an outrageously broad-brimmed feather hat that covered her red hair underneath. He questioned if she had Irish ancestry lurking in her blood and concluded it must come from her wanton’s mother side of the family. One day he would need to confirm his speculation. A surge of disgust flowed through Albert’s veins, causing his nostrils to flare in repulsion.

  Stepping away from the window, he strained to rein in his negativity by replacing his frown with a more pleasant demeanor. A moment later his butler stepped across the threshold and announced her arrival. He cleared his throat and spoke in a deep tone.

  “Lady Rutherford.”

  Rather than waiting for Smith to move out of the way, Charlotte pushed past him into the parlor like a stampeding bull. She whirled around, took in her surroundings as if she were deciding whether the room deserved her attention, and then glowered at him.

  “I’m here. Now what?”

  “You’re late,” Albert spouted, frowning at her flippant response. He felt as if a thousand pins pricked his body.

  “Only fifteen minutes.” She huffed.

  “Punctuality is a means of showing respect to your host.” Rather than responding to his comment, Charlotte flopped on a nearby chair and heaved an indifferent sigh. He continued. “Obviously, you have no respect for my time.”

  “I could use a cup of tea,” she said.

  A second later she shifted in her chair as if she were bored. Slowly she pulled each finger from her gloves and set the pair on her lap. Albert shook his head, realizing the monumental task of trying to turn a crass woman into a polished lady.

  “I would rather forgo the ref
reshments until after we have started your first lesson on what constitutes good society.”

  A sly smile curled the corner of her lips, making her appear as a seductive temptress from hell. “I cannot wait to give you your first lesson on what constitutes pleasurable sex.”

  Astonished at her comment, he quickly snapped in return. “Must I remind you the hours we spend together this morning should focus on my lessons rather than your fleshly desires?” Albert sat down in a chair across from Charlotte and leaned in her direction. “It would behoove you to pay attention to the meaning of social intercourse instead.”

  “Fine, lesson away.” Charlotte settled in the chair and crossed her arms as if she were a spoiled child.

  He set his jaw and spoke. “Let us begin by considering the various divisions of society,” he dryly stated.

  “Well, I can answer, if I may. I’m assuming you classify anyone living in the filthy East End of London as the underclass or poor society. The working middle class is next in the scheme of things and, last but not least, the superior landed gentry.”

  “That is a superficial but adequate answer,” Albert replied.

  “And might I ask you what thoughts you possess about the underclass? Do you despise them?” Charlotte eyed Albert suspiciously in return. She pointed her index finger in his face, causing him to move backward, and then spoke. “No, I rather think that you find them dirty and disgusting.”

  “We are not here to discuss my private opinions regarding the underclass or middle class, Lady Rutherford—and I use the term lady loosely.”

  “Oh, that’s right.” Charlotte laughed. “I’m here so you might reform my actions to conform to the crusty upper class.”

  It had only been a mere five minutes, and Albert found himself on the verge of rage. He scowled at Charlotte while pondering means to gag her into silence and tie her to the chair.

  “Do you have no desire to be a respected woman among your peers?”

  “I do not care what people think of me,” she dispassionately replied, brushing her skirt. “Besides, I have many individuals who do respect me.”


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