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Ladies of Disgrace Box Set

Page 39

by Vicki Hopkins

  Tonight she had proven she could be the woman he desired. Regardless of her crass exterior lay a female capable of becoming a mild-mannered and polite lady who portrayed the qualities of good society. She had managed to impress his uncle and cousins to the point she had them wrapped around her little finger.

  “She’s a seductress,” he mused aloud. She lay in wait only two doors down the hall. As he pondered her achievement that evening, he found himself perched on the brink of ruin.

  He wanted her.

  He needed her.

  Without additional thought, he grabbed his robe, slipped his arms through the sleeves, and opened his bedroom door. After a quick glance up and down the hallway to ensure no one saw his movements, he made his way to the guest room. There would be no cause to knock because he believed she expected his visitation. With a slow turn of the handle, he pushed open the unlocked door and entered.

  The aroma of her perfume lingered in the air and filled his nostrils. She had left the curtains open, streaming the alluring heavenly light upon her bed, which he found empty. When his eyes adjusted to the dimness, he saw Charlotte sitting in a chair.

  “Do you always visit a lady’s room in the dead of night unannounced?” Her question revealed no anger in its tone but sounded soft and enticing.

  “Not usually,” Albert replied, closing the door quietly behind him. “I couldn’t sleep. It appears you are unable to do so as well.”

  “And why does sleep elude you?” She stood, dressed in a flowing nightgown of pink silk. His fingertips prickled at the thought of touching the softness that covered her flesh.

  “I blame you,” he whispered. The corner of her lips raised, showing pleasure at his confession.

  “Is there something you want, Albert?” Her hand reached up to the side of his face and lingered there for a few seconds.

  Gently he took it away and kissed it. “I should be cursing you for what you’ve done to me.”

  “And what pray tell have I done to you?”

  “You’ve made me desire you.” Albert pulled her body flush against his and held Charlotte tightly against his frame. “You... you,” he stuttered. “You’ve made me fall in love.” Without asking for permission, he placed his mouth upon hers and tasted her lips. They were everything he had dreamed about—soft, warm, and sweet as honey. His action received no protest by Charlotte. In the ardent force of his kiss, Albert searched out her mouth with his tongue. When he pulled away and examined her eyes, a sparkle of victory flashed in Charlotte’s orbs. He didn’t care. She could have her win. Now he would claim the spoils regardless of his defeat.

  Effortlessly he picked her up in his arms.

  “Albert.” She gasped. “What are you doing?”

  He didn’t answer immediately but laid her on the bed. The blood in his veins burned, engorging his need. Dropping his robe to the floor and baring his chest before Charlotte, he lay alongside her warm and inviting body. She opened her mouth to speak, but he silenced it with a kiss. A moment later his hands found the plump roundness of her breast underneath the pink waves of silk, and he heard her moan in pleasure. Too long had he merely looked at the ripened fruit—now he possessed it, and an urgency for more of her body aroused him to madness.

  “Albert dear.” She wiggled slightly at his touch. “I don’t recall inviting you to my bed this evening.” Her warm hand pressed against his chest, staying his advances.

  “I surrender.” He breathed heavily. “You have won the challenge.” He buried his head in her neck and kissed her unceasingly.

  “Let me get this correct in my mind,” she announced. “Are you saying your sexual advances at this moment mean I have succeeded in seducing you?”

  Surprised at her comment, he pulled away. “It’s what you wanted. You’ve won.”

  “But why now?” Charlotte sat up, forcing Albert to change positions. He swung his legs over the side of her bed.

  “Because you’ve proven to me you can be a woman who possesses every possible form of good breeding, manners, and social graces when you put your mind to it.”

  “Thought provoking,” Charlotte mused aloud. “I’m afraid this entire fiasco sounds like a tie to me.” She stood and glanced down at his befuddled expression.

  “Whatever do you mean?” Albert cocked his head in confusion, drawing his brows together.

  “It appears I have become the woman you wished me to be, and I have apparently, by the looks of your bare chest, succeeded in drawing sexual attraction from you as a result.” Charlotte flashed a coy grin as the moonlight sparkled around her body like diamonds. “Both of us have succeeded in our quest to change the other. Therefore, there is no clear winner in Cedric’s little game. It’s a tie. We have both accomplished our tasks nearly simultaneously.”

  Shocked at her declaration, Albert slowly rose to his feet. Air expelled from his lungs, and he choked out his words. “Might I ascertain if my declaration of love has fallen on deaf ears?” His voice trembled. “Tell me now if I am not a recipient of any affection in return.”

  Charlotte let out a sigh. Her long red hair fell about her shoulders in perfect strands. The pink gown glowed as she stood in the stream of the moonlight. When she took a step closer, her perfume swirled around his head, making him dizzy with desire.

  “Oh, dear, dear Albert,” she cajoled him like a child. “We are so vastly different from one another. I must admit you have mellowed over these past few days, but I’m afraid I hold no endearing affections that entice me to the intimate joining of our bodies, let alone declaring my love for you in the process.”

  Albert felt as if a knife had plunged into his heart. He had irrationally and violently fallen in love with a woman who mocked his affections. Horrified over the humiliation, he stumbled backward and then aggressively grabbed his robe from the floor.

  “I shall not bother you any further, Lady Rutherford. Forgive me for my intrusion.” As he walked toward the door, he halted a moment and gazed at her with desire and anger swirling around his heart. “Perhaps you have not changed as much as I thought.” He opened the door and departed.

  IT HAD BEEN HOURS SINCE they left Broughton Hall. Albert had barely spoken two words to her the entire trip as they returned to London. Charlotte knew she had hurt him deeply by rejecting his declaration of love. She found it surprising, to say the least, that he would utter such an announcement. Even though Charlotte had become fond of him as well the past few weeks, she knew giving her heart to him would only lead to sadness. Besides, she had taken on a new responsibility in life, which Albert would never approve of should he discover what she had done.

  She turned her head and glanced at him as the train pulled into the station. Soon they would part ways, and it saddened her that she may not see him again.

  “Shall I inform Cedric of the outcome of our challenge?” Her calm voice gave no hint of disappointment the game had ended even though she would miss sparring with Albert’s aristocratic airs. He sat quietly gazing out the window for a few moments before slowly turning his head to look in her direction.

  “If you wish since he’s your relation, and this was his ludicrous idea in the first place.” His eyes looked sadly at her, and then he returned their attention to the landscape outside.

  “Oh, Albert, don’t look so morose,” Charlotte encouraged him. She slipped her hand upon his, but he pulled away from her touch.

  When the train slowed as it approached the platform, he remained silent. Hurt that he had spurned her attempt to make peace, Charlotte announced in a miffed tone. “You need not worry about me. I shall take my bag, hail a carriage, and return home alone.”

  Albert stood from his seat when the train came to a halt. “If you insist, I have no objection.” He finally looked at her in the eyes and with cool regard bid a firm and surprisingly quick farewell. “If you will excuse me, Lady Rutherford, I shall take my leave. Thank you for accompanying me on this most informative and interesting trip.”

  He turned and walked
down the aisle toward the exit. Shocked by his actions, Charlotte called out. “Albert, wait!” She thought he would stop at her call, but instead, he ignored her plea. Astonished he discarded her with such rude anger, she felt mortified their parting had been cross. “If you wish to play the child, then fine,” she mumbled, pushing aside the hot rejection.

  Anxious to return home, she suppressed the affections that had grown within her heart for Albert. When he smiled and didn’t spout off his continual dull recitations of what constituted good society, he wasn’t a bad male companion. A pang of remorse clutched her heart that she would probably not see him again. Charlotte knew then that she would miss his pompous ass.

  Chapter Sixteen

  A Game Well Played

  Cedric observed Charlotte sitting in the leather chair in his parlor. Felicity stood by his side eagerly awaiting the continued conversation. A lump the size of an orange lodged in his throat. His cousin had decided on an unacceptable outcome to the challenge, causing him to panic.

  “A tie?” he screeched. After coughing a few times, he regained a breath of air. “You... you cannot declare it a tie. There must be a clear winner or loser.”

  “But it was, dear cousin. We both succeeded nearly simultaneously in achieving our goals. He reformed me; I seduced him. It transpired in one day.”

  “I’m sorry.” Cedric balked. “This is categorically unacceptable on all levels. The entire club has placed their bets on the two of you. It’s a win-or-lose outcome.”

  “Oh, I see.” Charlotte pulled her mouth to one side. “You hope to win a few quid for your pocket at my account.”

  “Well, I—”

  “He gambles far too much,” Felicity replied in a scolding tone. “If I’ve told him once I’ve told him twice, how does he expect to have a family when he’s always betting on one thing or the other?”

  “All men gamble,” he replied, casting aside the comment.

  “Well, I doubt it.” Felicity crossed her arms in front of her waist in defiance.

  “What the hell happened?” Cedric leaned forward.

  “He took me to meet his family, and I behaved extremely well, recalling all his droll blabbering about how to conduct myself among good society. Apparently, I won over his uncle and cousins quite easily.”

  “And did you have sex with him?”

  “Cedric! How can you ask such a personal question?” Felicity blushed profusely, giving him a wallop on his arm.

  “Well, he slipped into my room to bed me before we returned to London. I thought him a bit cheeky when I hadn’t verbally invited him to do so.”

  “So you did,” Cedric confidently remarked.

  “Well, not exactly, though he did lay alongside me after carrying me to bed.”

  “What the bloody hell happened?”

  “I’m afraid the poor man declared his love for me. He tried his best to arouse me to the occasion, but I spurned his advances. At that moment, I knew I had accomplished my task, and he had accomplished his. It was a tie. There had been no clear winner between the two of us.”

  “What?” Cedric burst into roaring laughter. “He said he loved you?”

  “Yes, I’m afraid so.” Charlotte continued to act indifferently about Albert’s declaration even though it pricked that her affections for him remained. “I’m innocent in the matter and did nothing to encourage his regard.”

  Cedric lowered his head into his hand and moaned. “Oh dear God. What have I done?”

  “Yes, what have you done?” Felicity fumed. “I told you it was a ridiculous idea when you came up with the scheme. Charlotte is perfectly fine as she is.”

  “Well, thank you.” After scowling at Cedric, Charlotte narrowed her eyes. “You are a devil, you know.”

  Cedric got to his feet and glared at his cousin. “Tell me one thing before you go. Do you love Albert?”

  Afraid to show any regard for him, Charlotte bit her lip before answering the inquiry. “You think I could fall in love with such an arrogant man? You are quite delusional if you believe so.”

  Narrowing his eyes, Cedric studied her mannerisms. “What say you, Felicity? Is my cousin lying?” He turned toward his wife and gave her a wink. In return, Felicity remained quietly gazing at Charlotte until a small smile curled the corner of her lips.

  “You know, Cedric, I believe she is lying. Look there in her left eye. It’s twitching in the corner, and a slight rose-colored blush is filling her cheeks.”

  “Ridiculous,” Charlotte replied, flinging her hand in the air as if it were nothing. “I’m so thankful this fiasco is finished. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have things to attend to at home.”

  Nervous and embarrassed, Charlotte swung around and left Cedric and Felicity in a whirlwind. She hated that eye twitch because it had been a sure giveaway on previous occasions. But really. Did she love Albert? Shrugging off the possibility she held such deep affections for him would be something she needed to take care of as soon as possible. She was about to complicate her life beyond measure and displease her extended family in the process. Nevertheless, she did not care what others thought and never would.

  Exhausted by the contest, Charlotte controlled her emotions and redirected them elsewhere. Many things needed to be done. When the carriage arrived at her residence, she couldn’t wait to hide behind closed doors.

  “How was your excursion, my lady?” Her housekeeper greeted her warmly.

  “Entertaining. And how are things at home, Gladys? Is Miss Winston settling in nicely?”

  “Oh, yes, very well, my lady.”

  “And Lily?” Charlotte inquired, glancing up the staircase.

  “Cute as a button.” Gladys took Charlotte’s wrap and hat. “I believe she is taking a nap now.”

  “I’m glad to hear of it.” Charlotte lifted her skirt and ascended the staircase to the second floor. The home that her late husband had left her had turned into a mausoleum. Her recent decision to bring to it new life had been the right thing to do. She neared the doorway and halted. Lily lay upon her bed, looking like an angel from heaven, covered in a quilt. Miss Winston stood upon seeing her arrival and greeted her.

  “Your ladyship,” she whispered. “It is good to see you.”

  Rather than entering a whispering conversation, Charlotte retreated to the hallway, and Miss Winston followed her lead. “How is Lily doing?”

  “Very well. She is settling in nicely but is still quite shy and unsure of the new surroundings.”

  “Well, it is to be expected. It’s much different from Whitechapel’s cold cobblestone streets to a soft bed and a feather pillow.”

  “She loves having baths.” Miss Winston chuckled. “It’s all I can do to get her out of the water even though it turns cold and her tiny fingers wrinkle like prunes.”

  Charlotte smiled. “And the lice, are they gone?”

  “Yes, the last treatment has eradicated the annoying things.”

  “Good,” Charlotte said, pleased with the outcome. “She is such an angel. I love her blond curls.”

  “Smart as a whip as well. I’ve started to teach her the alphabet. Surprisingly, she is picking it up quickly.”

  “I’m happy to hear of it. Lily is to have the best education so she can make her way in the world as an intelligent woman.”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  “And you, Miss Winston, are your accommodations to your liking? Is there anything you need?”

  “No, your ladyship. I’m quite comfortable. You’ve been most kind, offering me this position as Lily’s governess.”

  “Well, I think you shall do splendidly in our household. I’m most happy to have you both.” Charlotte thought momentarily. “I’ve never considered myself as possessing motherly qualities, but becoming Lily’s guardian has given me great satisfaction. It certainly isn’t her fault she tragically lost her mother.” A tear formed in her eye, and she turned her head away. “Life can be cruel.”

  “You possess a kind heart,” Miss Winsto
n remarked.

  “Perhaps, but I’m afraid my cousin and his acquaintance will find it most distressing, to say the least.”

  Charlotte let out a soft chuckle thinking of Albert’s reaction. Whatever words of love he had recently professed would be recanted when he learned of her ward. It would certainly end their relationship.

  ALBERT ARRIVED AT THE gentlemen’s club in a state of utter defeat. It took a great deal of effort on his part to even walk through the doors, knowing the chiding that awaited him afterward. Cedric had the most to lose having bet a tidy sum. He couldn’t declare himself a victor in her reform, nor could Charlotte claim herself one in his seduction. The game had played out to a terrible end, leaving him miserable.

  As he sheepishly entered the sitting room, his eyes scanned the membership. Cedric stood in a circle with Lord Grafton and Sir Walton. His faced contorted into a gruesome display of displeasure nearly causing Albert to spin on his heel and retreat.

  “There he is!” Cedric hollered. “Get your ass over here and explain what the hell happened.”

  Albert gulped. Cautiously he stepped into the lion’s den.

  “You good-for-nothing rake.” Lord Grafton laughed. “What’s this about a bloody tie?”

  “I should tie a rope around your neck and string you up,” Cedric added. “I’ve heard Charlotte’s outrageous excuse for this outcome. What do you have to say for yourself?”


  Hearing her name drove a stake into his heart. Remorse and the pain of rejection swirled through his emotions like snakes that coiled themselves around his core, crushing the life out of him. He cleared his throat a few times before speaking.

  “It was her idea,” he spouted, deciding to place the blame elsewhere out of spite. “She arrived at this outrageous conclusion we had come to a tie of some sort. Naturally, I didn’t agree with her straightaway, but she insisted.”

  Cedric’s eyes narrowed at him. “And I thought you were the man to do the job.”


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